Morricone's Commentary Column2 MC2-003-eng

Characteristic instruments used by Morricone-3-Marimba

1 History: Marimba is a melodic percussion instrument that is widely popular in the world and deeply loved by people. There is no clear record and research on the origin of marimba in the world, and there are different opinions. According to cultural and historical data, the birthplace of marimba is Guatemala, but it is possible that it exists at the same time in Southeast Asia, Africa and other places. Instruments like the marimba are found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The instrument itself is most similar to the modern marimba of Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and shares its name. While it is also similar to instruments that exist in West Africa, such as the balafon of the Mandinka people, it is known as the gyil among the Gur people of northern Ghana and near Burkina Faso. Marimba was introduced to Latin America around the 17th and 18th centuries, and later became a musical instrument of the Indians. Moreover, playing marimba has also become part of the rituals of some Indian tribes to pray for the harmony of the universe and people's happiness. (0102

2 .Structure: The keys and hammers are both made of wood. Place the wooden keys on the resonance tube and strike them with a hammer to create a melody. However, the keys are wider than the xylophone, the range is wider, the tone is cooler, and there are more special playing methods. Typically, the marimba's syllables are arranged by timbre, much like the keys of a piano. Marimba has 49 keys, 52 keys, 56 keys, 61 keys, 66 keys, and 69 keys. It is a special musical instrument. (0102

3. Features: Compared with the xylophone, the marimba has a warmer, deeper, louder and purer tone. It also has a lower range than the xylophone.

sound example (Refer Video

4. Examples of Morricone's music

Name Listen
You'll see me return (FA6608 Mi vedrai tornare)
Defilee (FA6827 Gli Intoccabili
Quando le donne avevano la coda (FA7007 Quando le donne avevano la coda )
Refer Video 01, 02, 03, 04
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