
Instructions for ordering《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook》and《 Rare Volume》(English PDF edition)

Since its publication in 2013, the "Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" (Volume 1) edited by this website has been warmly welcomed by domestic and foreign fans. In 2021, The Maestro Ennio Morricone passed away unfortunately. In order to further deepen the research on the precious heritage of Morricone, the "Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook Volume 2" and "Volume 3" , and the "Rare Volume", have been published and distributed. To support the long-term survival and development of the website, it is now decided to charge a certain service fee for each of these three volumes. At present, this book is only available in electronic form and transmitted through the internet. In order to cooperate with the reading and research of the fans, and also complimentary provide corresponding "Reading Resource Libraries" for book buyers, the lIbraries have been collected and edited by this website for over 20 years. Its quantity is huge and the content is rich, including the vast resources related to the above books (please refer to the entire catalog here)
Service fee (Here are the discounted prices after 50% off)
《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook》 (2013 Volume 1)

PDF file 302 pages, (176660 words, ISBN:978-988-16794-2-0) total 22.4M can be read in PC,mobile phone or Kindle. RAR format file, provided by the network. Complimentary reading resource libraries for Zone A and Zone B, with a total capacity of 869G. The directory for Zone A can be found here, and Zone B can be found here

8.5 USD
《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook(2021 Volume 2)
PDF files can be used on PC, mobile phone or Kindle. The content includes 453 non original music films (including TV) associated with Ennio Morricone, providing 1010 online music auditions. A total of 2399 pages (358738 Words) and 100 M , provided by way of the network. Complimentary reading resource libraries for Zone C, with a total capacity of 296G. The directory can be found here
《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook》(2022 Volume 3)
PDF files can be used on PC, mobile phone or Kindle. The content includes 224 non original and non traditional films (including TV) associated with Ennio Morricone, providing 310 online music auditions. A total of 1226 pages (118524 Words) and 70 M , provided by the network. (More see here) Complimentary reading resource libraries for Zone D, with a total capacity of 41G, The directory can be found here
Complete Handbook (1-3 Volumes)
3927 pages, 654,000 words, 192M. Free reading resource library, ABCD area, total capacity 1206GB
A one-time purchase of 1-3 volumes of the complete "HANDBOOK" costs 16 USD
Good news: 《Ennio Morricone Rare Volume》is released in 2023
《Ennio Morricone Rare Volume》(2023
PDF file can be used on PC, mobile phone or Kindle. introducing the 30 rare films composed by Ennio Morricone, totaling 484 pages, 310000 words, and 26M. It contains 499 screenshots of films, 372 online music, RAR compressed files provided by the network (see here for details). Complimentary the reading resource libraries for Zone R area, 25G, providing 30 rare film video (MP4 format) with English subtitles. See here for the directory.


18 USD

Please paying here and then send email to me (qilingren@hotmail.com). I will reply soon. Please strictly observe the copyright stipulation, all files only for subscriber's personal use, external spreading is strictly prohibited. Thanks for your cooperation.
The consistent commitment of the website over the years
If you need the 《Ennio Morricone Fns Handbook》 but are with financial difficulties or other reasons, please send an email to explain your specific situation( qilingren@hotmail.com ), this website will give you a reply and according to the fee you can afford until it is completely free. thank you.
Here's more information on volume 1 of the Handbook (2013)
Volume 2 0riginally A4
Volume 3 0riginally A4
Volume 3 Contents of《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook》
Content ------------------------------------------------------------2
Volume 3 Contents of《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook》---------------------------2
Appendix 1:Volume 1 Contents of《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook》------------4
Appendix 2:Volume 2 Contents of《Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook》-----------5
Appebdix 3:List of important columns in the past 20 years --------------------------6
Preface ------------------------------------------------------------7
Part I Reprint important articles ---------------------------------11
1-1 A thinking about “Malena”(Dalin Yang and Dong Yang)---------------------11
1-2 The music critics about the film “Stanno tutti bene” (Dalin Yang)-----------22
1-3 Fascination, obsession, and other life-threatening addictions (Didier Thunus)-36
1-4 How I came in contact with Ennio Morricone’s music (Michael Caletka)---------41
1-5 The webmaster of “A Fistful of Soundtracks” (Takeshi Igarashi ) ----------------44
1-6 The webmaster of The “KUNICZ Caricatures” (Ilia Shubin)--------------------- --46
1-7 Ennio Morricone and China (Wenguang Han) --------------------------------------55
1-8 Disappointed and Puzzled by Morricone's Official Website (Wenguang Han) ---69
1-9 An open letter to the official website of Ennio Morricone (Wenguang Han) -----83
Part 2 Page comparison of FU works in the filmography -------88
2-1 Notes on the 4th edition of the filmography ----------------------------------------88
2-2 Description of special symbols in the filmography ----------------------------------89
2-3 Page comparison list of FU works in this book --------------------------------------90
Part 3  Comprehensive overview of FU film works ---------------100
3-1 1949-1969 (52)------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------100
3-2 1970-1979 (15)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------425
3-3 1980-1989 (14)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------494
3-4 1990-1999 (26)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------556
3-5 2000-2009 (51)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------671
3-6 2010-2020 (66)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------863

Part 4  Appendix ------------------------------------------------1133

4-1 Advertising column for Morricone soundtrack provided by Ma Yong -----------1133
4-2 1984-2020 Ennio Morricone Concert Catalog -------------------------------------1184
4-3 About the author and a review of past activities ----------------------------------1213
postscript ---------------------------------------------------------1224
Feedback email of subscribers
From Hungary friend
01-From Hungary friend
-From Dutch friend
02-From Dutch friend
From French friend
03-From French friend
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04-From Irish friend
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05-From United States' friend
From United States' friend
06-From United States' friend
From Canadian friend
07-From Canadian friend
The written certificate was sent by China National Library to the editor on July 6,2012 for take the book as a collection of documents by the Library (The collection number NO.ZL201291502)
The consistent commitment of the website over the years
If you need the 《Ennio Morricone Fns Handbook》 but are with financial difficulties or other reasons, please send an email to explain your specific situation( qilingren@hotmail.com ), this website will give you a reply and according to the fee you can afford until it is completely free. thank you.
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