Play the Game (Short Film 18 minutes)
The film composed by Ennio Morricone (00:01:09)
01-Movie Overview
01-1 Outline

Director: Stéphane Barbato
Screenwriter : Stéphane Barbato, Kamel Miloudi
Stars:Aurélien Recoing,Jonah Russell,Anthony Souter
Music: Ennio Morricone
Country: France

01-2 Plot
On the 1st of July 1916. Battle of the Somme. The attack is imminent. Captain W.P. Nevill leads his men into a football game. Inspired by a true story taken from the First World War.(UNIF
Le 1er juillet 1916, Bataille de la Somme. L’attaque est imminente. Le capitaine W.P. Nevill propose une partie de football à ses hommes… Inspiré d’un fait réel de la première guerre mondiale. (FENE)
Translate omline: On July 1, 1916, the Battle of Somme. The attack is imminent. Captain W.P. Neville offered his men a football match... inspired by the real events of World War I.....(FENE)
Le 1er juillet 1916. Bataille de la Somme. L'attque est imminente. Le capitaine W.P. Nevill propose une partie de foolball à ses hommes. (MEDI)
Translate omline: : July 1, 1916. The Battle of Somme. Attaque is imminent. Captain W.P. Neville offered his men a football match. (MEDI)
01-3 Award winning records of this film (partial)
- Best cinematography award at « IFCT » 2007 festival, Los Angeles
- Audience award at « Festival des 24 courts du Mans
- Best director and jury special awards at festival « Vymmedia » 2005
- Best director award at « Effect Stars » festival. 2005
- Europen Best Film in ew York festivals 2007
(More detail see P223 of Volume 2 of "Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook")
Purchase this DVD on Amazon (France) >>>>>>

02-Background information
02-1 About the real Captain W.P. Nevill
02-1-1 Introduction to Captain W.P. Nevill's Life
Wilfred (Billie) Nevill (14 July 1894 – 1 July 1916) was an officer attached to the East Surrey Regiment in the First World War. He became famous as the officer who kicked a football into No Man's Land at the start of the Battle of the Somme.[1] He was promptly killed in action while leading an assault on a German position.。

Wilfred Percy Nevill was born at Canonbury Park in London on 14 July 1894[1] to a coal merchant father.[2] He was one of four brothers and three sisters, raised at homes in Westgate-on-Sea and Twickenham.[2]

He went to school at Dover College, where he was head prefect as well as captain of the cricket and hockey teams.[1] He also played in the 1st XV for the rugby team and ran in the running team first team.[2]

After completing his studies at Dover he went up to Jesus College, Cambridge in 1913 to study the Classical Tripos. He demonstrated his sporting abilities at university, playing hockey for the college.


Nevill joined the East Yorkshire Regiment but transferred to the East Surrey Regiment and was the originator of the East Surrey’s famous “Football Charge” on the first day of the Battle of the Somme, 1 July 1916.

On the first day of the Battle of the Somme, the 8th Battalion Royal East Surrey Regiment left their trenches at Carnoy to attack the German position at Montauban 300 yards away.[2] There were some reports that four balls were used, one for each company of the 8th Battalion. However, historians conclude that the evidence available points to there only being two used.

Nevill and his fellow officers were concerned about how their men would behave when finally called on to go over the top. To provide his soldiers with a reassuringly familiar symbol, Nevill bought the footballs while on leave in London and took them back with him to France.

Writing to Nevill's mother, Major A.P.B. Irwin paid this tribute

He was one of the bravest men I have ever met, and was loved and trusted by his men to such a degree they would have followed him anywhere.

—?Major A.P.B. Irwin, Billie. The Nevill Letters: 1914-1916
Nevill rests at Carnoy Military Cemetery (grave ref. E.28) under the care of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.。(01)

02-1-2 News report
The Daily Telegraph of July 12, 1916 ran an article titled "Brave East Surry. Charge with a football": Platoon leaders begin a race against death...the heroic Captain himself Falling early in the charge, men began to fall rapidly under a hail of machine gun bullets. But the football still moves forward, and the hoarse shouts are encouragement or defiance. "(Daily Telegraph, July 12, 1916)
02-1-3 Relic
One of Nevill's Somme footballs is currently on display at the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment Museum in Dover Castle. Another is believed to have been lost after a fire in 2015 at the Queen's Royal Surrey Regiment Museum in Clandon Park, Guildford ( 0102 , 0304, 05, 0607
02-1-4 Bronze statue of Neville erected at Dover College, England
Hannah was commissioned to create a bronze sculpture of Captain Wilfred Billy Nevill for Dover College to commemorate the 177 Dover College boys who lost their lives in the First World War(0102
02-2 The Battle of the Somme River

(Translated EN) The Battle of Somme (English: Battaille de la Somme, French: Bataille de la Somme) was the largest battle of the First World War, which took place from June 24 to November 18, 1916. The coalition forces of Britain and France carried out operations in the Somme region in northern France to break through German defenses and repel them to the French German border. Known as the "Somme Hell" due to its cruelty
Starting from June 24th, the British and French armies conducted a 7-day artillery preparation, and on the morning of July 1st at 7:30 am, infantry launched an attack with artillery support. On that day, both the French army and the British army in the main attacking direction broke through the first German position, but the British left wing made no progress. The British army advanced in a dense formation and suffered severe damage from German machine guns and artillery fire, resulting in nearly 60000 casualties on the first day. The British right wing and the French army occupied the German second position. The German army took advantage of the interval in the opponent's attack to quickly mobilize troops, strengthen deep defense, and carry out counterattacks in some areas.
In the Battle of the Somme River, the German made Maxim heavy machine gun gained popularity and became the creator of the bloody storm. It was a brutal killer on the battlefield of the Somme River. Countless British and French coalition forces fell at the muzzle of the Maxim heavy machine gun, becoming its victims. During the Battle of the Somme River, the British offensive employed the use of progressive barrage as cover, with infantry advancing in a horizontal formation (line tactics). In this battle, the German army used machine guns and artillery to form a powerful defensive firepower in trench warfare, causing the British to consume a large number of infantry, but still unable to successfully capture German positions. At that time, the main weapon of British soldiers, rifles, had limited impact on German positions and could not even counter the powerful firepower of German defenses. Most soldiers were already injured or killed before reaching the front line of the trenches. Afterwards, the British army began attempting to use a new type of weapon - tanks.
The Battle of the Somme was the largest battle of World War I and was known as the "Somme Hell" due to its brutality. In this battle, the coalition forces seized 240 square kilometers of German positions at a huge cost of losing 615000 people. The German army lost 650000 people and was forced to shrink its defenses, temporarily shifting to strategic defense on the western front。(From China Baidu

Above:The British army at a bandaging station on the Somme River
Above:The cemetery of British soldiers who died in battle
02 About the director Stéphane Barbato

Stéphane Barbato has directed films, short films, and commercials. Produced over 60 international commercials for Bandits Paris and international production companies. He directed his first short film “PLAY THE GAME“ with Jonah RUSSEL, scored with Aurélien Recoing and Ennio Morricone. It won 20 awards at many film festivals around the world. He started his career as a commercial director specializing in visual comedy and great causes such as UNBEARABLE (Winner of the Golden Lion at Cannes in 2011) and UNKNOWN HEROES for the International Red Cross (Winner of 12 Awards in 2022, LIA, CLIO, ONE SHOW ...He also directed several experimental films such as Cockatoo Spray, Watt! (Music Series) and the trypsin documentary "ROB'S MUGSHOTS" exhibited at the Lyon Biennale 2017-2018. His immersive experience IMMERSIVE MUGSHOTS screened at Harvard Design School/Boston as Innovation Stories. He has written for dramas, comedies and sitcoms such as RED ROBSON (Stadium), OTHER THINGS (Jim Lenz, Band Originals) and THE FRAGGERS (Munz Production) (010203)

Award-winning record (Here)

TThe director Stéphane Barbato and Ennio Morricone
Stéphane Barbato: La générosité du Maestro

J’ai retrouvé ces images d’Ennio Morricone tournées dans son studio à Rome en 2005, lors de l’enregistrement de la musique de mon premier film Play The Game. J’avais écrit à Ennio en lui disant que j’avais un film à cause de lui, et qu’il fallait en faire la musique.
Ennio m’a alors invité chez lui à Rome pour voir le film. Il a aimé le sujet et a composé et dirigé le thème du film. Dans cet extrait nous sommes dans son studio, on peut le voir montrer le film à son équipe et diriger la trompette. Je suis ému par sa voix quand il chante le thème au musicien. Je suis touché et tellement gêné quand il me congratule après le visionnage . Son agent Enrico De Melis m’avoue qu’habituellement le Maestro ne montre jamais de film au studio car il compose avant le tournage, et refuse de composer sur un montage, mais ce film l’a profondément touché.
Je n’oublierais jamais cette journée où Ennio Morricone m’a fait le plus beau cadeau que l’on puisse espérer : l’estime d’un maître.
Le Maestro a tenu à offrir gracieusement la musique du film , nous avons seulement financé le studio, musicien et technicien. (Here)

(Online trandlated EN online) Stéphane Barbato: The generosity of the Maestro

I found these images of Ennio Morricone shot in his studio in Rome in 2005, during the recording of the music for my first film Play The Game. I wrote to Ennio telling him that I had a film because of him, and that we had to do the music for it.
Ennio then invited me to his home in Rome to see the film. He liked the subject and composed and directed the film's theme. In this extract we are in his studio, we can see him showing the film to his team and directing the trumpet. I am moved by his voice when he sings the theme to the musician. I am touched and so embarrassed when he congratulates me after watching. His agent Enrico De Melis admits to me that usually the Maestro never shows a film at the studio because he composes before filming, and refuses to compose on an edit, but this film touched him deeply.
I will never forget that day when Ennio Morricone gave me the greatest gift one could hope for: the esteem of a master.
The Maestro wanted to offer the music for the film free of charge, we only financed the studio, musician and technician.(Here

The screenshot (04'47")
03 Scene screenshot
000102 The Battle of the Somme in World War I was a long-term fierce battle between the British and French forces and the German army. Both sides 1.3 million people died in the battle. It was called the Hell of the Somme because of its cruelty.
000302 Captain Neville's deputy talks to him before the battle begins
000444 Captain Neville told him that he would launch a special football game on the battlefield
000511 The Signal soldier sent a reply from headquarters, and General Haig approved his football fantasy.
000540 On July 1, 1916, the 8th day of the Battle of the Somme River, after 7 days of artillery preparation, the British army launched an offense at 7:30 am on July 1st.
000631 Company commander,captain Nevill's final mobilization before charging the entire company's soldiers in the trench
000805 Fully armed soldiers dressed up and ready for battle
000925 A battlefield football match between British East Saris and German Bavarians is about to begin
001003 Football takes off, inspiring soldiers to charge into battle
001300 Nevill holds a football and charge ahead
001356 Nevill died on the first day of the Battle of Somme, just two weeks before his 22nd birthday. He collapsed in front of the German barbed wire and was shot while he was preparing to throw a grenade.
001428 There is only one empty name left. In addition to admiration, this sentence expresses people's helplessness. 110 years after World War I, human society is still shrouded in the flames of war. Hopefully, World War III will always be rejected by humanity
04 Author's postscript
106 years ago, on the morning of July 1, 1916, during the Battle of Somme, on the first day of the British army's charge towards the German utopian position, Captain Neville, a college student from Jesus College in Cambridge, England, who had been in service for two years, took the lead in a unique "battlefield football match" he advocated and received support from senior military officials. Unfortunately, he was shot and killed in front of the German barbed wire, sacrificing his young life at the age of only 22. This bizarre piece of grass from the history of the battlefield is recorded at the British War Museum, Jesus College Cambridge, and the Queen's Royal Surrey Legion Association ..... for important websites. To be praised and admired by future generations. In 2005, this period of history was made into a short film by French film director Stephen Barbados, opening a new chapter in the history of this legendary figure and his brief life. After its release, the film received widespread praise worldwide and won film awards from nearly 20 countries.
Despite people's reverence for the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for their country, war is extremely cruel. Leaving those tragic stories on the battlefield, for millions of ordinary people who died innocently in war, with corpses everywhere and homelessness, it is very helpless and tragic. As the movie puts it: "The fact of death is before them, leaving only an empty name." Over a hundred years have passed, and human society is still shrouded in war, nuclear war, World War 3 Continuously threatening people who love peace is worthy of people's deep reflection and vigilance.
According to relevant information, Master Morricone provided four reused pieces of music for this film, and on the basis of these pieces of music, Master Morricone provided an original theme song for this film for free, which is a three part structure. The initial appearance of the military horn pierced straight into the sky. Slow and heavy, inspiring soldiers to move forward courageously. It then turns into a melody played on the piccolo, revealing the shared confusion and contemplation of humanity, and then returns to the enhanced military horn, giving people a sense of tragedy and desolation. Following that was the strong military drum rhythm of "face-to-face" music, which urged people to move forward. Regarding these music, Patrick wrote a detailed explanation on CHIMAI:

A new French ( short ) film for E. Morricone !

PLAY THE GAME is a short film directed by the French young director Stephane Barbato, his first film, before a more important project. Played mainly by 2 actors, one English, one French, this 18 mn long film is a French production, but in english language.

It tolds the true story, into the world war 1914-1918, of a section of 20-25 men engaged on the war front. They are English and fight of course against the German’s forces.
The director, had the exceptionnal occurence to have Morricone music, for one original track. Other existing music is reused along the movie.
The film opens with a deserted battle area, and then the military camp, and the two characters into, very beautifully photographed. This sequence is on the track “Nella voce di Dio”, from Moses.
Captain Nevill has to put motivation on his troops in this dirty and using war. He find an original way : do play a game by his men with a ball, through the enemy’s lines. The preparation sequence is on “Preannuncio” from Faccia a faccia, installing a waiting, a tension really fitting the images.
The game itself is supported by Faccia a faccia ( titoli ). Shoots and bombs of course fall, and a lot of men are wounded or dead, as Captain Nevill finally. During the observation of the human losts, a transition is brought by an excerpt of "Con serena gioia (finale profano )from Il sorriso del grande tentatore, actually an arrangement of the famous theme of the 9° symphony, 4° movement, by Beethoven.
The action ends and a short monologue closes the film with the new music composed by EM, for trumpet solo. A solemn and slow piece, full of dignity, which goes on partly in end titles. But soon, Faccia a faccia is taken again until the end.
A strong beginning and a luck for Stephane Barbato. (CHIMAI)

May lasting peace and prosperity reside on earth forever!
05 Enjoy the original soundtrack and reused music of Morricone online
the original soundtrack
Play the Game / 1:46 (From the video 1410-1609 )
Extract the opening part of the film 0-01:10 1:10
Extract the ending part of the film 15:10-18:13 3:03
The following 4 music are reused music
Faccia a faccia / (6707 Faccia a faccia) 3:13
Nella voce di Dio / In the voice of God (7412 Moses)4:46
Con serena gioia / With serene joy (7305 Il Sorriso del grande tentatore)1:26
Pre annuncio / Pre-announcement(6707 Faccia a faccia)2:04
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May 23, 2024

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