A film composed by Ennio Morricone - 016eng |
NA7910 Ogro / Operation Ogre |
Chronology No. |
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Chinese IMDB |
Note |
It is shown that the film was composed by Ennio Morricone (00:02:44) |
Director: Gillo Pontecorvo
Writers: Julen Aguirre ... (book "Operacion Ogro")
Giorgio Arlorio ... (writer)
Ugo Pirro ... (writer)
Gillo Pontecorvo ... (writer)
Stars: Gian Maria Volonté, José Sacristán, Angela Molina |
Cast (in credits order)
Gian Maria Volonté ... Izarra
José Sacristán José Sacristán ...Iker
Angela Molina Angela Molina ... Amaiur
Eusebio Poncela Eusebio Poncela ... Txabi
Saverio Marconi Saverio Marconi ...Luque
Georges Staquet Georges Staquet ... El Albanil
Nicole Garcia Nicole Garcia ... Karmele
Féodor Atkine Féodor Atkine ... José María Uriarte (alias Yoseba) (as Fedor Atkine)
Estanis González Estanis González ... Portero
Agapito Romo Agapito Romo ... Carrero Blanco
José Manuel Cervino José Manuel Cervino ..Lechero
Luis Reina Luis Reina ...(as José Luis Pérez)
Luis Politti Luis Politti ... Profesor (as Luis Politi)
Agustín Navarro Agustín Navarro
Fernando Chinarro Fernando Chinarro ... Cirujano
See full cast |
Produced by
Franco Cristaldi ... associate producer
José Sámano ... producer |
Runtime: 115 min
Sound Mix: Dolby
Color: Color (Eastmancolor)
Aspect Ratio: 1.37 : 1 |
Genres: Drama | Thriller |
Country: Spain | France | Italy
Language: Spanish | French | Italian
Release Date: 28 September 1979 (Italy)
Filming Locations:
Bilbao, Vizcaya, País Vasco, Spain See more |
Music by Ennio Morricone |
Also Known As (AKA) |
Operation Ogre |
Ogro |
Storyline |
001-IMDB |
As 1973 winds down, Franco is still governing Spain with an iron hand. Opposition parties are forbidden; labor movements are repressed; and Basque nationalists are mercilessly hunted down. The caudillo is aging, though, and the continuity of the régime is in question. One man has the trust of Franco, enough authority and experience to assume the leadership, and an impeccable track record as to dealing with enemies of the State: admiral Carrero Blanco. For the embattled clandestine Basque organization ETA, Carrero Blanco must be brought down. Daring plans are made, requiring a meticulous execution... (IMDB) |
User Reviews This film is based on real life events that took place during 70's under Francos fascist regime in Spain. Just like Gillo Pontecorvos previous film La battaglia di Algeri/The Battle of Algiers (1966) this film has very realistic, semi documentary feel, look about this depiction of terrorism acted out by group of members in the basque terrorist network ETA.Even though Gillo Pontecorvo was a marxist this film does not only portray the fascist dictatorship but also contains subtle criticism against ETA and its struggle.While being a very low key film, it packs very emotional, punch without becoming too obvious.So viewers that liked O Que E Isso, Companheiro?/Four Days in September (1997), L'armée des ombres/ Army of Shadows(1969), Popiól i diament/Ashes and Diamonds (1958), Kanal/Canal (1957)etc should definitely check this film out. (IMDB) |
002-WIKI |
Ogro Operación Ogro is a 1979 Spanish and Italian drama film written and directed by Gillo Pontecorvo. The film is based on true events, following the eponymous book by Julen Agirre (pseudonym of Eva Forest). The film won the David di Donatello (an annual Italian motion picture award) for Best Film. All the actors, a mix of Spaniards and Italians, spoke Spanish in the dubbed version released in Spain, and in Italian in the dubbed Italian version. |
History Operación Ogro ("Operation Ogre") was the name given by ETA to the assassination of Luis Carrero Blanco, the then Prime Minister of Spain in 1973 and the successor of Francisco Franco, the then Spanish dictator. This attack was carried out on 20 December 1973. An ETA commando group using the code name Txikia (after the nom de guerre of ETA activist Eustakio Mendizabal killed by the Guardia Civil in April 1973) rented a basement flat at Calle Claudio Coello 104, Madrid on the route over which Carrero Blanco used to go to Mass at San Francisco de Borja church. Over five months, this group dug a tunnel under the street - telling the landlord that they were student sculptors to disguise their real purpose. The tunnel was packed with 80 kg of explosives that had been stolen from a Government depot. On 20 December 1973, a 3-man ETA commando group disguised as electricians detonated the explosives by command wire as Carrero Blanco's Dodge Dart passed. The explosion sent Carrero Blanco and his car 20 metres into the air and over a five-storey building. The car crashed down to the ground on the opposite side of a Jesuit college, landing on the second-floor balcony. Carrero Blanco survived the blast but died shortly afterwards. His bodyguard and driver were killed instantly. The "electricians" shouted to stunned passers-by that there had been a gas explosion, and subsequently escaped in the confusion.(WIKI) |
003- The background information |
3-1 ETA |
ETA (Basque: [eta], Spanish: [eta]), an acronym for Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (Basque pronunciation: [euskaoi ta as takatasuna]; "Basque Homeland and Freedom") is an armed Basque nationalist and separatist organization. The group was founded in 1959 and has since evolved from a group promoting traditional Basque culture to a paramilitary group with the goal of gaining independence for the Greater Basque Country. ETA is the main organisation of the Basque National Liberation Movement and is the most important participant in the Basque conflict.
Since 1968, ETA has been held responsible for killing 829 people, injuring thousands and undertaking dozens of kidnappings. The group is proscribed as a terrorist organization by the Spanish, British, French and American authorities, and by the European Union as a whole.[13] This convention is followed by a plurality of domestic and international media, which also refer to the group as "terrorists". More than 700 members of the organization are incarcerated in prisons in Spain, France, and other countries.
ETA declared ceasefires in 1989, 1996, 1998 and 2006, and subsequently broke them. On 5 September 2010, ETA declared a new ceasefire that is still in force – on 20 October 2011 ETA announced a "definitive cessation of its armed activity".[20] On 24 November 2012, it was reported that the group was ready to negotiate a "definitive end" to its operations and disband completely.
ETA's motto is Bietan jarrai ("Keep up on both"), referring to the two figures in its symbol, a snake (representing politics) wrapped around an axe (representing armed struggle).....(WIKI)
3-2 Francisco Franco |
Francisco Franco Bahamonde ( 4 December 1892 – 20 November 1975) was the dictator of Spain from 1939 to his death in 1975. Coming from a military background, he became the youngest general in Europe in the 1920s.
A conservative, he was shocked when the monarchy was removed and replaced with a democratic republic in 1931. With the 1936 elections, the conservatives fell and the leftist Popular Front came to power. Looking to overthrow the republic, Franco and other generals staged a partially successful coup, which started the Spanish Civil War. With the death of the other generals, Franco quickly became his faction's only leader.
Franco received military support from local fascist, monarchist and right-wing groups, and also from Hitler's Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Fascist Italy. Leaving half a million dead, the war was eventually won by Franco in 1939. He established an autocratic dictatorship, Francoist Spain, which he defined as a totalitarian state, installing himself as head of state and government, with one legal political party: a merger of the monarchist party and the fascist party which had helped him, FET y de las JONS.
Franco established a repression which was characterized by concentration camps, forced labor and executions, mostly against political and ideological enemies, being estimated to have caused from about 200,000 to 400,000 deaths, depending on how death in concentration camps is considered.
After ruling for nearly forty years, Franco died in 1975. He had restored the monarchy and left King Juan Carlos I as his successor. Juan Carlos led the transition to democracy, leaving Spain with its current political system.....(WIKI) |
3-3 Luis Carrero Blanco ( WIKI) |
Don Luis Carrero Blanco, 1st Duke of Carrero Blanco, Grandee of Spain (4 March 1904 – 20 December 1973) was a Spanish admiral and long-time confidant of dictator Francisco Franco. He was assassinated by members of the group ETA.
Biography Luis Carrero Blanco entered the Escuela Naval Militar, the Spanish naval academy, in 1918 and participated in the Rif War of 1924–1926.....In July 1936, when the Spanish Civil War erupted, Carrero Blanco found himself behind the coalescing Republican line. Taking refuge in the embassy of Mexico and later that of France, he was able to sneak across the front and reach the Nationalist side in June 1937. Carrero Blanco then served in the Nationalist navy. After the Nationalist victory and subsequent installation of Generalísimo Francisco Franco as military dictator (Caudillo) of Spain, Carrero Blanco became one of his closest collaborators as well as chief of naval operations. .......... Carrero Blanco became a minister in Franco's regime in 1957....Carrero Blanco was made vice-admiral (1963) and admiral in 1966; he held the post of vice-president of the state council from 1967 to 1973....His political career reached its zenith on 8 June 1973 upon being named the Prime Minister of Spain and made a top deputy to Franco. It seemed as though it was only a matter of time before he would succeed the ailing dictator.
Main article: Operación Ogro
Within about six months of being named prime minister, Carrero Blanco was assassinated on 20 December 1973 in Madrid by four Basque members of ETA, who carried out a bombing while he returned from Mass in a Dodge 3700.
In a collective interview justifying the attack, the ETA bombers said:
"The execution in itself had an order and some clear objectives. From the beginning of 1951 Carrero Blanco practically occupied the government headquarters in the regime. Carrero Blanco symbolized better than anyone else the figure of "pure Francoism" and without totally linking himself to any of the Francoist tendencies, he covertly attempted to push Opus Dei into power. A man without scruples conscientiously mounted his own State within the State: he created a network of informers within the Ministries, in the Army, in the Falange, and also in Opus Dei. His police managed to put themselves into all the Francoist apparatus. Thus he made himself the key element of the system and a fundamental piece of the oligarchy's political game. On the other hand, he came to be irreplaceable for his experience and capacity to manoeuvre and because nobody managed as he did to maintain the internal equilibrium of Francoism." —Julen Agirre, Operation Ogro: The Execution of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco[2]
In his first speech to the Cortes on 12 February 1974, Carrero Blanco's successor, the new prime minister Carlos Arias Navarro, promised liberalizing reforms including the right to form political associations. Though he was denounced by hardliners within the regime, the transition had begun. |
Reprisal One of the members of the ETA cell who had assassinated Carrero Blanco was himself assassinated by a car bomb in the south of France on 21 December 1978 by a Spanish far-right group organized from inside the Navy (including one member of the CESID secret service, another one of the Servicio de Inteligencia Naval and the other belonging to the Alto Estado Mayor), which received assistance from former OAS member Jean-Pierre Cherid, former Triple A Argentine member José María Boccardo and Italian neofascist Mario Ricci, member of Avanguardia Nazionale. Argala, as the ETA member was known, was the only one who could identify the mysterious man who handed up to ETA Carrero Blanco's schedule and itinerary. According to Leonidas, a former member of the Spanish Army who participated in the bombing against Argala, "The explosives came from a US base. I don't remember with exactitude if it was from Torrejón or Rota, but I do know that the Americans did not know what they would be used for. It was a personal favor they made to Pedro el Marino" (aka Pedro Martínez) who provided the explosives. Argala's assassination was claimed by the Batallón Vasco Espanol (BVE). However, according to Leonidas, "BVE, ATE (Anti-Terrorismo ETA) or "Triple A" are only labels of convenience used by the same group. |
004-The director Gillo Pontecorvo ( WIKI) |
Gillo Pontecorvo (Italian: (19 November 1919 – 12 October 2006) was an Italian filmmaker. He worked as a film director for more than a decade before his best known film La battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers, 1966) was released. For this he was nominated for the Best Director Oscar in 1969[1] and won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in that year.
His other films include Kapò (1960), which takes place in a World War II concentration camp, and Burn! (Queimada, 1969), starring Marlon Brando and loosely based on the failed slave revolution in Guadeloupe. In 2000, he received the Pietro Bianchi Award at the Venice Film Festival. He was also a screenwriter and composer of film scores, and a close friend of the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.......(WIKI) |
Filmography as director
Firenze, il nostro domani (2003, documentary)
Un altro mondo è possibile (2001, documentary)
I corti italiani (1997, segment "Nostalgia di protezione")
Nostalgia di protezione (1997, short)
Danza della fata confetto (1996, short)
Gillo Pontecorvo's Return to Algiers (1992, documentary)
12 registi per 12 città (1989, segment "Udine")
Addio a Enrico Berliguer (1984, documentary)
Operación Ogro (Operation Ogre, 1979)
Queimada (Burn!, 1969)
La Battaglia di Algeri (The Battle of Algiers, 1966)
Paras (1963, documentary)
Gli uomini del lago (1959, documentary)
Kapò (1959)
Pane e zolfo (1959, documentary)
La grande strada azzurra (The Wide Blue Road, 1957)
Die Windrose (1957, segment "Giovanna")
Cani dietro le sbarre (1955, documentary)
Giovanna (1955, short)
Uomini del marmo (1955, documentary)
Festa a Castelluccio (1954, documentary)
Porta Portese (1954, documentary)
Missione Timiriazev (1953, documentary)[6]
005-The writer Eva Forest (Julen Agirre) and her novle Operation Ogro: The Execution of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco |
Genoveva Forest Tarrat, más conocida como Eva Forest (Barcelona, 6 de abril de 1928 - Fuenterrabía, 19 de mayo de 2007), fue una editora, novelista, ensayista, escritora de cuentos y activista política espanola. Conocida por sus obras de denuncia política y su cercanía a la izquierda abertzale, dedicó su vida desde muy joven a la lucha contra la dictadura franquista, a la lucha por la emancipación de la mujer, y contra la tortura. Su reiterada defensa de los derechos humanos no impidió que fuera acusada de colaborar con ETA en la preparación tanto del asesinato del almirante Carrero Blanco como del atentado de la cafetería Rolando en los anos 1970, si bien nunca llegó a ser juzgada por estos hechos debido a la amnistía de 1977.(WIKI) |
Eva Forest is a writer. also known as Forest and Genevieve Tarr, Genevieve Forest and Tarrant, Julen Agirre, Genoveva Forest, Genoveva Tarrat Forest, Julen Aguirre
born on 6 April 1928 (86 years ago) in Barcelona
nationality: Spain
Marriage with Alfonso Sastre between December 1955 and 19 May 2007 (51 years)
died on 19 May 2007 (6 years ago) in Hondarribia (Here) |
The novel Operation Ogro: The Execution of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco (01, 02, 03) |
006-The Actor Gian Maria Volonté |
Gian Maria Volonté (9 April 1933 – 6 December 1994) was an Italian actor. He is perhaps most famous outside of Italy for his roles as the main villain in Sergio Leone's A Fistful of Dollars (credited in the USA as "Johnny Wels") and For a Few Dollars More. In Italy, he was more notable for his roles in high-profile social dramas depicting the political and social stirrings of Italian and European society in the 1960s and 1970s.....(WIKI) |
Filmography Actor (65 credits) |
1993 Tirano Banderas
Tirano Banderas
1993 Funes, un gran amor
1991 Una storia semplice
Carmelo Franzò (as Gian Maria Volontè)
1990 Porte aperte
Judge Vito Di Francesco (as Gian Maria Volontè)
1990 Tre colonne in cronaca
Alberto Landolfi (as Gian Maria Volontè)
1989 Pestalozzis Berg
1988 L'oeuvre au noir
1987 Un ragazzo di Calabria
1987 Cronaca di una morte annunciata
Dr. Cristo Bedoya
1986 Il caso Moro
Aldo Moro (as Gian Maria Volontè)
1983 La mort de Mario Ricci
Bernard Fontana
1982 La certosa di Parma (TV Mini-Series)
Count Mosca
- Episode #1.6 (1982) ... Count Mosca
- Episode #1.5 (1982) ... Count Mosca
- Episode #1.4 (1982) ... Count Mosca
- Episode #1.3 (1982) ... Count Mosca
- Episode #1.2 (1982) ... Count Mosca
Show all 6 episodes
1981 La storia vera della signora dalle camelie
1980 Stark System
1979 Operación Ogro
1979 Cristo si è fermato a Eboli
Carlo Levi
1977 Io ho paura
Brigadiere Ludovico Graziano
1976 Todo modo
1976 Actas de Marusia
1975 Il sospetto
1973 Giordano Bruno
Giordano Bruno (as Gianmaria Volonte)
1973 Lucky Luciano
Charles 'Lucky' Luciano
1972 Sbatti il mostro in prima pagina
1972 L'attentat
Sadiel - un leader progresste maghrebin
1972 Il caso Mattei
Enrico Mattei
1971 La classe operaia va in paradiso
Lulù Massa
1971 Sacco e Vanzetti
Bartolomeo Vanzetti (as Gian Maria Volontè)
1970 Le cercle rouge
Vogel (as Gian-Maria Volonte)
1970 Uomini contro
Lt. Ottolenghi
1970 Le vent d'est
Le ranger nordiste
1970 Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto
Il Dottore - Former head of homicide squad
1969 Sotto il segno dello scorpione
1969 L'amante di Gramigna
1968 Summit
1968 Banditi a Milano
Piero Cavallero
1968 I sette fratelli Cervi
Aldo Cervi
1967 Faccia a faccia
Professor Brett Fletcher
1967 Caravaggio (TV Mini-Series)
- Episode #1.3 (1967) ... Caravaggio
- Episode #1.2 (1967) ... Caravaggio
- Episode #1.1 (1967) ... Caravaggio
1967 A ciascuno il suo
Prof. Paolo Laurana
1966 Quién sabe?
1966 Het gangstermeisje
1966 La strega in amore
1966 L'armata Brancaleone
Teofilatto dei Leonzi
1966 Svegliati e uccidi
Inspector Moroni
1966 Le stagioni del nostro amore
Leonardo Varzi
1965 For a Few Dollars More
El Indio (The Indian) (as Gian Maria Volontè)
1965 La strada più lunga (TV Movie)
1965 Le inchieste del commissario Maigret (TV Series)
- Una vita in gioco (1965) ... Radek
1964 Vita di Michelangelo (TV Series)
- Episode #1.3 (1964) ... Michelangelo
- Episode #1.2 (1964) ... Michelangelo
- Episode #1.1 (1964) ... Michelangelo
1964 Il magnifico cornuto
1964 For a Fistful of Dollars
Ramón Rojo (as Johnny Wels)
1963 Il taglio del bosco (TV Movie)
1963 Il terrorista
Braschi, l'ingeniere
1962 Le quattro giornate di Napoli
1962 Un uomo da bruciare
1962 Noche de verano
Alberto Suárez
1961 A cavallo della tigre
1961 Ercole alla conquista di Atlantide
Re di Sparta
1961 Antinea, l'amante della città sepolta
1961 La ragazza con la valigia
Piero Benotti
1960 La pisana (TV Mini-Series)
1960 Sotto dieci bandiere
Samuel Braunstein (as Gianmaria Volontè)
1959 Saul (TV Movie)
1959 L'idiota (TV Mini-Series)
Parfen Rogozin
- Episode #1.6 (1959) ... Parfen Rogozin (as Gianmaria Volontè)
- Episode #1.5 (1959) ... Parfen Rogozin (as Gianmaria Volontè)
- Episode #1.4 (1959) ... Parfen Rogozin (as Gianmaria Volontè)
- Episode #1.3 (1959) ... Parfen Rogozin (as Gianmaria Volontè)
- Episode #1.2 (1959) ... Parfen Rogozin (as Gianmaria Volontè)
Show all 6 episodes
1957 Fedra (TV Movie)
Ippolito (IMDB) |
007- OST |
No. |
Name |
Audition WMA |
1 |
atto di dolore |
2 |
in fondo al tunnel |
3 |
missione compiuta |
4 |
canto basco |
5 |
tunnel i |
6 |
missione ogro |
7 |
notte oscura notte chiara |
8 |
tunnel ii |
9 |
chiesa di s.francesco in borya |
10 |
antefatto e preparazione |
11 |
camioncino misterioso |
12 |
flashback |
13 |
ogro-end titles |
008-Download the film file |
700Kbps format WMV 630M 110'16" embeded CN and EN subtitle |
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