A film composed by Ennio Morricone - 007B
Todo Modo / All Mode / One Way or Another
007- The stills of the film
1 The subtitle in the start (00:01:17)
"The spiritual exercises are a religious practice conceived by Saint Ignazio of Loyola in the early decades of the 1500's. Officially sanctioned by the Church in 1548, for their great spiritual efficacy, the exercises were soon adopted for the moral development of men wielding economic and political power.
Party of powerful people to attend the spiritual exercises(00:01:36)
3 The first day in the spiritual exercises (00:18:47)
4 The second day in the spiritual exercises Meditation in hell(57:21)
5 Third day and also is last day(01:55:39)
008-Download the film and its OST
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OST 29 Music 128Kbps 51.8M RAR file (Only extraction of film sound)
Film 700 Kbps WMV format Chinese and English subtitle 588M 124'52"
(Because of the limitation of space, can not ensure long-term provision)
2023 Editor's note: This film is currently available in area B of our reading resource library for 7609-(CNEN)
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May 3, 2013


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