
Works study-031

A Comparative and Study on Morricone 2002-2010 six concerts in Europe,USA and Asia
01- The Statistical tables-1 Morricone 2002-2010 six concerts in Europe,USA and Asia
Marked with different colors according to the emerging times in the 6 concerts
1 time
2 times
3 times
4 times
5 times
6 times
1 time
2 times
3 times
4 times
5 times
6 times
Morricone Italy Verona ARENA concert
Morricone German Munich concert
Morricone Italy Venice concert
Morricone China Beijing concert
Morricone China Shanghai concert
the Philharmonie im Gasteig
The hall in UN headquarters
San Marco Square
Great Hall
Expo Center Red Room
Rome Sinfonietta Orchestra
Munich Radio c
Rome Sinfonietta Orchestra
Rome Sinfonietta Orchestra
Hungary Gyor Philharmonic Orchestra
Rome Sinfonietta Orchestra
Soprano Susanna Rigassi.
Soprano Susanna Rigacci
Soprano Susana Rigacci
Soprano Susanna Rigacci
Soprano Susana Rigacci
A polyphonic choir
Bavarian Radio Chorus
the University of Buffalo choir
Choir La Fenice
Beijing Gala Chorus
China national opera house
Life and Legend
Tre Adagi
Life and Legend
Tre Adagi
Voices From the Silence
Cinema Paradiso
The Untouchables
The Untouchables
Once Upon a Time in America
Once Upon a Time in America: Deborah's
4.Theme – Poverty – Main Theme
Deborah's Theme (Once Upon a Time in America)
Once Upon a Time in America
Deborah's theme
Once upon a time in America
Deborah's theme
Casualties of War
Addio Monti (from The Betrothed)
Addio Monti(from The Betrothed)
The Legend of 1900
The Legend of 1900
Abolicao (Quemada)
The legend of 1900
The Good,The Bad and the Ugly
Cinema Paradiso
Single Pages
Scattered Sheet
Scatterred sheets
Scattered Sheet
Once Upon a Time in the West
A Fistful of Dynamite
The Sicilian Clan
The Sicilian Clan
The Sicilian Clan
Il clan dei Siciliani
The Sicilian Clan
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (2)(The Ecstasy Of Gold)
Love Circle Disons, un soir a diner
Love Circle
Love Circle
Metti una sera a cena
Metti una sera a cena(Love Circle /
One Night at Dinner )
La Luz Prodigiosa
Love Circle: Uno che grida amore
Love Circle /
One Night at Dinner
Uno Che Grida Amore (from Love Circle)
"Uno che gridaanore from the film metti unasera a cena
Uno che gridaanore from the film metti unasera a cena
(Maddalena: Come Maddalena)
Come Maddalena
Come Maddalena from film Maddalena
Come Maddalena from film Maddalena
Sergio Leone: Modern Film Legends
The Modernity of Myth in Sergio Leone Cinema
The modernity of myth in Sergio Leone's cinema
The modernity of myth in Sergio Leone's cinema
Battle of Algeri
Once Upon a Time in America: Cockey's Song
Gabriel's Oboe (dal film "Mission")
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The good,The bad and The ugly -Titles
Sacco et Vanzetti
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Falls (dal film "Mission")
Once Upon a Time in The West
Once upon a time in the west
Once Upon a Time in the West
Once Upon a Time in the West
On Earth as it is in Heaven (dal film "Mission")
A Fistful of Dynamite
A fistful of dynamite
A Fistful of Dynamite
A Fistful of Dynamite
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Ecstasy of Gold
The good, The bad, The ugly (Titoli)
The Ecstasy of Gold (from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
The ecstasy of the gold from the film The good, The bad and The ugly
The Ecstasy of Gold (from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly))
Canone Inverso – Making Love)
Once upon a time in the west
Socially Committed Cinema
Social Cinema
Social Cinema
Social Cinema
Once upon
a time revolution
The Battle of Algiers
The battle of battle Algiers "
The battle of battle Algiers
Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
Sostiene Pereira
According to Pereira
The good, The bad, The ugly
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion "
La classe operaia va in paradiso
The Working Class Goes to Heaven
A Brisa do Coracao (from According to Peireira)
Sostiene Pereira
A Brisa do Coracao (from According to Peireira)
Casualities of War
(Casualties of War)
The Working Class Goes to Heaven
La classe operaia va in paradiso
The Working Class Goes to Heaven
Casualties of War
Casualties war
Casualties of War
Queimada- Abolisson
Abolisson (from Queimada)
Abolisson from the film Quemada
Abolisson (from Queimada)
Tragic, Lyrical, Epic
Tragic, Lyric and Epic Cinema
Tribute to: Mauro Bolognini
Tribute to: Mauro Bolognini
Il Deserto dei Tartari
The Desert of the Tartars
The Desert of the Tartars
Per le antiche scale
Per le antiche scale
Richard III
Richard III
L'eredita fferamonti"遗产"
L'eredita fferamonti"遗产"
Il Deserto dei Tartari (ripresa)
The Mission
The Mission
The Mission
Gabriel's Oboe (from The Mission)
Gabriel's oboe
Gabriel's oboe (From The Mission)
Falls (from The Mission)
Falls (From The Mission)
On Earth as It Is In Heaven (from The Mission)
On earth as it is in heaven
On earth as it is in heaven (From The Mission)
Cinema Paradiso
Here's to You (from Sacco and Vanzetti)
02- The Statistical tables-2 arranged by the site
Marked with different colors for each track the number of occurrences
Music Name
Belongs to film and its Chronology No.
The emerging times in the 6 concerts
Gabriel's Oboe
On Earth as It Is In Heaven
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Ecstasy of Gold
Casualties war
Once upon a time in the west
A Fistful of Dynamite
Deborah's theme
Once upon a time in America
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
Sostiene Pereira (A Brisa Do Coracao)
La classe operaia va in paradiso
The Sicilian Clan
Come Maddalena
Metti una sera a cena/Disons, un soir a diner/One Night at Dinner
Uno Che Grida Amore
The battle of battle Algiers
Cinema Paradiso
The legend of 1900
The Desert of the Tartars/Il Deserto dei Tartari (ripresa)
Here's to You
Richard III
The Untouchables
Addio Monti
Per le antiche scale
L'eredità Ferramonti
La Luz Prodigiosa
Canone Inverso – Making Love
Cockey's Song)
Voices From the Silence
Total 36 music (extra program not been contained)
03- The Statistical tables-3 arranged by the site
Classified by the number of occurrences
Belongs to film and its web page and chronology No.
Music page
The repertoire of all six,8 music, accounting for 22.2% of the total
The repertoire of five,12 music, accounting for 33.3% of the total
The repertoire of four,1 music, accounting for 2.8% of the total
The repertoire of three,3 music, accounting for 8.3% of the total
The repertoire of two,7 music, accounting for 19.4% of the total
The repertoire of only one,5 music, accounting for 13.9% of the total
04- A research on above Statistical tables of Morricone concerts
That Ennio Morricone concert can be splited into a few parts in the 6 concerts:
First part--Core part: It Includes the serial number 006, and their frequency was 22.2% in the 6 concerts and shown in every concert. It contained "The Mission" favorited deep by Ennio Morricone hisself, and the music deeply loved by the world music audience:"The good, The bad and the ugly ","Once upon a time in the west","Once upon a time in Revolution". It is worth specially noting the "Casualties War" music. It also is a very unique music, especially in the use of the pan-pipes (See here Video 004), but it not be very famous for whole world music audience. Why it was shown in the all 6 concerts, especial in the UN concert in the New york? Because added a special, up to 22 minutes of music "Voices From the Silence", A lot of track included " Once upon a time in America" had to be withdrawn. But it was retained and after closely behind music "Voices From the Silence". I think that It shows Morricone's serious position as a famous artists with moral conscience and a strong sense of justice againsts all crime war initiated by the power state. This is also a deep-seated reasons that the world's people (except a few very warmongers) love and admire the great maestro
Part II--the basics partIt Includes the serial number 005 and 004, and their frequency was 36.1% in the 6 concerts and shown in 5 concerts.They was consisted by 10 film scores. Analysis of these films, we can see the following characteristics:
1. These music all are Morricone famous works. Example the "Deborah's theme", it was adapted and expanded according to the melody of the "Amapola theme" that is a popular song in the 1920s in the United States, and reputed as an elegy fulling of hope and dreams and famous love theme in the history of the world film by Chinese most famous Film music critic Mr. Yang-dalin ; The film Queimada theme song Abolisson with a strong Latin rhythms knocked out by 5 drums; The films "Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion" and "La classe operaia va in paradiso" theme music with a large number of Chromaticism and peculiar melody and Joined the special sound of black humor music...etc, all Embodied features of Morricone's works as a music genius in twentieth century. This makes his concert with a distinctive style. For his fans, these strange melody Can be chewed long time and not bored, even more chewing will produce a more fragrant experience. This may be the immortal charm of Morricone's work !
2. 80% of these music is the sixties of last century to the early seventies works, the social cinema film (or political film) is about half in which. Example The battle of battle Algiers (1965), Queimana (1969),Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970),La classe operaia va in paradiso(1971) etc. Italy of that time is in a serious turbulent period of history, This social environment will inevitably affect to the young composer Morricone, Created a large number of his outstanding work with the characteristics of the times and spread in the world. If 1980's crossed, 27 music of them is before 1980s in the 36 music of all six concerts, accounting for 3 / 4 of all. This also can be seen that The Great Master are very beloved for his early works. Can be said that this period is not only the basis of artistic achievement for Great Master, but also the essence of his work..

Part lII--the development part: It Includes the serial number 003-001, and their frequency was 41.6% in the 6 concerts,1980s and later works up tto 73.3% in them. This is a constantly updating and developing part of Morricone concert, It represents the fruits of non-stop hard work, creative development and labor of the Master in his later half life. It contains the music well-known Chinese audience example: Sacco and Vanzetti (1971),The Untouchables(1987), Cinema Paradiso(1988),The legend of 1900(1998) and La luz prodigiosa (2003) etc. There also are not too familiar with the Chinese audience example:Per le antiche scale/Down the Ancient Staircase(1975),L'eredità Ferramonti/The Inheritance (1976) , I Promessi sposi/The Betrothed (1988), Nostromo (1996)and Canone Inverso–Making Love (2000)etc. It will encourage us to make constant efforts to explore and discover this treasure of Morricone works, and more in-depth understanding and study his arts develop and monumental achievements.

When we study this part of the track , we also see a worth noting problem: In the 6 concert, except 2 concert in China, Another 4 concert all was added some track with the local characteristics. Example in 01 and 04 concert in Italy(Verona and Venice),added "Sacco et Vanzetti " or "Here's to You" . Sacco and Vanzetti are two Italian immigrants in USA, they was sentenced to death because subjected to political persecution in 1920s,so that they become well-known historical figures in Italy and world. The song in the film sung by Joan Baez was well loved by people. In 02 Munich concert, "Canone Inverso-Making Love" was added.The film released in 2000 described Jewish musician misfortune in the reign of Nazi,so it also is targeted; That concert in UN headquarters, added a 22-minute track "Voices From the Silence", its targeted is self-evident. Contrast these examples, as Chinese fans of Morricone, not without regret that we find, The two concerts in China, actually not any program relatived with China, even with the East was been shown.This is a very regrettable thing. We do not insist the master fabricated, without due preparation, among the historical works of Morricone, there are still a few this theme, it is also referred to by Master himself in the press conference of Beijing and Shanghai in 2009 and 2010, example 1967 film "La Cina è vicina", 1982 film " Marco Polo". Especial the "Marco Polo", the film's hero is very familiar to Chinese and Italian people, and it's soundtrack is also very outstanding. Some music example Monica,The first love,The forbidden cityetc., all with distinct Chinese colors. Added any music of them, Will lead to a memories of the traditional friendship between China and Italy and strong resonance. I once send E-mail on April 26, 2009 and May 2010 to Morricone's official website and Italian relative persons, please send my E-mail forwarded to the Great Master Ennio Morricone, Unfortunately, it has been not heard from all. (Over the past year we have been through various means to try contacting the Great Master Ennio Morricone but were unsuccessful, and this is very puzzling and regrettable thing)We are enthusiastically looking forward to the Master in the future trip to China,able to hear much valuable friendship to the Chinese people from Marco Polo in the thirteenth century up to the contemporary Great Master Ennio Morricone
Writer the master of the web site HAN (July 14,2010)
Reference pages which are in our web site:
1. BBC-HVF A interview to Morricone
2.Morricone's life and his works (Through the eyes of music;Ennio Morricone;My life, my music )
3. The Chinese famous specialists and pioneer for research on film music Mr. Yang dalin and Ms. Yang dong
4. Morricone Arena concert (2002.9.28)
5.Morricone Munich concert (2004.10.24)
6. Morricone UN concert (2007.2.2.)
7. Morricone Venice concert (2007.9.9-10)
8. Morricone Beijing concert (2009.5.23) (More see Chinese page)
9. Morricone Shanghai concert (2010.6.2.) (More see Chinese page)
10. Sherry's personal page: The posts about Morricone's theme (Sorry only Chinese)
11. A study of the works of the music and movies Composed by Ennio Morricone
12. An E-mail Sent to Great Master Ennio Morricone
13. A special column for Italian films in a century
14. About Us
15. Marco Polo Film pageMusic page
16. La Cina è vicina Film pageMusic page
17.A chronological catalogue of the movies with Morricone's music
Welcome your comment or opinion, please use the E-mail to tell us , And you are also welcome reproduced the article in other websites or your Blog. Thanks!
July 14,2010
Oct. , 2023 Mobile edition


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