
Webmaster's Note-004-25 (Mobile Version)

How to reduce weight for IDX/SUB subtitle file (Delete unnecessary language)
Introduce a green free English software VobSubStrip
1. Click here from the site to download the software VobSubStrip(0.11 edition 22K). It is a green English software and need not to install. Only unzip it, then double click the " VobSubStrip.exe" file, a window will be be shown(see below). First click a icon in left side of first column " Select input .idx file", select the idx file you want reduce weight. Example here is a idx file of movie " For a few dollars more " (See here 022 item). Its size of SUB file is 76.7M (after unzip, it contains 9 languages). You can see them in second frame of the software. There are 17 items and 3 "Chinese" items, it is different code of Chinese word (CNS and CNT etc.)
How to reduce weight for IDX/SUB subtitle file (Delete unnecessary language)
2. Tick off in the language item you need reserve. Example you need reserve the Chinese language, you can tick off all 3 items or only one of them. If you want reserve all items, you can tick off below [UN]check all streams
Introduce a green free English software VobSubStrip
3. Select the route for save new subtitle file in third column "Set Output Idx file". you can ignore it. It will auto generate a new strip folder below original folder. Finally click "Process" in fourth column, the process of reduce weight will start soon.
Introduce a green free English software VobSubStrip
4. A blue processing bar will be shown, it about need more 10 seconds. When the bar gone to end, the process has been ended. You can check the two new subtitle files in the strip folder. The new SUB file is only 11.4M. You still can use the software to check it, only 3 Chinese items was reserved in new subtitle file.
How to reduce weight for IDX/SUB subtitle file (Delete unnecessary language)
If you still have any problem, please send an E-mail to us
Nov.5, 2008.
Oct. , 2023 Mobile version


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