
布罗克斯顿评说莫里康内 MB-008-85

FA6826 Vergogna schifosi / Dirty Angels / 肮脏的天使
作者 乔纳森·布罗克斯顿 (Jonathan Broxton)
ENNIO MORRICONE 评论,第8部分 008-85


Vergogna Schifosi 是一部意大利惊悚片,由 Mauro Severino 执导。这部电影由利诺·卡波利基奥、玛丽莉亚·布兰科和罗伯托·比萨科主演,饰演三个朋友,他们意外杀死了一名男子并将他的尸体留在公园里。六年后,他们从未被抓到,他们都把悲剧抛在脑后,开始了新的生活,他们收到了一封匿名信,上面有一张妥协的照片,指控他们谋杀并质疑他们一生中所做的事情。勒索者索要钱财,并在信上签上“vergogna schifosi”——“令人作呕的耻辱”。当朋友们决定该怎么做时,情况导致他们犯下了另一起谋杀案,给所有人带来了悲惨的结果。

“马托、卡尔多、索尔迪、莫尔托......“Girotondo”是乐谱的主题,是一个引人入胜的结构,莫里康内创造了一种轻盈、罂粟花、几乎蓬松的旋律,但随后他的合唱团吟唱了提示标题的世界,翻译为“疯狂、热、金钱、死亡”,然后是意大利语相当于“ring a ring o' roses”。考虑到故事的性质,这种并置实际上非常出色,旋律的可笑乐观性质与歌词的险恶基础相冲突。

乐谱的其余部分为吉他、摇滚打击乐、哈蒙德管风琴和轻弦乐部分提供了无忧无虑的夏日声音;“Guardami Negli Occhi”是朗朗上口的时髦节拍,“Ninna Nanna Per Adulti”使用哇哇声和轻快的铃声为反复出现的主题增添更多空灵的声音,“Una Spiaggia a Mezzogiorno”使用更朴实、深情的女歌手,而“Un Altro Mare”则梦幻而浪漫,一种抒情的幸福声音,突出的吉他和不同质感的女声。这一切都非常可爱、轻松、幸运,与电影讲述的实际故事形成了巧妙的讽刺对比。

多年来,Vergogna Schifosi 的配乐已经发行了几次,每次都有相同的节目——在一张原创的独立 LP 上,在英国唱片公司 Curci 发行的双专辑中,为 La Stagione dei Sensi 配乐,以及作为 Fin de Siècle Media 于 2008 年发行的三乐合辑的一部分,以及 La Stagione dei Sensi 和 Theorem 的音乐。

曲目列表: 1. Matto, Caldo, Soldi, Morto...吉罗通多 (3:22), 2.Guardami Negli Occhi (2:12), 3.Ninna Nanna Per Adulti (2:42), 4.Una Spiaggia a Mezzogiorno (3:40), 5.Un Altro Mare (6:35), 6.马托、卡尔多、索尔迪、莫尔托......吉罗通多 #2 (4:44)。Fin de Siècle Media FDS30,23分24秒。






Vergogna Schifosi is an Italian thriller directed by Mauro Severino. The film stars Lino Capolicchio, Marília Branco, and Roberto Bisacco as three friends who accidentally kill a man and leave his body in a public park. Six years later, having never been caught, and with them all having put the tragedy behind them and begun new lives, they receive an anonymous letter with a compromising photograph, accusing them of murder and questioning things they have done in their lives. The blackmailer demands money, and signs the letter “vergogna schifosi” – “disgusting shame”. As the friends decide what to do, circumstances lead them to committing another murder, with tragic results for all.

“Matto, Caldo, Soldi, Morto… Girotondo” is the main theme of the score and is a fascinating construction in which Morricone creates is a light, poppy, almost fluffy melody, but then has his choir intoning the worlds of the cue title, which translates as ‘madness, heat, money, death,’ and then then the Italian equivalent of ‘ring a ring o’ roses’. Considering the nature of the story this juxtaposition is actually quite brilliant, with the ridiculously upbeat nature of the melody clashing with the sinister underpinnings of the lyrics.

The rest of the score has a carefree, summery sound for guitars, rock percussion, Hammond organ, and a light string section; “Guardami Negli Occhi” is a catchy and funky beat, “Ninna Nanna Per Adulti” uses wah-wah vocals and light chimes to add more ethereal sound to the recurring theme, and “Una Spiaggia a Mezzogiorno” uses a more earthy, soulful female vocalist, while “Un Altro Mare” is dreamy and romantic, a lyrical blissful sound with prominent guitars and a differently-textured female vocal. It’s all really lovely, light and happy-go-lucky, and stands in cleverly ironic contrast to the actual story the film is telling.

The score for Vergogna Schifosi has been released several times over the years, each with the same program – on an original standalone LP, on a double-album release from British label Curci with the score for La Stagione dei Sensi, and as part of a three-score compilation released by Fin de Siècle Media in 2008 along with music from La Stagione dei Sensi and Theorem.

Track Listing: 1. Matto, Caldo, Soldi, Morto… Girotondo (3:22), 2. Guardami Negli Occhi (2:12), 3. Ninna Nanna Per Adulti (2:42), 4. Una Spiaggia a Mezzogiorno (3:40), 5. Un Altro Mare (6:35), 6. Matto, Caldo, Soldi, Morto… Girotondo #2 (4:44). Fin de Siècle Media FDS30, 23 minutes 24 seconds.

Oct. 17, 2020
Matto,caldo,soldi,morto...Girotondo (03:22)
疯狂,热情,钞票,死亡... Girotondo
Guardami negli occhi (02:12)
Ninna nanna per adulti (02:42)
Una spiaggia a mezzogiorno (03:40)
Un altro mare (06:36)
Matto,caldo,soldi,morto...Girotondo (04:44)
疯狂,热情,钞票,死亡... Girotondo
Jon 是一位电影音乐评论家和记者,自 1997 年以来一直担任全球最受欢迎的英语电影音乐网站之一 Movie Music UK 的编辑和首席评论员,并且是国际电影音乐评论家协会 (IFMCA) 的主席。在过去的 20多 年中,Jon 撰写了 3,000 多篇评论和文章,并进行了多次作曲家采访。在杂志刊物方面,乔恩曾为《电影配乐月刊》、《原声带杂志》和《电影音乐》等出版物撰写评论和文章,并为普罗米修斯唱片公司的两张经典 Basil Poledouris 配乐专辑《Amanda》和《Flyers / Fire on the Mountain》撰写了衬垫注释。他还为汤姆·胡佛 (Tom Hoover) 于 2011 年出版的《Soundtrack Nation: Interviews with Today's Top Professionals in Film, Videogame, and Television Scorering》一书撰写了一章。在1990年代后期,乔恩是伦敦皇家爱乐乐团的电影音乐顾问,并与他们合作拍摄了约翰·德布尼(John Debney)的音乐电影《相对价值》(Relative Values)和奥利弗·海斯(Oliver Heise)的音乐《佛陀的指环》(The Ring of the Buddha),以及与兰迪·纽曼(Randy Newman)合作的一系列音乐会。2012年,乔恩在波兰克拉科夫举行的第五届年度电影音乐节上担任“电影节学院”主席。他是作曲家和作词家协会的成员,该协会是作曲家、作词家和词曲作者从事电影、电视和多媒体工作的首要非营利组织。
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