A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
老的年表编号 Old No. |
旧版音乐网页 Old music page |
本栏目音乐数量 The musical numbers here |
电影网页 Film page |
NA6821 |
Scusi, facciamo l'amore / Listen, Let's Make Love / (直译 听着 让我们作爱吧) |
6706 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 19 |
NA6822 |
Teorema / Theorem / 定理 |
6806 |
11 |
NA6823 |
Tepepa / Long Live the Revolution (直译 革命万岁) |
6809 |
10 |
NA6824 |
Un bellissimo novembre / That Splendid November) / 再见晤爱/偷情世家 |
6822 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 7 |
NA6825 |
Un tranquillo posto della campagna / A Quiet Place in the Country / 乡间僻静处/一片安静的地方 |
6906 |
14 |
NA6826 |
Vergogna schifosi / Dirty Angels(直译 肮脏的天使) |
6912 |
6 |
NA6821(6706) Scusi, facciamo l'amore / Listen, Let's Make Love / (直译 听着 让我们作爱吧) |

电影导演 Director Vittorio Caprioli |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Scusi, facciamo l'amore? Italy (original title)
Et si on faisait l'amour France
Listen, Let's Make Love USA
Mas syghorite, kanoume erota Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
GDM Music 2028 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 2001 UPN 8-018163-020287 (19 music) |
GSF Records 1003 Country United States Format LP Release Date 1984 (15 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot In this drama, a Neapolitan lad travels to Milan to attend his father's funeral. His father was a gigolo, and the young man decides to continue the family profession and begins looking for rich women to prey upon. He is successful, but then he finds himself caught in a bidding war between a wealthy steel heiress and an rich old homosexual. Though the homosexual wins, the gigolo decides to make it with the heiress. Time passes and he ends up falling for a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, he discovers that she is his half sister. He then remembers a bit of advice from one of his father's friends who said "It's better for a young man to attach himself to a rich homosexual." The young gigolo heeds that advice (Here)
剧情本站简译 一个那不勒斯小伙子前往米兰参加他父亲的葬礼. 他的父亲曾是一个舞男, 年轻人决定继承父业,他开始寻找富有的女人作为自己的猎物. 他虽然获得了成功,但他发现他自己却处于一个富裕的钢铁业女继承人和一个富有的老年同性恋的竞购战之中..... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 19 music from 1968-2001. Soundrack shows 5 albums, 19 music are in 2001 edition . Released below are 19 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2001共有19首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有5个专辑,其中2001版本为19首乐曲.本站现有资源同2006版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Original Single Version Side A) (01:56) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(单独版A面) |
002 |
A Lidia (Original Single Version Side B) (03:15) |
利迪娅(单独版B面) |
003 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Between The Sheets) (01:01) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(被褥之间) |
004 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (From Bed To Worse) (02:23) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(床上败北) |
005 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Take Me Now) (01:19) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(现在我来) |
006 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Dog Up A Tree) (02:24) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(狗上树) |
007 |
A Lidia (04:33) |
利迪娅 |
008 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (To The Altar And Back) (01:32) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(祭坛和背面) |
009 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (After The Party) (02:32) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(派对以后) |
010 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Passion Play) (01:33) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(激情游戏) |
011 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Reprise) (02:01) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(重奏) |
012 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Lay Down, I Think I Love You) (03:45) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(躺下来,我想我爱你) |
013 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Various Troubles) (02:06) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(各种各样的麻烦) |
014 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Various Troubles) (01:00) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(各种各样的麻烦) |
015 |
A Lidia (02:36) |
利迪娅 |
016 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (Two Cigarettes) (02:13) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(两支香烟) |
017 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (The Big One) (02:22) |
听着 让我们作爱吧(一个大的) |
018 |
Scusi, Facciamo L'amore (02:27) |
听着 让我们作爱吧 |
019 |
A Lidia (Finale) (03:19) |
利迪娅((终了曲) |

电影导演 Director |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Teorema Argentina / Finland
Théorème Canada (French title) / France
Teorema - Geometrie der Liebe West Germany
Teoremat Poland (imdb display title) |
Theorem (undefined)
Theorima Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
To theorima Greece (DVD title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
King Records KICP 397 Country Japan
Format CD Release Date 1994 UPN
4-988003-156367 (11 music) |
Barclay 920083 Original Release Title
Theoreme Country France Format LP
Release Date (11 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot A strange visitor in a wealthy family. He seduces the maid, the son, the mother, the daughter and finally the father before leaving a few days after. After he's gone, none of them can continue living as they did. Who was that visitor ? Could he be God ? (Here)
编者注 一个年轻人来到资本家的家中作客,全家不论男女老少都立刻爱上了他。他成了众人的执迷偶像、也成了启发者。他走了之后,为了填补强烈的空虚,全家人若痴若狂:主人自己革自己的命、把工厂让给工人、在火车站脱个精光朝大漠奔去;主人的妻子发现性的美妙,与多位男工恣意寻欢,最后遁入教堂;主人的女儿失魂落魄;主人的儿子发现艺术的自由,在画布上小便以完成新的作品;女仆则感应了圣灵,悬浮在半空让人膜拜。 以包括同性恋与不伦情感的「性」为中心,用一个简明扼要的荒谬寓言,帕索里尼描述了基督离开后的世界,展示宗教给人世带来各种层次的矛盾和影响,也暗示着无路可出的终局.帕索里尼是意大利电影史上最有才华而又最具争议的一位导演,他的这部电影可分为两则前言、三幕场景、及五段平行叙事.一如片名所示,结构严谨如数学逻辑.直言无赘的叙事手法,与其复杂辩证的深奥内容,被称为现代主义的经典.有关帕索里尼的介绍及他的重要电影请参见本站这里和这里 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 5 music in 1968 and 2 music was reused. Soundrack shows 7 albums and 3 mixed albums, 11 music are in 1968,1994 and Barclay France edition,. Released below are 11 music with Barclay France edition
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示1968年共有5首乐曲发表,有2首被引用. Soundrack显示共有7个专辑和3个合辑,其中1968, 1994和Barclay法国版本均为11首乐曲.本站现有资源同法国版本 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Requiem (07:00) |
安魂曲 |
002 |
Kyrie Eleison (02:40) |
垂怜 |
003 |
Rex Tremendae Majestatis (02:55) |
004 |
Confutatis Maledictis (02 450) |
005 |
Lacrimosa Dies Illa (03:50) |
006 |
Agnus Dei (03:40) |
007 |
Fruscio Di Foglie Verdi cantato (02:25) |
绿色的树叶沙沙作响 |
008 |
L'Ultima Corrida (02:40) |
最后的比赛 |
009 |
Beat N.3 (02:47) |
010 |
Frammenti (02:30) |
片段 |
011 |
Theoreme (04:15) |
定理 |
NA6823( 6809) Tepepa / Long Live the Revolution (Giulio Petroni) (直译 革命万岁) |

电影导演 Director |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Tepepa Austria / Turkey (Turkish title) / USA (imdb display title) / West Germany
Blood and Guns USA (video title)
Der Eliminator West Germany (video title)
Durch die H?lle Companeros Germany (Pay-TV title) |
Long Live the Revolution USA
Tepepa - Durch die H?lle, Companeros West Germany
Tepepa... Viva la revolución Spain
Viva Tepepa Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Verita Note VQCD-10049 Country Japan Format
CD Release Date Jun-2007 UPN 4-580142-341583 (18 music) |
Dagored RED 159-2 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 2004 (10 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot In Mexico, at the beginning of the twentieth century, a man is to be executed by Cascorro's men. Doctor Henry Price, en Englishman, arrives in his car and saves him. The nickname of the man is Tepepa and he was a hero of the Revolution. Tepepa asks doctor Price way he saved him and the answer is chilly: to have the pleasure to kill him himself. And he aims his gun at him. (Here)
剧情本站简译 二十世纪初叶的墨西哥,一个即将要被处决的人,被一个名叫亨利 普里斯的英国医生解救. 这个人的绰号叫特匹帕,他是一位革命英雄. 特匹帕问医生为什么要救他,回答是冰冷的, 医生说他要自己亲自杀他...... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 22 music from 1968-2007 and 4 music was reused. Soundrack shows 00 albums and 00 mixed albums, 00 music are in 000 edition, 00 music are in 000 edition. Released below are 00 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2007共有22首乐曲发表,有4首被引用. Soundrack显示共有7个专辑和4个合辑,其中2007年版本为18首乐曲,2004年版10首乐曲.本站现有资源同2004版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Viva la revolucion (Tepepa) (04:22) |
革命万岁(特培帕) |
002 |
Tepepa e price (00:58) |
特培帕的价值 |
003 |
Tradimento promo (02:17) |
背叛一 |
004 |
A meta' strada (01:51) |
中间路线 |
005 |
Al messico che vorrei (Maria travia) (04:52) Sung by Christy |
我想墨西哥(玛利亚误入歧途) |
006 |
Una rosa (01:47) |
玫瑰 |
007 |
Consegna delle armi (01:20) |
交付武器 |
008 |
Una povera casa (01:03) |
一个贫寒之家 |
009 |
Tradimento secondo (02:55) |
背叛二 |
010 |
Viva la revolucion (Finale) (05:37) |
革命万岁(终了曲) |
NA6824 (6822) Un bellissimo novembre / That Splendid November (Mauro Bolognini) / 再见晤爱/偷情世家 |
电影导演 Director |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Aquele Novembro Maravilhoso Brazil
Bellísimo noviembre Argentina
Ce merveilleux automne France
Ein heiBer November West Germany
Ein schoner November West Germany
Ekeinon ton axehasto noemvri Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
Güzel bir sonbahar Turkey (Turkish title)
Nádherny listopad Czechoslovakia (TV title) (Czech title)
Novemberhete Norway (original subtitled version)
Piekny listopad Poland
That Splendid November (undefined)
Um Belíssimo Novembro Portugal |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Intermezzo IMGM 001 Country Italy Format LP Release Date 1985 Limited edition. Also contains music from: Monaca Di Monza, La (7 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot The Italian title for That Splendid November is Un_Belissima_Novembre, but it might as well have been "Belissima Gina". That's because the film's main attraction is Gina_Lollobrigida, whose well-proportioned chassis diverts the audience's attention from the turgid plot. The story concerns a large Sicilian family whose patriarch is an advocate of self control. The hypocrisy of this stance is illustrated in a number of scenes involving sex, gluttony and greed. Adapted from a novel by Ercole Patti, That Splendid November was released in the US in 1971, three years after it made the European theatrical rounds.(Here)
剧情本站简译 “那个美妙的十一月”的意大利标题是“再见晤爱”,但也可能是“美丽的吉娜”。这是因为电影的主要看点是吉娜 (Gina Lollobrigida),她的匀称的体形将观众的注意力从夸张的情节上转移过来。这个故事是关于一个西西里庞大家族的故事.他们的族长是一位自我控制的倡导者。这个伪善的姿态却被一些涉及性,暴食和贪婪的场景所揭穿. 电影改编自Ercole Patti的小说,“那个美妙的十一月”在1971年于美国发行,三年后它在欧洲剧场播放。 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 7 music from 1969-1985. Soundrack shows 1 albums and 4 mixed albums, 7 music are in 1985 mixed album edition. Released below are 7 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1969-1985共有7首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有1个专辑和4个合辑,其中1985年合辑版本为7首乐曲.本站现有资源为7首. |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Nuddu (sung Fausto Cigliano_ lyrics - Franco Pisano) (02:41) |
努度 |
002 |
Ancora Piu Dolcemente (02:45) |
更多的甜蜜 |
003 |
Buio Mattino (03:06) |
黑暗的早晨 |
004 |
La Zia E La Veglia (02:21) |
齐亚夫人和晚会 |
005 |
Sensi (02:45) |
感受 |
006 |
Notte Profonda (01:15) |
夜深沉 |
007 |
Nuddu (02:37) |
夜深沉 |
NA6825 (6906) Un tranquillo posto della campagna / A Quiet Place in the Country / 乡间僻静处 / 一片安静的地方 |
电影导演 Director Elio Petri |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Cilgin ruhlar Turkey (Turkish title)
A Quiet Place in the Country (undefined)
Das verfluchte Haus West Germany |
O pyrgos ton eraston Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Spokojne miejsce na wsi Poland (imdb display title)
Un coin tranquille à la campagne France |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Saimel 3994710 Country Spain Format CD Release Date
1-Sep-2003 UPN 8-435040-671811 (14 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Leonardo (Franco Nero) is a painter who retreats to a house in the country to regain his lost inspiration. He is plagued by the presence of an erotic apparition. The gorgeous ghost soon moves the painter to the point he wishes to carry on a relationship with her. Leonardo is several bristles shy of a brush as he sinks deeper into insanity. When his fiancé arrives for a visit, she is murdered and chopped into little pieces by the troubled artist. Vanessa Redgrave and Gabriella Grimaldi also star in this story of madness and horror. (Here)
剧情本站简译 这是一部疯狂和恐怖的电影. 莱昂纳多(佛朗哥 尼禄扮演)是一个画家. 为了恢复他的灵感,他回到乡下居住.在那里他受到一个色情幽灵的折磨. 这个华丽的幽灵很快地找到了画家并希望和他继续保持关系.莱昂纳多的精神受到很大的刺激而出现问题.当他的未婚妻来探望他的时侯,她被这个精神错乱的艺术家杀害并被他切成碎块.... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 7 music from 1969-1985. Soundrack shows 2 albums and 1 mixed albums, 14 music are in 2003 edition. Released below are 14 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1969-1985共有7首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有2个专辑和1个合辑,其中2003年版本为14首乐曲.本站现有资源同2003版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Musica Per Undici Violini (06:51) |
第11小提琴曲 |
002 |
Vuoi Essere Felice (00:38) |
要快乐 |
003 |
Il Fantasma Di Wanda (01:59) |
万达的幻影 |
004 |
L'automobile Della Contessina (01:15) |
伯爵夫人的汽车 |
005 |
I Sogni Dell'Artista (01:59) |
艺术的梦想 |
006 |
Fantasma (06:51) |
鬼灵 |
007 |
Do Naturale (00:39) |
自然 |
008 |
Delirio Primo (02:36) |
第一个幻觉 |
009 |
I Sogni Dell'Artista II (01:58) |
艺术的梦想 II |
010 |
Frenesia (00:58) |
疯狂 |
011 |
Delirio Secondo (02:37) |
第二个幻觉 |
012 |
Lo Spirito Di Wanda (00:55) |
万达的精神 |
013 |
Un Amore Violento (01:02) |
爱的暴力 |
014 |
Un Tranquillo Posto Di Campagna (Suite) (34:59) |
一片安静的地方(组曲) |
NA6826 (6912) Vergogna schifosi / Dirty Angels (直译 肮脏的天使) |
电影导演 Director Mauro Severino |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Dirty Angels UK |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Ariete ARLP 2003 Country Italy Format LP Release Date
1969 ( 6 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Three young people arrive in the city from the provinces to make their fortunes. They become firmly established in their work and social life. They have behind them important people who use them to make money but also provide them with affluence. But their new-found rich existence is shattered when menacing letters start arriving through the post. The letters threaten each with death. The three decide that the letters are being sent by a fourth friend who left the provinces with them, but was later abandoned by them. They find him and bring him back into the group to find out if he is the one who is sending the letters. The find that he is playing a very cunning game, and so they decide that he must die. (Here)
剧情本站简译 三个年轻人从农村来到城市,为了改变他们的命运. 他们终于得到了稳定的工作和生活,这是因为在他们背后有重要的人物利用他们来赚钱,但同时也给他们提供了富裕的生活. 不过他们的新生活由于接到一封恐吓信而被打破, 这封信威吓要杀死他们每一个人.他们判断这封信可能是被他们抛弃在乡下的第四个朋友发出的.他们决定去找到他,如果这信确实是他写的,那么他们就带他一起来加入他们的团体.但是他们发现这个人正在和他们玩弄狡诈的游戏,所以他们决定必须杀死他..... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 6 music from 1968-1969. Soundrack shows 3 albums and 2 mixed albums, 6 music are in 1969 album and 2008 mixed album. Released below are 6 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-1969共有6首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有3个专辑和2个合辑,其中1969年专辑及2008合辑均为6首乐曲.本站现有资源为6首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Matto,caldo,soldi,morto...Girotondo (03:22) |
疯狂,热情,钞票,死亡... Girotondo |
002 |
Guardami negli occhi (02:12) |
看看我的眼睛 |
003 |
Ninna nanna per adulti (02:42) |
成人摇篮曲 |
004 |
Una spiaggia a mezzogiorno (03:40) |
在中午的海滩 |
005 |
Un altro mare (06:36) |
另一个大海 |
006 |
Matto,caldo,soldi,morto...Girotondo (04:44) |
疯狂,热情,钞票,死亡... Girotondo |
莫里康内原声音乐资源库(总计 5596 tracks)已经开放,完全免费下载,欢迎使用 >>>>>> |
Morricone soundtracks resource library (Total 5596 tracks) has been opened, Free download >>>>>> |
2012.1.12 |