Morricone's Commentary Column2 MC2-007-eng

Characteristic instruments used by Morricone-7- Cimbalom

1. history:. "Hungarian dulcimer" , also known as "cimbalom", has a long history and is spread over a wide area. It is called "Dulcimer" in Europe, hackbrett in German, tympanon in French, salterio in Spanish and Italian regions, and cimbalom or cimbalka in Central Europe. In South Asia, West Asia and the Middle East, it is called "Saunter", which means "hundred strings". It was introduced to China from the late Ming Dynasty to the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. It was originally translated as Yangqin, and was later unified as Dulcimer. The "cimbalom" was modified from the European Dulcimer by the Hungarian instrument maker Schunda Vencel József (1845-1923) in 1874. It was named "Hungarian dulcimer" by the country 20 years later. It is mostly used in small gypsy bands in Eastern European countries. It is used as an accompaniment instrument in European churches, or in the manor yard for personal use at home.(0102, 03

2. Structure: The cimbalom is a stringed instrument consisting of a large trapezoidal box on stand legs with metal strings on top and a damping pedal below. It is usually played by striking the strings on the top of the instrument with two percussion sticks covered with cotton. The metal treble strings are arranged in groups of 4 and the bass strings are arranged in groups of 3 and are tuned uniformly. . It is larger in size, supported by a detachable stand, and equipped with a sustain pedal, with a range of four octaves. Different countries may have different tuning systems, dampers and mounts

3. Features: Cimbalom is a large family, especially in Eastern Europe and Asia. After hundreds of years of evolution, it has been deeply rooted in many countries and nationalities and is loved by people. It has the same ancestor as the piano or is the predecessor of the piano. The timbre has distinctive characteristics, with a large volume and a combination of hardness and softness. When played slowly, the timbre is like a tinkling mountain spring, and when played fast, the timbre is like gurgling water. Bright tone. Extremely expressive. Especially in China, the dulcimer is used as a soloist, in ensembles, or as an accompaniment to music, rap, and opera. It often plays the role of "piano accompaniment" in folk instrumental ensembles and ethnic bands, and is an indispensable main instrument.See here

Sound Example Refer Video

4. Example of Morricone's Music

Name Listen
Jill (FA6801 C'era una volta il West / Once Upon a Time in the West )
Main title (FA7003 Hornet's Nest)
Metello (Tema titoli) (FA6910 Metello )
La Moglie Piu' Bella (FA7005 La moglie più bella
Frate Bonaventura (FA7101 Addio fratello crudele / Tis Pity She's a Whore )
visszaterees es emlekezes (FA0402 FATELESS / SORSTALANSÁG
Refer Video 01, 02, 03, 04
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