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8308 红袍与黑幕 / 梵蒂冈侠圣(港)
Scarlatto e nero / The scarlet and the Black
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影片片头显示电影"红袍与黑幕/The scarlet and the Black"由莫里康内谱曲 (00:01:13)
类型 剧情 历史 战争
主演 (格里高利·派克 Gregory Peck) (克里斯托弗·普卢默 Christopher Plummer) (约翰·吉尔古德 John Gielgud) ( Raf Vallone) (肯尼斯·科莱 Kenneth Colley) (沃特·高特尔 Walter Gotell)
导演 杰里·伦敦 Jerry London
片长 143 min / Spain:136
国家/地区: 美国 英国 意大利
对白语言 英语 德语 意大利语
分级 冰岛:16 新加坡:PG

上映日期: 1983年02月02日 美国
颜色 彩色
编剧 J.P. Gallagher (book "The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican") David Butler (written by)


Gregory Peck ... Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty

Christopher Plummer ... Col. Herbert Kappler

John Gielgud ... Pope Pius XII (as Sir John Gielgud)

Raf Vallone ... Father Vittorio
Kenneth Colley ... Capt. Hirsch (as Ken Colley)

Walter Gotell ... Gen. Max Helm

Barbara Bouchet ... Minna Kappler

Julian Holloway ... Alfred West
Angelo Infanti ... Father Morosini
Olga Karlatos ... Francesca Lombardo

Michael Byrne ... Reinhard Beck

T.P. McKenna ... Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler

Vernon Dobtcheff ... Count Langenthal

John Terry ... Lt. Jack Manning

Peter Burton ... Sir D'Arcy Osborne
Phillip Hatton ... Lt. Harry Barnett
Mark Lewis ... Cpl. Les Tate

Fabiana Udenio ... Guila Lombardo
Marne Maitland ... Papal Secretary
Remo Remotti ... Rabbi Leoni
Giovanni Crippa ... Simon Weiss
Billy Boyle ... Paddy Doyle

Itaco Nardulli ... Franz Kappler

Cariddi Nardulli ... Liesel Kappler (as Carridi Nardulli)
Alessandra Cozzo ... Emilia Lombardo
William Berger ... U.S. Intelligence Officer (as Bill Berger)
Edmund Purdom ... British Intelligence Officer / Epilogue Narrator (as Edmond Purdom)
Gabriella D'Olive ... Mother Superior
Cesarina Tacconi ... Pregnant Woman
David Brandon ... SS Officer
Sergio Nicolai ... Firing Squad Officer
Bruno Corazzari ... Coalman
Stelio Candelli ... O'Flaherty's Secretary
Francesco Carnelutti ... Cameriere Segreto


原创音乐 Ennio Morricone 埃尼奥·莫里康内
摄像师 Giuseppe Rotunno
拍摄地点 Rome, Lazio, Italy
制片人 Howard P. Alston .... executive producer in charge of production
Bill McCutchen .... producer
Alfio Sugaroni .... associate producer
Production Companies Production Co:
ITC, Radiotelevisione Italiana, Bill McCutchen Productions

助理导演 Gianni Cozzo .... first assistant director
Allan Elledge .... second assistant director (as Alan Elledge)


艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Film Sound Mixing for a Limited Series or a Special
John W. Mitchell

艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Film Sound Mixing for a Limited Series or a Special
Gordon L. Day

艾美奖(Emmy) Outstanding Film Sound Mixing for a Limited Series or a Special
Stan Wetzel

电影别名 Also Known As (AKA)

Escarlata y negro Spain / Venezuela
Im Wendekreis des Kreuzes West Germany
La pourpre et le noir France (DVD box title)
Le pourpre et le noir France

Mies punaisissa ja mies mustissa Finland
O Escarlate e o Negro Brazil
Scarlatto e nero Italy
The Vatican Pimpernel (undefined)

Storyline-1: Fr. Hugh O'Flaherty is a Vatican official in 1943-45 who has been hiding downed pilots, escaped prisoners of war, and Italian resistance families. His diplomatic status in a Catholic country prevents Colonel Kappler from openly arresting him, but O'Flaherty's activities become so large that the Nazi's decide to assassinate him the next time he leaves the Vatican. O'Flaherty continues his work in a variety of disguises. Based on a true story. Written by John Vogel

The true story of Vatican efforts, lead by Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, to save Allied POWs and downed Allied airman from Nazi imprisonment. Set in 1940's Rome, the film also explores the SS effort, lead by SS-Lieutenant Colonel Kapplar, to stop the Vatican's attempts (IMDB)

电影基于真实的历史,在德国占领梵谛冈期间的一名牧师费莱厄蒂,他专门藏匿与营救纳粹党人的难民和盟军的战俘.故事讲述德军进驻意大利后,一项非常重要的任务是追捕从其他国家监狱逃到梵蒂冈寻求庇护帮助的盟军战士。虽然由于担心危害到梵蒂冈的中立地位,教皇不能支持任何帮助这些前来寻求庇护的人,奥弗莱厄蒂神甫仍然不顾个人安危,在极其困难的情况下,坚持帮助任何一个前来请求帮助的人。随着奥弗莱厄蒂神甫的影响日益广泛,他成为罗马党卫军头目卡普勒急于除掉的心腹大患。面对卡普勒气急败坏的威胁,奥弗莱厄蒂大义凛然、从容不迫、机智地变换各种不同的身份进行着他的救助工作。在他的领导下,几千个从德国监狱逃出来的人安全度过了战争…… (这里)(这里)
您可以在“战网天下”网站购买这部电影的DVD (现定价15元。2019年2月补充信息)
The Scarlet and the Black/红袍与黑幕 维基百科提供的详细资料 (Wikipedia)

The Scarlet and the Black is a 1983 made for TV movie starring Gregory Peck and Christopher Plummer. This production should not be confused with the 1993 British television miniseries Scarlet and Black, which starred Ewan McGregor and Rachel Weisz.

Based on J. P. Gallagher's book The Scarlet Pimpernel of the Vatican (published in 1967), this movie tells the story of Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty, a real life Irish Catholic priest who saved thousands of Jews and Allied refugee POWs in Nazi-occupied Rome. It was directed by Jerry London.

简译 红袍与黑幕是1983年制作的电视电影。由格里高利·派克和克里斯托弗·普拉默主演。注意这部片子不应该1993年的英国电视短剧红与黑相混淆,它的主演是伊万·麦格雷戈和雷切尔·薇兹。

电影基于加拉格尔的书“梵蒂冈的红繁缕”(发表于1967年)这部电影讲述一个真实的故事:爱尔兰天主教主教休 奥弗莱厄蒂在纳粹占领罗马时期挽救了成千上万的犹太难民和盟军战俘。导演为杰里伦敦。

Plot synopsis/ 剧情

In 1943, Nazi Germany completely occupies Rome. The Pope (John Gielgud) is approached by General Max Helm and SS Head of Police for Rome Colonel Herbert Kappler (Christopher Plummer). The Colonel expresses concern that escaped Allied prisoners may attempt to seek refuge in the Vatican, and requests permission to paint a white line across St. Peter's Square in order to mark the extent of Vatican sovereignty. The Pope grants his permission, but upon the departure of the SS officers, looks out the window to see the white line had already begun being painted. Kappler's main rival is Monsignor O'Flaherty (Gregory Peck), an Irish clergyman who runs an underground organization which provides safe haven and eventual escape to Jews, escaped PoWs,and refugees in Nazi-occupied Rome. He is assisted in this enterprise by several other patriots such as Ms. Francesca Lombardo. Kappler attempts to end their activities and destroy the group, but is increasingly frustrated by O'Flaherty's repeated successes, due to a combination of his clever plans, numerous disguises, and stressing the very limits of international law. Met with continuous failure, Kappler begins to develop a personal vendetta against O'Flaherty. Despite O'Flaherty's efforts, Kappler manages to recapture many escaped PoWs, deport many Jews to death camps, and exploit and oppress the general population; a number of O'Flaherty's friends are also arrested or killed.As the war progresses, the Allies succeed in landing in Italy and begin to overcome German resistance, eventually breaking through and heading towards Rome itself. Kappler worries for his family's safety from vengeful partisans, and, in a one-to-one meeting with O'Flaherty, asks him to save his family, appealing to the same values that motivated O'Flaherty to save so many others. The Monsignor, however, refuses, disbelieving that after all the Colonel has done and all the atrocities he is responsible for, he would expect mercy and forgiveness automatically, simply because he asked for it, and departs in disgust. As the Allies enter Rome, Monsignor O'Flaherty joins in the celebrations of the liberation, and somberly toasts those who did not live to see it. Kappler is eventually captured and questioned by the Allies. In the course of his interrogation, he is informed that his wife and children were smuggled out of Italy and escaped unharmed into Switzerland. Upon being asked who helped them, Kappler realizes that it must be O'Flaherty, but responds simply that he does not know. The film epilogue states that Kappler was sentenced to life imprisonment, but was frequently visited in prison by O'Flaherty, eventually becoming a Catholic and being baptized at his hands in 1959.

简译 1943年,纳粹德国完全占据了罗马。马克斯 赫尔穆将军和罗马警察局长赫伯特·卡普勒上校会见教皇,表达他们对于许多逃脱的盟军战俘可能会试图寻求梵蒂冈庇护的关切。要求在圣彼得广场上划出一条白线以标明梵蒂冈的主权范围。教皇允许了他的要求。但是在上校离开之后,教皇在窗口外面看到实际上划线工作已经开始。卡普勒上校的主要对手是主教奥弗莱厄蒂(格里高利·派克饰),他管理着一个为逃亡的犹太人和难民提供安全和避风港的地下组织。他得到了其他几名爱国者的协助。卡普勒企图破坏他们的组织以终结他们的活动,但由于奥弗莱厄蒂机警的计划,巧妙的伪装不断取得成功以及迫于有限的国际法律约束而失败。面对连续的失败,卡普勒对奥弗莱厄蒂形成了私人的仇恨。尽管奥弗莱厄蒂作了很多努力,卡普勒还是抓回许多逃脱的战俘,把许多犹太人驱逐出境并送往死亡集中营。奥弗莱厄蒂的许多朋友也被逮捕或杀害。随着战争的发展,盟军成功在意大利登陆,战胜德军的抵抗,最终向罗马进军。卡普勒担心游击队的报复和他家人的安全。在一次一对一的会面中,他要求奥弗莱厄蒂就像他解救了许多其他人一样拯救他的家人。然而主教拒绝了他的要求,因为上校要对已经发生的所有暴行负责。盟军进入罗马,主教奥弗莱厄蒂加入庆祝解放。卡普勒最终被抓获并被盟军审讯。在审讯过程中,他被告知他的家人被人偷越出意大利国境逃到了瑞士躲过一劫。他被问及是谁帮助了她们,卡普勒意识到他一定是奥弗莱厄蒂。但他只是回答说不知道。在电影尾声中显示卡普勒被判处无期徒刑,但是奥弗莱厄蒂经常来监狱看望他。他最终变成了一个天主教徒,并于1959年在奥弗莱厄蒂的手中接受洗礼
Historical Accuracy / 历史的准确性

The character of General Max Helm was based entirely on the real life of SS-Obergruppenführer Karl Wolff, who served in 1944 as the Supreme SS and Police Leader of Italy. The film was unable to use Wolff's real name, since the SS General was still living when the film was in production; he died in 1984.

Actor Christopher Plummer was 53 years old during the production of the film. Herbert Kappler was only 36 when he served as SS Security Chief in Rome.
Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty was a real Irish priest and Vatican official, credited with saving 6,500 Jews and Allied war prisoners.
Herbert Kappler was sentenced to life imprisonment, and did convert to Catholicism after several years, partly under the influence of his war-time opponent Hugh O'Flaherty, who often visited Kappler in prison, discussing religion and literature with him. He was eventually transferred to a prison hospital on account of poor health. It was there that he escaped imprisonment by being smuggled out in a suitcase by his wife (Kappler weighed less than 105 pounds at the time). He escaped to West Germany, where he eventually died at age 70 in 1978.
简译 马克斯 赫尔穆将军在真实生活中是完全基于德国纳粹党卫军高级将领(SS-Obergruppenführer)卡尔 沃尔夫的原型。他在1944年出任意大利党卫军和警察的最高领导人。这部电影未能使用沃尔夫的真实姓名,因为当时他还活着。当电影完成后他死于1984年

The movie title / 电影片名

The Scarlet and the Black is a reference not only to the black cassock and scarlet sash worn by Monsignores and bishops in the Catholic Church, but also to the dominant colors of Nazi Party regalia.
简译 红色和黑色不仅仅是由于天主教主教所用的黑色法衣和红色的腰带,同时也反映了纳粹党各种标志的主要色彩
Awards for the movie/电影奖项

In 1983 The Scarlet and the Black was nominated for an Emmy in the category Outstanding Film Editing for a Limited Series or a Special.

简译 在1983年艾美奖中被提名为杰出电影编辑奖
002- 关于导演杰里·伦敦 Jerry London

Jerry London (born January 21, 1947) is an American television director and producer


London has directed more than forty television movies including Emmy Award nominated Chiefs.

London won best director for James Clavell's Shogun, a twelve hour miniseries for NBC. He has also directed ten other miniseries, including the acclaimed The Scarlet and The Black with Gregory Peck, Ellis Island with Richard Burton, and Chiefs with Charlton Heston.

He has taught Film Production at UCLA and Los Angeles Film School and currently is directing a play in Los Angeles.

London is the father of Todd London, a TV producer of HBO's ROME AND THE PACIFIC Todd is now a Vice President of Disney features

别名:Jerome L. London,Jerome
出生日期: 1947-09-01
杰里·伦敦导演的92部电影见这里 >>>>
视频在线播放和下载 上集 73'23" 英语中字 (土豆网
视频在线播放和下载 下集 69'13" 英语中字 (土豆网
The Scarlet And The Black, Rome 1942 - Open City 红袍与黑幕 罗马 1942-开放的城市
Memories Of Rome 罗马回忆
Vatican Story 梵蒂冈故事
The Disquises 伪装
The Prisoners 战俘
In Saint Peters 圣彼得
Francesca's Departure 佛朗西斯卡出发
The Execution Of Morosini 莫罗西尼的死刑
A War Of Nerves, O'Flaherty Vs. Kappler 一场神经战 奥弗莱厄蒂对卡普勒
Christmas 1942 1942圣诞
Attacks On The Underground 地下的攻击
Finale 终了曲

2023.10 手机版

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