

莫里康内的官方网站本应当是一个有权威,讲信用,为粉丝们欣赏,收藏,研究, 交流大师作品提供正确的信息,并受到粉丝们敬重和爱戴的地方。但如果它本身出现很多问题,而历时8年之久,不管你怎样想方设法和它多次联系,也不论你的邮件是为了求助,提出建议,指正错误,还是进行批评,它始终不理不睬,我行我素,如果是您遇到这样的网站对此会有何感想呢?不信吗,下面就是我的实践记录:
第1次: 2009年4月26日,
这一件是为莫里康内即将在中国举办音乐会提出建议并请求帮助,对 info@enniomorricone.it 发出的电子邮件, 主要内容摘抄如下:
..... I have a few propose for the concert and Great Master Morricone. I wish you can pass on the E-mail to him, I will be deeply grateful.
1. I hope the music "Der aubenseiter" (Le marginal-1983) will be performed in the concert. This is a best music with oriental element. The gong and drum is an instruments of jubilation in China. If it become a start music in the concert, it must be well received and can evoke strong sympathy.
2. I also hope the theme music of "Marco Polo"(1982) or its interlude "First Love" will be performed in the concert. Marco Polo is a well-known person to every person and every household in China. The music will be an eternal symbolize for the friendship between Italian and Chinese......
第2次: 2015年5月18日
这一件是为了反映年表存在问题并询问有关情况,对 info@enniomorricone.org 发出的电子邮件, 主要内容摘抄如下:
.... Not long ago, I know a good news from the "Msestro" magazine, a new official website appeared. I am with great hope to browse, but very disappointed to find that Its filmography (Music of Film) almost exactly the same with old, and still from 1961-2008, (But now already is in 2015!) total 401 films. And the forum has also been abruptly shut down!
I am very puzzled and confused. I asked many Western friends, their feelings are the same with me. I do not know why this is? Recently I found this precious contact email address, I look forward to your reply and explanation very much for the following questions:
1. You know the filmography of many problems in,and how do you view these problems? When you are ready to solve? ( I can send a detail document about these problem to you if you need)
2. When open the forum , or it will be permanently closed?
3. If I have important suggestions to Ennio Morricone maestro, can through you forwarded to him? Or you can tell me the other channels of contact with the maestro? Thank you very much!.....
第3次: 2015年11月16日
这一件是为了向该站发送我在“MAESTRO”杂志上发表的一篇文章“令人失望和不解的莫里康内官方网站 - 来自中国爱好者的批评和期待”并征求意见,对 info@enniomorricone.org 发出的电子邮件, 主要内容摘抄如下:
......Ennio Morricone is world famous Maestro and Italian national treasure. He is loved and respected by people all over the world including China. I have been concerned about your site (Ennio Morricone official website) for my hobby and my website construction for many years, and get a lot of help. However, it is also found that many long-standing problems in your chronology (Filmography). Because of the importance of the chronology to me and my website, I have contacted you many times by email, but still no any reply. Out of love and expectations for Ennio Morricone and his official website, I wrote an article,and is released in the e-magazine "Maestro" issue #6 published by Belgium ChiMai website, and reprinted on my website (see here). For your reference and convenience, I want to send this article to you (see annex)...........All the purpose is out of the love of the Maestro Ennio Morricone and the expectations of his official website. I hope to discuss with you and listen to your opinion If there is any improper or wrong in these articles. I hope to see more of your new authoritative chronology as soon as possible!........
第4次: 2017年4月22日
这一件是为了向该站反映一个由该站编辑出版的欧洲巡演音乐会手册上的一首音乐名称是否有误的问题,对 info@enniomorricone.org 发出的电子邮件, 主要内容摘抄如下:
...........I got an introduction to the concerts edited by you (ENNIOMORRICONE.ORG). I found a question that would like to get your help and reply. There is a "Musical Programme" on page 30 of the book, printed on the third line: Rabbia e tarantella (from the film Baaria)
My question is: Can not find this music in all released Baaria soundtrack albums (example ChiMai, Soundtrack, Discogs....), only《Ribellione》is similar. The 《Rabbia e tarantella》is theme music's name of 1974 film "Allogsanfan", it has also been used by Quentin in his film "Inglourious Basterds" and use same name. There are two views here and have a debate: One, This is a definite significant change; Two, this may be an edited or printed error. So i hope to get your help and confirmation as soon as possible. And please tell me its cause if this is a definite significant change........
第5次: 2017年5月4日
这一件是为了向该站反映一个由该站编辑出版的两本欧洲巡演音乐会手册上的出现的严重错误并要求采取措施予以弥补,对 info@enniomorricone.org 发出的电子邮件, 主要内容摘抄如下:
.........I have got 2 brochures of Morricone Concert edited by WWW. ENNIOMORRICONE.ORG from my German friends. One is "ENNIO MORRICONE MY LIFE IN MUSIC (in 2015), other one is "ENNIO MORRICONE THE 60 YEARS OF MUSIC TOUR" (in 2017). I found that they had a serious mistake and continued from 2015 to the 2017 version, please see the attached 2 screenshots (11,12)
The mistake occurred at the film music. 1975 films (10 films)was omitted between 1974 and 1976 , please see 13 screenshot from your new film music in the official web site.
I hope you to take immediate action to correct this mistake,because Morricone 60 tour will continue, it is best to re-print, or add an errata. In order to eliminate the adverse effects of sold brochures, should post a notice in your web site........
作为莫里康内大师的忠实粉丝和一个以莫里康内作品为主题的网站站长,带着这些问题,我曾经询问过我的几位尊敬的欧洲朋友,(例如,比利时CHIMAI网站站长迪迪埃 图诺斯 先生,奥地利站长米歇尔 卡里克先生)他们似乎和我都有同感,2015年,在回复我询问年表问题的一个邮件中,迪迪埃曾告诉我,莫里康内团队的人已经在着手解决这个问题,并和他取得了联系,有望不久可以仔细商谈这些问题。("the official filmography is very bad. I have been able to mention this to one of the managers when Ennio was in Brussels. He said he would contact me about that, but he hasn't done it yet. Hopefully he will soon.")他还把他自己编制的一份完整的年表资料发送给我参考。但是两年多的时间过去了,事情没有任何进展。2017年3月12日,迪迪埃在回复我的一个帖子中说道:“这个官站不是真正的坚持。他们只是复制-粘贴老的错误而且不在乎”(The official site is not really "insisting". They just copy-paste old mistakes and do not care much.)。2015年,由官站长期开办的爱好者论坛被突然关闭,在我询问当时被聘任为该论坛的管理员,奥地利朋友米歇尔时,他回复给我“....论坛一夜之中已经被关闭,而且没有告诉任何人......当这个网站突然关闭时我自己感到非常失望 " (The contents of the official site are not very well. They started the site with great plans and everything new in design, but then somehow it seems those reponsible for the contents lost interest.…The forum has been cut off over night without telling anyone…. I was feeling quite disappointed myself when the site went down all from a sudden”)(原文见下面“音乐大师”第8期46页截图)
对于我这样一个来自中国的爱好者,长期面对这样一些难以理解和无力处置的问题,我一直在想,为什么会出现这种情况呢?难道是意大利人的习俗吗?我查看了几位意大利知名音乐家(也都是大师)的官站,答案应该是否定的。例如当今也是鼎鼎大名的歌唱家波切利 (Andrea Bocelli),他的官站不仅·有一个很好的论坛,在管理办公室的联系页面还专门开辟了一个在线留言的页面,既直观又方便,既增强了留言者和管理者的责任心,也避免了邮件不能送达的可能:
我又查看了已故著名音乐家贝里奥的官站 (Luciano Berio),那里各个部门的联系方式都很详细,包括姓名,邮箱,电话等等,给人一种热情好客的感觉
我也曾怀疑过是不是邮路,邮箱等等出现问题了呢?8年收不到一件回信,这个现象倒是值得怀疑。不过,最近的一个信息却帮我解开这个谜团。我的一位朋友告诉我他们准备拍一部影片,需要使用莫里康内的音乐,由于版权问题需要联系,他使用126邮箱同样发邮件给这个 info@enniomorricone.org 邮箱,结果在第6天就收到了回复(我从朋友那里得到了它的副本,但由于商务上的原因不便于发表)。这就证明了它的邮箱是完好的
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