A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
电影导演 Director Luciano Odorisio |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Guardians of the Clouds |
Universal 987 641-7 Country Germany Format CD Release Date
Jan-2006 UPN 6-0249-87641-7-6 (Mixed 5/13 music) |
Plot The raw history of an South-east Italian family in 1952's, among poorness and the fight to survive.
(Italian) Guardiani delle nuvole è un film del 2004, diretto dal regista Luciano Odorisio, e tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Angelo Cannavacciuolo. Il film ha vinto la Piramide d'oro, primo premio del Festival Internazionale del Cinema del Cairo, nel 2004.Questo film è riconosciuto come d'interesse culturale nazionale dalla Direzione generale per il cinema del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali italiano, in base alla delibera ministeriale del 11 febbraio 2002.
剧情简译 这是一部史诗般的故事,讲述二十世纪下半叶一个意大利普通家庭鲜为人知的境遇变迁.二战结束以后,拿坡里地区仍不平静,暴力犯罪时有发生,农民和牧民之间冲突不断.为了摆脱贫穷和灾难,一个贫困的牧民家庭决定移民到阿根廷,只有唐朱利尼的儿子巴廷留下来成为云的守护者.他拒绝放弃他的土地和对往事的回忆,他的命运将是如何呢 .... |
001 |
Gabriel's Oboe from The Mission |
002 |
. Tragedia from Guardiani Delle Nuvole |
悲剧(云的守护者) |
003 |
. Mercato from Guardiani Delle Nuvole |
市场(云的守护者) |
004 |
. Liricamente from Guardiani Delle Nuvole |
抒情(云的守护者) |
005 |
I Gelsomini from I Gelsomini |
006 |
. Antiga Palavra from the album Focus (with Dulce Pontes) |
007 |
c'era una volta il trenino |
008 |
la commozione dell'addio |
009 |
i figli di pan |
010 |
family of the poor (from city of joy) |
011 |
guardians of the clouds |
云的守护者 |
012 |
Teneramente Amore from Guardiani Delle Nuvole |
温柔的爱(云的守护者) |
013 |
Licramente solo version |
电影导演 Director Vladimir Khatinenko |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
72 metra Russia (original title)
72 Метра Russia
72 Meters International (English title)
72 Meters Limited Edition Russian Channel One TV Studio (145-CD) Release Date: 2004 Format: CD ( 4 music Total Album Time: 41:05 |
Plot The film begins in the 1980s Soviet Union. Two best friends, Orlov and Muravyev, are serving at the Black Sea Navy Base in Sevastopol, Crimea. Both fall in love with one beautiful girl Nelly, and their friendship suffers a first blow. Because she picks Muravyev, his friend Orlov struggles with an inferiority complex and becomes a secretive alcoholic. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, both friends are transferred to the Northern Fleet on the Polar Ocean. One day their sub is performing a routine training. A disturbed WWII mine slowly moves on a collision course with the sub. A mighty blast knocks down everyone inside the wrecked sub, 72 meters below the sea level. Then ensues a nerve-racking struggle for survival.
剧情简译 俄罗斯新灾难片,影片根据俄前海军将领Alexander Pokrovsky回忆录改编,部分情节取材自2000年俄罗斯核潜艇"库尔斯克"号沉船事件,描写搁浅在海底72米深处的潜艇船员进行自我拯救的故事,主演马拉特·巴沙罗夫,导演弗拉基米尔·霍金年科,该片配乐由电影音乐教父恩尼奥·莫里康内担任 |
001 |
The Grief Of Parting ( 12:27) |
离别的悲痛 |
002 |
The Diving In The Sea (18:15) |
潜伏在海洋 |
003 |
The Final - The Sun Again (08:30) |
终了-又见阳光 |
004 |
The Conclusion (01:53) |
结束 |
电影导演 Director Giovanni Morricone |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone, Andrea Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
--------------------------- |
GDM Music 2039 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 19-Jan-2004 UPN 8-018163-020393 (17 music) |
Plot What to do when at the age of thirty you have not yet found the right man for yourself? Well, Lorenza has decided: fake is always better then nothing. If you can rent nearly everything today, why not a fiancé? Of course without any sentimental or sexual involvement…. Life with Giulio proceeds according to Lorenza's expectations… and her mother's too. But something is still missing. What is love? Harmony or chaos? Lorenza has taken a new decision: better nothing than fake. She leaves Giulio to reconquer Riccardo. But does he love her? Will he still want her? Lorenza is ready to take the ris
剧情简译 年已三十的洛琳是一个事业有成的女人,但是她还没找到自己的那一半,面对来自家庭和社会的压力,他决定先租一个未婚夫来应付门面.当然,不能有任何感情和性麻烦.身无分文的小号手理查德同意担当这个角色,但是天长日久,事情的发展远远超出了他(她)们的打算.... 编者注: 此片由莫里康内之子乔万尼导演,并由其子安德列和莫里康内共同谱曲.可谓是一部莫老全家福作品,值得关注 |
001 |
amore in salvo (ennio & andrea morricone) |
相安无事的爱 |
002 |
按摩和海滩 |
003 |
tante amiche del cuore |
心中的朋友们 |
004 |
ricerca dell'anima gemella |
寻找一个灵魂伴侣 |
005 |
nella casa di campagna |
在乡村的家 |
006 |
donne sole al ristornate |
餐厅的孤独女人 |
007 |
al cuore si comanda |
情可自禁 |
008 |
nuda allo specchio |
镜中的裸体 |
009 |
bussare alla sua porta |
敲她的门 |
010 |
sulla gru |
起重机 |
011 |
uniti sempre |
美国 |
012 |
guardando la luna |
看着月亮 |
013 |
ristorante 1 |
餐厅1 |
014 |
ristorante 2 |
餐厅2 |
015 |
ristorante 3 |
餐厅3 |
016 |
la moda |
时尚 |
017 |
amore in salvo |
相安无事的爱 |
NA-0401 (0420) E sorridendo la uccise / E ridendo l'uccise (Florestano Vancini) (直译 微笑和死亡) |
电影导演 Director Florestano Vancini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
----------------------------------- |
Beat Records CDCR 73 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
Oct-2006 UPN 8-032539-491426 (19 music)
Plot (Italian) Siamo all'inizio del 1500. La Corte Estense è in subbuglio per la morte di Ercole I. I suoi quattro figli - Alfonso, Ippolito, Giulio e Ferrante - sfoderano gelosie e rancori sopiti, mentre indugiano tra festini e cortigiane. L'emotività si scatena in occasione di una festa. Ippolito, futuro cardinale, rifiutato dalla bella Angiola che gli preferisce Giulio, ordina di sfigurare il fratello, complice a sua volta di Ferrante nel tentativo, subito smascherato, di uccidere Alfonso. I dovico Ariosto, intellettuale di corte, e la prostituta Martina. colpevoli sono condannati a morte con esecuzione sulla pubblica piazza ma, in quanto fratelli, vengono graziati all'ultimo momento e vengono condannati al carcere a vita. Sullo sfondo Moschino - un povero giullare prima al servizio di Giulio, poi di Alfonso - si trova coinvolto nelle vicende di corte. Solo due persone avranno a cuore il suo destino: Lu
剧情简译 电影讲述十六世纪初叶文艺复兴时期骄奢淫逸的宫廷生活和埃斯特法院一宗贵族家庭四个子女之间出于嫉妒,不满和复杂的恩怨而爆发的你死我活的谋杀案件 |
001 |
La Ferrara Delle Burie (01:02) |
002 |
La Ferrara Delle Burie (02:59) |
003 |
Cannoni A Ferrara (03:47) |
004 |
Alla Corte Degli Estenal (03:51) |
005 |
Canzonetta Di Corte (02:38) |
006 |
Dolce Donzella (03:30) |
甜蜜少女 |
007 |
Sull'Ala Si Danza (01:48) |
机翼上的舞蹈 |
008 |
Seconda Canzone (02:47) |
第二首歌 |
009 |
Si Divertivano A Ferrara (02:53) |
陶醉在费拉拉 |
010 |
Di Buria In Buria Di Notte (02:52) |
011 |
La Ferrara Delle Burie (02:51) |
012 |
Grazia Piu Che Virtu (03:02) |
最优雅的美德 |
013 |
Tre Voci Sole (01:18) |
014 |
Nella Casa Delle P... (01:49) |
015 |
Li Tagliavano A Pezzi (02:40) |
他们分开了 |
016 |
Violenza E Massacro (02:14) |
暴力和屠杀 |
017 |
Alla Corte Degli Estenal (01:24) |
018 |
Grazia Piu Che Virtu (03:56) |
最优雅的美德 |
019 |
Dolce Donzella (00:39) |
甜蜜少女 |
电影导演 Director Lajos Voltai |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone , Lisa Gerrard (songs) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Sorstalanság Hungary (original title)
Fateless Germany (Berlin film festival title) / International (English title)
être sans destin France
Clovek bez osudu Czech Republic
Enas anthropos dihos pepromeno Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Fateless - Roman eines Schicksallosen Germany
Kadersizlik Turkey (Turkish title) ( More) |
EMI 7243 860331 2 3 Country European Union
Format CD Release Date 2005 UPN
0-724386-033123 (15 music) |
EMI Hungary 860308 Country Hungary Format
CD Release Date 30-May-2005 (15 music) |
Plot An Hungarian youth comes of age at Buchenwald during World War II. Gyorgy Koves is 14, the son of a merchant who's sent to a forced labor camp. After his father's departure, Gy?rgy gets a job at a brickyard; his bus is stopped and its Jewish occupants sent to camps. There, Gyorgy find camaraderie, suffering, cruelty, illness, and death. He hears advice on preserving one's dignity and self-esteem. He? Sepia, black and white, and color alternate to shade the moo discovers hatred. If he does survive and returns to Budapest, what will he find? What is natural; what is it to be a Jew
剧情简译 这部电影是根据2002年诺贝尔文学奖获奖者匈牙利作家伊姆雷·凯尔泰斯1975年发表的处女作Sorstalansag改编。 "凯尔泰斯1929年出生在匈牙利首都布达佩斯一个犹太人家庭。1944年,他被关进了德国纳粹分子设在波兰的奥斯威辛集中营,后来又被转移到德国境内的布痕瓦尔德集中营,1948年返回匈牙利。他在报社工作过,并长期从事文学翻译工作,主要翻译德国作家的作品,这对他后来的文学创作产生了很大的影响。他曾荣获过包括德国布兰登堡文学奖在内的多项国际文学奖。 |
001 |
sorstalansag-1 |
命运无常-1 |
002 |
visszateres az eetbe |
回归生活 |
003 |
a tabor |
田野 |
004 |
meg mindig otthon |
再次回家 |
005 |
a drama kezdete |
悲剧开始 |
006 |
egy dal |
一支歌在桌子上 |
007 |
az asztalnal |
在台子上 |
008 |
a lelek lerombolasa |
心理的破坏 |
009 |
a magany dallama-1 |
孤独-1 |
010 |
visszaterees es emlekezes |
返回并记住 |
011 |
Egy belso hang |
内部的声音 |
012 |
tukarbe nezve |
镜子 |
013 |
a magany dallama-2 |
孤独-2 |
014 |
hang nelkul |
无声 |
015 |
sorstalansag-2 |
命运无常-2 |
NA-0501 (0511) Il Cuore nel Pozzo - TV / The Heart in the Well (Alberto Negrini) (直译 岩洞里的心) |
电影导演 Director Alberto Negrini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Il cuore nel pozzo Italy (original title)
Mia kardia htypa sto pigadi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Heart in the Well International (English title)
Rai Trade/IntermezzoMedia FRT 407 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date Apr-2005 UPN 8-011772-104072 (14 music) |
Plot Il Cuore nel Pozzo (Italian for The heart in the pit; often reported in Croatian media with the translation Srce u jami and in Slovene Srce v breznu) is a TV movie, produced by state broadcaster RAI, that focuses on the escape of a group of children from Tito's partisans in the aftermath of World War II, as they start an ethnic cleansing of all Italians from Istria and the Julian March. The word "pit" in the movie's title refers to a foiba, indicating foibe massacres. The movie was watched by 17 million people on its first broadcast in Italy. It was the first time that a major TV event was broadcast in Italy about the dramas of Foibe and Istrian Exodus
剧情简译 Foiba是一个地质学的名词.泛指在卡斯特(石灰岩)地质区自然形成的深坑或洞穴.The Foibe killings 则是特指在二战末期和二战以后的数年中,在毗邻意大利东北角的前南斯拉夫克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚伊斯特拉半岛(Istria)地区发生的以南斯拉夫游击队和武装力量为主的针对当地意大利人的群体清洗和杀戮.由于被害者的遗体大多被抛弃在当地广泛存在的不知名的Foiba的岩洞中,因此这一事件被统称为The Foibe killings (或Foibe massacres) . 尽管历史学家对其详情仍有若干争论(例如对遇害人数的估计由数百人到数千人甚至上万人不等),但对其总体的历史是认同的.在意大利的里雅斯特建有岩洞大屠杀纪念馆.这一部电影(TV)就是反应这一历史事件的. |
001 |
il cuore nel pozzo |
岩洞里的心 |
002 |
marcia balcanica |
巴尔干进行曲 |
003 |
lei con lui |
她与他 |
004 |
suona l'armonica |
吹口琴 |
005 |
abbandano delle case |
006 |
un giorno sara' |
总有一天会 |
007 |
una viola in fiore |
一个紫色的花 |
008 |
suona un bambino |
孩子的声音 |
009 |
passaggio a sud |
南方的路 |
010 |
balcani per fuggire |
逃离巴尔干 |
011 |
orrori |
恐怖 |
012 |
sperduti |
迷路 |
013 |
balcani per fuggire |
逃离巴尔干 |
014 |
il cuore nel pozzo |
岩洞里的心 |
电影导演 Director Riccardo Dilani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Kefallonia 1943 Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Kefalonian murhenaytelma Finland
Tragedin pa Kefalonia Finland (Swedish title)
Rai Trade/IntermezzoMedia FRT 408 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date May-2005 UPN 8-011721-040895 (13 music) |
Plot Luca Zingaretti stars in this story based on real events surrounding the fate of Italian soldiers stationed on the Greek Isles during WWII. When over 500 officers and 11,000 Italian soldiers deployed between Kefalonia and Corfu receive the news that their country has sought an armistice, their thoughts turn to home and a reunion with their families. But their initial elation soon turns to gloom, however, when they learn that their former German allies have issued them with an ultimatum to surrender or fight
剧情简译 1943年9月,驻扎在希腊半岛的意大利军队收到战争即将结束的消息后十分高兴,士兵们纷纷准备回家。但到了1943年12月,形势急转直下,意大利单方和同盟国签订了妥协合约。意大利军队骑虎难下,他们只想回家和亲人团聚,然而这样一个简单的梦想被德国同盟军的希腊战区司令断然毁灭。希腊半岛受到敌方强大武力的攻击,士兵们只有两种选择。要么成为俘虏继续为德国战斗,要么就死在德军的枪口之下……… |
001 |
dammi la mano |
给我你的手 |
002 |
今晚 |
003 |
sulla sponda |
海岸 |
004 |
nell'isola, soli |
在岛上,孤独 |
005 |
piccola marcia |
进行曲 |
006 |
fratelli d'italia |
意大利兄弟 |
007 |
una sera di permesso |
允许一个晚上 |
008 |
riflessivo, meditativo |
沉思,冥想 |
009 |
Via dall'inferno |
通过地狱 |
010 |
marcia del giuramento |
三月的誓言 |
011 |
ancora vivi per l'amore |
为爱活着 |
012 |
composizione sulla resistenza |
013 |
dammi la mano |
给我你的手 |
电影导演 Director Giacomo Battiato |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Karol, un uomo diventato Papa Poland (original title)
Karol: A Man Who Became Pope International (English title) / USA (DVD title)
Karol, O Homem que Se Tornou Papa Portugal |
Karol, el hombre que llegó a ser Papa Spain
Karol, l'homme qui devint Pape France
Karol. Czlowiek, który zostal papiezem Poland
Karol. Ein Mann, der Papst wurde Germany |
Image Music ERE 0162902 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Apr-2005 UPN 4-029758-629024 (19 music) |
Plot The life of the pope John-Paul II, from his youth as a writer, actor, and athlete in war-torn occupied Poland to his election as Pope at the age of 58
剧情简译 这部讲述罗马教皇约翰保罗二世的电影是用1930年做故事的背景,而地点是瓦多维采,这也是教皇出生的地方,故事是根据意大利作家写下的教皇生平资料作为创作蓝本,而电影是会由他的童年开始说起,直至描述他在58岁那年被选为教皇 |
001 |
habemus papam giovanni paolo ii(Habemus Papam Giovanni Paolo II ) |
我们有一个教皇约翰·保罗二世 |
002 |
contro(Against) |
反对 |
003 |
karol e la sofferenza( Karol and suffering) |
卡罗尔和苦难 |
004 |
cracovia(Cracovia ) |
克拉科夫 |
005 |
karol e l'amore(Karol and love ) |
卡罗尔和爱 |
006 |
karol e gli invasori(Karol and the invaders) |
卡罗尔和侵略者 |
007 |
wyszynski; il cardinale(The cardinal) |
红衣主教 |
008 |
maria e adam(Maria and Adam ) |
玛丽和亚当 |
009 |
karol e il dolore(Karol and pain ) |
卡罗尔和痛苦 |
010 |
polonia in fiamme(Poland in flames ) |
波兰光辉 |
011 |
kordek(Kordek) |
012 |
kgb(Kgb ) |
克格勃 |
013 |
da una radio lontana(From a faraway radio ) |
从遥远的电台 |
014 |
karol e l'amore(Karol and love) (reprise) |
卡罗尔和爱(重奏) |
015 |
karol e gli invasori(Karol and the invaders)(reprise) |
卡罗尔和侵略者(重奏) |
016 |
sospeso in attesa(Hanging waiting) |
等待 |
017 |
l'illusione della liberta (Illusion for freedom) |
幻想的自由 |
018 |
karol e gli operai(Karol and the workers) |
卡罗尔和工人 |
019 |
wyszynski il cardinale ( The cardinal) (reprise) |
红衣主教(重奏) |
电影导演 Director Pasquale Pozzessere |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
---------------------------- |
Rai Trade/IntermezzoMedia FRT 412 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 2005 UPN 8-011772-104126 (14 music) |
Plot Lucia Set in a working class neighborhood in Rome, Lucia tells of a young widow who has to fend for herself in the dramatic historical context of the Post-War years
剧情简译 在罗马工人阶级居民区,露茜娅讲述战后的艰苦年代,一个年轻的寡妇为自己挣扎谋生的戏剧性故事 |
001 |
sabrina e roma |
我和罗马 |
002 |
il dolore della speranza |
痛苦的希望 |
003 |
una strana famiglia |
一个奇怪的家庭 |
004 |
il sogno e il pianto |
梦想而哭泣 |
005 |
nei vicoli |
小巷 |
006 |
serena notte |
宁静的夜晚 |
007 |
con tristezza |
悲伤 |
008 |
di una strada all'angolo |
一个街角 |
009 |
lucia a roma |
露西亚在罗马 |
010 |
il dolore della speranza |
痛苦的希望 |
011 |
nei vicoli |
小巷 |
012 |
serena notte |
宁静的夜晚 |
013 |
lucia |
露西亚 |
014 |
una pianino nella via |
在一条小路上 |
NA-0601 (0504) Bartali - TV / Gino Bartali - L'intramontabile (TV 2006) (Alberto Negrini) (直译 永恒的巴尔塔利) |
电影导演 Director Alberto Negrini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Gino Bartali - L'intramontabile (TV 2006) |
RAI Trade FRT 416 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 18-May-2006 UPN 8-011772-104164 (16 music) |
Plot Italian racing cyclist star Gino Bartali is about to retire when his brother Giulio is killed in a racing accident. Brother Leone, for whom he ran errands for the resistance during the war, persuades him not to throw in the towel. In 1948, after a failed assassination attempt on the life of Italian Communist Party leader Palmiro Togliatti, the Prime Minister of the time, De Gasperi, asks Gino Bartali to help restore authority in the country by winning the Tour de France. After a poor start, Bartali carries the day.
剧情简译 意大利自行车赛车明星吉诺 巴塔利即将退休时,他的弟弟朱利奥在一次赛车事故中丧生。在1948年一次针对意大利共产党领导人陶里亚蒂的未遂暗杀以后,当时的总理加斯佩里要求巴塔利参加并赢得在法国举行的一场巡回赛以帮助国家恢复权威.... |
001 |
Scalata Alla Gloria (04:31) |
攀登荣耀 |
002 |
Matrimonio D'Amore (02:16) |
爱情婚姻 |
003 |
I Suoi Amici (01:47) |
他的朋友 |
004 |
In Visita Al Papa (03:49) |
访问教皇 |
005 |
Togliatti (02:12) |
陶里亚蒂 |
006 |
Catturato (02:11) |
抓获 |
007 |
Rivalita E Umorismo (04:44) |
竞争和幽默 |
008 |
In Famiglia (02:17) |
家庭 |
009 |
Fratello (03:04) |
兄弟 |
010 |
I Bambini Salvati (02:04) |
拯救儿童 |
011 |
Minacce Sommesse (03:40) |
制服威胁 |
012 |
Nascosti E Soli (03:29) |
隐藏的太阳 |
013 |
Prima Del Giro (03:01) |
第一圈 |
014 |
Pedalare Stanca (02:43) |
骑累了 |
015 |
Matrimonio D'Amore (02:17) |
爱情婚姻 |
016 |
Scalata Alla Gloria (04:31) |
攀登荣耀 |
电影导演 Director Pasquale Pozzessere |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La provinciale (TV 2006) |
RAI Trade FRT 418 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 10-Jul-2006 UPN 8-011772-104188 (16 music) |
Plot New TV Movie directed by Pasquale Pozzessere, starring Sabrina Ferilli, Stefano Dionisi, Enzo Decaro, Lisa Gastoni e Barbara Bouchet. It is a thriller (taken by the original thriller written by Moravia) set in the countryside of Italy in the 50's. It is about the controversial Montesi murder.
剧情简译 影片设置在二十世纪五十年代意大利的农村,它与那件著名的蒙泰西谋杀案有关.参见NA-7904 (直译 幕后情节:帕索里尼 蒙泰西案件) |
001 |
La Spiagggia |
002 |
La Provinciale |
乡下人 |
003 |
Risacca |
暗流 |
004 |
Mare |
海 |
005 |
Ombre |
阴影 |
006 |
Delitto E Rimorso |
罪与悔恨 |
007 |
Serene E Il Cielo |
宁静的天空 |
008 |
La Provinciale |
乡下人 |
009 |
Succede a Orvieto |
发生在奥维多 |
010 |
Tornatore E Ricordare |
托纳托雷和记忆 |
011 |
Stress Controllato |
压力控制 |
012 |
L'Atra Spaggia |
013 |
Stress |
压力 |
014 |
Colpita |
影响 |
015 |
La Spaggia |
016 |
Mare |
海 |
NA-0603 (0617) Giovanni Falcone, l'uomo che sfidò Cosa Nostra - TV (Antonio e Andrea Frezzia) (直译 乔瓦尼 法尔科内,挑战诺斯特拉的人) |
电影导演 Director Antonio e Andrea Frezzia |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Mordet pa Giovanni Falcone Sweden |
Rai Trade/IntermezzoMedia FRT 417 Country Italy Format CD Release Date May-2007 UPN 8-011772-104171 (15 music) |
Plot This political docudrama follows the real-life circumstances that led to the assassination of the anti-Mafia crusading judge Giovanni Falcone (Michele Placido) and his wife, in addition to the assassination of another such judge. A number of high-ranking Italian public figures were under investigation by the judge for their alleged association with the Mafia (and hence with these "hits") and they threatened lawsuits to prevent this film from being made or shown. Some small changes were made to prevent libel suits from being filed. Much of the dialogue comes directly from official documents in the cases the judge was prosecuting. It is interesting to note that, in interviews filmed for U.S. television, the judge acknowledged that his and his wife's lives were in danger, but he felt that the possibility reducing the power of the Sicilian mafia in Italy was worth the risk
剧情简译 1992年5月23日下午,意大利司法部刑法司长、被视作反黑手党"旗帜"的著名法官乔瓦尼-法尔科内在西西里岛被黑手党炸死.当天下午6点,法尔科内法官夫妇乘专机从罗马飞抵西西里岛的巴勒莫市机场,准备回家度周末。下飞机后他自己驾驶防弹车,在前后两辆警卫的护卫下驶向市区。在距市区20公里处,黑手党人预先埋藏在公路下一个行人通道里的一吨梯炸药被遥控引爆,顿时,尘土飞扬,长达400米的高速公路被严重破坏,法尔科内法官的座车和其它7部车辆被炸翻。开道车上的3名警卫也当场被炸死。法尔科内被害事件震惊了整个意大利,数以百万计的意大利人举行抗议性大罢工,谴责黑手党的罪行.距法尔科内遇害不到两个月,1992年7月19日,另一位意大利著名法官保罗-博尔塞利诺和5名警卫人员,又被黑手党炸死在巴勒莫市中心. |
001 |
Francesca E Giovanni |
弗朗西丝卡和乔万尼 |
002 |
La Madre |
母亲 |
003 |
Pietas |
敬重 |
004 |
Spie |
间谍 |
005 |
Indizi E Traccie |
线索和跟踪 |
006 |
Violenza Nella Citta |
暴力在城市 |
007 |
Irruzione Notturna |
夜袭 |
008 |
Da Una Vecchia Casa |
老房子 |
009 |
Francesca E Giovanni |
弗朗西丝卡和乔万尼 |
010 |
Infiltrati |
渗透 |
011 |
Pietas |
体面 |
012 |
L'Indagato E I Complici |
调查和帮凶 |
013 |
La Polizia |
警察 |
014 |
Il Giudice Borsellino |
法官博尔塞利诺 |
015 |
Francesca E Giovanni |
弗朗西丝卡和乔万尼 |
NA-0604 (0618) Un Papa rimasto uomo - tv / Karol - The Pope, the Man (Giacomo Battiato) (直译 教皇其人) |
电影导演 Director Giacomo Battiato |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Karol, un Papa rimasto uomo Italy (original title)
Karol - Papst und Mensch Germany
Karol - The Pope, the Man USA |
Karol, la vida del hombre que cambió la historia del mundo Mexico (theatrical title)
Karol. Papiez, który pozostal czlowiekiem Poland |
Edel Italia 0180642ERE Country Italy Format CD Release Date 2007
UPN 4-029758-806425 (2CD mixed 19/19+19 music)
Plot Karol: The Pope, The Man is a 2006 TV miniseries chronicling Pope John Paul II's life as pope, directed by Giacomo Battiato. It is the sequel to the TV miniseries Karol: A Man Who Became Pope, which portrayed John Paul's life before the papacy.
剧情简译 这部电影是NA-0503一个成为教皇的人的续集.描绘前教皇约翰保罗的生活.他是一个在教皇历史上最被大众认可和最受敬爱的教皇,他的领导能力,他的爱心,使命感和勇气将永远记在人们心中 |
001 |
Habemus Papam Giovanni Paolo II (03:43) |
我们有一个教皇约翰·保罗二世 |
002 |
Against (03:18) |
反对 |
003 |
Karol and Suffering (04:19) |
卡罗尔和苦难 |
004 |
Cracovia (02:19) |
克拉科夫 |
005 |
Karol and Love (02:12) |
卡罗尔和爱 |
006 |
Karol and the Invaders (05:41) |
卡罗尔和侵略者 |
007 |
Wyszynski: The Cardinal (02:26) |
红衣主教 |
008 |
Maria and Adam (02:20) |
玛丽和亚当 |
009 |
Karol and Pain (06:19) |
卡罗尔和痛苦 |
010 |
Poland in Flames (02:56) |
波兰光辉 |
011 |
Kordek (04:40) |
012 |
KGB (03:40) |
克格勃 |
013 |
From a Faraway Radio (03:04) |
从遥远的电台 |
014 |
Karol and Love (Reprise) (02:12) |
卡罗尔和爱(重奏) |
015 |
Karol and the Invaders (Reprise) (01:10) |
卡罗尔和侵略者(重奏) |
016 |
Hanging Waiting (02:05) |
等待 |
017 |
Illusion for Freedom (01:04) |
幻想的自由 |
018 |
Karol and the Workers (02:14) |
卡罗尔和工人 |
019 |
Wyszynski: The Cardinal (Reprise) (02:49) |
红衣主教 |
以上为Un uomo diventato Papa; 以下为Un Papa rimasto uomo |
020 |
A Pope Remained a Man (02:20) |
教皇仍然是一个人 |
021 |
More than Pain (02:51) |
超越疼痛 |
022 |
Come Holy Spirit (02:13) |
神圣的精神 |
023 |
Hymn of Joy (00:39) |
欢乐的歌 |
024 |
Memento (03:31) |
纪念 |
025 |
Three Little Pieces (for Trio and String Quartet) (07:32) |
三个小乐章(三重奏及弦乐四重奏) |
026 |
Tortuos (02:47) |
027 |
In the Cosmos (02:37) |
在宇宙 |
028 |
Happened in Saint Peter's Square (01:00) |
发生在圣彼得广场 |
029 |
Voices of History (06:49) |
历史的声音 |
030 |
Three Little Pieces for Organ (06:01) |
三个小乐章为管风琴 |
031 |
In Politics (02:23) |
政治 |
032 |
More than Pain (Reprise) (02:48) |
超越疼痛(重奏) |
033 |
Snared Amid Colums (04:55) |
034 |
Traveller (02:42) |
旅行者 |
035 |
Auschwitz (02:43) |
奥斯威辛集中营 |
036 |
A Pope Remained a Man (Reprise) (02:20) |
教皇仍然是一个人(重奏) |
037 |
More than Pain (Reprise) (02:49) |
超越疼痛 |
038 |
Sacred Politics (02:21) |
神圣的政治 |
电影导演 Director Giuseppe Tornatore |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Karol, la vida del hombre que cambió la historia del mundo Mexico (theatrical title)
Karol. Papiez, który pozostal czlowiekiem Poland |
Die Unbekannte Germany
Dold identitet Sweden
Esrarengiz kadin Turkey (Turkish title)
I agnosti Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
L'inconnue France
Nieznajoma Poland
Tuntematon nainen Finland |
Sony BMG 88697027922 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
Oct-2006 UPN 8-8697-02792-2-2 (27 music) |
Plot A Ukrainian woman named Irena calculatedly insinuates herself into the lives of a young, affluent Italian family. Stopping at nothing to become the couple's trusted maid and the beloved nanny to their fragile young daughter, Irena risks everything in her quest to uncover the truth about the family. Like an intricately constructed jigsaw puzzle, The Unknown Woman reveals piece by piece the enigma of Irena's past.
剧情简译 来自乌克兰的新移民艾莲娜是一位有着神秘、残暴、不可告人的过去的女人,为了得到一份在一对有钱夫妇家做仆人的工作,她不择手段,最终成功进入这个三口之家。当她越来越接近这个家庭特别是夫妇俩的独生女的时候,一个深知艾莲娜过去秘密的人出现了,并且将这个家庭彻底卷入恐怖和暴力之中…… |
001 |
La sconosciuta |
002 |
Entrata |
入口 |
003 |
Canzone per dormire |
催眠曲 |
004 |
Giochi infantili |
童年的游戏 |
005 |
Con scioltezza |
流畅 |
006 |
Un'arpa per lei |
竖琴 |
007 |
Flauto, violino e orchestra |
长笛、小提琴与管弦乐 |
008 |
Primo tempo |
第一时间 |
009 |
Chiaro - scuro |
光明与黑暗 |
010 |
Rapido |
快速 |
011 |
Insopportabile ansia |
难以承受的焦虑 |
012 |
Ambiguita |
混乱 |
013 |
Quella ninna nanna |
摇篮曲 |
014 |
Un violino e un pianoforte insinuanti |
小提琴和钢琴 |
015 |
Preludio al silenzio |
前奏沉默 |
016 |
Le scale della casa |
房子的楼梯 |
017 |
Tre archi d'amore |
爱情三鞠躬 |
018 |
Dietro gli indizi |
背后的线索 |
019 |
Il dopo |
后面 |
020 |
Esercizio di stile |
运动风格 |
021 |
Le forbici |
剪刀 |
022 |
Voglia di semplicita |
渴望简朴 |
023 |
Una vita serena |
平静的生活 |
024 |
Reiterazione |
重复 |
025 |
Cromatismi diatonici |
026 |
Andare e non tornare |
无法回去 |
027 |
Archi bianchi |
白色拱门 |