A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
电影导演 Director Warren Beatty |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
RCA Victor 09026 63253 2 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 1998 UPN 0-9026-63253-2-0 (2 music) |
Interscope Records IND 90160 Country United States Format CD Release Date 1998 UPN 6-0694-90160-2-9 (14 music) |
Plot A mix of hip-hop and politics, after putting a hit out on himself Senator Bulworth becomes a MCing politician akin to a west African griot who isn't afraid to say anything he wants and can offend anyone he wants
剧情简译 现任美国参议员因为参与九六年的总统选举,以致心力交瘁,终于精神崩溃,在这种心理失常的状态,他竟买凶杀自己,以拿取巨额保险金给女儿。然而,买凶之后,才遇上一名美非藉红颜知己,有了爱情新力量后,他决定打消死念,然而,他来得及阻止凶手行动吗 |
电影别名 Alias |
Bulworth France / Germany / Greece / Spain
Bulvort Serbia
Bulworth - Candidato em Perigo Portugal
Bulworth - Il senatore Italy
Bulworth - Nyomd a sódert! Hungary (imdb display title) |
El senador Bulworth Argentina (video title)
Koko kansan Bulworth Finland
Politicamente Incorreto Brazil
Tribulations USA (working title) |
001 |
Bulworth part 1 |
布瓦茨-1 |
002 |
Bulworth part 2 |
布瓦茨-2 |
NA-9802 (9708) In fondo al cuore - TV - (Luigi Perelli) (直译 在我心中) |
001 |
In Fondo Al Cuore |
在我心中 |
002 |
Agosciante |
003 |
L'amore Di Una Madre |
母亲的爱 |
004 |
Follia |
疯狂 |
005 |
Bambini |
孩子们 |
006 |
Sola, Nella Citta |
在孤独的城市 |
007 |
L'amore Di Una Madre |
母亲的爱 |
008 |
Di Notte |
夜晚 |
009 |
In Fondo Al Cuore |
在我心中 |
010 |
Come Un Carillon |
一个音乐盒 |
011 |
Cuore Viscido |
蠕变的心 |
012 |
L'amore Di Una Madre |
母亲的爱 |
013 |
Disperazione |
绝望 |
014 |
Di Notte |
夜晚 |
015 |
Tre Voci |
016 |
L'amore Di Una Madre |
母亲的爱 |
017 |
Nella Luce, L'estasi |
在灯光下,狂喜 |
018 |
In Fondo Al Cuore |
在我心中 |
NA-9803 (9804) La casa bruciata - TV - (Massimo Spano) (直译 烧毁的房子) |
电影导演 Director Massimo Spano |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
---------------------- |
Rai Trade/IntermezzoMedia FRT 410 Image supplied by s.tonkens
Rai Trade/IntermezzoMedia FRT 410 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date Aug-2005 UPN 8-011772-104102 (14 music) |
Plot A great 1998 TV thriller set in Brazil, which tells the story of a fearless priest who protects a child who has witnessed a murder comitted by corrupt policemen. Directed by Massimo Spano, and stars Giulio Scarpati, Chiara Muti and Omero Antonutti
剧情简译 电视时空背景设在巴西.故事讲述在一场由政府发动的农业改革中,亚马逊一个村庄的强大的农场主拒不向农民提供土地, 而要求得到土地的一户农民却惨遭灭门之灾,唯一的幸存者是一名儿童桑地诺,他亲眼目睹了这起谋杀案.而这个案件正由一个腐败的警察承办.在需要桑地诺见证案情的时侯,他也遇到了危险.一个无所畏惧的神父,年轻的意大利传教士托尼为保护桑地诺的生命安全,不顾个人安危挺身而出.... |
001 |
Sia Fatta La Tua Volonta |
你的意志 |
002 |
La Casa Bruciata |
烧毁的房子 |
003 |
Un Grande Bambino |
了不起的孩子 |
004 |
Tony E Il Ragazzo |
托尼的男孩 |
005 |
Violenze E Terrore |
暴力和恐怖 |
006 |
Prisaon Di Vida |
007 |
Un Grande Bambino (#2) |
了不起的孩子(2) |
008 |
La Casa Bruciata (#2) |
烧毁的房子(2) |
009 |
Tony E Il Ragazzo (#2) |
托尼的男孩(2) |
010 |
Terrore E Fuoco |
恐怖和火 |
011 |
Uomini In Esodo |
人群出走 |
012 |
1a Danza |
第 1 次舞蹈 |
013 |
2a Danza |
第 2 次舞蹈 |
014 |
Sia Fatta La Tua Volonta |
你的意志 |
电影导演 Director Giuseppe Tornatore |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La leggenda del pianista sull'oceano Italy (original title)
La légende du pianiste sur l'océan Canada (French title) / France
The Legend of 1900 UK / USA
1900 á sjó Iceland (TV title)
1900: Czlowiek legenda Poland (imdb display title)
A Lenda de 1900 Portugal
Agadat Ha-Psantran Israel (Hebrew title)
Az óceánjáró zongorista legendája Hungary ( More) |
Sony Classical SK 66767 Country United States
Format CD Release Date 1999 UPN 0-0881-12819-2-2 (21 music) |
Sony Music SK 60790 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1998 UPN 5-099706-079026 (29 music) |
Plot Shortly after the Second World War, Max, a transplanted American, visits an English pawn shop to sell his trumpet. The shopkeeper recognizes the tune Max plays as one on a wax master of an unreleased recording, discovered and restored from shards found in a piano salvaged from a cruise ship turned hospital ship, now slated for demolition. This chance discovery prompts a story from Max, which he relates both to the shopkeeper and later to the official responsible for the doomed vessel, for Max is a born storyteller. Though now down on his luck and disillusioned by his wartime experiences, the New Orleans-born Max was once an enthusiastic and gifted young jazz musician, whose longest gig was several years with the house band aboard the Virginian, a posh cruise ship. While gaining his sea legs, he was befriended by another young man, the pianist in the same band, whose long unlikely name was Danny Boodman T.D...
剧情简译 "海上钢琴师"是意大利著名导演朱塞佩o托纳托雷的"三部曲"之一。讲述了一个被命名为"1900"的弃婴在一艘远洋客轮上的传奇一生。男主角1900的整个人生是一场悲剧。他是一个被人遗弃在蒸气船上的孤儿,过人的天赋使他无师自通成了一名钢琴大师,但宿命也令他天然地对红尘俗世深怀戒意,他从不敢离船上岸,后来遇上了一位一见钟情的少女,他思量再三还是放弃了上岸寻找初恋情人的冲动。他希望永远留在船上.最后,唯一的好朋友马克斯警告他废船将要被炸毁,他也不愿离开并最终殉船于海底。这是一部荡气回肠的诗意旅程电影,那无处不在的钢琴声将观众带入1900的心灵深处, 影片的配乐出自大师埃尼奥 莫里康内之手,他以深情飘逸的典雅曲风,又一次掳获观众与乐迷的心。 |
001 |
1900's theme |
1900的主题 |
002 |
The Legend of the Pianist |
海上钢琴师传奇 |
003 |
The Crisis |
转折 |
004 |
The Crave (composed by Jelly Roll Morton) |
渴望 |
005 |
A Goodbye to Friends |
朋友再见 |
006 |
Study for Three Hands (music by Ennio Morricone and Amedeo Tommasi) |
三手联弹练习 |
007 |
Playing Love |
爱的奏章 |
008 |
A Mozart Reincarnated |
莫扎特的再生 |
009 |
Child |
童真 |
010 |
1900's Madness #1 (music by Ennio Morricone and Amedeo ) |
1900的狂热-1 |
011 |
Danny's Blues (composed by Amedeo Tommasi) |
丹尼蓝调 |
012 |
Second Crisis |
第二个转折 |
013 |
Peacherine Rag (written by Scott Joplin, performed by The Alexander Ragtime Band Ensemble) |
美丽的谎言拉格泰姆 |
014 |
Nocturne with No Moon |
没有月光的夜曲 |
015 |
Before the End |
结束之前 |
016 |
Playing Love |
爱的奏章 |
017 |
I Can and Then |
我可以 我能够 |
018 |
1900's Madness #2 (music by Ennio Morricone and Amedeo) |
1900的狂热-2 |
019 |
Silent Goodbye |
无声的告别 |
020 |
Ships and Snow |
船和雪 |
021 |
Lost Boys Calling (written by Ennio Morricone and Roger Waters, performed by Roger Waters) |
迷失男孩的呼唤 |
以下是由本站音乐顾问SHERRY补充提供的8首,为满足众多网友需要,此处一并载入.排序和原版不同,请参考下表(21首和29首目录排序比较)中文译名参考了网上流行的译名(01, 02, 03, 04,05,06,07,08)和湖南文艺出版社2009年出版的“海上钢琴师与他的情人”(由台湾卓著出版社授权)
022 |
tarantellain in 3rd class |
三等舱里的泰兰泰拉 |
023 |
enduring movement |
无穷动 |
024 |
police |
警察 |
025 |
trailer |
跟踪 |
026 |
thanks danny (written by Ennio Morricone and C De Natale, performed by James Sampson) |
谢谢丹尼 |
027 |
magic waltz (composed by Amedeo Tommasi) |
魔幻圆舞曲 |
028 |
goodbye duet |
告别二重奏 |
029 |
portraits |
肖像 |
电影导演 Director Dario Argento |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone;Maurizio Guarini (additional music) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Il fantasma dell'opera Italy (original title)
El fantasma de la ópera Argentina (video title) / Spain / Venezuela
The Phantom of the Opera International (English title) / USA
Dario Argento's The Phantom of the Opera UK (video title)
Das Phantom der Oper Germany (dubbed version)
DRG Records 12620 Country United States Format
CD Release Date 1999 UPN 0-2147-12620-2-5 (15 music) |
Image Music IMG 13382 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1998 (15 music)
Il fantasma dell'Opera Italy (dubbed version)
Le fantome de l'Opéra France
O Fantasma da ópera Portugal
Oopperan kummitus Finland
Phantom of the Opera USA (video box title)
To fantasma tis operas Greece (DVD title)
Um Vulto na Escurid-- Brazil (video title) |
Plot disfigured individual, but rather is an unwashed orphan abandoned in the sewers under the Paris Opera & raised by rats. The Phantom invokes death upon anyone who dares harm his beloved rats. In fact, The Phantom's nemesis is the chief exterminator who develops a rat-catching machine
剧情简译 《歌剧魅影》的故事發生在十九世紀末,這部膾炙人口的小說先後共六次被上銀幕,其主要情节环绕在寂寞的"魅影" 對歌剧女伶克莉絲汀的爱慕。可喜的是達理歐阿基多以其過人的艺术天份,賦予這個故事新的面貌,使其免与落入窠臼。在達理歐阿基多的版本里,"魅影"搖身一变成為迷人的男子,其高貴的情操掩飾了形体上的残缺。 |
001 |
Sighs and sighs |
叹息和叹息 |
002 |
The phantom of the opera |
歌剧魅影 |
003 |
Circenderunt me fluctus mortis |
004 |
Threatening cires |
威胁生命 |
005 |
Romantic pollution |
浪漫的玷污 |
006 |
Lost in the deep |
迷失在深处 |
007 |
Burlesque |
滑稽戏 |
008 |
Sighs and sighs |
叹息和叹息 |
009 |
Interior mirror |
室内镜 |
010 |
Playing alone |
独自玩耍 |
011 |
In the dark vaults |
在黑暗的墓穴 |
012 |
The phantom |
魅影 |
013 |
The fat woman |
胖女人 |
014 |
Bait |
诱饵 |
015 |
Sighs and sighs |
叹息和叹息 |
电影导演 Director Stefano Reali |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Il quarto re Italy (original title)
Die 4 heiligen Konige Germany
Die heiligen vier Konige Germany
DRG Records 12622 Country United States Format
CD Release Date 21-Sep-1999 UPN 0-2147-12622-2-3 (11 music)
Image Music IMG 11772 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1998 UPN 8-012842-117725 (11 music) |
O Quarto Rei Mago Brazil
The Fourth King International (English title) |
Plot Alazar, a simple farmer who is also a beekeeper, meets the Three Wise Men Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, who have set off to celebrate the arrival on earth of the Messiah. Alazar's magic bees become magically transformed into the tail of the bright comet which leads the four of them to the manger. At first, the brave young farmer's son is on the point of leaving the Wise Men to their fate because he has been forced against his will by their magic powers to leave his pregnant wife Izirah behind. He only very reluctantly agrees to the Kings' request to accompany them. Although the Three Wise Men make it very clear to him how important the Messiah's arrival on earth is, the relationship between the four men remains very tense. Nevertheless, despite all disagreements, our travelling companions soon become firm friends -and after several exciting adventures they finally succeed in locating the manger. The Three Kings then allow Alazar to return home to his loving wife.
剧情简译 阿尔扎是一个普通的农民和养蜂人,他遇到了三个智者: 卡斯帕,米尔修和巴尔扎,他们正在出发到弥赛亚的土地.阿尔扎的蜜蜂像魔法一样地变成了带着尾巴的慧星,这个慧星带领着他们四个人去马槽星团(manger).由于他们的魔法,阿尔扎很不情愿地同意了国王的要求离开了他的怀孕的妻子去陪伴他们,尽管这三个智者让他了解他对于他们到达弥赛亚的土地是多么重要,但是他们的关系仍然很紧张.随着旅途的共处,虽然他们有很多争执,但很快他们变成了好朋友.在几次令人激动的冒险经历之后,他们终于成功地找到了马槽星团,最后这三个国王允许阿尔扎回到他心爱的妻子身边 |
001 |
Exultat |
002 |
Il Quarto Re |
第四个国王 |
003 |
Con Gioia Serena |
宁静与喜悦 |
004 |
Senza Luce |
无光 |
005 |
Tensione A Oriente |
东方气氛 |
006 |
Il Quarto Re |
第四个国王 |
007 |
Con Gioia Serena |
宁静与喜悦 |
008 |
Accumulazione Cromatica |
009 |
Il Quarto Re |
第四个国王 |
010 |
Tensione A Oriente |
东方气氛 |
011 |
Exultat |
电影导演 Director Stefano Reali |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Ultimo - Première mission France |
Image Music 496873 2 Image supplied by s.tonkens Image Music 496873 2 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 1999 UPN
5-099749-687325 (Mixed 1-8/16 music See below Ultimo 2-La Sfida) |
Plot A mini series inspired on the true story of a young police captain. Roberto di Stefano, code name Ultimo, has a profound sense of justice, and dedicates his life to the fight against Mafia. The thing that makes him so different from his colleagues is his philosophy, the philosophy of the Ultimi, the "last", those who remain in the shade to achieve their goal, those who seek no recognition. He chooses individuals who have been passed over by the Police Department A mini series inspired on the true story of a young police captain. Roberto di Stefano, code name Ultimo, has a profound sense of justice, and dedicates his life to the fight against Mafia. The thing that makes him so different from his colleagues is his philosophy, the philosophy of the Ultimi, the "last", those who remain in the shade to achieve their goal, those who seek no recognition. He chooses individuals who have been passed over by the Police Department
剧情简译 这部电视剧取材于一个代号为尤里迪莫的警察队长的真实故事.他崇尚正义,一生致力于打击黑手党的斗争.使他有别于他的同事的东西是他的人生哲学.尤里迪莫的哲学观点是,只有那些不寻求荣誉和不希望出头露面的人,才能赢得最后的成功.他选择的人,往往是那些具有崇高的信仰和能力但却被警察部门所忽视或者不被重用的人.他给了他们展示自己曾被错误对待的机会.尤里迪莫和他的团队第一个任务是去西西里抓捕一个已逍遥法外几十年的最危险的黑手党头目帕坦纳.... |
音乐见下面 Ultimo 2-La Sfida |
NA-9904 (9906) Ultimo 2-La Sfida- TV- (Michele Soavi) (直译 尤里迪莫-2 挑战) |
电影导演 Director Michele Soavi (官网显示为第一集的Stefano Reali,IMDB显示导演为 Michele Soavi) |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone, Andrea Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Ultimo - Le défi France |
Image Music 496873 2 Image supplied by s.tonkens Image Music 496873 2 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 1999 UPN
5-099749-687325 (Mixed 9-16/16 music) |
Plot one of the cleverest Mafia/drugs films in a long time, ultimo 2 features a group of Carabinieri(Italian Police) trying to crack a drugs deal in south Italy, while coping with the stress it puts on their lives. The acting is impeccable, and the plot is equally good. The human drama is well portrayed, as one of the characters has to cope with his wife suddenly leaving him, with awful results.
剧情简译 在尤里迪莫-2这部电视剧里,尤里迪莫和他的团队面临来自高层旨意的被解散的压力.但他的上司特拉尼仍然支持他,他给尤里迪莫三十天时间要求他和他的团队去破获一宗在意大利南部发生的毒品交易.他的对手是足智多谋的黑手党人.而更糟糕的是他的妻子又突然离他而去..... |
001 |
Ultimo |
尤里迪莫 |
002 |
Doppio Pensiero |
双重思想 |
003 |
Una Citta |
一个城市 |
004 |
Replica Prima |
第一复制品 |
005 |
Abbandonata |
被遗弃的 |
006 |
Quattro Suoni |
四个声音 |
007 |
Consonante Dissonante |
辅音不和谐 |
008 |
Tripla Azione |
三重行动 |
001-008 Ultimo; 009-016 Ultimo 2-La Sfida |
009 |
Tre Bassi e Altro |
三个低音和其它 |
010 |
Senza Difesa |
没有防守 |
011 |
Intensamente |
强烈的 |
012 |
Chi Vuol Capire |
谁知道 |
013 |
Per Non Capire |
不理解 |
014 |
Tensione Minimalista |
最小的压力 |
015 |
Azione Doppia |
双重行动 |
016 |
Replica Seconda |
第二复制品 |
NA-9905 (9809) I guardiani del cielo-TV / Tower of the Firstborn (Alberto Negrin) / 长子之塔 |
电影导演 Director Alberto Negrin |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
guardiani del cielo Italy (original title)
A Torre do Primogênito Brazil (cable TV title)
Das Geheimnis in der Wüste Germany
Il cielo sotto il deserto Italy
La torre de la vida Spain
La tour secrète France
O thisavros tis Saharas Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Sands of Time USA
Tower of the Firstborn USA (cable TV title) |
RCA Records 74321 720502 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
1999 UPN 7-4321-72050-2-7 (17 music) |
Plot Neither gold nor diamonds, but a far more valuable treasure is said to slumber within a mountainous stronghold somewhere in the Sahara. Two men are rivals in their quest to find it: archaeologist John Shannon and his brother Michael. But Michael, who has never forgiven John for stealing the woman he loved, has become John's most embittered enemy and is determined to prevent John from finding the Tower. When John mysteriously vanishes in the Sahara, he comes face-to-face with his brother who now calls himself Zadik and rules over a band of marauding warriors who spread fear and terror in the desert. Though captured and nearly killed by his brother, John manages to continue his quest..
剧情简译 戴安娜,一个年轻和有魅力的考古学家,认识在梵蒂冈的尼尔博士.他们都对戴安娜父亲山农博士的重大秘密感兴趣.山农是一个著名的科学家,在一次非洲的考察之旅后再也没有任何人见到过他.不过戴安娜坚信她的父亲还活着.他还在寻找古代记录中引导人们通向"大智慧"的长子之塔.她不顾朋友们的警告,决定到那里去寻找她的父亲和传说中的长子之塔...... |
001 |
And will you love me |
而且你会爱我 |
002 |
Sopra di noi |
在我们之上 |
003 |
L'ultima battaglia |
最后的战役 |
004 |
Un'avventura romantica |
浪漫的冒险 |
005 |
La torre dei primogeniti |
长子之塔 |
006 |
Zadic |
007 |
Mistero e mistero |
神秘和神秘 |
008 |
Sembra un cielo |
它看起来像天空 |
009 |
Ritorsione |
报复 |
010 |
Deserto e deserto |
沙漠和荒野 |
011 |
I due fratelli |
两兄弟 |
012 |
Lo sceicco e le sue donne |
酋长和他的女人 |
013 |
Un equivoco |
一个误解 |
014 |
Fantasmi di giorno |
当天的幽灵 |
015 |
Inseguire nel vento |
在风中追逐 |
016 |
Sabbia e sabbia |
砂和砂 |
017 |
I guardiani del cielo |
天空的守护者 |
NA-9906 (9909) Morte di una ragazza per bene-TV (Luigi Perelli) (直译 一个体面女孩的死亡) |
电影导演 Director Luigi Perelli |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone (Or Pino Donaggio) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
-------------------- |
此片谱曲 IMDB显示为 Pino Donaggio,且在演职员表中找不到莫里康内的名字. |
Plot (Italian) In una elegante scuola di restauro un delitto misterioso ai danni di una giovane e innocente ragazza. Dalle indagini apparirà chiaro che l'assassino venga da ambienti insospettabili About
About Music The OST is rare sight. IMDB shows its composer is Pino Donaggio, the reason remains to be further studied
剧情简译 一个年轻无辜的女孩在校园里被从一幢建筑物里射出的子弹杀害,负责调查的专员发现一些可疑的踪迹,但真正的凶手却是意想不到的..关于音乐 此片的OST难觅踪影。而在IMDB显示其作曲家为Pino Donaggio,其原委有待进一步研究 |
Above IMDB显示其作曲家为Pino Donaggio |
上: 一个 捷克网站显示了该片有两位作曲家Pino Donaggio 和 Ennio Morricone |
电影导演 Director Vincent Ward |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone -- Soundtrack info : Michael Kamen
Ennio Morricone (rejected) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Au-delà de nos rêves Canada (French title) / France
Hinter dem Horizont Austria / Germany
Más allá de los sue?os Argentina / Spain
Куда приводят мечты Russia
Al di là dei sogni Italy
Amor Além da Vida Brazil
Askin gücü Turkey (Turkish title)
Csodás álmok jonnek Hungary ( More) |
Beyond 63985-78039-2 Country United States Format CD Release Date 13-Oct-1998 UPN
6-3985-78039-2-4 (12 music) |
Decca 460 858-2 DH Country Germany Format CD
Release Date 1998 UPN 0-2894-60858-2-0 (25 music) |
编者注: 此片谱曲IMDB显示为 Michael Kamen, 且在演职员表中找不到莫里康内的名字.而在soundtrack则显示为"Composer(s):Michael Kamen; Ennio Morricone (rejected).关于这个问题,可以参阅ChiMai的一个网页和FilmScore的一个网页(See here). (或见本站此页) |
Plot Chris Neilson dies to find himself in a heaven more amazing than he could have ever dreamed of. There is one thing missing: his wife. After he dies, his wife, Annie killed herself and went to hell. Chris decides to risk eternity in hades for the small chance that he will be able to bring her back to heaven
剧情简译 克理斯对发妻安妮的挚爱,是他心灵的慰藉,生存的动力。从相知相惜到不离不弃,在真爱归宿里,克理斯与安妮相依相伴,情比石坚。就算为了爱妻安妮,必须上刀山下油锅,克理斯也在所不辞。偏偏,造化弄人,克理斯这次真的得亲赴鬼门关一趟,寻找失散的爱妻…. 在得知爱妻永远不得进自己的天堂之后,克理斯立誓就算上穷碧落下黄泉也要找到安妮的踪影。于是为爱不顾一切的克理斯,在地狱使者的引导下,就此展开一段奇幻的旅程,历经万象,解救在地狱中饱受磨难、永世不得超生的安妮. |
001 |
When I Was Young I Once Met This Beautiful Girl By A Lake - That Was The Last Time We Saw The Children |
当我年轻时,我在湖边曾经遇到过这个美丽的女孩 - 那是我们最后一次看到孩子们 |
002 |
Children's Melody - Tunnel - Christy's Death - The Journey Begins - I Still Exist - Annie Lo |
儿童的旋律 - 隧道 - 克里斯蒂的死亡 - 旅程开始 - 我依然存在 - 安妮·罗 |
003 |
Summerland (The Painted World) - The Painted Bird Flies - Christy Flies |
萨默兰(被绘画的世界) - 绘制的鸟在飞 - 克里斯蒂飞行 |
004 |
Marie's World (Leona Is Marie) |
玛丽的世界(利昂娜是玛丽) |
005 |
Longing (Lost Children) |
向往(失落的孩子) |
006 |
Annie Gives Up - Soul Mates |
安妮放弃了 - 心灵伴侣 |
007 |
In Hell - Stormy Seas - Recognition (Albert Is Ian) |
在地狱 - 惊涛骇浪 - 识别(阿尔伯特是伊恩) |
008 |
Sea Of Faces - Falling Through Hell - Annie's Room |
海的面孔 - 落入地狱 - 安妮的房间 |
009 |
In The Grass With Annie - Decision - Divorce |
和安妮在草坪- 决定 - 脱离 |
010 |
Together In Hell - Death And Transfiguration - Together In Heaven |
一起在地狱 - 死与变容 - 一起天堂 |
011 |
Reunited - Reincarnation - When I Was Young |
团聚 - 轮回 - 当我还年轻 |
012 |
Beside You |
在你身边 |
The reply from Austria friend Mr. Michael Caletka on June 18, 2015 |
莫里康内为此电影所作的音乐被替换 |
4) What dreams may come - Morricone or not?
This is one of the rare cases, where a score by Morricone has been rejected. It happened to all other composers as well, so it's not totally unusual, but with the maestro it has happened very seldom. Morricone had written a score for this movie and also recorded a few themes already (there exists a bootleg-CD), when the director (or producer - don't know for sure) decided, that it didn't fit the film. So it was replaced by a score from Michael Kamen in the end. In this case we actually have a score written by Morricone for the film, but it is not heard in the movie. Does it count or not?
The same has happened for "The Bible (1965/1966)". In this case Morricone had recorded just a few themes, before he got replaced. These tracks were re-used later mainly in 1966 (A Gun For Ringo) and in 1987 (The Secret Of The Sahara) |