A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
NA-8901 (8907) Achille Lauro - tv / Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair/地中海惊魂 |
电影导演 Director Alberto Negrin |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Die Entführung der Achille Lauro Austria / West Germany
Achille Lauron kaappaus Finland
Embarquement pour l'enfer France |
RCA Records OST 101 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1990 UPN 0-035620-010122 (18 Music) |
GDM CD Club 7108 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 25-Oct-2011 (22 Music) |
Plot Genua, 3rd October 1985. Together with over 500 other passengers Margot and Pierre Bergeron, a married couple from France, the Serafinis, an Italian family, Anne Higgins, an Englishwoman, Gitta and Helmut Holzer from Germany and an American couple called Marilyn and Leon Klinghoffer board the 'Achille Lauro'. The mood is cheerful and relaxed, everyone is looking forward to twelve days of sun, sea and peace. No one suspects that there are four Palestinian terrorists among the passengers: Al Assadi, Fatayer, Al Ashker and Molqi, their leader. The ship puts to sea in perfect weather. Three marvellous days follow. Everyone appears to be happy and contented. But in the case of some of the passengers appearances are deceiving. Marilyn Klinghoffer, for example, only pretends to her crippled husband that she is well and happy; in reality she is seriously ill with cancer and knows that this will be her last voyage...
剧情简译 热那亚,1985年10月3日,500多名乘客集合在"阿奇劳罗"号游轮的甲板上.玛戈和伯杰龙,是来自法国的一对夫妇;萨拉费尼来自意大利;安妮希金斯是一个英国女子; 基塔和霍尔泽来来自德国;玛丽莲和克林弗来自美国.他们心情开朗,轻松,每个人都期待着12天的阳光,海水和安祥.没有人会想到在乘客中有四名巴勒斯坦恐怖分子....... |
001 |
Lauro |
劳罗 |
002 |
A night on the mediterranean sea |
在地中海的夜 |
003 |
Sea hijacking |
海上劫持 |
004 |
To klingoffer |
005 |
Sigonella |
006 |
Two sounds, two signals |
两个声音,两个信号 |
007 |
Could heaven be |
难道是天堂 |
008 |
Calm sea |
平静的海面 |
009 |
Neverending tragedy |
无尽的悲剧 |
010 |
Night signals |
夜的信号 |
011 |
Come sail away |
来吧远航 |
012 |
Trumpets signals |
喇叭信号 |
013 |
Nothing |
没有 |
014 |
Disagreement between italy and usa |
意大利和美国的分歧 |
015 |
Memory of rebecca |
丽贝卡的记忆 |
016 |
Sea hijackers |
海上劫持者 |
017 |
Without any apparent reason |
没有任何明显动机 |
018 |
To klingoffer |
电影导演 Director Pedro Almodovar |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
átame! Spain (original title)
iátame! Spain (alternative spelling)
Ata-me Brazil
Ata-me! Portugal
Attache-moi Canada (French title)
Attache-moi! France
Bagla beni Turkey (Turkish title)
Bind me vast! Netherlands (informal literal title)
Bind meg! Elsk meg! Norway
Bind mig! Tag mig! Finland (Swedish title)
Bind mig, alska mig! Sweden (imdb display title) ( More) |
RCA Records BD 74474 Country Spain Format
CD Release Date 1989 (15 Music) |
RCA Records BL 74524 Country Italy Format LP
Release Date 1990 (15 Music) |
Plot Ricky is released from a mental hospital, and knows exactly what he wants to do. He hunts down Marina, a porn film star he once had sex with, and tries to convince her to be his wife. She is a bit reluctant, so he ties her up. Will this approach endear him to her?
剧情简译 从三岁起里奇就成了孤儿,他曾经在各种各样的社会机构中呆过。当二十三岁从精神病院里放出来,他只有三个愿望:找一个妻子,组成一个家庭,以及有一份工作--过普通人的生活。尽管尚不成熟,他知道对他来说,一份普通的生活是一种奢侈,必须经由努力去获得。里奇爱上了色情片中的女明星玛丽安,于是绑架了她。他在绑架了玛丽安后马上告诉她,"我绑架你是为了让你有机会了解我,因为我敢肯定你会爱上我,正如我已爱上了你。"看着面前这个震惊得目瞪口呆的女人,里奇继续讲述他的人生大计:"我今年二十三岁,有五万比塞塔(西班牙货币单位),在这世上我孤身一人。我愿意作你的好丈夫,你孩子的好父亲。"最后,玛丽安竟然真的不可思议地爱上了里奇.... |
001 |
Atame! |
捆住我! |
002 |
El Castillo Encantado |
魔法城堡 |
003 |
Noche Urbana |
城市夜景 |
004 |
El Pueblo Deshabitado |
无人居住的房子 |
005 |
Las Dos Hermanas |
两姐妹 |
006 |
Inquieta |
不宁 |
007 |
Dejame Sola |
008 |
Introduccion Al Psiquiatrico |
病情介绍 |
009 |
Si Supieras Cuantas Noches |
如果你知道有多少个夜晚 |
010 |
Cuento Infantil |
儿童的故事 |
011 |
El Fantasma Del Caballo |
幽灵马 |
012 |
La Ciudad Se Mueve |
在城市移动 |
013 |
Atame! |
捆住我! |
014 |
Loco Por Marina |
疯狂的海洋 |
015 |
Introduccion Al Psiquiatrico |
病情介绍 |
电影导演 Director Brian De Palma |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Die Verdammten des Krieges Austria / West Germany
Pecados de guerra Colombia (cable TV title) / Peru (imdb display title)
A háború áldozatai Hungary
Apoleies polemou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Coracoes de Aco Portugal
Corazones de hierro Spain
De kaldte os helte Denmark
Obeti války Czechoslovakia ( More) |
CBS Records 466016 1 Country Netherlands Format LP Release Date 1989 UPN
5-099746-601614 (12 Music) |
Pendulum 032 Country United States Format CD
Release Date 1989 UPN 7-0640-40032-2-6 (12 Music) |
Plot During the Vietnam war, a girl is taken from her village by five American soldiers. Four of the soldiers rape her, but the fifth refuses. The young girl is killed. The fifth soldier is determined that justice will be done. The film is more about the realities of war, rather than this single event
剧情简译 本片以越战为背景,刻划并揭露了战争中美军的残暴罪行,也以此表达了编导对战争的憎恶及对和平的珍视与呼唤。艾力逊是新踏入越南战场的士兵,有一腔为国奉献的激情。在一次行动中不小心遭到越军的埋伏,好在被同事马素救回一命。在一次远程侦察任务中,马素等强抢越南少女随军,以发泄他们的兽欲。艾力逊眼睁睁看到越藉少女被活活蹂躏至死,富有正义的他对自己的同胞开始感到失望,于是不顾自身安危将同僚的罪行公诸于世…… |
001 |
Casualties Of War |
战争的创伤 |
002 |
Trapped In A Tunnel |
被困在隧道 |
003 |
No Escape |
无处可逃 |
004 |
The Abduction |
绑架 |
005 |
No Hope |
没有希望 |
006 |
The Rape |
强暴 |
007 |
The Death Of Oahn |
Oahn 之死 |
008 |
The Healing |
愈合 |
009 |
The Fragging |
轰炸 |
010 |
Waste Her |
011 |
Elegy For A Dead Cherry |
为无辜死者的挽歌 |
012 |
Elegy For Brown |
布朗的挽歌 |
电影导演 Director Roland Joffe |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01,02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Shadow Makers |
Label: La-La Land Records – LLLCD 1196 Format:2 × CD, Album, Limited Edition Country:US Released:2011 (39 Music) |
Plot In real life, Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific head of the Manhattan Project, the secret wartime project in New Mexico where the first atomic bombs were designed and built. General Leslie Groves was in overall command of it. This film reenacts the project with an emphasis on their relationship.
剧情简译 新墨西哥州沙漠,"曼哈顿计划"正如火如荼地进行:研制原子弹,莱斯利格罗夫斯将军统帅着这个宏伟计划,制造出这两个超级武器"肥佬"和"小伙子",科学家罗伯特奥本负责要让这震惊的计划实现…… |
关于CD: La-La Land Records presents the world premiere release of acclaimed composer Ennio Morricone's (The Man With No Name Trilogy [A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly], The Thing, Once Upon a Time in America, The Mission, The Untouchables) original score to Paramount Pictures' 1989 docudrama Fat Man and Little Boy, starring Paul Newman, Dwight Schultz and John Cusack, and directed by Roland Joffe.
Never before released in any format, Ennio Morricone's hauntingly beautiful and complex orchestral score receives a definitive, 2-CD treatment that demonstrates the composer's notable skill in emotionally interpreting what is at once an amazing and tragic chapter in mankind's history - the birth of the atom bomb. Full of dramatic suspense, passion, sadness and gravitas, this is a notable, major Hollywood work by Morricone that is ripe for discovery - especially since some of it has never before been heard, as several cues and portions of others were dropped from the final cut of the film.
Produced by Dan Goldwasser and mastered by Mike Matessino, this special 2-CD release includes source cues, alternates and exclusive, in-depth liner notes by film music writer Daniel Schweiger. This is a limited edition of 3000 units. (Here) |
001 |
Above the clouds (theme from fat man and little boy) |
在云层之上(胖子和小男孩主题) |
002 |
Fat man logo/ main titles/ mysterious meeting /a faustian bargain /arrival at camp |
胖子标识/主标题/秘密会议/ 一个浮士德式交易/到达营地 |
003 |
Fat man and little boy /we are people, not numbers |
我们是人,而不是数字 |
004 |
2 a.m. news/ groves' advantage/ first accident |
凌晨2点新闻/格罗夫斯的有利条件/第一次事故 |
005 |
No options /madness and suspicion/oppie's reflections |
没有选择/疯狂和怀疑/ 奥培的思考 |
006 |
One thousand times love / love is ended |
一千次爱/爱的结束 |
007 |
Icy fusion fizzles |
冰冷融合的失败 |
008 |
Groves' madness |
格罗夫斯的疯狂 |
009 |
Implosion test/ bad news / in the tank |
内爆试验/坏消息/在罐中 |
010 |
Human indecision |
人的优柔寡断 |
011 |
Give 'em dignity /secret file /guillotine |
给他们尊严/秘密文件/断头台 |
012 |
Second explosion /pressure oppie/ oppie's indecision/ against the test |
第二次爆炸/ 奥培的压力 / 奥培的优柔寡断/反对测试 |
013 |
In the train |
在火车上 |
014 |
Critical mass/ innocent love |
临界质量/纯真的爱 |
015 |
Merriman's accident |
梅里曼的事故 |
016 |
Will to survive |
将会生存 |
017 |
Why me |
为什么是我 |
018 |
Do it! /it's a go!/ kathleen's goodbye |
去做!/去吧!/凯瑟琳的告别 |
019 |
Hiroshima and nagasaki |
广岛和长崎 |
020 |
Finale /end title (film version) |
终曲/结束(电影版) |
021 |
First expectation (source) |
第一次期待(原始资料) |
022 |
Piano source |
钢琴资源 |
023 |
Celebration (source) |
庆典(原始资料) |
024 |
Fireworks (source) |
烟花(原始资料) |
025 |
Slow dancing (source) |
慢舞(原始资料) |
026 |
Go dancing (source) |
去跳舞(原始资料) |
027 |
Radiation blues (source) |
蓝色辐射(原始资料) |
028 |
Sonata #17 in d minor (op. 31 no. 2, 'tempest') |
奏鸣曲D小调第17号(同31-2号,“暴风雨”) |
029 |
Danse villageoise (from 'dix pieces pittoresques') |
030 |
We must not forget (alternate) |
我们必须不能忘记(候补) |
031 |
Mysterious meeting (alternate) |
秘密会议(候补) |
032 |
A faustian bargain (alternate) |
一个浮士德式交易(候补) |
033 |
Icy fusion fizzles (alternate) |
冰冷融合的失败(候补) |
034 |
Final celebration (unused finale) |
最后的庆典(未使用的终曲) |
035 |
Higher and higher |
越来越高 |
036 |
Innocent love (two alternates) |
真爱无畏(两个候补) |
037 |
Why me (alternate) |
为什么是我(候补) |
038 |
Final celebration (alternate) |
最后的庆典(候补) |
039 |
One hope |
一个希望 |
NA-8905 (8812) Gli angeli del potere - tv(直译 天使的权力) |
电影导演 Director Giorgio Albertazzi |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 (此TV音乐没有专辑) |
电影别名 Alias |
----------------- |
Fonit Cetra CDM 2097 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
1996 (3CD合辑 Music 4/60) |
Plot (Italian) La storia dell'attrice polacca Vlasta Charamastova emarginata a causa delle sue idee politiche
剧情简译 在波兰,一个女演员弗拉斯塔,由于她的政治观点不同而被社会排斥 |
001 |
La finestra e un violino |
窗口和小提琴 |
002 |
Primavera a praga |
春天在布拉格 |
003 |
Maria e gli angeli |
玛利亚和天使 |
004 |
Una triste festa |
一个悲伤的节日 |
NA-8906 (8807) I promessi sposi - tv series / 约婚夫妇 |
电影导演 Director Salvatore Nocita |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
"Die Verlobten" West Germany (imdb display title)
"Les fiancés" France
"Los novios de Manzoni" Spain (imdb display title) (Castilian title)
"The Betrothed" International (imdb display title) (English title)
Fonit Cetra CDX 245-2 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date (18 Music) |
Fonit Cetra CDL 245 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1989 (18 Music) |
Plot The Betrothed (orig. Italian: I Promessi Sposi) is an Italian historical novel by Alessandro Manzoni, first published in 1827, in three volumes. It has been called the most famous and widely read novel of the Italian language.Set in northern Italy in 1628, during the terrible, oppressive years under Spanish rule, it is sometimes seen as a veiled attack on Austria, which controlled the region at the time the novel was written. (The definitive version was published in 1842). It is also noted for the extraordinary description of the plague that struck Milan around 1630.The Betrothed was inspired by Walter Scott's Ivanhoe and was the first Italian historical novel. It deals with a variety of themes, from the cowardly, hypocritical nature of a priest (Don Abbondio) and the heroic sainthood of others (Padre Cristoforo, Federico Borromeo), to the unwavering strength of love (the relationship between Renzo and Lucia and the struggle of these betrothed to finally meet again and get married), and offers some keen insights into the meanderings of the human mind. (See here about the comment of the sounndtracks)
剧情简译 这部TV连续剧源自意大利文学巨著"约婚夫妇". 这是一部浪漫主义与现实主义相结合的作品。作者曼佐尼(Alessandro Manzoni 1785-1873)是意大利作家.他写有许多风格各异的作品。在1812年至1827年间,他完成了这一部他一生中最重要作品的创作并一跃成为当时意大利最负盛名的作家.1861年,刚成立的意大利王国授予他参议员的荣誉头衔.为纪念这位伟大的作家,在他逝世一周年之际,意大利著名作曲家威尔第还为他专门创作了一首安魂曲.《约婚夫妇》以十七世纪早期米兰暴动、三十年战争和大瘟疫为背景,以农村织工伦佐和农家姑娘露琪亚这对恋人的悲欢离合和争取自主婚姻的斗争为主线,描绘十七世纪意大利各阶层人物及风云变幻的社会生活,反映了意大利人民反对异族侵略,争取民族独立和统一的要求,小说借古喻今,把批判的锋芒直指外来侵略者及其卵翼下的封建贵族势力,果敢地触及了争取民族独立、统一和自由这一最尖锐的时代矛盾.洋溢着爱国主义精神,被誉为记载当时社会现实的百科全书. 在意大利是一部家喻户晓的历史名著.自1856年起该书即多次被搬上意大利歌剧舞台.自1908年起,又先后十数次改编为电影或电视剧.其在意大利的文学地位与我国的历史名著红楼梦不相上下 (有关音乐评述请见这里) |
001 |
I Promessi Sposi |
约婚夫妇 |
002 |
La Monaca di Monza |
蒙扎的修女 |
003 |
Fra'cristoforo e il Pane del Perdono |
克里斯托弗和宽恕的面包 |
004 |
Getrude |
格特鲁德 |
005 |
L'azzeccagarbugli |
讼棍 |
006 |
I Lanzichenecchi |
007 |
La Revolte del Pane |
骚乱和面包 |
008 |
Violenza e Saccheggio |
暴力和抢劫 |
009 |
Addio Monti |
再见山峰 |
010 |
Fuga di Renzo |
伦佐的风雅 |
011 |
La Monaca di Monza |
蒙扎的修女 |
012 |
Lovati |
洛瓦蒂 |
013 |
La Notte dell'innominato |
未名之夜 |
014 |
Arrivo dei Lanzi |
兰兹到达 |
015 |
A Lucia |
露西亚 |
016 |
Don Abbondio |
唐 阿邦迪欧 |
017 |
La Peste |
瘟疫 |
018 |
Finale |
终曲 |
电影导演 Director Luigi Perelli |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
"Allein gegen die Mafia 4" West Germany
"O Polvo - Série 4" Portugal (original subtitled version)
"Raid contre la mafia" France
"The Octopus 4" Australia |
Edelton EDL 2549-1 Original Release Title Allein Gegen Die Maffia Country Germany Format
LP Release Date 1991 UPN 4-009880-254912 |
Fonit Cetra CDL 263 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1990 (合辑 Music 8/21) |
Plot A couple of years have passed since Corrado Cattani and Giulia Antinari broke up; during this time, Giulia died in an accident (that might or might not have been planned by Tano) and Corrado has lived alone in a place when he can be guarded 24/7. A new investigation brings him face to face with his old enemy Tano Carridi again: at a reception organized by the Antinari bank, a casino owner named Tindari,someone with close connections to the mafia, is brutally murdered.It turns out that the asassin, Salvatore Frolo,had personal reasons to commit the murder: back in Sicilia, many years ago,Tindari had killed his wife and daughter. While Corrado investigates the case with the help of judge Silvia Conti and journalist Davide Faeti,hoping to find more about the mafia's involvement in Tindari's casino business, Tano has three main points on his agenda: 1.Get Greta Antinari's custody in order to have total control over the Antinari bank; 2. Invest mafia money into a huge corporation called "International Insurances", the first step towards taking over the company being a convenient marriage with the "Insurances" manager's daughter, Ester Rasi; 3. Get rid of Cattani once and for all...
剧情简译 几年以后,卡迪尼和朱丽亚分手.朱丽亚死于一个事故,卡迪尼独居在一个地方.一个新的任务使卡迪尼和他的老冤家塔诺又直面相对,他被要求调查黑手党参与的一家赌场业务和一宗谋杀案... |
001 |
Arresto |
逮捕 |
002 |
Nel Covo |
在巢穴 |
003 |
Intimamente |
亲密 |
004 |
Esther |
以斯帖 |
005 |
Una Pietra Sopra |
在一块石头上 |
006 |
Morte di un Giusto |
朱斯托的死亡 |
007 |
Troppo Tardi |
为时已晚 |
008 |
Concentrazione |
集中 |
009 |
Per Anna |
安娜 |
编者注:此表顺序是按照 JBR JBRCD 3702 和 Fonit Cetra LPX 263 两个唱盘综合排列的 |
NA-8908 (8906) Tempo di uccidere / Time to Kill / 杀戮时刻/全面攻击 |
电影导演 Director Giuliano Montaldo |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Conciencia de matar Argentina
Czas zabijania Poland
Le raccourci France |
The Short Cut (undefined)
Time to Kill (undefined)
Timpul sa ucizi Romania |
EMI Records 7 93323-1 Country Italy Format LP
Release Date 1989 (14 Music) |
GDM CD Club 7068 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date Jul-2009 UPN 8-018163-070688 (15 Music) |
Plot The film is set in 1936, when Ethiopia was an Italian colony. Lieutenant Silvestri suffers a toothache and decides to reach the nearest camp hospital. En route to the dentist his vehicle has an accident, and stops near a rock. Silvestri continues by walking. On his way, he meets and rapes a young Ethiopian woman. Despite this, he and the Ethiopian fall for each other. While taking refuge in a cave Silvestri shoots at a wild animal, but the bullet ricochets and hits the woman. Silvestri continues to the dentist. Upon reaching the hospital, he reads a medical book, leading him to believe he has leprosy. As he tries to escape from Ethiopia, Silvestri must evade his former comrades and reach his wife in Italy.
剧情简译 二战的非洲,意大利军驻在伊索匹亚,中尉亨利因牙疼独自来到总部就医。途中因迷路偶遇土著女郎进而发生肌肤之亲且误杀女郎,回来后手上的伤口竟开始溃烂, 同时获悉该女郎患有麻风病,这更使他惊恐不已。本来满心欢喜准备告假返乡即可退伍,现在却因伤病不知何去何从,因为他向医官开枪,而不敢登船返乡,偷上司的钱做偷渡费,却阴差阳错来到土著女郎的家,他将自己误杀女郎的事告知其父,女郎之父原谅了他并为其治好了手上的伤口,不久战争结束了,亨利与他人搭船返乡... |
001 |
Tempo di uccidere |
杀戮时刻 |
002 |
Una vicina Africa |
非洲已近 |
003 |
Tempo di angoscia |
危难时刻 |
004 |
Disperazione e caos |
绝望和混乱 |
005 |
Tempo di vivere |
生存时刻 |
006 |
Un segnale notturno |
昨晚的信号 |
007 |
Una lontana Italia (Timing mismatch -9) |
遥远的意大利(时序不匹配-9) |
008 |
Ansia e sole (Timing mismatch -34) |
焦虑和太阳(时序不匹配-34) |
009 |
Tempo di amare |
爱的时刻 |
010 |
Angoscia e mare |
痛苦和海洋 |
011 |
Incubi e sogni |
梦魇与梦想 |
012 |
Tempo di morire |
死亡时刻 |
013 |
Dimenticare l' Africa |
忘记非洲 |
014 |
E non tornare (Timing mismatch -9) |
不要回来(时序不匹配-9) |
NA-8909 (9002) Gioco senza fine / The endless game - tv series / 神机妙探 |
电影导演 Director Bryan Forbes |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Gezinktes Spiel West Germany
Gioco senza fine Italy
Vakoilupeli Finland |
Virgin Movie Records CDV 2602 Country Great Britain Format CD Release Date 1989 UPN
5-012981-260224 (13 Music) |
GDM CD Club 7113 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 13-Mar-2012 UPN 8-018163-071135(17 Music) |
Plot The "endless game" is espionage, which goes on and on despite government upheavals and changing international attitudes. Albert Finney plays a retired secret agent called back to active duty. Finney is entrusted with the task of finding out why his fellow retirees are being killed off. One of the victims is a woman who'd once been Finney's lover. Anthony Quayle makes his final screen appearance in this made-for-cable suspenser. Endless Game was written and directed by Bryan Forbes--surprisingly, his first foray into the spy-film genre.
剧情简译 这是一部跨越英国、奥地利、芬兰三国实地拍摄充满悬疑紧张的谍报动钜制。本片拥有超强的卡司阵容,剧情的高潮起伏扣人心弦。故事从疗养院的女病人卡洛琳遭人杀害开始……。卡洛琳生前是英国情报局成员,工作期间曾被派往柏林。情夫亚力克获悉卡洛琳遭杀害后为了深入调查此案,不惜伪装变节投效苏俄,经过调查,原来卡洛琳的死,源于她床边的一张照片,照片中的一男一女,男人是即将被提名英国首相的现任内政部长,女人则是苏俄间谍,内政部长为安全理由,于是…… |
001 |
The endless game |
无尽的游戏 |
002 |
The love game |
爱情游戏 |
003 |
Alec's journey |
亚历克的旅程 |
004 |
Anif |
阿尼夫 |
005 |
The game goes on |
游戏继续 |
006 |
Silvia's game |
西尔维娅的游戏 |
007 |
Summer solitude |
夏季的孤独 |
008 |
The endless game |
无尽的游戏 |
009 |
Just a game |
只是一个游戏 |
010 |
Caroline's song |
卡罗琳的歌 |
011 |
Alec's journey |
亚历克的旅程 |
012 |
Chess game |
棋牌游戏 |
013 |
From russia |
来自俄罗斯 |
2013.9.26 发布 2014.12.29 修订 |