A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
NA-8301 (8202) A Time to Die / Seven Graves for Rogan(直译 死亡时刻/罗甘的七个坟墓) |
电影导演 Director Matt Cimber |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone, Robert O. Ragland (Soundtrack) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
A Morte Pede Vinganca Brazil
Aika kuolla Finland
Czas umierania Poland
El vengador Spain
Hevnens time Norway (video box title) Seven Graves for Rogan (undefined)
Syv graver for gestapo Norway (video box title)
V comme vengeance France
Varjo menneisyydesta Finland
Zeit zu sterben West Germany |
BSX Records BSXCD 8836 Country United States
Format CD Release Date 20-Mar-2008 UPN
7-1218-78836-3-4 (11Music) |
Cerberus CEMS - 0119 Country United States
Format LP Release Date 1984 (11Music) |
Plot A World War II vet (Edward Albert Jr.) sets out in 1948 to avenge the death of his wife at the hands of Nazis. His targets are four Germans, a Sicilian, and a Hungarian who committed the atrocities. He is aided by a CIA operative (Rod Taylor), who has another agenda. One of the targeted men (Rex Harrison) is being groomed by the US to become the West German chancellor and is to be protected. Along the way, a third person (Linn Stokke) joins the team.
剧情简译 在1948年,一个二战期间的兽医(爱德华·艾伯特扮演),为了给在纳粹统治时期他的被害的妻子报仇,他的目标描准了四个德国人,一个西西里人,一个匈牙利人.他们是这个罪行的罪魁祸首.他得到了中情局一个另有任务的特工(罗德·泰勒扮演)的帮助........ |
001 |
A time to die |
死亡时刻 |
002 |
Recitation on an ancient harpsichord |
古键琴的述说 |
003 |
Tzigane style |
吉普赛风格 |
004 |
Invasion |
入侵 |
005 |
The girl from Munich |
慕尼黑的女孩 |
006 |
Sicilian tension |
西西里岛的不安 |
007 |
The girl from Munich |
慕尼黑的女孩 |
008 |
Tortures and memories |
酷刑和记忆 |
009 |
Seven graves for Rogan |
罗根的七瓶葡萄酒 |
010 |
The third day at dusk |
第三天的黄昏 |
011 |
Wedding feast in the fields |
田野里的婚宴 |
在下面3个网站显示出不同的作曲家 Different composers are shown in following 3 websites |
03 - CHIMAI 显示为 Ennio Morricone |
NA-8302 (8308) Hundra (直译 汉德拉) |
电影导演 Director Matt Cimber |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Hundra USA
Hundra - A Mulher Guerreira Brazil
Hundra - barbaarikuningatar Finland
Hundra barbarkvinnan Sweden
Macola MRC 0903 Country
United States Format
LP Release Date 1984 (10 Music) |
Subversive Cinema SC17-2 Country
United States Format CD Release Date 27-Mar-2007 UPN
8-5896-40012-2-5 (15 Music) |
Plot Born in a tribe of fierce warrior women, Hundra has been raised to despise the influence of men. An archer, fighter and sword fighter, Hundra is superior to any male. Hundra finds her family slain and takes a vow of revenge until one day she meets her match
剧情简译 汉德拉出生在一个兇猛尚武的女族部落,她是一个优秀的弓箭手,剑客和战士,她的武艺高超,优于任何男人.她的家人被杀害,她发誓要为他们复仇.直到有一天,她终于遇到了对手 |
001 |
Chase |
追击 |
002 |
Hundra's Love Theme |
汉德拉的爱情主题 |
003 |
Hundra's War Theme |
汉德拉的的战争主题 |
004 |
The Magical Change |
神奇的变化 |
005 |
Slaughter in the Village |
在村庄的屠杀 |
006 |
Chrysula, The Wise One |
明智的人 |
007 |
By The Sea |
在海边 |
008 |
The Wild Bunch |
狂热 |
009 |
You're Free |
你自由了 |
010 |
The Love Temple |
爱神寺庙 |
011 |
Bow To The Bull |
对牛鞠躬 |
012 |
Hundra's Return |
汉德拉的的回归 |
013 |
The Defeat |
失败 |
014 |
A Funny Man |
一个有趣的男人 |
015 |
Hundra's Revenge |
汉德拉的复仇 |
电影导演 Director Tinto Brass |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
A kulcs Hungary (imdb display title)
Bag laste dore Denmark (DVD title)
Erotiikan avain Finland
Klucz Poland
La clef France |
La llave Argentina
La llave secreta Spain
The Key (undefined)
The key - avain Finland
To kleidi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
Dureco 88095 Country Netherlands Format LP
Release Date 1984 (10 Music) |
Polydor 823179-1 Original Release Title La Cl-
Country France Format LP Release Date 1984 (10 Music) |
Plot A husband and wife lock their diaries in a drawer and also know that they read each other's entries, a device which takes them from one sexual encounter to another
剧情简译 一对夫妻把各自的日记锁在抽屉里,但都清楚对方在偷看。没关系,他们以此为借口,隐秘的私人性爱的大比拼。影片结尾处,有一个角色说道:"我就是用出轨来体现我的忠诚。"意思是,她通过跟别人做爱,来刺激自己的婚姻生活,因为她丈夫显然有偷窥欲望. 这部以性来影射与批判墨索里尼法西斯主义残酷政权的影片是根据日本文学家谷崎润一郎的小说《键》改编而成,上映后深受主流媒体好评,被认为是丁度作品中最具深度的一部
001 |
Da Vienna A Vienna (I Versione) |
从维也纳到维也纳(第一版) |
002 |
Funebre e Pomposo |
浮夸的葬礼 |
003 |
Due Variazioni Un Tema Sereno |
和平的变化 |
004 |
Quattro Frammenti da Un Tema Sereno |
室内乐 |
005 |
Citazione da Un Vecchio Valzer |
老华尔兹 |
006 |
Mini Can-can Grottesco |
迷你怪诞坎坎 |
007 |
Tre Frammenti Per Quartetto D'archi |
弦乐四重奏 |
008 |
Da Vienna A Vienna (II Versione) |
从维也纳到维也纳(第二版) |
009 |
Malessere |
身体不适 |
010 |
Lei Pensata da Lui |
她想起了他 |
电影导演 Director Jacques Deray |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
El marginal Argentina / Spain
A kívülálló Hungary (imdb display title)
Der AuBenseiter West Germany
Kantje boord Netherlands (informal literal title)
Maglup edilmeyen Turkey (Turkish title) |
Marginalac Serbia
O Marginal Brazil (cable TV title)
O perithoriakos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Professione: poliziotto Italy |
EMI Records 835627-2 Country France Format
CD Release Date 1983 UPN 7-2438-35627-2-5 (10 Music) |
Music Box Records MBR-049 Country France Format CD Release Date 5-May-2014 UPN
3-770002-531457 (25 Music) |
Plot In another typical Jean-Paul Belmondo vehicle, the French action hero plays a policeman prone to advancing the cause of justice by any means necessary. On his agenda is a powerful drug cartel working out of Paris and Marseilles, with a drug lord (Henry Silva) who is essentially inaccessible -- but not immortal. Stunts (performed by Belmondo) and chase scenes on land and water enliven the story, but the scenes with Belmondo's love interest are rather marginal themselves.
剧情简译 在另一种典型的贝尔蒙多电影里,法国动作影星扮演了一名倾向于使用任何必要手段以维护正义的警察.他面对的是一个强大的活跃在巴黎和马赛的毒品集团.毒枭(Henry Silva 扮演)是难以捉摸的.电影中由贝尔蒙多演出的在海上和地面上追捕的惊人表演令影片生气勃勃, 但是片中贝尔蒙多的喜好使得他自己成为一个边缘人物
编者注:此片的主题音乐Le Marginal 将东方音乐中的鼓釟和西方的管弦乐完美的结合起来,极富东方色彩,听了使人感到情绪高昂,精神振奋。是大师的又一个杰出作品。在大师来中国或东方举行的音乐会上如果演奏此曲定会受到听众热烈的欢迎
Note: The theme music Le Marginal perfectly combined Western orchestral music with Eastern drum and cymbals, with a strong oriental colors. Make people feel good spirits and rouse. It is Morricone's excellent work. The music will be given a warm welcome by the audience if it is performed in the maestro's concert in China or Eastern city. |
001 |
Le Marginal (06:16)
侠走边缘 |
002 |
H.S.M. (02:40)
Theme De Mecacci |
H.S.M.梅卡西的主题 |
003 |
Hypertension (02:44)
1Ere Partie |
极度紧张 第1部分 |
004 |
Theme Classique (04:52) |
传统的主题 |
005 |
Le Marginal (06:20)
La Droguee Et Le Garcon |
侠走边缘 瘾君子和男孩 |
006 |
Le Marginal (01:04)
Une Charmante Rencontre |
侠走边缘 愉快的会晤 |
007 |
Le Marginal (01:58)
Enquete Sur La Drogue |
侠走边缘 调查毒品 |
008 |
Don't Think Twice (04:14) |
不要再犹豫 |
009 |
Le Marginal (02:56)
Pour Carole |
侠走边缘 卡罗尔 |
010 |
H.S.M. (02:33) |
H.S.M. |
011 |
Le Marginal (02:14)
Le Squat Des Antillais |
侠走边缘 |
012 |
Le Marginal (01:51)
Generique, Seconde Version |
侠走边缘 片头字幕第2版 |
013 |
Le Marginal (02:39)
Pour Carole, Seconde Version |
侠走边缘 卡罗尔第2版 |
014 |
Le Marginal (06:20)
Conclusion |
侠走边缘 结论 |
015 |
Hypertension (01:57)
2Eme Partie |
高度紧张 第2部分 |
016 |
Le Marginal (01:12)
A La Gare De L'est |
侠走边缘 在车站东面 |
017 |
Forecast (04:16) |
预测 |
018 |
Le Marginal (00:54)
Pour Carole, Troisieme Version |
侠走边缘 卡罗尔第3版 |
019 |
Le Marginal (01:55)
Reglement De Comptes |
侠走边缘 清算 |
020 |
Le Marginal (00:49)
Extreme Tension |
侠走边缘 极度紧张 |
021 |
Le Marginal (01:03)
Pour Carole, Quatrieme Version |
侠走边缘 卡罗尔第4版 |
022 |
Dreamer (04:06) |
梦想家 |
023 |
Le Marginal (02:29)
Generique De Fin |
侠走边缘 片尾 |
NA-8305 (8402) Les voulers de la nuit / Thieves After Dark (直译 黑暗中的贼) |
电影导演 Director Samuel Fuller |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
General Music 803054 Country France Format
LP Release Date 1984 (11 Music) |
Saimel 3994210 Country Spain Format CD
Release Date Dec-2002 UPN 8-4234-79075-2-5 (20 Music) |
Plot Francois (Bobby Di Cicco) and Isabelle (Veronique Jannot) meet in an unemployment office, a likely place to find others in their profession: he is a cellist and she, an art historian. While there, Isabelle gets into a nasty incident with one of the clerks, and Fran?ois helps her out of the office with the end result that the two continue meeting and eventually fall in love. They try to make money as street musicians, though nothing seems to work out. Isabelle then suggests they rob the three unemployment office personnel who were the most obnoxious to them, a suggestion that leads to their breaking into an apartment in which the occupant accidentally falls to his death. At first both Isabelle and the police believe she pushed the man out the window -- and the chase is on.
剧情简译 影片描写一个十分普遍的犯罪故事: 两个失业青年是怎样走到一起并走上他们从来没有想过的犯罪杀人的道路的.弗兰克和伊莎贝尔两个人一个是大提琴手,一个是艺术史学家,但他们都没有找到工作.他(她)们偶然在一个失业人员的办事处相遇,在伊莎贝尔和办事员交恶的时侯,弗兰克帮助了她.之后两人彼此相爱.他们试着在街头卖艺赚钱,但结果令人失望.于是伊莎贝尔提议他们去抢那个失业人员办事处里他们最讨厌的三个办事员的钱,希望以此来报复他们.当他们在一个公寓行动时,一个偶然事件导致一个房客坠楼死亡,警察开始对案件的调查并认定伊莎贝尔是兇手.... |
001 |
lancinant for two (main title) |
两个躁动的年轻人(主标题) |
002 |
lancinant for two (album version) |
两个躁动的年轻人(专辑题) |
003 |
fatal prevision |
命中注定的预知 |
004 |
romance of 'thieves after dark' (orchestral version) |
黑暗中的贼冒险故事 |
005 |
three fragments |
三个片段 |
006 |
lancinant for two (love at first sight) |
两个躁动的年轻人(一见钟情) |
007 |
unconscious happiness |
无意识的幸福 |
008 |
theme of young lovers |
年轻的恋人主题 |
009 |
young lovers |
年轻的恋人 |
010 |
a fake |
假的 |
011 |
theme of young lovers (return to paris) |
年轻的恋人主题(返回巴黎) |
012 |
fatal prevision (the stolen watch) |
命中注定的预知(被盗的手表) |
013 |
a fake (the receiver) |
一个假的(接收器) |
014 |
counterpoints |
对应 |
015 |
fatal prevision (running away) |
命中注定的预知(逃跑) |
016 |
Romance of "Thieves After Dark" (piano & cello) |
两个躁动的年轻人冒险故事 |
017 |
expressive suspense |
焦虑 |
018 |
expressive suspense (reprise) |
焦虑 |
019 |
lancinant for two (deadly conclusion) |
两个躁动的年轻人冒险故事 |
020 |
thieves after dark (end title) |
黑暗中的贼(终了曲) |
NA-8306 (8210) Nana / Nana: La vera chiave del piacere / Nana, the True Key of Pleasure (直译 娜娜,游乐场的真正关键) |
电影导演 Director Dan Wolman |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Nana Finland / Greece (video title)
Nana, ilotytto Finland
Nana, the True Key of Pleasure UK |
Nana, to louloudi tis amartias Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Nana: La vera chiave del piacere Italy
Nana: Le désir France |
General Music 803051 Original Release Title Nana Le Dsir Country France Format LP Release Date 1983 Fold Out Cover (13Music) |
Label: Image Music – 4996582
Format: CD Country: Italy
Released: Sep 2001 (19 Music)( Here) |
Plot In Zola's Paris, an ingenue arrives at a tony bordello: she's Nana, guileless, but quickly learning to use her erotic innocence to get what she wants. She's an actress for a soft-core filmmaker and soon is the most popular courtesan in Paris, parlaying this into a house, bought for her by a wealthy banker. She tosses him and takes up with her neighbor, a count of impeccable rectitude, and with the count's impressionable son. The count is soon fetching sticks like a dog and mortgaging his lands to satisfy her whims. She bankrupts him, arranges the debauching of his wife, and seduces his son on his wedding day. What else can she accomplish before she leaves Paris airborne?
剧情简译 一个天真无邪的少女娜娜来到巴黎的托尼妓院,她很快地学会通过性交易来得到她需要的东西并成为巴黎的一个名妓.一个富裕的银行家为她买了房子.她的邻居是一个伯爵,她又很快地征服了他还有他的儿子.为了满足她的兴致奇想,伯爵抵押了土地,最后导致他自己破产...... |
001 |
Dellera - Nana |
娜娜 |
002 |
Canzone dei sensi |
感官之歌 |
003 |
Retata di donnine |
小妇人 |
004 |
Aspettando la notte |
等待夜晚 |
005 |
Dellera - Nana (Versione pianoforte) |
娜娜(钢琴版) |
006 |
Iperteso |
高血压 |
007 |
Canzone dei sensi (1 versione) |
感官之歌(第1版) |
008 |
Grottesco e drammatico |
怪诞和戏剧性 |
009 |
Dellera - Nana (2 Versione) |
娜娜(第2版) |
010 |
Falrits |
011 |
Prova Teatrale |
彩排 |
012 |
Una Carrozza Veloce |
快速的马车 |
013 |
Dellera - Nana (Versione Violino) |
娜娜(小提琴版) |
014 |
Depresso |
沮丧 |
015 |
Grave Depressione |
严重的抑郁症 |
016 |
Duello |
决斗 |
017 |
Canzone dei Sensi (2 Versione) |
感官之歌(第2版) |
018 |
Solo e Notturno |
夜曲独奏 |
019 |
Dellera - Nana (Finale) |
娜娜(终了) |
NA-8307 (8305) Sahara /撒哈拉 |
电影导演 Director Andrew V. McLaglen |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Sahara Finland / Greece / Turkey (Turkish title)
Flammer over Sahara Denmark |
Varese Sarabande STV 81211 Country United States Format LP Release Date 1983 (17Music) |
Intrada MAF 7047D Country United States Format
CD Release Date 1992 (20 Music) |
Plot The setting is in the year 1927. After her father dies, a young woman (Shields) disguised as a man, takes the place of her father in a race across the Sahara. She ends up prisoner to Rasoul (John Rhys-Davies), but is rescued by Jaffar (Lambert Wilson). However, more trouble awaits her before she the race, becoming the first woman to win this race can finish the race. She ends up marrying Jaffar (Lambert Wilson) and Jaffars uncle (Rasoul) ends up dying in the end. She does end up winning
剧情简译 1927年,美国可顿汽车有限公司一辆时速为150公里的新车问世了。该公司老板为了占领国际汽车市场,决定派女儿迪儿驾此车参加在撒哈拉沙漠举行的国际赛车,谁料,一场不幸的事故夺去了可贵的生命。临终前,他嘱咐女儿一定要在比赛中夺魁。迪儿忍着悲痛,带着父亲的嘱托。乔装成男子前往撒哈拉参赛。 她在穿越大漠途中遇到很多困难,在战火纷飞的撒哈拉中部。结果被一群剽悍的夏布拉族骑兵生擒,受到高大英俊族长弗杰尔的帮助逃脱后又被哈曼杰族人掳获。弗杰尔及时率兵赶来,救出了迪儿,让她继续参赛。比赛接近尾声,迪儿一鼓作气抢先到达了终点,等待她的是一片欢呼声和弗杰尔那热切的目光,她告别了亲友,随弗杰尔回夏布拉族。 |
001 |
撒哈拉的主题 |
002 |
THE PARTY (Charleston / Ragtime Dance) |
派对(查尔斯顿/拉格泰姆舞蹈) |
003 |
父亲死亡 |
004 |
沙特阿拉伯 |
005 |
您的标志 |
006 |
GET SET.... GO |
获得装置...去 |
007 |
装甲汽车 |
008 |
沙漠绿洲 |
009 |
沙漠音乐 |
010 |
瀑布之吻 |
011 |
追逐黑豹 |
012 |
更多的沙漠音乐 |
013 |
汽车故障 |
014 |
更多的汽车故障 |
015 |
战斗 1 |
016 |
拉苏尔 |
017 |
战斗 2 |
018 |
战斗 3 |
019 |
终了曲 |
020 |
撒哈拉 |
NA-8308 (8302) Scarlatto e nero / The scarlet and the Black - tv / 红袍与黑幕/梵蒂冈侠圣(港) |
电影导演 Director Jerry London |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
Escarlata y negro Spain / Venezuela
Im Wendekreis des Kreuzes West Germany
La pourpre et le noir France (DVD box title)
Le pourpre et le noir France |
Mies punaisissa ja mies mustissa Finland
O Escarlate e o Negro Brazil
Scarlatto e nero Italy
The Vatican Pimpernel (undefined) |
Cerberus Records CEM-S 0120 Country United States
Format LP Release Date 1983 (12 Music) |
Plot Exciting WWII drama based on a true story. Gregory Peck stars as a Vatican official who hides escaped POWs and refugees from the Gestapo under the eyes of German officer Christopher Plummer
剧情简译 电影基于真实的历史,在德国占领梵谛冈期间的一名牧师费莱厄蒂,他专门藏匿与营救纳粹党人的难民和盟军的战俘.故事讲述德军进驻意大利后,一项非常重要的任务是追捕从其他国家监狱逃到梵蒂冈寻求庇护帮助的盟军战士。虽然由于担心危害到梵蒂冈的中立地位,教皇不能支持任何帮助这些前来寻求庇护的人,奥弗莱厄蒂神甫仍然不顾个人安危,在极其困难的情况下,坚持帮助任何一个前来请求帮助的人。随着奥弗莱厄蒂神甫的影响日益广泛,他成为罗马党卫军头目卡普勒急于除掉的心腹大患。面对卡普勒气急败坏的威胁,奥弗莱厄蒂大义凛然、从容不迫、机智地变换各种不同的身份进行着他的救助工作。在他的领导下,几千个从德国监狱逃出来的人安全度过了战争…… |
001 |
The Scarlet And The Black, Rome 1942 - Open City |
猩红色和黑色,罗马 1942 不设防的城市 |
002 |
Memories Of Rome |
罗马的回忆 |
003 |
Vatican Story |
梵蒂冈的故事 |
004 |
The Disquises |
005 |
The Prisoners |
囚犯 |
006 |
In Saint Peters |
在圣彼得大教堂 |
007 |
Francesca's Departure |
弗朗西斯的离开 |
008 |
The Execution Of Morosini |
处决莫罗西尼 |
009 |
A War Of Nerves, O'Flaherty Vs. Kappler |
战争的神经 |
010 |
Christmas 1942 |
1942年圣诞节 |
011 |
Attacks On The Underground |
地下的攻击 |
012 |
Finale |
终了曲 |
NA-8401 (8408) Don't kill God ( DOCUMENTARY)(直译 不要杀神) |
电影导演 Director Jacqueline Manzano |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film -------- |
相关音乐页 Music -------- |
电影别名 Alias |
编者注: 此片在IMDB中无资料,但在这些网站可以查到 01, 02, 03 , 04 |
Plot In this docu-drama that defends a faith in "one God" against the real or perceived evils of consumerism, war, unbridled sex, drugs, and nonconformists, director Jacqueline Manzano has a resonant male voice intone comments such as " ...by killing God we kill ourselves." The Pope is seen in various encounters with worshipping Catholics around the globe, and the epitome of evil is shown in clips of dictators or rulers as diverse as Hitler and Gamal Abdel Nasser. Rather silly enacted scenes fill the space between docu clips. Devoutly religious viewers will be the most supportive audience for this film, while atheists, agnostics, and Buddhists might take exception to the perspective of the director. In the same vein, the intermixing of documentary footage and acted scenes was an excellent concept, but it was spoiled by the artificial, stilted nature of the fictional segments.
About OST It seems never released album, we only can find some information of its singer Barbara Hendricks(here and here)but we still cannot find any song in the film.
剧情简译 这是一部捍卫"上帝"的宗教信仰记录片.它反对真实的或是感知的邪恶的消费至上,战争,放荡的性,毒品和异教徒."...杀害上帝就是毁灭我们自己".虔诚的教徒将是这部电影最坚定的观众,而无神论者,不可知论者和佛教徒则可能是例外的.....
关于音乐 这组音乐资料极少。我们只能找到它的歌唱家巴巴拉的资料,它可能从未发行过专辑.甚至在Barbara Hendricks的所有专辑中(这里和这里)我们也未能找到这首歌曲
Barbara Hendricks 的 所有专辑和Barbara Hendricks的 官方网站 |
201412 补充信息 Supplementary Information in 2014 |
03- 比利时CHIMAI站长迪迪埃的有关文章( 这里) |
....Since Hendricks sang Deborah’s Theme at the ceremony of the Polar Prize, where Morricone was awarded the very coveted trophy in 2010, I first thought that this was just a replay of the Don’t Kill God collaboration, which would have made sense since Once Upon a Time in America also dates from 1984. Thanks to the testimony of Christophe Jacob from the website “Les gens du cinéma”4, who has seen the movie, we now have the certainty that it was actually the theme of Jill from C’era una volta il West which was performed by the American soprano. So this project must be left aside, because it is nothing compared to the TV movies of the years 2000’s, and to the Canto del Dio nascosto concert.(Here) |
本站译文 ...2010年,莫里康内在保拉音乐奖获得了那个令人垂涎的奖杯,(Polar Prize 笔者注 瑞典國際音乐大獎,成立於1989年。該獎項每年給一位當代音樂家和一位古典音樂家。2010年莫里康内和冰岛音乐家比约克同时受奖),亨德里克斯在授奖典礼上演唱了黛博拉的主题,我首先想到的是这是一次“不要杀神”合作的重现。这是很有意义的,它甚至还可以追溯到1984年的电影“美国往事”。感谢克里斯托弗 雅各布在“人民电影”( Les gens du cinéma)网站上的见证:谁看过那部电影,现在我们已经确切地知道那是“西部往事”中由美国女高音演唱的吉尔的主题。不过,这件事应该放到一边去了,因为对比这几部新世纪的电视电影和“隐秘的上帝之歌”音乐会,它实在算不上什么。 |
抱歉本站现在没有这首乐曲可供试听 Sorry we haven't the music yet up to now |
电影导演 Director Sergio Leone |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
电影别名 Alias |
C'era una volta in America Italy
Dawno temu w Ameryce Poland
Der var engang i Amerika Denmark ?
Es war einmal in Amerika Austria / West Germany
Il était une fois en Amérique Canada (French title) / France
A fost odata in America Romania (imdb display title) Once upon a time in America - suuri gangsterisota Finland
Ondt blod i Amerika Norway
Suuri gangsterisota Finland (TV title)
Volt egyszer egy Amerika Hungary (More) |
Mercury Records 818 697-1 Original Release Title
Il Etait Une Fois En Amerique Country France
Format LP Release Date 1984 UPN 0-4228-18697-1-6 (15 Music) |
Restless/Rykodisc REST 73767 Country European Union Format CD Release Date 1998 UPN 0-018777-376723 (19Music) |
Plot Though some viewers might be put off by its length, graphic violence, and absence of likable characters, Sergio Leone's final film is also a cinematic masterpiece. Spanning four decades, the film tells the story of David "Noodles" Aaronson (Robert De Niro) and his Jewish pals, chronicling their childhoods on New York's Lower East Side in the 1920s, through their gangster careers in the 1930s, and culminating in Noodles' 1968 return to New York from self-imposed exile, at which time he learns the truth about the fate of his friends and again confronts the nightmare of his past. The acting, the re-creation of the time period, the cinematography, and the music are all superb. However, even more important is Leone's ability to make the film work on so many different levels: it's both a criticism of gangster-film mythology and a continuation of the director's exploration of the issues of time and history. Strange as it may seem, the violence and gore in the first half of the film turn into a sad elegy about wasted lives and lost love. The film's strengths emerge only in its full 229-minute version -- the 139-minute and other edited versions don't make nearly the same impact
剧情简译 以拍摄意大利西部片成名的意大利籍导演瑟吉欧·莱昂,带领观众横跨四十余年,以纽约的犹太社区为背景,叙述四个从小一起长大的童年玩伴之间纠葛的恩怨情仇。金像奖影帝罗伯特·德尼罗(Robert De Niro)饰演面条,是四位主要人物中的主角,本片以艾隆索与其伙伴的犯罪生涯为主轴,是一部描写友谊与对立、忠诚和背叛等人性冲突的黑帮史诗电影,时代背景跨越经济大恐慌、禁酒令及第一次世界大战等美国史上的重要大事。作曲家埃尼奥·莫里康内凭该片于1985年无可争议的获得获得英日美意等四个国家的最佳配乐奖”。甚至很多人认为,该片经典的配乐掩盖了影片本身的出色.... |
001 |
Once upon a time in America |
美国往事 |
002 |
Poverty |
贫穷 |
003 |
Deborah's theme |
黛博拉的主题 |
004 |
Childhood memories |
童年的回忆 |
005 |
Amapola |
罂粟花 |
006 |
Friends |
朋友 |
007 |
Prohibition dirge |
禁酒挽歌 |
008 |
Cockey's song |
柯奇之歌 |
009 |
Amapola pat II |
罂粟花2 |
010 |
Chilhood poverty |
贫困的童年 |
011 |
Photographic memories |
照片的回忆 |
012 |
Friends |
朋友 |
013 |
Friendship & Love |
谊和爱情 |
014 |
Speakeasy |
地下酒吧 |
015 |
Deborah's theme (Amapola) |
黛博拉的主题-罂粟花 |
016 |
Suite from Once upon a time in Amerrica |
美国往事组曲 |
017 |
Poverty (Temp. version) |
贫困 |
018 |
Unused theme |
未使用的主题 |
019 |
Unused theme (Version II) |
未使用的主题2 |