A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
NA-7901 (7902) Linea di sangue / Bloodline (Terence Young) / 朱门血痕 |
NA-7902 (7913) Buone notizie / Good News (Elio Petri) (直译 好消息) |
NA-7903 (7912) Dedicato al mare Egeo / Dedicated to the Aegean Sea (池田满寿夫/Masuo Ikeda) (直译 献给爱琴海) |
NA-7904 (7914) Dietro il processo - Episodes: Il caso Pasolini, Il caso Montesi (Franco Biancacci)-TV (直译 幕后情节:帕索里尼 蒙泰西案件) |
NA-7905 (7911) I....come Icare / I as in Icarus (Henri Verneuil) (直译 我在伊卡洛斯) |
NA-7906 (7901) Il giocattolo / A Dangerous Toy (Giuliano Montaldo) (直译 危险的玩具) |
NA-7907 (7908) Il prato / The Meadow (Paolo & Vittorio Taviani) (直译 草坪) |
NA-7908 (7807) Invito allo sport - tv documentary - (Folco Quilici) (直译 邀请运动) |
NA-7909 (7903) La Luna / Luna (Bernardo Bertolucci) / 月神 |
NA-7910 (7909) Ogro/Operación Ogro / Operation Ogre (Gillo Pontecorvo) / 食人魔/ 奥科罗行动/ |
NA-7911(7904) Orient Express - tv series - (Daniele D'Anzi, Marcel Moussy, Bruno Gantillon) (直译 东方快车) |
NA-7912 (8011) Professione figlio / Bugie bianche/Venetian Lies (Stefano Rolla) (直译 专业的儿子/威尼斯谎言) |
NA-7901 (7902) Linea di sangue / Bloodline / 朱门血痕 |
电影导演 Director Terence Young |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
A Herdeira Brazil
Blutspur West Germany
Farlig arv Norway (imdb display title)
Grammi aimatos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Kviksand Denmark Lacos de Sangue Portugal
Lazos de sangre Spain
Liés par le sang France
Linea di sangue Italy |
Sidney Sheldon's Bloodline (1979) (More)
Varese Sarabande STV 81131 (1980 18 music) |
Varese Sarabande CD Club VCL 9001.6 Country
United States Format CD Release Date Jan-1990 (Mixed 3-13 11/13 music |
Plot Sam Roffe, president of a multi-national pharmaceutical corporation, is killed while mountain-climbing. It is first determined to be an accident, but Inspector Max Hormung later deduces that Roffe was murdered. Sam's daughter Elizabeth assumes control of the company, and while traveling through Europe she immediately becomes a target as well. Suspicion falls on the Roffe cousins, all of whom want to go public with the company and sell their stock at a huge profit. Since this would be against her father's wishes, Elizabeth rejects their advice and decides to keep the company within the family. As Inspector Hormung investigates the background of the cousins, more attempts are made on Elizabeth's life. Hoping to reveal the guilty party, Hormung is able to connect these attempts to a series of murders on prostitutes, which are recorded on snuff films
剧情简译 多国制药公司的总裁山姆 洛菲在登山时被杀害,它先被确定为意外事故,但检察官玛克斯 荷芒后来推断是被人谋杀.他的女儿伊丽莎白接手控制这个公司.当她到欧洲旅行时,她也变成了谋杀的目标.怀疑转向了洛菲的表弟身上,他打算扩大公司股东并卖出他的股票以获取大量的利益.由于这违背了她父亲的意愿,伊丽莎白拒绝了他的建议并决定继续保持公司的家族化.检察官玛克斯 荷芒为了调查这个表弟的背景,伊丽莎白的生活受到了很多影响.为了揭开犯罪的事实,荷芒还需要深入一系列针对许多妓女的谋杀案中,这些谋杀被记录在许多虐杀影片中. |
001 |
Main title(love theme) |
主标题(爱情主题) |
002 |
Mountain murder |
山上谋杀 |
003 |
No accident |
没有事故 |
004 |
An almost perfect indiscretion |
几乎完美的轻率 |
005 |
Another bloodline murder |
另一次血线谋杀 |
006 |
Out of the past |
告别过去 |
007 |
Pills on parade |
药片的炫耀 |
008 |
Bloodline murder |
血线谋杀 |
009 |
Dinner at Maxim's |
晚餐在马克西姆 |
010 |
Horrible discovery |
可怕的发现 |
011 |
Resolution(end title) |
决心(终标题) |
电影导演 Director Elio Petri |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Dystyhos, ta nea einai... efharista! Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Good News (undefined)
Mask MK706 (2010 14 music) |
Avanz Records SP/CR-20037 (2007 9 music) |
Plot A junior executive (Giancarlo Giannini) is exasperated with his sexually repressed wife (Angela Molina) in this black comedy dripping with satire. The couple later ends up in bed with the man's mistress (Ombretta Colli) for a menage a trois. The man is pestered by his frantic friend Gualitiero (Paolo Bonacelli), who is convinced that someone is out to kill him. Ada (Aurore Clement) is the worried man's nymphomaniacal wife who is always on the outlook for some kinky sex. The theme is that human triviality and hang-ups hamper the quests of basic needs that can lead to a satisfying existence.
剧情简译 在这部黑色讽刺喜剧中,一个普通的主管被他的性冷淡的妻子所激怒.他还被他一个狂乱的朋友所纠缠,这个朋友老是害怕有人要杀他.埃达是一个郁郁寡欢的男人的妻子,她是一个慕男狂而且总是在网上谈一些古怪的性问题.电影的主题是谈人们的生活琐事和基本需求 |
001 |
Buone notizie |
好消息 |
002 |
Spiagge e prati |
沙滩和草地 |
003 |
Distacco E Solitudine |
分离和孤独 |
004 |
Sindrome da improvvisazione |
即兴综合征 |
005 |
Ripensamenti |
重新思考 |
006 |
Cosi' mentre si fa sera |
这是夜晚 |
007 |
Notturno un po' folle |
一个疯狂的夜晚 |
008 |
Nella roulotte |
大篷车 |
009 |
Tre variazioni su un tema di franz schubert |
三个舒伯特主题变奏曲 |
NA-7903 (7912) Dedicato al mare Egeo / Dedicated to the Aegean Sea (直译 献给爱琴海) |
电影导演 Director 池田满寿夫/Masuo Ikeda |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Dedicated to the Aegean Sea (undefined)
Ege-kai ni sasagu Japan
Quartet Records QRSCE018 (2010 22 music) |
Soundtrack Listeners Communications SLCS-7119
Country Japan Format CD Release Date 21-Apr-1992 UPN 4-988060-071191 (9 music) |
Plot Dedicato al mare Egeo is a forgotten and bizarre co-production between Italy and Japan from 1979, starring the famous Italian porn star Illona Staller (Cicciolina) and directed by Masuo Ikeda (1934-1997) from his own script based on his novel "Ege-kai ni sasagu", for which he won the Akutagawa Prize, the most prestigious literary award in Japan. Ikeda's vigorous artistic. An older adolescent boy (Claudio Aliotti) quickly advances from a peeping-Tom to a "stud" with two women to choose from in this erotic thriller set on the Greek isles. Lurking in the background is one of the women's mute daughter (Sandra Dobrigna), roughly twelve years of age, who isn't overly pleased with her mother's choice for a new partner
剧情简译 这是一部日本和意大利合拍的情色惊悚电影.根据此片导演和日本作家池田满寿夫(Masuo Ikeda)的小说"Ege-kai ni sasagu"改编,由意大利著名色情明星Illona Staller主演. 一个在罗马进修艺术的身无分文的学生尼科斯,在一个希腊小岛上,由于一个偶然相遇,和房东的女孩生活在一起从而他们的生活.... |
001 |
Dedicato Al Mare Egeo |
献给爱琴海 |
002 |
Un Grido |
啼声 |
003 |
Lisa e Nikos |
丽莎和尼克斯 |
004 |
Cavalina A Cavallo |
马背上的卡瓦罗 |
005 |
E Fuggia Via... |
逃走通过.... |
006 |
Un Sogno Al Sole |
阳光下的梦 |
007 |
Lisa del Mare Egeo |
丽莎的爱琴海 |
008 |
Vedere e Non Sapere |
看见却不知道 |
009 |
Tre Per Tre |
三对三 |
010 |
La Donna Della Finestra Difronte |
窗口对面的女人 |
011 |
Dedicato Al Mare Egeo 2 |
献给爱琴海 2 |
012 |
Dedicato Al Mare Egeo 3 |
献给爱琴海 3 |
NA-7904 (7914) Dietro il processo - Episodes: Il caso Pasolini, Il caso Montesi -TV (直译 幕后情节:帕索里尼 蒙泰西案件) |
电影导演 Director Franco Biancacci |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, (IMDB无此片资料) |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
-------------------------- |
GDM CD Club 7066 (2009 mixed-14-26 13/26 music) |
Plot (Italian) Sabato 11 aprile 1953, vigilia di Pasqua. Il cadavere di Wilma Montesi, una bella ragazza romana, viene trovato sulla spiaggia di Torvajanica, una località balneare non distante da Roma. Il corpo non presenta segni di violenza ed è completamente vestito (se non fosse per la mancanza di un reggicalze, delle calze e delle scarpe). Le cause della morte non sono chiare: l'autopsia parla, genericamente - e quindi sollevando mille sospetti - di una sincope dovuta ad un pediluvio.......
剧情简译 此片目前资料甚少,在著名的IMDB和几家意大利电影网站均找不到任何直接的资料,以下内容为编者根据各种资料自行编辑 皮埃尔 保罗 帕索里尼是意大利著名导演、剧作家、诗人和批评家。他的作品充满了反世俗和离经叛道的特色,与罗西里尼、费里尼、安东尼奥尼并称为是意大利最有天才的四位导演.1975年11月2日,他伤痕累累的尸体在罗马郊外的海滨被人发现.他的死留下诸多疑点,迄今仍是神秘的谜团,有人猜测这是有计划的政治暗杀,有人哀叹这是一场艺术的殉难.此片也是这一宗世纪悬案追踪的继续.该片并同时研究了另一宗情节类似的兇杀悬案,1953年4月11日,一个名叫蒙泰西(Wilma Montesi) 的21岁女孩尸体,在罗马郊区的海滩上被发现.此案在调查过程中由于兇手涉及到意大利上层社会俱乐部和毒品事件,因而引起了广泛的质疑和长达数年的审理,但最后仍不了了之.影片通过对当事人和有关方面的采访,调查进一步回顾和梳理了案情和疑点 |
编者注: 此片原声音乐资料不多,在Soundtrack只有一组2009年由意大利出品的GDM CLUB CD 7066合辑。包括了NA7308-Rappresaglia/屠杀令原声音乐在内的26首音乐,各占13首。而从CHIMAI和更多网站资料看,则是由多达近十张CD合辑中汇编而成的13-15首乐曲。其目录比较见下图。本站在此提供的是一组包含曲目最多的有15首乐曲的集成汇编版本。 |
DIETRO IL PROCESSO (2 episodes) (见下面表1) |
01-Dietro il processo (03:00)/幕后情节 |
01-dietro il processo/幕后情节 |
01-Una storia sbagliata (05:17)/ 一个错误的传说 |
02-Confuso notturno (03:15)/迷茫的夜晚 |
02-confuso notturno/迷茫的夜晚 |
02-Dietro il processo (02:56)/幕后情节 |
03-Chiedere aiuto (03:27)/寻求帮助 |
03-lo chiamano amore/他们称之为爱情 |
03-Confuso notturno (03:15)/迷茫的夜晚 |
04-Dietro il processo (#2)(02:54)/幕后情节-2 |
04-una tenda colpevole/ 犯罪的帐篷 |
04-Lo chiamano amore (03:16)/他们称之为爱情 |
05-Confuso notturno (#2) (03:15)/幕后情节-2 |
05-dietro la facciata/门面的背后 |
05-Una tenda colpevole (03:00)/犯罪的帐篷 |
06- Dietro la facciata (03:34)/门面的背后 |
06-chiedere aiuto/寻求帮助 |
06-Dietro la facciata (03:36)/门面的背后 |
07-Dietro il processo (#3) (02:58)/幕后情节-3 |
07-one heart (a)/一颗心(a) |
07-Chiedere aiuto (03:28 )/寻求帮助 |
08- Confuso notturno (#3) (03:15)/迷茫的夜晚-3 |
08-one heart (b)/一颗心(b) |
08-Cromaticamente (03:24)/色彩 |
09- Dietro la facciata (#2) (03:32)/门面的背后-2 |
09-sicilian stroll 2/西西里漫步2 |
09-Estenuante (03:36)/重罚 |
10- Chiedere aiuto (#2) (03:24)/寻求帮助-2 |
10-out to lunch/心不在焉 |
10-One heart (03:17 )/一颗心 |
11-Confuso notturno (#4) (03:16)/迷茫的夜晚-4 |
11-cromaticamente/色彩 |
11-One heart (03:16)/一颗心 |
12-Dietro la facciata (#3) (03:36)/门面的背后-2 |
12-estenuante/重罚 |
12-Sicilian Stroll 2 (02:57 )/西西里漫步2 |
13-Dietro il processo (#4) (02:59)/幕后情节-4 |
13-fabrizio de andre - una storia sbagliata/法布里奇奥·德·安德烈 - 一个错误的传说 |
13-Out to lunch (03:34)/心不在焉 |
14-Dietro il processo (02:59)/幕后情节 |
其中重复曲目9首 |
其中重复曲目1首 |
其中重复曲目2首 |
表1:DIETRO IL PROCESSO (1979 IT) TV MOVIE (2 episodes) |
3. ONE HEART 3:16
4. ONE HEART 3:16
5. ONE HEART 3:16
aka LEI
Composed and Conducted by Ennio Morricone
Flugelhorn: Oscar Valdambrini
11,12 IL BARONE CD RCA 74321-17763-2(IT 1995)
2CD BMG BVCM37201/2(JA 2001) |
001 |
dietro il processo (02:56 ) |
幕后情节 |
002 |
confuso notturno (03:16 ) |
迷茫的夜晚 |
003 |
one heart (lo chiamano amore) (03:18) |
一颗心(他们称之为爱情) |
004 |
one heart (b) (03:19) |
一颗心(b) |
005 |
one heart (a) (03:20) |
一颗心(a) |
006 |
i remember you (per una donna) (03:25) |
我记得你(对于一个女人) |
007 |
i remember you (lei) (03:45) |
我记得你(她) |
008 |
una tenda colpevole (03:03 ) |
犯罪的帐篷 |
009 |
dietro la facciata (out to lunch) (03:38) |
门面的背后(心不在焉) |
010 |
chiedere aiuto (03:30) |
寻求帮助 |
011 |
cromaticamente (03:27) |
色彩 |
012 |
estenuante (03:39) |
重罚 |
013 |
sicilian stroll-2 (02:57) |
西西里漫步2 |
014 |
out to lunch (03:37) |
心不在焉 |
015 |
fabrizio de andre-una storia sbagliata (05:26) |
法布里奇奥·德·安德烈 - 一个错误的传说 |
NA-7905 (7911) I....come Icare / I as in Icarus (直译 我在伊卡洛斯) |
电影导演 Director Henri Verneuil |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
I... comme Icare France (original title)
Agria dolofonia Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
I as in Icarus International (English title) |
for Icarus Philippines (English title)
I wie Ikarus West Germany
I... como Icaro Argentina
O Sorriso do Assassino Portugal (imdb display title) |
GDM Music CD CLUB 7005 (2002 19 music) |
EMI Records 838317-2 (1996 12 music) |
Plot After the recently re-elected President of a fictitious state has been assassinated, one of the members of the investigation committee refuses to sign the final report and is given the task of investigating once more. In the course of his search he finds evidence that casts serious doubt on the committee's "lone-gunman" theory... A very bold film that basically told the "JFK" story thinly disguised as having taken place not in the US
剧情简译 一个虚构国家新当选的总统被暗杀以后,一个调查委员会的成员拒绝在调查报告上签字,他接受了再次调查的任务.在他调查过程中,发现了明显的证据,使人们对委员会报告中的"孤胆枪手"的理论产生严重怀疑...这是一个非常大胆的电影,基本上是影射美国"刺杀肯尼迪"的历史 |
001 |
La Verite Et Le Soleil (Generique) (02:53) |
真理和太阳(电影片头字幕) |
002 |
I Comme Icare (Marche Allegre) (03:17) |
我在伊卡洛斯 |
003 |
I Comme Icare (Hymne Majestueux) (02:07) |
我在伊卡洛斯 |
004 |
La Ville Dans La Nuit (02:17) |
城市的夜晚 |
005 |
La Verite Et Le Soleil (02:08) |
真理和太阳 |
006 |
Reflexion Nocturne (Disparitions De Temoins) (02:27) |
反思夜(证人失踪) |
007 |
Recherche Obstinee (03:34) |
坚持搜索 |
008 |
Reflexion Nocturne (Autres Disparitions) (02:19) |
反思夜(其他证人失踪) |
009 |
Deux Phares Dans La Nuit (01:14) |
夜间的两个大灯 |
010 |
Sentimental (02:34) |
感伤 |
011 |
Icare (00:51) |
伊卡洛斯 |
012 |
Sentimenta (Deuxieme Partie) (01:55) |
感伤(第二部分) |
013 |
Sentimental (Troisieme Partie) (01:06) |
感伤(第三部分) |
014 |
Reflexion nocturne (03:37) |
反思夜 |
015 |
Prelude A Icare (Version Disque) (00:56) |
伊卡洛斯前奏曲(光盘版) |
016 |
Icare (03:59) |
伊卡洛斯 |
017 |
La Verite Et Le Soleil (03:05) |
真理和太阳 |
018 |
Prelude A Icare (Version Film) (00:55) |
伊卡洛斯前奏曲(电影版) |
019 |
I Comme Icare (Generique De Fin) (03:52) |
我在伊卡洛斯 |
NA-7906 (7901) Il giocattolo / A Dangerous Toy (直译 危险的玩具) |
电影导演 Director Giuliano Montaldo |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
A Dangerous Toy International (informal title) (English title) |
A játékszer Hungary
Das gefahrliche Spielzeug West Germany
Hay amores que matan Argentina |
O Brinquedo Portugal (imdb display title)
Paihnidi me to thanato Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Un jouet dangereux France |
Cinevox CD MDF 629 (2008 16 music) |
Cinevox MDF 33.128 (1979 11 music) |
Plot A meek book-keeper (Vittorio) brings on his squallid life, which is interrupetd when he becomes friend with a policeman (Sauro). Vittorio is introduced to gun shooting, and appears to be very gifted. This fact gives a shake to his dull existence, but when he gets in trouble with gangsters, he'll regret the past
剧情简译 一个温顺的簿记员维多里奥,由于结交了一个警察朋友而打破了他的沉闷生活.他学会了射击而且显示了他的天赋.但是当他遇到歹徒的时候,却后悔自己由此而遇到的麻烦. |
001 |
Il Giocattolo (04:54) |
玩具 |
002 |
Gita Mancata (01:07) |
失败的旅行 |
003 |
Telefonata Minacciosa ( 01:52) |
威胁电话 |
004 |
Tenera Moglie (01:12) |
温柔的妻子 |
005 |
Miraggio E Agguato (03:03) |
幻影和潜伏 |
006 |
Giocattolo Nel Giocattolo (02:01) |
玩具中的玩具 |
007 |
Tenera Moglie (03:53) |
温柔的妻子 |
008 |
Morte Di Sauro (01:43) |
德绍罗的死亡 |
009 |
Uomo Semplice (02:55) |
单纯的人 |
010 |
Suggestione Al Poligono (01:44) |
建议的范围 |
011 |
Finale E Titoli Di Coda (03:33) |
结局和片尾 |
012 |
Gita Mancata (01:15) |
失败的旅行 |
013 |
Telefonata Minacciosa (03:57) |
威胁电话 |
014 |
Uomo Semplice (02:16) |
单纯的人 |
015 |
Il Giocattolo (01:39) |
玩具 |
016 |
Tenera Moglie (02:04) |
温柔的妻子 |
NA-7907 (7908) Il prato / The Meadow(直译 草坪) |
电影导演 Director Paolo & Vittorio Taviani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Die Wiese West Germany
El Prado Spain
Niitty Finland |
The Meadow (undefined)
To leivadi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
GDM Music 4151 (2012 21 music) |
CAM SAG 9100 (1979 13 music) |
Plot Shot in the Tuscan countryside, "Il prato" examines the possibilities of realizing what could be termed Utopian ideals in the Marxist-agrarian context of developing a direct understanding of the land as a source of spiritual and material nourishment. The landscape of multi-towered San Gimignano is used as a focus of the conflicting emotions of three protagonists: an agricultural student, a young woman whose passion is political theatre (Isabella Rossellini), and a former law student whose real passion is cinema. Also starring Saverio Marconi, who had the lead role in the Taviani Brothers' "Padre Padrone" and Giulio Brogi, seen in their "Saint Michael Had a Rooster." Written by italiangerry
剧情简译 在托斯卡纳的乡村,三个青年人带着自己的理想在一个共同的农业项目中工作,他们分别是: 圣吉米尼亚诺,一个农业系的大学生; 尤金妮亚,一个热衷于政治戏剧的年轻的女人; 恩佐,一个热衷于电影的法律系毕业生.但他们在工作和情感上都产生了矛盾.... |
001 |
Il Prato (04:48) |
草坪 |
002 |
Tremo Perche' Ti Amo (01:30) |
我颤抖因为我爱你 |
003 |
La Rabbia (00:45) |
愤怒 |
004 |
In Cerca Di Lei (02:06) |
寻找她 |
005 |
Troppa Luce, Troppa Ombra (01:40) |
太多的光线,太多的阴影 |
006 |
La Finestra (00:56) |
窗口 |
007 |
Il Coltello (03:05) |
刀 |
008 |
Troppa Luce, Troppa Ombra (03:44) |
太多的光线,太多的阴影 |
009 |
Il Prato (03:50) |
草坪 |
010 |
Le Ombre (01:26) |
阴影 |
011 |
La Grande Zampogna E Il Piccolo Flauto (03:17) |
大风笛和小长笛 |
012 |
La Terra Spaccata (00:35) |
土地 |
013 |
L'arno (02:47) |
阿尔诺 |
NA-7908 (7807) Invito allo sport - tv documentary (直译 邀请运动) |
电影导演 Director Folco Quilici |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
-------------------- |
Cometa CMT 10018 (2011 13 music) |
General Music GML 10012 (1979 8 music) |
Plot This is a TV documentary , divided into 12 episodes. Describes the different sports, including skiing, swimming, diving, etc.. This film composed by Ennio Morricone, some music in the part of the episode to use the previous tracks
剧情简译 这是一部电视资料片,共分12集.分别介绍了包括滑雪,游泳,潜水等等不同的运动项目. 莫里康内为此片谱曲,其中部分乐曲使用了以前电影中的一部分插曲 |
001 |
Invito Allo Sport (03:20) |
邀请运动 |
002 |
Invito Allo Sport #2 (03:38) |
邀请运动-2 |
003 |
Invito Allo Sport #3 (03:46) |
邀请运动-3 |
004 |
Invito Allo Sport #4 (04:50) |
邀请运动-4 |
005 |
Invito Allo Sport #5 (03:54) |
邀请运动-5 |
006 |
La Sera, La Notte, Il Giorno (04:11) |
晚上,夜间,白天 |
007 |
Invito Allo Sport #6 (03:39) |
邀请运动-6 |
008 |
Invito Allo Sport #7 (03:43) |
邀请运动-7 |
009 |
Invito Allo Sport #8 (03:23) |
邀请运动-8 |
010 |
Invito Allo Sport #9 (04:47) |
邀请运动-9 |
011 |
Invito Allo Sport #10 (03:24) |
邀请运动-10 |
012 |
Invito Allo Sport #11 (03:23) |
邀请运动-11 |
013 |
Invito Allo Sport #12 (03:22) |
邀请运动-12 |
NA-7909 (7903) La Luna / Luna / 月神/迷情逆恋 |
电影导演 Director Bernardo Bertolucci |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La luna Italy (original title)
La luna Argentina / Brazil / Portugal (imdb display title) / Spain
A Hold Hungary
Ay Turkey (Turkish title)
Bertoluccin kuu Finland ( More) |
Plot Recently widowed American opera diva Caterina takes her teenaged son Joe with her on a long singing tour to Italy. Absorbed in her hectic work in various Verdi operas around Rome, Caterina is soon shocked to discover that her troubled and lonely son has become a heroin addict. Her desperate attempts to wean the youth off the drug result in an incestuous relationship, but also in a possibility to reunite Joe--maybe even herself--with his real father, whose existence she has kept a secret from him.
About the OST ChiMai shows: Composer: Giuseppe Verdi, Composer: Ennio Morricone [uncredited]. "Morricone composed the main title music and source music only." (EMM 196) Japonic website shows: Composed by Ennio Morricone (1 Theme only)
剧情简译 最近丧偶的美国歌剧演唱家卡特里纳带着她的十五岁的儿子乔到意大利巡回演出.在繁忙的演出中她震惊地发现她的儿子已成为一个瘾君子.她甚至不顾一切试图以乱伦的关系以使她的儿子戒毒.......
乔在父亲死后。陪母亲特琳娜赴意大利参加歌剧演出,却因寂寞而染上毒瘾,使卡特琳娜分外心痛,对乔百般迁就,竟使两人发展出一段畸恋。在道德觉醒下,幸未造成大错。卡特琳娜不得已将隐藏多年的秘密说出,原来乔另有生父,为使父母破镜重圆,乔只身踏上寻父之旅...... (这里) |
编者注:在莫里康内官站和IMDB Soundtrack等著名网站中均表明此片的作曲家是Ennio Morricone。但在此影片头尾的演职员表中唯独不见他的名字,而在片尾的字幕中却出示了很多其他作曲家,歌唱家和指挥的名字(见下面4张电影截图)。在ChiMai等专业网站中说明在此片中莫里康内仅仅谱写了一首主题曲。其他乐曲来源于意大利著名歌剧家威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi)的作品,并由 Riccardo Muti, Thomas Schippers, Tullio Serafin 等音乐家改编。日本一大把音乐网站显示: 作曲家 埃尼奥 莫里康内 (仅1首主题音乐); 这也可能是此片未标示其名字的原因.这里我们为大家提供的可能是一个从电影伴音提取的版本,其中的第一首“intro - main titles”是否为莫里康内谱曲尚不得而知 |
Note: We did not see the name of Ennio Morricone in the whole fllm "La Luna". All name of composers, conductors, arrangers was shown in In the subtitles of the tail (See following 4 screenshots.) ChiMai shows: Composer: Giuseppe Verdi, Composer: Ennio Morricone [uncredited]. Morricone composed the main title music only, other music was arranged by Riccardo Muti, Thomas Schippers, Tullio Serafin etc. Japonic website shows: Composed by Ennio Morricone (1 Theme only). Here provided that maybe a extracted sound from the movie. We don't know if its first track "intro - main titles" composed by Ennio Morricone? |
1. Un ballo in maschera / 假面舞会--Giuseppe Verdi Composer Arranger; Riccardo Muti Conductor; Placido Domingo Performer; Royal Opera House Performer; Covent Garden New Philharmonia Orchestra Performer; (朱塞佩·威尔第作曲编曲; 指挥里卡尔多·穆蒂; 多明戈演出; 皇家歌剧院演出; 考文特花园新爱乐乐团演奏;) |
 (由本站选录) |
2. Il trovatore / 行吟诗人--Giuseppe Verdi Composer Arranger; Thomas Schippers Conductor; Teatro dell'Opera di Roma Performer; (朱塞佩·威尔第作曲编曲; 托马斯 希普斯指挥; 罗马歌剧院演出;) |
 (多明戈演唱,由本站选录) |
3. La traviata Preludio Act III /<茶花女》的第三前奏---Giuseppe Verdi Composer Arranger; Tullio Serafin Conductor; Teatro alla Scala Performer; (朱塞佩 威尔第作曲编曲; 图利奥 塞拉芬指挥; 斯卡拉剧院演出;) |
 (由本站选录) |
4. Rigoletto ---Tutte le feste al tempio / 弄臣-寺庙的节日 -Giuseppe Verdi Composer Arranger; Tullio Serafin Conductor; Maria Callas Performer; Teatro alla Scala Performer; (朱塞佩 威尔第作曲编曲; 图利奥 塞拉芬指挥; 玛丽亚 卡拉斯演出; 斯卡拉剧院演出;) |
 (由本站选录) |
(00:04:23/02:16:24) |
(00:06:29/02:16:24) |
(02:15:48/02:16:24) |
(02:15:54/02:16:24) |
(02:16:06/02:16:24) |
The operatic excerpts used in this motion picture are taken from the complete operas recorded on tape and records by EMI/ 在这个电影中使用的歌剧选段是由EMI从完整的歌剧录像或磁带上取用的 |
为了便于研究和欣赏,本站为爱好者提供这部电影 Available for download of the film here for to enjoy and study |
AVI 格式 136'24" 1.2G (无字幕) |
FLV 格式 136'24" 259M (普通码率 中文字幕) |
AVI format 136'24" 1.2G |
001 |
intro - main titles/前奏 - 主标题 |
019 |
titre 19 |
002 |
titre 02 (02:44) |
020 |
titre 20 |
003 |
titre 03 |
021 |
titre 21 |
004 |
titre 04 |
022 |
titre 22 |
005 |
titre 05 |
023 |
titre 23 |
006 |
titre 06 |
024 |
titre 24 |
007 |
titre 07 |
025 |
titre 25 |
008 |
titre 08 |
026 |
titre 26 |
009 |
titre 09 |
027 |
titre 27 |
010 |
titre 10 |
028 |
titre 28 |
011 |
titre 11 |
012 |
titre 12 |
013 |
titre 13 |
014 |
titre 14 |
015 |
titre 15 |
016 |
the bee gees - night fever (01:30)/ 比吉斯乐队- 夜间狂热 |
017 |
titre 17 |
titre 18 |
NA-7910 (7909) Ogro/Operación Ogro / Operation Ogre/ 食人魔/ 奥科罗行动/ |
电影导演 Director Gillo Pontecorvo |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Operation Ogre/Operación Ogro |
Digitmovies CDDM208 (2012 20 music) |
Phoenix PHCAM 04 (1984 12 music) |
Plot As 1973 winds down, Franco is still governing Spain with an iron hand. Opposition parties are forbidden; labor movements are repressed; and Basque nationalists are mercilessly hunted down. The caudillo is aging, though, and the continuity of the régime is in question. One man has the trust of Franco, enough authority and experience to assume the leadership, and an impeccable track record as to dealing with enemies of the State: admiral Carrero Blanco. For the embattled clandestine
剧情简译 这部电影是基于西班牙巴斯克埃塔组织于1973年12月20日,成功暗杀佛朗哥独裁政权的总理,海军上将布兰科公爵 (Don Luis Carrero Blanco)的历史事件而改编的.在1973年末佛朗哥仍然是西班牙的铁腕执政者,禁止反对党和劳工运动,无情地追捕巴斯克民族主义者.但是他已经年迈,所以要解决政权的连续性和接班人问题.海军上将布兰科有足够的权威和经验并得到佛朗哥的信任.因此对于秘密的巴斯克埃塔组织而言,他们必须要除掉他.一个大胆的计划形成了,它需要小心翼翼地去执行... |
01 |
atto di dolore |
痛苦的行动 |
02 |
in fondo al tunnel |
在隧道尽头 |
03 |
missione compiuta |
任务完成 |
04 |
canto basco |
巴斯克之歌 |
05 |
tunnel i |
隧道 1 |
06 |
missione ogro |
奥科罗使命 |
07 |
notte oscura notte chiara |
漆黑和晴朗的夜晚 |
08 |
tunnel ii |
隧道 2 |
09 |
chiesa di s.francesco in borya |
圣佛朗西斯科教堂 |
10 |
antefatto e preparazione |
背景和准备 |
11 |
camioncino misterioso |
神秘的卡车 |
12 |
flashback |
闪回 |
13 |
ogro-end titles |
奥科罗-结尾主题 |
NA-7911(7904) Orient Express - tv series (直译 东方快车) |
电影导演 Director Daniele D'Anzi, Marcel Moussy, Bruno Gantillon |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
"Dogu ekspresi" Turkey (Turkish title)
GDM Music 2051 (2004 19 music) |
RCA Records BB 6396 (1980 2 music) |
Plot A six-part French tv series first broadcast in 1979, each episode of Orient Express focuses on a different tale of a journey on the legendary train; each one is set between the outbreak of the First World War and the outbreak of the Second. Ennio Morricone provided the music
剧情简译 这部电视连续剧共六集,时间设在第一次世界大战到第二次世界大战爆发之间.每集讲述一个传说中的东方快车上发生的故事.莫里康内的配乐和艾达 戴洛尔索的精彩独唱更使得影片生辉 |
001 |
CHE SENSO HA ( versionne orchestrale) |
意义何在呢 |
002 |
ORIENT EXPRESS (titoli di testa) |
东方快车(片头) |
003 |
ORIENT EXPRESS (suspence 1) |
东方快车(悬念 1) |
004 |
CHE SENSO HA (versione cantate) |
意义何在呢 (歌曲版) |
005 |
东方快车(小调 1) |
006 |
CHE SENSO HA (solo pf in fa) |
意义何在呢 |
007 |
ORIENT EXPRESS (suspence 2) |
东方快车(悬念 2) |
008 |
CHE SENSO HA (versione cantata) |
意义何在呢 (歌曲版) |
009 |
ORIENT EXPRESS (dixie 2) |
东方快车(小调 2) |
010 |
CHE SENSO HA (solo pf in sol) |
意义何在呢 |
011 |
ORIENT EXPRESS (sequenza musicale) |
东方快车 (序列音乐) |
012 |
ORIENT EXPRESS (dixie 3) |
东方快车(小调 3) |
013 |
ORIENT EXPRESS (sequenza musicale 2) |
东方快车(序列音乐 2) |
014 |
CHE SENSO HA (pf e archi) |
意义何在呢 |
015 |
东方快车 (波尔卡) |
016 |
意义何在呢 |
017 |
CHE SENSO HA (solo pf in la b) |
意义何在呢 |
018 |
火车 |
019 |
东方快车 |
NA-7912 (8011) Professione figlio / Bugie bianche/Venetian Lies (直译 专业的儿子/威尼斯谎言) |
电影导演 Director Stefano Rolla |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
ártatlan hazugságok Hungary
Bugie veneziane Italy (alternative title)/Bugie bianche
Footloose UK |
Gestohlene Herzen West Germany
Professione figlio Italy (working title)
Venetian Lies UK |
CAM 74321130752 (1992 mixed-1-7 7 music) |
Plot (Italian) Ritratto in piedi, e di corsa, del 17enne Renato, bugiardo e imbroglione dal sorriso incantatore, che passa di coppia in coppia senza prole, spacciandosi per figlio e poi scomparendo.
剧情简译 电影以一个寓言性的故事描写父母与子女的心理和情感关系.17岁的流浪儿雷纳托生活在威尼斯,他需要找到一对愿意收养他的双亲,虽然他如愿找到,但不久他又厌倦了这种生活.后来,他又冒充是一个古董商的儿子,但这次他遇到了麻烦..... |
001 |
专业的儿子 |
002 |
DOLCISSIMA (02:28) |
美好的 |
003 |
专业的音乐 |
004 |
ALBA PRIMA (03:07) |
第一次日出 |
005 |
ALBA SECONDA (02:23) |
第二次日出 |
006 |
专业的长笛 |
007 |
TRIO PER L'ALEA (02:42) |
三重奏 |
2013.8.31发布 2014.12.16 修订 |