A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
部分英文(或意文)资料因编者时间所限未能全部翻译请于见谅.如有需要请您自行处理.谢谢 |
电影导演 Director Paolo & Vittorio Taviani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
此电影欣赏; The appreciation of the film |
电影别名 Alias |
Allonsanfàn Italy (original title)
Allonsanfan Italy (alternative spelling) / USA / West Germany (TV title)
Allonzanfan Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Fulvio, revolutionaren som svek Sweden (TV title)
Petturi Finland
Que Viva a Revolucao Portugal
GDM CD Club 7036 (2006 15 Music) |
Plot The political prisoner Fulvio Imbriani is released ill from prison and the authorities expect to find his rebel friends though him. However, he returns to his family's real state and recovers his health with his siblings. When his lover Charlotte unexpectedly arrives in the property, she stays with Fulvio but his sister overhears Charlotte telling that their friends would be arriving on the next morning and calls the authorities. The soldiers kill a great number of revolutionaries but Fulvio escapes with Charlotte that was shot on the back. She dies and Fulvio travels with his comrades but without enthusiasm. Sooner he betrays the group, trying to flee to United States with the money of the revolutionaries and his new lover Francesca.
剧情本站简译 《阿隆桑方》被人称为是是一部借古喻今的政治思考片。它以1816年拿破仑战败后各国君主重新爬上王位的"复辟时期"作为影片故事背景,而影射的却是二十世纪60年代末到70年代初在意大利和近半个欧洲兴起继而衰落的"新左派"发起的"对抗"运动的现实. 当时,在拿破仑政权垮台和维也纳代表大会后,意大利笼罩在全面复辟的气氛中。爱国的共和秘密社团和统治意大利北部的奥地利人和意大利封建贵族进行了殊死的斗争。影片围绕当时的一个革命社团"崇高兄弟会"和这一社团的成员、参加革命的贵族子女富尔维奥展开, 描写了弗尔维奥在君主王朝复辟之后产生动摇直至背叛的故事. |
001 |
rabbia e tarantella |
愤怒的泰兰泰拉 |
002 |
ritorno a casa |
回家 |
003 |
dirindindin |
叮叮叮 |
004 |
frammenti di sonata |
奏鸣曲片段 |
005 |
tradimento |
背叛 |
006 |
te deum laudamus |
感恩颂 |
007 |
allonsanfan (sul lago) |
阿隆桑方(在湖上) |
008 |
allonsanfan (ballata) |
009 |
rabbia e tarantella (#2) |
愤怒的泰兰泰拉-2 |
010 |
te deum laudamus (#2) |
感恩颂-2 |
011 |
allonsanfan (fantasmi) |
012 |
dirindindin (#2) |
叮叮叮-2 |
013 |
frammenti di sonata (#2) |
奏鸣曲片段-2 |
014 |
ritorno a casa (#2) |
回家-2 |
015 |
rabbia e tarantella (#3) |
愤怒的泰兰泰拉-3 |
电影导演 Director Mauro Bolognini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
此电影欣赏; The appreciation of the film |
电影别名 Alias |
Baba, ogul ve gelin Turkey (Turkish title)
Die Affare Murri West Germany
Drama of the Rich (undefined)
La gran burguesía Spain
La grande Bourgeoise France |
Murri-skandalen Sweden
Professori Murrin tapaus Finland
The Murri Affair USA (DVD title)
To angeliko prosopo tis ypsilis koinonias Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) 哀しみの伯爵夫人 (Japan) |
Cerberus CEM-S 0109 (1981 18 Msic) |
Quartet Records SCE064 (2013 33 Music) |
Plot Based on a true incident, this tells the story of a troubled young man who kills his sister's reactionary, violent and abusive husband and is eventually arrested for the murder. However, the dead husband happened to be a member of the Italian nobility, and the trial starts to turn into more of a prosecution of the defendant's socialist politics and the activities of his father, a well known liberal social reformer, than the actual crime itself.
剧情本站简译 电影基于一个真实的事件.它叙说了一个受困扰的年轻男子杀死以暴力虐待他姐姐的丈夫并以谋杀罪而被捕的故事。然而,这个丈夫是当年意大利的一个贵族,这场审讯进而更多地演变成为对这名年轻男子的社会主义政治活动以及他的著名的自由主义社会改革者的父亲的控告 |
001 |
accadde a venezia/发生在威尼斯 (此曲为Bruno Nicolai谱曲) |
002 |
quella volta a bologna/在波洛尼亚 |
003 |
al bar/酒吧 |
004 |
le chiacchiere confidenziali/秘密谈话 |
005 |
la casa di linda/林达的家 |
006 |
la lotta tra naldi e tullio/纳里迪和图利奥的分歧 |
007 |
il tema per un assassinio/谋杀案主题 |
008 |
dopo l'assassinio/暗杀以后 |
009 |
l'inizio delle indagini/调查开始 |
010 |
nel parco di zurigo/在苏黎世公园 |
011 |
il tema per il procuratore stanzani/检察官斯坦扎尼的主题 |
012 |
l'arresto e l'interrogatorio di rosa/逮捕和审讯 |
013 |
l'addio tra linda e tullio/琳达和图利奥的告别 |
014 |
l'arresto di linda/逮捕琳达 |
015 |
il suicidio di naldi/纳里迪自杀 |
016 |
tribunale/法院 |
017 |
l'urlo/呼喊 |
018 |
il tema finale 'accadde a venezia'/在威尼斯的最后主题' |
电影导演 Director Pier Paolo Pasolini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Il fiore delle mille e una notte Italy (original title)
Las mil y una noches Argentina / Spain
1001 gece masallari Turkey (festival title) (Turkish title)
1001 nyhtes Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
A Thousand and One Nights (undefined)
Arabian Nights USA
As Mil e Uma Noites Portugal
Az ezeregyéjszaka virágai Hungary
Erotische Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht West Germany ( More) |
GDM Music CD CLUB 7020 (2003 24 Music) |
Plot In this film inspired by the ancient erotic and mysterious tales of the Middle East, the main story concerns an innocent young man who comes to fall in love with a slave who selected him as her master. After his foolish error causes their separation, he travels in search of her. Various other travelers who recount their own tragic and romantic experiences include stories of a young man who becomes enraptured by a mysterious woman on his wedding day, and a man who is determined to free a woman from a demon
剧情本站简译 这部电影从中东古代的色情和神秘传说中得到灵感.故事主要讲述一个天真的年轻人爱上了一个选他作主人的奴隶.由于他的愚蠢错误导致了他们的分离,他于是外出旅行以便能找到她.途中他遇到了各种各样的旅客,他们向他讲述自己的悲剧和浪漫的经验..... |
001 |
Tema di Aziza (03:20)
阿齐扎的主题 |
002 |
Tema di Dunja (02:39) |
敦亚的主题 |
003 |
Tema del demone (primo) (05:28)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
恶魔的主题(1) |
004 |
Tema del demone (secondo) (07:12)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
恶魔的主题(2) |
005 |
Tema di Dunja (secondo) (03:22) |
敦亚的主题(2) |
006 |
Tema della battaglia (00:58)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
战斗主题 |
007 |
Misterioso (02:28)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
神秘 |
008 |
Tema di Aziza (Seconda) (01:32) |
阿齐扎的主题(2) |
009 |
Tema della montagna di pietra nera (01:55)il fiore delle mille e una notte |
黑石头山主题 |
010 |
Tema del demone (terzo) (02:16)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
恶魔的主题(3) |
011 |
Mistico (02:29) |
神秘 |
012 |
Tema di Dunja (terza) (01:38) |
敦亚的主题(3) |
013 |
Tema della montagna di pietra nera (seconda) (02:02) il fiore delle mille e una notte |
黑石头山主题(2) |
014 |
Tema del demone (quarto) (02:10)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
恶魔的主题(4) |
015 |
Rituale (02:25)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
仪式 |
016 |
Tema di Dunja (quarta) (00:11) |
敦亚的主题(4) |
017 |
Rituale (secondo) (02:25)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
仪式(2) |
018 |
Tema del demone (quinto) (02:16)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
恶魔的主题(5) |
019 |
Tema della montagna di pietra nera (terza) (02:03)il fiore delle mille e una notte |
黑石头山主题(3) |
020 |
Tema di Dunja (quinta) (02:18) |
敦亚的主题(5) |
021 |
Tema del demone (sesto) (02:14)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
恶魔的主题(6) |
022 |
Rituale (terzo) (02:20)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
仪式(3) |
023 |
Tema del demone (settimo) (06:00)
il fiore delle mille e una notte |
恶魔的主题(7) |
024 |
Tema di Aziza (terza) (02:34) |
阿齐扎的主题(3) |
NA-7404 (7407) Il giro del mondo degli innamorati di Peynet (直译 佩尼特环游世界的爱) |
电影导演 Director Cesare Perfetto |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone ,Alessandro Alessandroni |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Die Weltreise der Verliebten West Germany
O gyros tou kosmou me agapi Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
GDM Music 2087 (2008 38 Music) |
Volcano CPC8-1091/2 Country Japan Format CD
Release Date 23-Mar-2000 UPN 4-949478-910915 (2CD 30+11=41 music) |
Plot 1974, Raymond Peynet's whimsical book Il giro del mondo degli innamorati di Peynet (or "Peynet's Loves around the World") was adapted as a seldom-seen animated feature. Though the film runs less than an hour and a half, its soundtrack features a huge amount of music with full scores written by both Ennio Morricone and his frequent collaborator (and choir leader), Alessandro Alessandroni (the whistling guy on many Morricone spaghetti westerns). The story of this yellow-submarine influenced ani
剧情本站简译 在这部由凯撒 波菲图导演,基于意大利画家,艺术家曼弗雷迪的畅销书改编的动画片中,一对年轻的恋人踏上了周游世界之旅.他们从圣城伯利恒出发,途经希腊,西班牙,意大利,法国到达美国,日本,前苏联...一路上虽然遇到不少困难,但更多的是生活的乐趣和增长了知识.莫里康内和亚历山德罗尼的配乐为此片增光不少 |
编者注: IMDB显示此片由Alessandro Alessandroni 谱曲,在Fun Facts中有一条加注说其中的"A Flower's All You Need"系由莫里康内谱曲. Soundtrack已明确表明在下表中的乐曲1-30为Alessandro Alessandroni谱曲,31-41为Ennio Morricone谱曲 |
001 |
Amore E Birra (02:00)
爱情和啤酒 |
022 |
Invito A Corte (01:32) alternate version |
法院的邀请(备用版) |
002 |
Sirtaki Dei Colonelli (01:45) |
023 |
Bethlem (02:30) alternate version |
003 |
I Pattinatori Dei Bruegel (01:55) |
勃鲁盖尔的运动员 |
024 |
Fiori Gialli (01:01) alternate version |
黄色的花朵(备用版) |
004 |
Invito A Corte (02:01) |
法院的邀请 |
025 |
Made In USA (00:35) alternate version - Spaghetti Western |
美国制造(备用版 西部意粉) |
005 |
I Baronetti (02:06) |
026 |
Made In USA (01:00) alternate version |
美国制造(备用版) |
006 |
Marinara (01:19) |
大蒜 |
027 |
Made In USA (01:00) alternate version |
美国制造(备用版) |
007 |
Fiori Gialli (01:16) |
黄色的花朵 |
028 |
I Pattinatori Di Bruegel (01:12)
short version |
勃鲁盖尔的运动员(短版) |
008 |
Dal Tirolo Con Affetto (01:56) |
029 |
Made In USA (02:37) alternate version |
美国制造(备用版) |
009 |
Deserto Di Elam (01:54) |
沙漠 |
030 |
I Baronetti (02:07) alternate version |
010 |
Serata Al Bolscioi (02:10) |
晚上在莫斯科大剧院 |
011 |
Tramonto Romano (01:56) |
罗马的黄昏 |
Above composer Alessandro Alessandroni; Below composer Ennio Morricone |
012 |
Montmartre (01:50) |
蒙马特 |
031 |
Forse Basta (05:07) |
也许只是 |
013 |
Bethlem (02:32) |
032 |
Forse Basta (03:33) |
也许只是 |
014 |
Latino Americano (02:13) |
拉丁美洲 |
033 |
Forse Basta (04:54) (03:41) |
也许只是 |
015 |
Venerdi' Santo Siviglia (01:37) |
周五在圣塞维利亚 |
034 |
Forse Basta (03:39) (original main titles ) (04:56) |
也许只是(原始主标题) |
016 |
Chi Vuol esser Lieto Sia (01:36) |
快乐的人 |
035 |
Forse basta (03:54) (02:38) |
也许只是 |
017 |
Made In USA (02:06) |
美国制造 |
036 |
Forse Basta (02:35) (01:01) |
也许只是 |
018 |
San Pietro (02:24) |
圣彼得 |
037 |
Forse Basta (04:18) (00:53) |
也许只是 |
019 |
Piazza Rossa (02:06) |
红色广场 |
038 |
Forse Basta (00:58) (03:56) |
也许只是 |
020 |
Deserto Di Elam (00:41) movie version |
埃兰沙漠 |
039 |
Forse Basta (00:50) (04:20) |
也许只是 |
021 |
Made In USA (01:00) alternate version |
美国制造(备用版) |
040 |
Forse Basta (02:33) (02:35) |
也许只是 |
041 |
Forse Basta (04:50) (01:01) |
也许只是 |
编者注:本站资源中033-041各曲目的实际时间和上表有较大差别,现已用红色数字标出,其原因不详。 |
NA-7405 (7410) L'anticristo/Blasphemy / The Tempter (直译 反对基督/诱惑者) |
电影导演 Director Alberto de Martino |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Antikristus - paholaisen riivaama Finland
Besatt - exorcism Sweden
Blasphemy USA (poster title)
Der Antichrist West Germany
El anticristo Argentina
L'antéchrist France
O Anticristo Portugal (imdb display title) ( More) |
Beat Records BTF 089 (1974 2 Music) |
Seven Seas/Beat FM-1094 (1975 2 Music) |
Plot Ippolita is a paralyzed young woman with serious mental problems stemming from the death of her mother. Her crisis of faith and the intervention of a well-meaning psychologist lead Ippolita to remember her past life as a witch during the Inquisition. Eventually, Ippolita becomes possessed and starts seducing local men, only to kill them. An exorcism seems to be the only solution to stop the madness
剧情本站简译 伊波丽塔是一个瘫痪的年轻女子,她由于她母亲去世而引起严重的精神问题. 一个心理学家的善意参与引起了伊波丽塔回想她作为一个迷人女子的往事.最后伊波丽塔似乎着了魔,她开始引诱男人并杀死他们.驱魔似乎是使她停止疯狂唯一的解决办法. |
001 |
The Dark (Il Buio) (03::55) |
黑暗 |
002 |
The Light (La Luce) (05:25) |
明亮 |
NA-7406 (7409) La cugina / The Cousin(直译 表妹) |
电影导演 Director Aldo Lado |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La cugina Italy (original title)
A Prima Desejada Brazil
I exadelfi mou Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Cousin USA
GDM CD Club 7104 (2011 15 Music) |
Plot In this erotic comedy from Aldo Lado two cousins, Enzo (Massimo Ranieri) and Agata (Dayle Haddon), who have been flirting since childhood eventually become lovers after Agata marries a rich baron. Product
剧情本站简译 这是一部由阿尔多 拉多导演的情色喜剧片.片中两个主角,一对表兄妹恩佐和阿佳塔自幼便学会玩弄调情.在阿佳塔嫁给一个富有的男爵之后他们又变成了情人 |
001 |
La cugina - titoli (02:36)
表妹-标题 |
002 |
La sera, la notte, il giorno (04:09) |
晚上,黑夜,白昼 |
003 |
La cugina #2 (01:10) |
表妹 #2 |
004 |
De copalamo (03:19) |
005 |
La cugina #3 (01:07) |
表妹#3 |
006 |
La cugina #4 (01:38) |
表妹#4 |
007 |
La cugina #5 (01:16) |
表妹 #5 |
008 |
La sera, la notte, il giorno #2 (04:10) |
晚上,黑夜,白昼#2 |
009 |
La cugina #6 (01:02) |
表妹#6 |
010 |
La cugina #7 (01:32) |
表妹#7 |
011 |
La sera, la notte, il giorno #3 (04:11) |
晚上,黑夜,白昼#3 |
012 |
La cugina #8 (01:29) |
表妹#8 |
013 |
De copalamo #2 (02:27) |
014 |
La sera, la notte, il giorno #4 (04:09) |
晚上,黑夜,白昼#4 |
015 |
La cugina #9 (02:51) |
表妹#9 |
NA-7407 (7411) La smagliatura / La faille/Weak Spot (直译 弱点) |
电影导演 Director Peter Fleischmann |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La faille France (original title)
A harmadik sorozat Hungary
Der dritte Grad West Germany
La smagliatura Italy
To lathos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Weak Spot International (English title)
Hexacord HCD 02 (2000 13 Music) |
Yuki 873.003 (1975 10 Music) |
Plot This international collaboration has five unrelated titles in four languages, and includes filmmakers and stars from France, Germany, Italy and Greece. It is set in the modern period in Greece, during that time known as "the rule of the Colonels." The story concerns the cat-and-mouse police investigation of Georgis, a travel agent (Ugo Tognazzi), for his possible involvement in the death of a man under surveillance who was shot in the cafe at which Georgis was having lunch. For a while, it is impossible to tell who is the cat and who the mouse; ultimately, though, the heavy-handed tactics of the police win through
剧情本站简译 这部合拍影片共有五个互不相关的带有四种语言的段落.制片人和演员分别来自法,德,意和希腊.希腊部分设定为现代一个被称为"上校的统治"...... |
001 |
L'errore |
错误 |
002 |
Terrore al ristorante |
恐怖在餐厅 |
003 |
Paurosamente sinistra |
离开鬼屋 |
004 |
Ipocrisia |
假仁假义 |
005 |
Vacanze terrificanti |
可怕的假期 |
006 |
Notizie allarmanti |
令人震惊的新闻 |
007 |
Sbaglio e ambiguita |
错误和混乱 |
008 |
Radio e TV |
广播电视 |
009 |
Viaggio nella paura |
旅程变成恐惧 |
010 |
Bellezza pericolosa |
危险的美丽 |
011 |
Ambigua e perversa |
模糊和扭曲 |
012 |
Falsa e crudele amicizia |
虚假和残酷的友谊 |
013 |
Pioggia sui tetti |
雨水落在屋顶上 |
NA-7408 (7403) Le secret / The Secret(直译 秘密) |
电影导演 Director Robert Enrico |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Le secret France (original title)
Das Netz der 1000 Augen West Germany (video title)
El secreto Spain
Farlig vetskap Sweden
Il segreto Italy |
Kutsumaton vieras Finland
Salaisuus Finland
The Secret USA
To mystiko Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
Screen Trax CDST 325 (2000 16 Music) |
Warner Bros. 16471 (1974 2 Music) |
Plot A stranger enters into and forever alters the life of a couple. He claims to be pursued by certain authorities who intend to prevent him from disclosing a secret that only he holds, whence the title. Is he lying, or insane - or is he telling the truth? Who, if anyone, is after him? And what *is* - the secret?
剧情本站简译 一个陌生人闯入并永远改变了一对夫妇的生活。他声称他被当局追踪,以防止他揭发一件只有他一个人所掌握的秘密.他在说谎还是患有精神病--或者他是真的?谁在追踪他? 他的秘密是什么? |
001 |
Il Segreto (02:42) Main Titles - Film Mix - Previously Unreleased |
秘密 主标题 |
002 |
Dal Mare (02:36) Movie/Single Version |
海 单曲版 |
003 |
Il Segreto (01:26) To the Farmhouse - Previously Unreleased |
秘密 到农舍 |
004 |
Nebulosa Prima (05:34) Not used in the movie |
星云 电影中未使用 |
005 |
Il Segreto (01:49) The Boat - Previously Unreleased |
秘密 船 |
006 |
Dal Mare (03:31) Not used in the Movie |
海 电影中未使用 |
007 |
Il Segreto (02:36) The departure - Previously Unreleased |
秘密 出发 |
008 |
Il Segreto (04:50) Finale I |
秘密 终了-1 |
009 |
Il Segreto (02:23) Previously Unreleased |
秘密 |
010 |
Nebulosa Seconda (05:07) Not used in the movie |
星云-2 |
011 |
Dal Mare (01:09) Not used in the movie - Previously Unreleased |
海 电影中未使用 |
012 |
Il Segreto (02:47) Not used in the movie - Previously Unreleased |
秘密 |
013 |
Il Segreto (04:52) Finale II |
秘密 终了-2 |
014 |
Il Segreto (01:48) The beach - Previously Unreleased |
秘密 海滩 |
015 |
Il Segreto (04:51) Finale III - Movie Version - Previously Unreleased |
秘密 终了-3 |
016 |
Il Segreto (02:22) Main Titles - Alternate Version, not used in the movie |
秘密 |
NA-7409 (7404) Le trio infernal / The Infernal Trio(直译 凶恶三人帮) |
电影导演 Director Francis Girod |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Trio Infernal Portugal / West Germany
El trio infernal Argentina
Pirullinen kolmikko Finland
Ta orgia tou kolasmenou trio Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Infernal Trio (undefined)
Trio infernale Italy
GDM CD Club 7096 (2010 21 Music) |
Seven Seas FM/1099 (1976 2 Music) |
Plot An elegant and outrageous black opera, handled with a panache that deliberately flouts notions of good taste. Piccoli enjoys himself hugely as the civic eminent (a distinguished lawyer newly invested with the Legion of Honour) who swindles and murders unscrupulously with the help of his lovers, two sisters (Schneider and Gomska). The result is a finely balanced fairytale (complete with 'happy' ending), full of a subversive mockery of pathetic respectabilities, unkind but not callous. Avoid the English-dubbed version, which coarsens the film to such an extent that it's scarcely recognisable: the exuberant excesses of Piccoli's performance are made to look merely hamm
剧情本站简译 影片讲述一战以后,马赛的一个著名法国律师和他的两个德国姐妹情人不择手段地谋害她们的丈夫以便从中获取利益.当他们的同伙威胁敲诈他们时,他们又杀害了他.... |
001 |
Acido e Charme |
讽刺和魅力 |
002 |
Rag Nuziale (Primo Matrimonio) |
破布新娘 |
003 |
Il Trio Infernale |
凶恶三人帮 |
004 |
Rag Nuziale (Secondo Matrimonio) |
婚姻 |
005 |
Acido e Charme |
讽刺和魅力 |
006 |
Sinfonietta Requiem All'acido Solforico |
小交响乐团安魂曲 |
007 |
Rag Nuziale (Ultimo Matrimonio) |
破布新娘(最后婚礼) |
008 |
Il Trio Infernale - Unreleased |
凶恶三人帮 |
009 |
Rag Nuziale (Primo Matrimonio) - Alternate Version |
破布新娘(初婚) - 替代版本 |
010 |
Acido e Charme - Unreleased |
讽刺和魅力 |
011 |
Rag Nuziale (Secondo Matrimonio) - Alternate Version |
破布新娘(二婚) - 替代版本 |
012 |
Il Trio Infernale - Unreleased |
凶恶三人帮 |
013 |
Acido e Charme - Unreleased |
讽刺和魅力 |
014 |
Il Trio Infernale (Original Main Title) - Unreleased |
凶恶三人帮(原始主标题) |
NA-7410 (7504) Leonor / Mistress of the Devil (直译 莱昂娜) |
电影导演 Director Juan Luis Bunuel |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Cronache di altri tempi Italy (working title)
Eleonore West Germany
Léonor France
Mistress of the Devil USA (TV title)
GDM Music 2016 (1994 4 Music) |
GDM/Intermezzo Media Records GDM 4308 (2013 16 Music) |
Plot Richard is a medieval nobleman. After his first wife dies in an accident and is buried in the family vault, he remarries and has children by his second wife. A mad longing for his first wife Leonor comes over him, and he sells his soul to the devil for a chance to get her back. But when she returns, she is a murderous vampire
剧情本站简译 理查德是一个中世纪的贵族。他的第一任妻子在事故中死亡后被埋在地下室里,他再婚后他的第二任妻子生了孩子.他狂热地渴望他的第一个妻子莱昂娜能回到他的身边,为此他不惜出售他的灵魂给一个魔鬼.可是当莱昂娜回来时,她却是一个危险的吸血鬼. |
001 |
Leonor |
莱昂娜 |
002 |
Infernale Leonor |
魔鬼莱昂娜 |
003 |
Leonor |
莱昂娜 |
NA-7411 (7406) Milano odia: la polizia non può sparare / The Kidnap of Mary Lou (英文名直译 绑架玛丽洛) |
电影导演 Director Umberto Lenzi |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Almost Human USA (reissue title)
Der Berserker West Germany
Gennimenos katharma Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
La rancon de la peur France (video title)
Skylia tou ypokosmou Greece (reissue title)
The Death Dealer USA (reissue title)
The Executioner Netherlands (video title) |
Digitmovies CDDM094 (2007 12 Music) |
Plot A psychotic small-time criminal realizes that the everyday robberies, rapes and murders he commits aren't making him all that much money, so he figures to hit the "big time" by kidnapping the daughter of a rich man
剧情本站简译 一个患有精神病的罪犯认为仅仅是抢劫和谋杀还不能使他赚大钱,所以他计划去绑架一个富翁的女儿去开创他的"大事业" |
001 |
Rapimento (15:23) |
绑架 |
002 |
Raptus omicida (08:14) |
疯狂杀戮 |
003 |
I conti ora tornano (03:10) |
004 |
Milano odia: La polizia non puo sparare (titoli--versione film) (02:25) |
绑架玛丽洛(标题版) |
005 |
Raptus omicida (#2) (01:43) |
疯狂杀戮-2 |
006 |
Raptus omicida (#3) (01:30) |
疯狂杀戮-3 |
007 |
Rapimento (#2) (01:03) |
绑架-2 |
008 |
Milano odia: La polizia non puo sparare (#2) (03:06) |
绑架玛丽洛-2 |
009 |
Rapimento (#3) (01:46) |
绑架-3 |
010 |
Raptus omicida (#4) (01:25) |
疯狂杀戮-4 |
011 |
Milano odia: La polizia non puo sparare (# 3 titoli--versione lunga) (04:12) |
绑架玛丽洛-3 (标题长版) |
012 |
Raptus omicida (#5) (02:43) |
疯狂杀戮-5 |
电影导演 Director Gianfranco de Bosio |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Moses" USA (theatrical title) / West Germany
"A Terra Prometida - A Verdadeira História de Moisés" Brazil
"Hazreti Musa" Turkey (theatrical title) (Turkish title)
"Mo?se" France
"Mo?se, les dix commandements" France (DVD title)
"Moisés" Brazil ( More) |
Legend CD 38 DLX (2011 25 Music) |
RCA Records TBL-11106 (1974 13 Music) |
Plot Drawn from the book of Exodus, this miniseries recounts the life of the Hebrew leader who received the Ten Commandments from God and delivered his people from Egyptian bondage in the 13th century B.C. Unlike DeMille's Hollywood versions of the story, the emphasis here is less on spectacle than on often harsh realism. In 1976, a reedited version of the six-hour Italian-British coproduction (coauthored by Anthony Burgess) was released theatrically as `Moses.
剧情本站简译 这是一部讲述著名圣经故事的电影,源自圣经"出埃及记".公元前13世纪,希伯来民族的领导人摩西接受了上帝的"十诫"并且领导他的人民跋山涉水历尽艰辛,逃离了埃及人的奴役 |
001 |
摩西主题 |
002 |
出埃及记第一 |
003 |
以色列 |
004 |
上帝的声音 |
005 |
006 |
吹笛子的人 |
007 |
战斗和红海 |
008 |
夜晚的歌声 |
009 |
夜晚的声音 |
010 |
第一哀歌 |
011 |
十灾(第1部分) |
012 |
摩西主题(旅程) |
013 |
冥想前 |
014 |
摩西主题(片尾标题) |
015 |
其他吹笛子的人 |
016 |
十灾(第2部分) |
017 |
唱赞美诗 |
018 |
妇女的歌 |
019 |
出埃及记第二 |
020 |
深夜尖叫 |
021 |
第二哀歌 |
022 |
十灾(第3部分) |
023 |
摩西主题(复活节仪式) |
024 |
鹌鹑 |
025 |
十灾(第4部分) |
NA-7413 (7405) Mussolini, ultimo atto / Mussolini: The Last Four Days (直译 墨索里尼的末日) |
电影导演 Director Carlo Lizzani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Mussolini: Ultimo atto Italy (original title)
Mussolini: último acto Argentina / Spain
The Last Tyrant (undefined) / Australia (video title)
Diktaattorin verinen loppu Finland
Les derniers jours de Mussolini France
Mussolini International (informal short title) (English title)
Mussolini - Die letzten Tage West Germany ( More) |
Cinevox CD MDF 614 (2007 12 Music) |
Cinevox MDF 053 (1974 2 Music)
Plot Rod Steiger portrays Italian dictator Benito Mussolini in this internationally produced "how the mighty have fallen" biopic. In the waning days of the war, the once-strutting Il Duce hides from his pursuers like a common thief. He's hoping to fall into the hands of his former Axis comrades or the benign Allied troops, rather than suffer the vengeance of the out-for-blood Italian freedom fighters. But it is the latter group who reaches Mussolini first, ignominiously executing both the dictator and his mistress Clara Petracchi (Lisa Gastoni). This strangely cast period piece features Henry Fonda as a German cardinal and Franco Nero as an Italian officer. Originally titled Mussolini: Ultimo Atto, The Last Days of Mussolini was also issued as The Last Four Days
剧情本站简译 1945年4月,随着第三帝国的崩溃,意大利法西斯独裁者贝尼托 墨索里尼已预感到自己的末日来临.他深知意大利人民对他的仇恨和他将要付出的代价,更怕自己落到游击队的手中,在最后的日子里他和他的情妇克拉拉仍想逃往瑞士.不过他最终仍没有逃过正义的制裁而落入了自由战士的手中.影片记述了在最后四天中,他和他的情妇被游击队抓获并被处死的经过 |
001 |
Mussolini, ultimo atto (02:57) |
墨索里尼的末日 |
002 |
Ultimo atto (03:28) |
最后一幕 |
003 |
S.O.S la fine (02:21) |
倒霉的结束 |
004 |
Giustiziato (01:43) |
执行 |
005 |
Ultimo atto (#2) (02:43) |
最后一幕 (#2) |
006 |
Mussolini, ultimo atto (Titoli) (01:46) |
墨索里尼的末日 |
007 |
Ultimo atto (#3) (02:04) |
最后一幕 (#3) |
008 |
S.O.S la fine (#2) (01:38) |
倒霉的结束 (#2) |
009 |
S.O.S la fine (#3) (01:21) |
倒霉的结束 (#3) |
010 |
Ultimo atto (#4) (03:27) |
最后一幕(#4) |
011 |
Verso la frontiera (02:15) |
向边境 |
012 |
Ultimo atto (Finale) (00:47) |
墨索里尼的末日(终了) |
NA-7414 (7306) Sesso in confessionale / Sex Advice (直译 性的忏悔) |
电影导演 Director Vittorio de Sisti |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Sex Advice USA (DVD title)
Beat Records CDCR 63 (1996 Mixed 17-27 11 Music) |
Beat Records CDCR 63 (2002 Mixed 257-35 11 Music) |
Plot (Italian) Alla base del film sono dei colloqui tra sacerdote e penitente che la sceneggiatura estrae dal noto omonimo libro-inchiesta e che la realizzazione mette in scena ambientandoli in chiese e località a volte note e a volte riconoscibili. A questo materiale, naturalmente letterario, il lavoro aggiunge una serie di episodi, costantemente licenziosi, che intenderebbero visualizzare le situazioni e azioni oggetto di accusa sacramentale e di discussione.
剧情本站简译 这是一部记录片.电影以神父和性问题忏悔者之间的谈话为基础,并对被调查的最常见的性问题(如婚前性行为,婚姻和自由)由四位专家(神学家,心理学家,社会学家和性学家)进行评论和讨论 |
001 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 1 |
性的忏悔-1 |
002 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 2 |
性的忏悔-2 |
003 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 3 |
性的忏悔-3 |
004 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 4 |
性的忏悔-4 |
005 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 5 |
性的忏悔-5 |
006 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 6 |
性的忏悔-6 |
007 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 7 |
性的忏悔-7 |
008 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 8 |
性的忏悔-8 |
009 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 9 |
性的忏悔-9 |
010 |
Sesso in Confessionale seg. 10 |
性的忏悔-10 |
NA-7415 (7401) Spasmo / The Death Dealer(英文名直译 死亡经销商) |
电影导演 Director Umberto Lenzi |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Spasmo France
The Death Dealer USA (cut version)
Digitmovies CDDM068 (2006 13 Music) |
RCA Records TBBO 1018 (1974 2 Music) |
Plot Christian (Robert Hoffman) and his girlfriend are taking a walk on a deserted beach when they discover a woman's body lying. A closer look proves that she's alive. The next day Christian meets her again at a yacht party and they fall in love. Later at a nearby motel, something weird happens as they prepare to go to bed together: An intruder breaks in and starts beating Christian who accidentally shoots him with his own gun. A few hours later they find out that the corpse is missing and a series of weird incidents takes place.
剧情本站简译 克里斯汀(罗伯特霍夫曼)和他的女朋友在一片荒芜的海滩上散步,他们发现一具女尸躺在那里。再仔细一看,证明她还活着。第二天,克里斯汀在游艇派对中再次和他的女朋友会面并坠入爱河。后来在附近的汽车旅馆,在他们准备一起睡觉时,怪异的事情发生:一个入侵者闯入房间,并开始殴打克里斯汀,并且意外地用他自己的枪射中他自己。几个小时后,他们发现尸体失踪了,一系列怪异的事件接连发生...... |
001 |
Bambole (02:56) |
娃娃 |
002 |
Spasmo (01:56) |
痉挛 |
003 |
Stress infinito (05:41) |
无穷的压力 |
004 |
Bambole (#2 - single ersion) (02:20) |
娃娃(#2) |
005 |
Spasmo (#2) (00:59) |
痉挛(#2) |
006 |
Stress infinito (#2) (06:24) |
无穷的压力(#2) |
007 |
Bambole (#3) (02:29) |
娃娃 (#3) |
008 |
Spasmo (#3) (01:55) |
痉挛 (#3) |
009 |
Stress infinito (#3) (07:55) |
无穷的压力 (#3) |
010 |
Bambole (#4) (02:56) |
娃娃 (#4) |
011 |
Spasmo (#4) (01:03) |
痉挛 (#4) |
012 |
Stress infinito (#4) (01:46) |
无穷的压力 (#4) |
013 |
Bambole (#5) (02:08) |
娃娃(#5) |
NA-7416 (7412) Spazio 1999 - tv - (直译 太空 1999) |
电影导演 Director Lee H. Katzin |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone (见编者注)(See Note) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
"Alfa holdbázis" Hungary
"Alpha 1999" South Africa (dubbed version) (Afrikaans title)
"Avaruusasema Alfa" Finland
"Cosmos: 1999" France
"Diastima 1999" Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
"Espaco: 1999" Portugal (subtitle)
"Espacio: 1999" Spain
"Kosmos 1999" Poland (dubbed version) ( More) |
RCA Records ABL1-1422 (1976 13 Music) See Note |
Plot In 1999, Moonbase Alpha, nestled in the Lunar crater Plato, is a scientific research colony and watchdog over silos of atomic waste from Earth stored on the Moon's far side. On September 13, 1999, magnetic energy builds to cause an explosive chain-reaction of the waste, blasting the Moon out of Earth orbit and off the plane of the ecliptic, out of the Solar System. The inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha are unable to return to Earth and must survive on their wandering Moon as it is displaced further into unknown space by freak space warps. Along the way, they are joined by an alien woman with the ability to change herself into any living creature at will
Note The TV is from 1975-1978, there are 3 composers and Ennio Morricone is one of them. He composed for the 1975 season direted by Lee H. Katzin-- Season 1, Episode 1: Breakaway and Season 1, Episode 10: Black Sun
剧情本站简译 在1999年,在月球基地生活的阿尔法队员,舒适地生活在建在月球洼地的科学试验室里,并负责监护储存着来自地球的核废料的地窖.9月13日,由于磁能的作用,引起了核废料发生了连锁爆炸.巨大的爆炸波使月球脱离了地球轨道和黄道平面,并进一步脱离了太阳系.阿尔法队员已经无法返回地球.由于一个不明的怪异弯曲空间力的作用,他们将进一步流离失所....... |
编者注: 这是一部自1975-1978年播出的有关人类探月幻想的电视连续剧,根据2013年IMDB的资料,先后共有三位音乐家为其谱曲.他们是Barry Gray (24 episodes, 1975-1976), Derek Wadsworth (24 episodes, 1976-1978), Ennio Morricone (unknown episodes)。莫里康内只是其中之一,他是在1975年由李 凯金(Lee H. Katzin)导演的Season 1/10 : Breakaway 和Season 10/10: Black Sun 两集中参加谱曲的.但我们在这两集视频的演职员表作曲家中仅见到了Barry Gray和Vic Elms(合作),并未见到Ennio Morricone的名字。这有两种可能:一是莫里康内仅参与了其中某一个或几个乐曲:二是对此尚存在争议。
Note: total 3 composers in the TV series, According to IMDB data, there ar 3 composers in the series TV: They are Barry Gray (24 episodes, 1975-1976), Derek Wadsworth (24 episodes, 1976-1978), Ennio Morricone (unknown episodes). Ennio Morricone only is one of them. His work in Season 1, Episode 1: Breakaway and Season 1, Episode 10: Black Sun dericted by Lee H. Katzin. But we only looked 2 composer's name-Barry Gray and Vic Elms (Associate)in the 2 season video. It maybe 2 cause: 1-Morricone only participate in one or few soundtrack; 2-This still controversial. See our page http://vip.morricone.cn/ns-film/ns-film-1974.asp |
图3: 2013年IMDB资料截图(见 此页。很遗憾当年未作原网页的截图而只是复制了文字) |
图4: 2014年 IMDB截图,已不见原来的Series Original Music项目(改为Series Music)和Ennio Morricone的名字 |
图5:2014 Soundtrack截图,在该页17部作品和361首曲目中所有作曲家的标注中均未发现Ennio Morricone的任何资料 |
图6:在2014年11月,在 这个网站还保留了2009年的有关Morricone的资料没有发生变化(参见本站2011年 有关网页) |
001 |
un treno in piu (03:15) |
列车 |
002 |
spazio 1999 (04:24) |
太空1999 |
003 |
titioli (04:24) |
标题 |
2013.8.20发布 2014.11.30 修订 |