A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
NA7217 |
NA-7217 (73-02) La proprietà non è più un furto / Property Is No Longer a Theft (Elio Petri) / 财产并非赃物 |
NA7218 |
NA-7218 (7207) La vita a volte è molto dura, vero provvidenza? / Life Is Tough, Eh Providence? (Giulio Petroni) (直译 生活有时很辛苦) |
NA7219 |
NA-7219 (72-36) Le due stagioni della vita / Les deux saisons de la vie(IMDB)/The Two Seasons of Life (Samy Pavel) (直译 两个季节的生活) |
NA7220 |
NA-7220 (7311) Quando l'amore è sensualità / When Love Is Lust (Vittorio de Sisti) (直译 当爱是情欲) |
NA7221 |
NA-7221 (7215) Quando la preda è l'uomo / Spogliati, protesta, uccidi! (Vittorio de Sisti) (直译 当男人的猎物) |
NA7222 |
NA-7222 (7214) Questa specie d'amore / This Kind of Love (Alberto Bevilacqua) (直译 这种爱) |
NA7223 |
NA-7223 (7205) Un uomo da rispettare / The Master Touch (Michele Lupo) / 贼王 |
NA7224 |
NA-7224 (7209) Violenza: quinto potere (Florestano Vancini) (直译 暴力:第五权力) |
NA-7217 (73-02) La proprietà non è più un furto / Property Is No Longer a Theft / 财产并非赃物 |

电影导演 Director Elio Petri |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La proprietà non è più un furto Italy (original title)
I idioktisia den einai pia klopi Greece (reissue title)
La propriété, c'est plus le vol France |
Property Is No Longer a Theft International (English title)
Ston anemostrovilo tis diafthoras Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
GDM CD Club 7074 (2009 26 Music) |
RCA Records OLS 19 (1973 13 Music) |
Plot Comment: If you want to know what marxism-madrakism is, don't miss this movie! A great example of smart and politicized Italian cinema of the seventies, a real cult in my opinion. The main character is a sort of modern times psychopathic robin-hood whom works as a clerk in a bank, but is allergic to money! At a certain point he is so exasperated that he decides that he must mine rich people's private property in order to give a shock to their lives. His main target is a rich butcher (Ugo Tognazzi), but he decides not to steal his money, but things that he needs more: his butcher knife, tool of his trade, his hat, his woman... In the meantime, he enters the dark world of delinquency meeting a professional thief which he manages to blackmail so that he can help him in his misdoings. Between the world of marxist idealism and pure delinquency, the whole story is fantastic and unreal, with references to Fromm's "Life between having and being". The character would like to "have" (money and things) but in the same moment he also wants to "be" (save his personality), but he undesrtands that it's impossible ("This is the problem!", he repeats) . The final is also fantastic, with the thief's funeral in which a great Gigi Proietti gives us a monologue on the importance of thiefs in society. A must for lovers of the genre (Here)
剧情本站简译 本片中佩特里要探讨的是资本主义社会金钱和财产的作用问题。影片中两个主人公处在敌对状态:一个是富裕的肉商,另一个是银行会计。当会计开始看出他的顾客在财政上耍花招时,他便离开了银行,开始了一连串的偷盗活动,想借此遇到那个肉商。那个肉商向会计证明,会计是永远达不到他那样的富有程度的之后便把会计杀死了。影片主人公们的两段很长的独白对佩特里来说是开创了剧作结构和导演的新象征主义-表现主义道路。同佩特里喜欢喜剧效果相关的这一创作原则产生了一部充满矛盾的影片,影评界对此有不同反应。1973年在威尼斯的“意大利电影节"上当这部影片遭到观众反对时,佩特里对意大利评论界极为不满。他指责意大利评论界控制了观众,他在全意大利掀起了远远超出这部影片的争论。(这里) |
001 |
La Proprieta Non E' Piu un Furto |
财产并非赃物 |
002 |
Colpo |
打击 |
003 |
Ritratto de Anita |
肖像 |
004 |
L'Ultimo Ascensore |
最后的电梯 |
005 |
Io Sono...'Avere', Tu Sei...'Avere' |
我有,你有 |
006 |
Al Ladro |
盗窃 |
007 |
Io Ho, Tu Hai |
我有,你有 |
008 |
Rapina |
抢劫 |
009 |
Sui Tetti |
在屋顶上 |
010 |
Mostra Antifurto |
防盗显示 |
011 |
Se Po' Di'...Radica |
012 |
Immobile Come Una Bistecca |
不动产像牛排 |
013 |
Albertone E Total |
阿尔巴托尼和道达尔 |
NA-7218 (7207) La vita a volte è molto dura, vero provvidenza? / Life Is Tough, Eh Providence? (直译 生活有时很辛苦) |

电影导演 Director Giulio Petroni |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
La vita, a volte, è molto dura, vero Provvidenza? Italy (original title)
For hur manga dollar som helst Sweden
Life Is Tough, Eh Providence? USA
Mausefalle für zwei schr?ge Vogel West Germany
On m'appelle Providence France |
Providensa - petturi vai pyhimys Finland
Providenza - Mausefalle für zwei schr?ge Vogel West Germany
Providenzia - palkkionmetsastaja Finland
Sometimes Life Is Hard - Right, Providence? (undefined)
Zwei schaffen alle West Germany |
GDM Music 4140 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 5-Apr-2011(20 music) |
GDM Music 2052 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Feb-2005 UPN 8-018163-020522 (Mixed 6/19 music) |
Plot This Italian western comedy has no shooting deaths, but a lot of fistfights. Provvidenza is a bounty hunter. He makes his living solely by catching his dim but powerful friend, the Hurricane Kid (Gregg Palmer) and turning him in for the reward money. A fully armed horseless carriage is one of the inventive elements of this film. One of the film's sillier highlights is an amazingly loud and long belch by the Kid. (Here)
剧情本站简译 赏金猎手普罗维登斯带着一个逃犯史密斯到警察局为了拿到5000美元的赏金.很快史密斯又逃出监狱并找到普罗维登斯要回这笔钱,接着他们到下一个州,在那里,用他的人头可以得到更多的赏金..... |
001 |
La Vita A Volte E'Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? (04:36) |
生活有时很辛苦? |
002 |
La Vita A Volte E'Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? (#2) (01:13) |
生活有时很辛苦?(#2) |
003 |
La Vita A Volte E'Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? (#3) (01:43) |
生活有时很辛苦?(#3) |
004 |
La Vita A Volte E'Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? (#4) (02:12) |
生活有时很辛苦? (#4) |
005 |
La Vita A Volte E'Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? (#5) (01:24) |
生活有时很辛苦? (#5) |
006 |
La Vita A Volte E'Molto Dura, Vero Provvidenza? (#6) (02:35) |
生活有时很辛苦? (#6) |
GDM Music 2052 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Feb-2005
UPN 8-018163-020522 (Mixed 6/19 music) |
GDM Music 4140 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 5-Apr-2011(20 music) |
NA-7219 (72-36) Le due stagioni della vita / Les deux saisons de la vie(IMDB)/The Two Seasons of Life (直译 两个季节的生活) |

电影导演 Director Samy Pavel |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Les deux saisons de la vie Belgium (original title)
Les deux saisons (undefined)
The Two Seasons of Life International (English title)
Twee seizoenen van het leven Belgium (Flemish title) |
Saimel 3996410 (2005 11 Music) |
General Music GM ZSLGE 55079 Country Italy Format LP Release Date Sep-1972 (3 music) |
Plot (A comment) the film's director, Samy Pavel, was born in Egypt and made 8 French language films and one in Arabic in Belgium between 1972 and 1992. None of these films have any synopsis's or any detailed reviews in IMDB. Maybe if there is an FSMer in Belgium they could give me a clue. My wild guess, based on the music, the stills and the title is that this is a melodrama where either the mother or child in the story only has "two seasons of life". The music is beautiful and moving, sort of like Morricone's LOVE STORY, except more variety and elaboration.
剧情本站简译 这是由埃及导演 Samy Pavel执导,比利时生产的一部影片,也是他和莫里康内合作的唯一一部影片。此片资料极少,似乎是在讲述母亲和儿子之间故事的一部情节剧 |
001 |
Le Due Stagioni Della Vita (18:18) |
两个季节的生活 |
002 |
Passaggio (01:04) |
通道 |
003 |
La Citta' (15:58) |
城市 |
004 |
Le Due Stagioni Della Vita (04:08)
#2 - Titoli versione film |
两个季节的生活#2-电影标题版 |
005 |
La Citta' (01:41) #2 |
城市#2 |
006 |
Le Due Stagioni Della Vita (01:39)
Tema ripresa #3 |
两个季节的生活#3复原主题版 |
007 |
Le Due Stagioni Della Vita (01:38)
Cafe Chantant |
两个季节的生活 咖啡音乐 |
008 |
Le Due Stagioni Della Vita (01:28)
Tema ripresa #4 |
两个季节的生活 #4复原主题版 |
009 |
Le Due Stagioni Della Vita (00:58)
Organo liturgico |
两个季节的生活 管风琴礼拜 |
010 |
La Citta' (03:56)
#3 |
城市#3 |
011 |
Le Due Stagioni Della Vita (01:56)
Tema ripresa #5 |
两个季节的生活 #5复原主题版 |
Tracks 4 - 11 are in mono and previously unreleased on the original 1972 General Music LP |
NA-7220 (7311) Quando l'amore è sensualità / When Love Is Lust (直译 当爱是情欲) |

电影导演 Director Vittorio de Sisti |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Apigorevmenes aisthiseis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Quand l'amour devient sensualité Canada (French title)
When Love Is Lust USA (MIFED title) |
Cerberus Records (2) Vinyl, LP –CEM-S 0113 (1982 11 Music) |
Plot Emilia, product of a cloistered education and an aristocratic lineage is thrown into the arms of a brash parvenu, who she marries but refuses to consummate her marriage. While she escapes to her sister, her mother falls for her son-in-law much to the surprise of Emilia who then, provocatively, joins her husband
剧情本站简译 一个有贵族血统和在封闭环境长大的的年轻女孩艾米丽亚被她的继母强制嫁给一个粗野有钱的屠夫暴发户,她拒绝这个婚姻并逃到她姐姐家.她的丈夫在她继母的新别墅里寻花问柳寻欢作乐,她的继母则不断地刺激她以使她回到丈夫身边 |
001 |
Quando L'amore E' Sensualita (04:07) |
当爱是情欲 |
002 |
Canzone Per Donatella (02:53) |
她的歌 |
003 |
Vie-Ni (05:04) |
004 |
Giochi Naif (05:10) |
天真的游戏 |
005 |
Accettazione Di Violenza (02:01) |
接受暴力 |
006 |
Luce Chiara Per Vergine "Curve Oscure" (05:06) |
007 |
Tarantella Naif (01:36) |
天真的泰兰泰拉舞曲 |
008 |
Strano Collage Da "Camera" (02:20) |
奇怪的拼贴 |
009 |
Nascasta Nell 'Ombra (01:08) |
阴影 |
010 |
Saltarello Naif (03:34) |
天真的萨尔塔列洛舞 |
011 |
Soluzione Borghese (02:54) |
有产者的解决方案 |
NA-7221 (7215) Quando la preda è l'uomo / Spogliati, protesta, uccidi! (直译 当男人的猎物) |

电影导演 Director Vittorio de Sisti |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Spogliati, protesta, uccidi! (undefined) |
(Album Label "When Man Is The Prey") |
Cerberus CEM-SP-0118 (1986 11 Music) |
CAM CSE 101 (1992 mixed 12-22 11 Music) |
Plot (Italian) La figlia di un industriale americano s'innamora di un rivoluzionario nero. Il padre fa pedinare l'indesiderato futuro genero da due sicari e lui è costretto ad ucciderli ed è poi arrestato. La ragazza, per vendicarsi, fa fuori lo snaturato genitore.
剧情本站简译 年轻的萨曼莎是一个美国实业家的女儿,但是她加入了嬉皮士和抗议者的队伍,并爱上了一个黑人革命者布鲁克.在布鲁克被通缉后,他们试图逃离加州. |
001 |
NO ONE CAN (04:02) |
没有人能够 |
002 |
NO ONE CAN (03:00) |
没有人能够 |
003 |
DRAMMA SU DI NOI (01:36) |
我们的戏剧 |
004 |
NO ONE CAN (03:53) |
没有人能够 |
005 |
INIZIAZIONE '72 (02:05). |
起始 72 |
006 |
SINKET PRIMO (04:48) |
007 |
黑暗中的舞蹈 |
008 |
NO ONE CAN (01:27) |
没有人能够 |
009 |
女性的梦魇 |
010 |
011 |
你是纯洁的 |
NA-7222 (7214) Questa specie d'amore / This Kind of Love (直译 这种爱) |

电影导演 Director Alberto Bevilacqua |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Esa clase de amor Spain
This Kind of Love (undefined) |
Verita Note VQCD-10046 (2007 17 Music) |
Screen Trax CDST 328 (2000-16 Music) |
Plot Written and directed by Italian filmmaker Alberto_Bevilacqua, Questa Specie D'Amore (This Kind of Love) illustrates the difficulties one runs into when one attempts detached intellectualism. Ugo_Tognazzi plays the son of a 1930s-era anti-fascist (also played by Tognazzi) who had suffered mightily for his beliefs. Wishing to cut himself off from all feelings and building huge walls around his true feelings.compassion lest he be tormented in the same manner as his father, Tognazzi rushes into a marriage with the spoiled daughter (Jean_Seberg) of a wealthy nobleman. The misery attending this mismatch leads Tognazzi to desert his sheltered new lifestyle and return to his father's home town. Throughout the film, flashbacks are used to show the events that led Tognazzi into
剧情本站简译 影片由意大利 阿尔贝托 贝维拉库阿导演.这部电影举例说明当一个人陷入一种试图超越理智的行为时是非常困难的.雨果 唐纳吉在片中扮演一个20世纪30年代时期的反法西斯主义者(也由他扮演)的儿子. 他父亲为了他的信仰已经遭受过极大的痛苦,因此他希望避免自己的各种影响以免使他的儿子也遭受同样的痛苦.唐纳吉急于同一个富有的贵族女儿结婚,这种不匹配的愿望导致唐纳吉要求放弃他的受保护的生活方式并回到他父亲的家乡.影片使用了大量的闪回镜头,从而使得唐纳吉的真实感受似乎处于一座巨大的城墙包围之中 |
001 |
Questa Specie d'Amore (02:36) |
这种爱 |
002 |
Federico E la Sua Solitudine (02:42) |
费德里科和他的孤独 |
003 |
Roma Baldracca (05:04) |
罗马的JI女 |
004 |
La Terra del Padre (02:51) |
父亲的土地 |
005 |
Giovanna E Federico (03:59) |
珍妮和弗雷德里克 |
006 |
Al Popolo Di Parma (02:44) |
帕尔马的人 |
007 |
La Madre (03:52) |
母亲 |
008 |
Questa Specie d'Amore (03:18) |
这种爱 |
009 |
La Terra del Padre (01:16) |
父亲的土地 |
010 |
Roma Baldracca (01:44) |
罗马的JI女 |
011 |
Giovanna E Federico (02:26) |
珍妮和弗雷德里克 |
012 |
La Terra del Padre (01:17) |
父亲的土地 |
013 |
Questa Specie d'Amore (01:21) |
这种爱 |
014 |
Federico E la Sua Solitudine (02:43) |
费德里科和他的孤独 |
015 |
La Terra del Padre (01:15) |
父亲的土地 |
016 |
Questa Specie d'Amore (01:40) |
这种爱 |
NA-7223 (7205) Un uomo da rispettare / The Master Touch / 贼王/ 一个受尊重的人 |

电影导演 Director Michele Lupo |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias |
Un uomo da rispettare Italy (original title)
A Man to Respect Philippines (English title) / USA
Beklenen adam Turkey (Turkish title)
Ein achtbarer Mann West Germany
En smart stot, Steve! Sweden
Ena axiosevasto katharma Greece (video title)
Hearts and Minds (undefined) Megali epafi Greece (video title)
Miljoonan dollarin mies Finland
The Master Touch USA
Um Homem de Respeito Portugal (imdb display title)
Un hombre a respetar Spain
Un homme à respecter France |
Hexacord HCD 14 (2002 9 Music) |
CBS Records 70117 (1972 9 Music) |
Plot A just released from prison professional thief decides to do one last high-risk heist, which could settle him for life or land him behind bars again
剧情本站简译 一个刚刚从监狱释放的职业窃贼决定作一次最后的高风险抢劫,这个行动或能解决他的今后生活,或者使他再次身陷囹圄 |
001 |
Un Uomo Rispettare (11:33) |
一个受尊重的人 |
002 |
Un Tempo Infinito (04:20) |
无限时间 |
003 |
Prima Di Lasciarla (02:38) |
离开之前 |
004 |
A Florinda (03:05) |
弗洛林达 |
005 |
Colpo Parallelo (03:48) |
平行的打击 |
006 |
L'Incarico (02:03) |
转让 |
007 |
18 Pari (03:16) |
等于18 |
008 |
A Florinda (02:43) |
弗洛林达 |
009 |
Un Uomo Da Rispettare (02:44) |
一个受尊重的人 |
NA-7224 (7209) Violenza: quinto potere (直译 暴力:第五权力) |

电影导演 Director Florestano Vancini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02 |
本站电影页, Our film page |
电影别名 Alias
Gewalt - Die fünfte Macht im Staat West Germany
Jaque mate siciliano Spain
Katigoro tin mafia Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Les maffiosi France |
Les mafiosis France (video title)
Mafian kosto Finland
Vromikes nyhtes ston ypokosmo Greece (reissue title) |
Legend CD 26 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 1996 UPN 8-016811-000261 (2CD mixed 15/32 music) |
Cometa CMT 1012/26 Country Italy Format LP Release Date 8-Oct-1979 Limited edition of 1,000 copies. ( 15 Music)
Plot This is a very hard film to review fairly in its currently available format--an English-dubbed videotape from Finland. La Violenza: Quinto Potere (titled The Sicilian Checkmate on the tape) is an extremely talky courtroom drama steeped in Italian politics of the period, and therefore is pretty hard going for an Anglophone audience unfamiliar (as am I) with the topic. Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime in the business and political life of Sicily. There are a few flashbacks which include what little 'action' the film includes, but the vast majority of the film is a lengthy indictment of mafia corruption..
剧情本站简译 两名黑手党成员利用炒搂条款的漏洞进行犯罪活动,在庭讯中所有的证人慑于黑手党的权势而不得不保持沉默,罪犯因而无罪释放. |
001 |
Violenza Quinto Potere (02:34) |
暴力:第五权力 |
002 |
L'Acqua E Di Tutti (01:42) |
所有的水 |
003 |
La Terra Non Si Tocca (01:38) |
土地没有了 |
004 |
Grido Di Dolore (01:27) |
痛苦的哭泣 |
005 |
Speranza (02:35) |
希望 |
006 |
I Drammi Di Sempre (03:09) |
永远的戏剧 |
007 |
Non Dimenticare Questa Terra (01:18) |
不要忘了土地 |
008 |
Sicilia: Terra E Passione (01:04) |
西西里:土地与激情 |
009 |
Melodie Antiche (00:59) |
古老的旋律 |
010 |
Ora Comando Io (01:33) |
现在我命令 |
011 |
Terra Di Fuoco (02:15) |
聚焦土地 |
012 |
Canto Poetico (02:05) |
诗意的歌 |
013 |
Tra Ulivi E Agrumeti (02:43) |
橄榄树和柑橘 |
014 |
Luna Dolce Signora (02:17) |
温柔的月光夫人 |
015 |
I Deboli Pagano (02:09) |
给弱者的 |
莫里康内原声音乐资源库(总计 5596 tracks)已经开放,完全免费下载,欢迎使用 >>>>>> |
Morricone soundtracks resource library (Total 5596 tracks) has been opened, Free download >>>>>> |
2013.8.1发布? 2014.11.26修订 |