A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
老的年表编号 Old No. |
旧版音乐网页 Old music page |
本栏目音乐数量 The musical numbers here |
电影网页 Film page |
NA-6909 |
Le clan dei sicilian / The Sicilian Clani / 西西里黑帮/神机妙算/劫宝奇谋 |
6910 |
11 |
NA-6910 |
Metello / 我的青春/梅泰洛 |
7010 |
10 |
NA-6911 |
Queimada / Burn! / 烽火怪客/凯马达之战 |
6915 (New OST) |
New OST 26 |
NA-6912 |
Sai cosa faceva Stalin alle donne? / What Did Stalin Do to Women? / (直译 斯大林对妇女们都干了什么?) |
6810 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 5 |
NA-6913 |
Senza sapere niente di lei (直译 对你一无所知) |
6914 |
14 |
NA-6914 |
Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo(直译 杀了肥牛犊去烤) |
7008 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 5 |
NA-6915 |
Un esercito di 5 uomini / The Five Man Army / 五人军队 |
6908 |
8 |
NA-6916 |
Una breve stagione / A Brief Season / (直译 一个短季) |
6920 |
17 |

电影导演 Director Henri Verneuil |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Le clan des Siciliens France (original title)
A szicíliaiak klánja Hungary
Der Clan der Sizilianer West Germany
El clan de los sicilianos Spain
I symmoria ton Sikelon Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Il clan dei siciliani Italy
Klan Sycylijczyków Poland (More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Vadim Music VAD028LP Country France
Format LP Release Date 30-Jun-2010
180 grs. vinyl. Numbered and limited edition. (11 muic) |
20th Century Fox TFS-4209 Country United States Format LP Release Date
1970 (11 muic) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Behind every gun is "The Sicilian Clan!" The murders in Paris! The robbery in Rome! The double-cross in New York! Every industry has its first family.( Here) This is a film that proves just how cool things were in the 1960s in Europe, particularly France and Italy. The ultra-cool Alain Delon (the French Steve McQueen) is truly superb as the loner hood, and with an excellent cast (including the legend Jean Gabin), thrilling story, stylish direction and yet another masterful score by Ennio Morricone, THE SICILIAN CLAN is a must-see for lovers of heist thrillers. (Here)
剧情本站简译 阿兰.德龙1969年主演的这部犯罪动作片,摒弃了一般银行抢劫后分赃不均而终被逮捕的老套情节,把劫宝的场面安排在飞机上进行,结局则是因家族内一次无意揭发的奸情而致西西里部落全被逮捕。影片布局可谓层次分明,有峰回路转之妙。从开幕西西里家族营救囚车中的萨丹开始,便推展出不少戏剧性的高潮,如阿兰.德龙如何外出召妓惹祸;保险公司随员的太太如何发现丈夫不在飞机上而在报警时认出阿兰.德龙;探长如何监视阿兰.德龙的妹妹而使西西里兄弟被捕等,这些设计都能顺里成章而前后呼应,剧情一步步推向最后群匪被捕的高潮。莫里康内大师的经典配乐,是他的音乐会的保留曲目,更使得这部影片长传而不衰.更多请见这里 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 11 music from 1969-1970. Soundrack shows 18 albums and 1 mixed albums, most of them are 11 music, but its content is slightly different. Our resource is 11 music in the 1970 edition.
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1969-1970共有11首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有18个专辑和1个合辑,其中大部分专辑均为11首乐曲,但其内容略有不同.本站现有资源为1970版的11首乐曲 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Italian Theme (03:35) |
意大利主题 |
002 |
Snack Bar (02:23) |
酒吧 |
003 |
The Jewel Show (02:48) |
珠宝展 |
004 |
Dialogue No. 1 (03:15) |
对话 1 |
005 |
Jeanne On The Beach (03:13) |
珍妮在海滩 |
006 |
Dialogue No. 2 (03:18) |
对话 2 |
007 |
LeGoff's Theme (03:07) |
勒高夫的主题 |
008 |
Gangster's Theme (02:19) |
大佬的主题 |
009 |
Italian Theme (01:29) |
意大利主题 |
010 |
The Stamps (02:21) |
标志 |
011 |
Finale (02:20) |
终了曲 |
NA-6910 (7010) Metello / 我的青春/梅泰洛 |

电影导演 Director Mauro Bolognini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Metello Argentina / Greece
Ergatiki exegersi Greece (reissue title |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
GDM Music GDM 2071 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 3-Jul-2006 UPN 8-018163-020713 Digitally remastered. Contains 4 previously unreleased tracks. Including an 8 page booklet.(14 music) |
Soundtrack Listeners Club SCC-1013
Country Japan Format CD Release Date
1991 (10 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Metello struggles to escape from the poverty that led to the premature death of his parents, and that is the lot of the working class in northern Italy during the second half of the 19th century. Metello fights his way out from his condition through hard work, a determined will to resist oppression inherited from his father, but also by taking advantage of his good looks when dealing with women. Metello progressively assumes an important role in the organization of an emerging workers movement, and attempts to conciliate his risky political activities with his private life. (Here)
剧情本站简译 影片系根据意大利著名文学家瓦斯科 普莱托里尼( Vasco Pratolini) 同名小说"Metello"改编.影片以1902年意大利建筑工人大罢工的史实为背景,描写了十九世纪末期到二十世纪初三十年间意大利早期工业资本主义发展时期劳动者和企业主两个阶级对抗的场景,以一个贫苦农民的儿子梅泰洛力图改变个人命运,进城打工拼博的艰难生活为主线,描绘了梅泰洛个人青春时代友情,爱情,家庭,事业的发展,变故和曲折成长过程,展现了当年意大利社会的政治,经济,文化,人文和历史风貌.整个故事对于一个世纪后当代中国出现的进城打工的的亿万农民工潮以及社会发展,仍然具有重要的现实意义.影片由莫里康配乐的主题音乐,更是一部电影和音乐完美交融互补的楷模之作,聆听此曲带来的震撼,往往令每个已有个人往事的中老年人无不为之动情反思.对于电影及起音乐的研究请见本站此页 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 14 music from 1970-2006. Soundrack shows 9 albums and 1 mixed albums, 14 music are in 2006 album, 10 music are in 1991album . Released below are 10 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1970-2006共有14首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有9个专辑和1个合辑,其中2006年专辑为14首乐曲, 1991年专辑为10首乐曲.本站现有资源同1991年专辑 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Metello (Tema titoli) (02:43) |
梅泰洛 (主题) |
002 |
Tema sciopero (Andante triste) (01:57) |
肖培罗的主题 |
003 |
Pianino nella strada (02:14) |
街上的钢琴 |
004 |
Metello (Tema titoli) (01:48)sax-flauto-cembalo-oboe |
梅泰洛(主题),萨克斯,长笛,古钢琴,双簧管 |
005 |
Tema sciopero (Solenne triste) (02:04) |
肖培罗的主题 |
006 |
Metello (Tema titoli) (02:18) |
梅泰洛 (主题) |
007 |
Tema sciopero (Versione lunga) (06:56) |
肖培罗的主题(长版) |
008 |
L'arrivo del Re (Marcia militare) (02:35) |
重新到来(军队进行曲) |
009 |
La naja (Marcetta per tromba,ottavino e tamburo) (01:34) |
娜娅(小号,短笛和鼓) |
010 |
Mettelo (Titoli finale - grande orchestra) (02:39) |
梅泰洛 (终了主题- 交响乐团) |
NA-6911 (6915) Queimada / Burn! / 烽火怪客/凯马达之战 |

电影导演 Director Gillo Pontecorvo |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Queimada Italy (original title)
Queimada Finland / Greece / Spain (imdb display title)
Burn! USA (imdb display title)
Isyan Turkey (Turkish title)
La quemada Colombia |
Queimada - Insel des Schreckens West Germany
Queimada! Argentina
Quemada! Spain
Tüz! - Queimada lázadói Hungary (imdb display title)
The Mercenary Canada (English title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
GDM Music 2033 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
Dec-2001 UPN 8-018163-020331 (26 music) Expanded. Limited edition for collectors. |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot The professional mercenary Sir William Walker instigates a slave revolt on the Caribbean island of Queimada in order to help improve the British sugar trade. Years later he is sent again to deal with the same rebels that he built up because they have seized to much power that now threatens British sugar interests.(Here)
剧情本站简译 巨星马龙.白兰度饰演十九世纪英国商人威廉.华克,个性好胜自负。英国政府派遣他到葡萄牙控制的加勒比海产糖小岛上发动奴隶叛变,使英国抢得糖类贸易的优势。华克做得很成功,他并且训练了当地人荷西.杜洛斯成为管理奴隶的首领,以为自此可以安枕无忧。不料他在赴英国重回小岛时,发现杜洛斯已变成难以驾驭的恶霸,于是亲自对付他。全片拍出鲜明的气氛和剧力,马龙.白兰度的演出尤其精彩,将十九世纪殖民政治的黑幕作出有力的揭露。(这里) |
About OST: ChiMai shows 26 music from 1969-2001. Soundrack shows 7 albums and 2 mixed albums, 26 music are in 2001album. Released below are 26 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1969-2001共有26首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有7个专辑和2个合辑,其中2001年专辑为26首乐曲.本站现有资源同2001版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Abolicao (05:05) |
阿波利索 |
002 |
Queimada prima (01:26) |
奎马达第一 |
003 |
Queimada (Anche i Portoghesi muoiono) (01:18) |
奎马达 (葡萄牙) |
004 |
Queimada (Pezzo classico primo) (00:44) |
奎马达 (经典作品1) |
005 |
Queimada (Liberta') (01:42) |
奎马达 (自由) |
006 |
Verso il futuro (Primo) (04:36) |
进入未来(第一) |
007 |
Jose' Dolores (01:27) |
何塞 多洛雷斯 |
008 |
Queimada (La civilta' dei bianchi) (02:21) |
奎马达 (白人的文明) |
009 |
Jose' Dolores (00:43) |
何塞 多洛雷斯 |
010 |
Queimada (Una nuove nazione) (00:40) |
奎马达 (一个新的国家) |
011 |
Verso il futuro (Secondo) (00:56) |
进入未来(第二) |
012 |
Queimada seconda (04:04) |
奎马达 第二 |
013 |
Preparazione (03:03) |
准备 |
014 |
Jose' Dolores (Generalissimo) (01:27) |
何塞 多洛雷斯(统帅) |
015 |
Queimada (Pattuglia) (02:30) |
奎马达 (巡逻) |
016 |
Osanna (04:18) |
奥萨那 |
017 |
Verso il futuro (Terzo) (01:13) |
进入未来(第三) |
018 |
Queimada (Canna da zucchero) (01:08) |
奎马达 (甘蔗) |
019 |
Verso il futuro (Quarto) (01:59) |
进入未来(第四) |
020 |
Queimada (William & Jose') (01:45) |
奎马达 |
021 |
Jose' Dolores (01:26) |
何塞 多洛雷斯 |
022 |
Verso il futuro (Quinto) (01:57) |
进入未来 (第五) |
023 |
Queimada (Pezzo classico secondo) (00:47) |
奎马达 (经典作品2) |
024 |
Studi per un finale (Primo) (03:27) |
最后的学习(一) |
025 |
Verso il futuro (Sesto) (01:54) |
进入未来(第六) |
026 |
Studi per un finale (Secondo) (01:54) |
最后的学习 (二) |
NA-6912 (6810) Sai cosa faceva Stalin alle donne? / What Did Stalin Do to Women? / (直译 斯大林对妇女们都干了什么?) |

电影导演 Director Maurizio Rivelani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Sai cosa faceva Stalin alle donne? Italy (original title)
Sais-tu ce que Staline faisait aux femmes? France
What Did Stalin Do to Women? International (English title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
CAM CSE 066 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1992 ( 5 music) Also contains music from: Stark System |
CAM 493469-2 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1992 ( 5 music) Also contains music from: Stark System |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot This comedic political satire lampoons Russian communist leader Josef Stalin and ridicules the brief period of communism in Italy following World War II. The leader has sex on a bedspread with his own likeness. A hammer and sickle, along with a swastika, is prominently displayed on the posterior of his lovely mistress. The film continues with a series of sight gags, puns and short sketches with some brief interludes of female nudity. The finale finds Stalin's coffin being removed from the mausoleum in Red Square in Moscow and Italy finding another government.(Here)
剧情本站简译 这是1969年意大利制作的一部嘲笑俄共领导人约瑟夫斯大林的政治讽刺喜剧,电影也潮笑了二战以后在意大利出现的短暂的共产主义时期.领导人在带有他的肖像的床单上作爱,带着纳粹标志的镰刀和锤子在她情妇的臀部突出的显示出来.电影以插科打诨,双关语等方式穿插一些小品系列.最后斯大林的棺材被从莫斯科红场移走而意大利也出现了另一个政府 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 5 music from 1969-1992. Soundrack shows 2 mixed albums, 5 music are in all albums.Released below are 5 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1969-1992共有5首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有2个合辑,均为5首乐曲.本站现有资源为5首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Lo sai cosa faceva Stalin alle donne ? (04:37) |
斯大林对妇女们都干了什么 |
002 |
Scherzo da guerra (03:04) |
战争的笑话 |
003 |
Scherzo da baffone (01:19) |
胡子的笑话 |
004 |
Lo sai cosa facevano le donne a Stalin ? (01:55) |
斯大林对妇女们确实干了什么 |
005 |
Filastrocca per cretini (02:44) |
愚笨的歌谣 |
NA-6913 (6914) Senza sapere niente di lei (直译 对她一无所知) |

电影导演 Director Luigi Comencini |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Sin saber nada de ella Spain |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Digitmovies CDDM050 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 24-Mar-2006 UPN 8-032628-990502 (14 music) Limited edition. (14 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot When Maria Mancuso dies suddenly before the expiration of her life-insurance policy, the insurance company sends lawyer Nanni Brà (Philippe_Leroy) to investigate. He seduces Cinzia (Paola_Pitagora), one of the late woman's daughters, in order to obtain more information. When he falls in love with the girl, he confesses to her his original intentions and she tries to take her own life. Nanni discovers that Maria Mancuso was murdered; Cinzia admits to the crime, then crashes the car with herself and Nanni into a truck, killing them both. (Here)
剧情本站简译 玛丽亚 曼库索在人寿保险期满之前突然死亡.保险公司派律师南尼 伯拉进行调查。他诱使一个已故女人的女儿辛则亚以获得更多的信息。当他与女孩辛则亚落入爱河时对她坦白了自己对她原来的意图,其后她则产生了自杀的念头。不久南尼发现玛丽亚 曼库索是被人谋杀致死,辛则亚承认这是她犯的罪,最后在她和南尼两人开车出行时,她驾车冲向一辆大卡车,结束了他们两人的生命. |
About OST: ChiMai shows 10 music from 1969-2006. Soundrack shows 1 albums and 14 music. Released below are 14 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1969-2006共有10首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有1个专辑为14首乐曲.本站现有资源为14首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Senza Sapere Niente Di Lei (Titoli) 02:03) |
对她一无所知 |
002 |
Una Strana Ragazza (02:59) |
一个陌生女孩 |
003 |
Identikit Di Un Delitto (02:56) |
罪犯拼图 |
004 |
Stato Confusionale (02:56) |
混乱 |
005 |
Senza Sapere Niente Di Lei (03:26) |
对你一无所知 |
006 |
Frammenti D`estasi (03:06) |
迷人的碎片 |
007 |
In Un Ricordo (03:25) |
回忆 |
008 |
L`avvocato E La Ragazza (04:10) |
律师和女孩 |
009 |
Identikit Di Un Delitto (#2) (02:26) |
罪犯拼图 (#2) |
010 |
In Un Ricordo (#2) (03:26) |
回忆 (#2) |
011 |
Sospetti E Tenerezze (04:24) |
猜疑和温情 |
012 |
Ricordo (03:00) |
回忆 |
013 |
Lui Per Lei (03:08) |
他为你 |
014 |
Senza Sapere Niente Di Lei (Finale) (02:55) |
对她一无所知 |
NA-6914 (7008) Uccidete il vitello grasso e arrostitelo (直译 杀了肥牛犊去烤) |

电影导演 Director Salvatore Samperi |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Ypopsies pou fernoun ton thanato Greece (video title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Digitmovies CDDM083 Country
Italy Format CD Release Date 4-May-2007 UPN 8-032628-990830 (10 music) |
Country United States Format LP
Release Date 1984 (5 music) Also contains music from: Tre Donne |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot The first color film by writer/director Salvatore_Samperi is this grim family melodrama, a modern-day reinvention of the tale of the Prodigal Son. Upon hearing of his father's death, Enrico Merlo (Jean_Sorel) leaves his boarding school in Switzerland and returns home to Padua. There he overhears a conversation between his older brother Cesare (Maurizio Degli Espositi), who has taken over the profitable family business, and Verde (Marilù_Tolo), Cesare's cousin and lover. Their words persuade Enrico that the two have murdered his father; he obtains proof when he discovers that his father's death certificate post-dates his death. But Enrico becomes gravely ill with pneumonia, all the while refusing to return the incriminating death certificate to the killers, and so Verde makes sure he is denied his needed medication and lets him die.(Here)
剧情本站简译 这是作家和导演萨尔瓦多 辛普利的第一部彩色电影.这是一部严酷的家庭情节剧,讲的是一个现代社会常见的浪子故事。恩里科 梅洛在听到他父亲去世的消息后,离开他在瑞士的寄宿学校,回到了帕多瓦。在那里,他无意中听到他的哥哥塞萨尔和他的表妹和情人弗尔德的一次谈话.他们的谈话使得恩里科相信是他们两个人谋害了父亲,他在他父亲死亡证明书上的死亡日期中得到了证据.此时恩里科患上了严重的肺炎,但他一直拒绝把那个死亡证明书交还给杀手,弗尔德则设法使他停止服药以便让他去死. |
About OST: ChiMai shows 11 music from 1970-2007. Soundrack shows 1 album and 3 mixed albums, 10 music are in 2007 album and 5 music are in 1984 mixed album. Released below are 5 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1970-2007共有11首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有1个专辑和3个合辑,其中2007年专辑为10首乐曲.1984年合辑为5首乐曲本站现有资源为5首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Uccidette il Vitello (04:15) |
杀了小牛 |
002 |
Piccolo Canone Perpetuo (03:03) |
003 |
Lasidore (03:09) |
004 |
Ricordi Tanti Fiore (03:29) |
回忆 |
005 |
Per Bimba e Organo (05:21) |
女孩和机关 |
NA-6915 (6908) Un esercito di 5 uomini / The Five Man Army / 五人军队 |

电影导演 Director Don Taylor, Italo Zingarelli |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Un esercito di cinque uomini Italy (original title)
Otszemélyes hadsereg Hungary (imdb display title)
5 kisilik ordu Turkey (Turkish title)
Cinq hommes armés France
Der Dampfhammer West Germany
Dicker, laB die Fetzen fliegen West Germany
Die fünf Gefürchteten West Germany
Die fünf Gefürchteten und ein Halleluja West Germany
Ejército de cinco Argentina
Exército de 5 Homens Brazil
Fem manns armeen Norway (More) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Film Score Monthly FSMCD Vol. 12 No 16 Country United States Format CD Release Date 5-Oct-2009 UPN 6-3855-80276-2-2 (25 music) Silver Age Classics series.Complete score. |
Duse Records CDE 76 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 1994 (8 music) Also contains music from: Blood Link |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Set during the Mexican Revolution, a man known only as "The Dutchman" has a plan, and brings in four of his old acquaintences, including an old army buddy and a silent Japanese swordsman, to help him out by promising a $1000 reward if it succeeds. The plan turns out to be a fool's mission: rob a train carrying $500,000 in gold that's guarded by dozens of heavily armed soldiers and passes through a steady stream of military checkpoints. Naturally, his friends agree to go along with the scheme. (Here)
剧情本站简译 在墨西哥革命时期,一个被称作“荷兰人”的人有一个计划,并且让他的四个老相识帮忙,其中包括一个老军人和一个沉默的日本剑客,他许诺他们计划成功后有1000美元的回报。这个计划显得是一个愚蠢的任务:抢劫一辆装有价值500000美元的黄金并被一伙装备有武器的军人护卫的穿梭于络绎不绝的军事检察点的火车。当然,他的朋友同意与他一起参与计划.(Erik译) |
About OST: ChiMaishows 27 music from 1969-2009. Soundrack shows50 albums and 2 mixed albums, 25 music are in 2009 album and 8 music are in 1977 and 1994 mixed albums. Released below are 8 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1969-2009共有27首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有5个专辑和2个合辑,其中2009年专辑为25首乐曲.1977和1994等专辑均为8首乐曲.本站现有资源为8首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Un Esercito Di Cinque Uomini |
五人军队 |
002 |
Muerte Donde Vas |
你在哪里死亡 |
003 |
Una Corsa Disperata |
一个绝望的比赛 |
004 |
Cinque Amici, Cinque Eroi |
五个朋友,五个壮士 |
005 |
Muerte Donde Vas II |
你在哪里死亡 2 |
006 |
I Bambini E I Fiori |
儿童和鲜花 |
007 |
Contro Il Tempo |
面对时间 |
008 |
Muerte Donde Vas III |
你在哪里死亡 3 |
NA-6916 (6920) Una breve stagione / A Brief Season / (直译 一个短季) |
电影导演 Director Renato Castellani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Una breve stagione Italy (original title)
A Brief Season International (English title)
Bir mevsimlik ask Turkey (Turkish title)
Kalokairi mazi sou, Ena Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Cetra SP 1418 Country Italy Format
45RPM Release Date 11-Nov-1969 (2 music) |
Legend CD 26 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 1996 UPN 8-016811-000261 (17 music) Also contains music from: Violenza Quinto Potere |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot (Italian) Luisa , figlia di nordici, e John Philips, nato negli USA, entrambi trapiantati a Roma, si incontrano e si innamorano. Lei fa la traduttrice simultanea, lui il “trombettiere” per un agente di Borsa e, giocando al rialzo, finisce in carcere.In un tentativo di fuga provoca involontariamente la morte di un agente e raggiunge, gemente, Luisa. Dopo due giorni d'amore, circondati dai carabinieri, si danno la morte. è il film più mortuario e disperato di R. Castellani, nonostante i passaggi gioiosi, i momenti ariosi. Come se, nel cantare ancora una volta il mito e il sogno della giovinezza incorrotta, non riuscisse più a capire i giovani, tanto cambiati rispetto ai loro coetanei del primo dopoguerra. I 2 protagonisti – che parlano l'italiano dei doppiatori – sono fiacchi; il racconto su tre piani temporali s'indebolisce man mano che procede.(Here)
剧情本站简译 本节因编者时间和能力所限未能翻译.如有需要您可以使用Google,百度或其它翻译工具自行翻译浏览,谢谢合作 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 18 music in 1969. Soundrack shows 2 albums and 1 mixed albums, 17 music are in 1996 mixed album. Released below are 17 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示1969共有18首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有2个专辑和1个合辑,其中1996合辑为17首乐曲.本站现有资源为17首 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Una Breve Stagione (02:35) |
一个短季 |
002 |
Inseguimento No. 1 (01:24) |
跟踪1号 |
003 |
Fregene No. 3 (01:06) |
Fregene 3号 |
004 |
Interludio No. 1 (01:18) |
插曲1号 |
005 |
Postludio (01:34) |
尾部 |
006 |
Solamente Amore No. 1 (01:02) |
只有爱 1号 |
007 |
Interludio No. 2 (00:57) |
插曲2号 |
008 |
Solamente Amore No. 2 (03:47) |
只有爱 2号 |
009 |
Bagaglio Alle Spalle (01:37) |
行李的背后 |
010 |
Preludio a Una Telefonata (02:03) |
电话的前奏 |
011 |
Fregene No. 2 (01:08) |
Fregene 2号 |
012 |
Suoni Per I Recordi (03:44) |
录音 |
013 |
Inseguimento No. 2 (01:15) |
跟踪2号 |
014 |
Prima del Suicidio No. 1 (00:47) |
自杀前1号 |
015 |
Fregene No. 1 (01:43) |
Fregene 1号 |
016 |
Prima del Suicidio No. 2 (00:59) |
自杀前2号 |
017 |
Inseguimento No. 3 (02:59) |
跟踪3号 |
2012.1.18 |