A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
老的年表编号 Old No. |
旧版音乐网页 Old music page |
本栏目音乐数量 The musical numbers here |
电影网页 Film page |
NA6801 |
C'era una volta il West / Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone) /西部往事/狂沙十万里 |
6808 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 27 |
NA6802 |
Comandamenti per un gangster (Alfio Caltabiano) (直译 匪徒的戒律) |
6806 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 16 |
NA6803 |
Corri uomo corri/Big Gundown 2: Run, Man, Run (Sergio Sollima) / 大捕杀2/神龙闪电枪2 |
6821 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 17 |
NA6804 |
Cuore di mamma (Salvatore Sollima) (直译 母之爱) |
6901 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 8 |
NA6805 |
E per tetto un cielo di stelle/A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof (Giulio Petroni) / 屋顶满天星 |
6819 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 25 |
NA6806 |
Eat it (Francesco Casaretti) (直译 吃吧) |
6814 |
12 |
NA6807 |
Ecce Homo (Bruno Alberto Gaburro) (直译 瞧!这个人) |
6820 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 17 |

电影导演 Director Sergio Leone |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
C'era una volta il West Italy (original title)
Once Upon a Time in the West Australia (imdb display title) / International (English title) / UK / USA
érase una vez en el Oeste Argentina / Peru (imdb display title)
Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod Austria / West Germany
Однажды на Диком Западе Soviet Union (Russian title)
Aconteceu no Oeste Portugal
Batida kan var Turkey (Turkish title)
Bilo jednom na divljem zapadu Serbia
Dawno temu na Dzikim Zachodzie Poland (informal alternative title)
Eitt sinn í vesturlondum Iceland (imdb display title) ............. |
(More see here) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08 |
Ariola 14 440 AU Original Release Title Spiel Mir Das Lied Vom Tod
Country Germany Format 45RPM Release Date |
GDM Music 2062 Country Italy
Format CD Release Date 15-Nov-2005
UPN 8-018163-020621 Expanded edition, digitally remastered and restored in the film's chronological order from the original stereo session tapes. Contains 7 previously unreleased tracks, never released before also on the previous editions and approved by Ennio Morricone for this ultimate album. Special packaging in "clickpak" + 12 pages colour booklet. |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Story of a young woman, Mrs. McBain, who moves from New Orleans to frontier Utah, on the very edge of the American West. She arrives to find her new husband and family slaughtered, but by who? The prime suspect, coffee-lover Cheyenne, befriends her and offers to go after the real killer, assassin gang leader Frank, in her honor. He is accompanied by Harmonica on his quest to get even. Get-rich-quick subplots and intricate character histories intertwine with such artistic flair that this could in fact be the movie-to-end-all-movies.(Here)
剧情介绍 本片是意大利西部片的代表作之一,其导演莱翁内是欧洲影坛的奇特人物。他立足欧洲却终生执着于拍摄美国题材的电影。当别人问他为什么时,他说:美国本身是一个梦幻与现实的综合体。在那里梦幻不知不觉地变成了现实,现实也会不知不觉地变成了一场梦幻。在他眼里,美国充满了神话,也充满恶梦。美国的问题也就是世界的问题。
口琴手和弗兰克单挑,弗兰克倒地。弗兰克问口琴手是谁?口琴手把琴塞入他的口中,喘气使琴发出了古怪的声音。临死前弗兰克明白了:十年前弗兰克把口琴手的哥哥吊起来,要口琴手站在下面,用双肩顶住哥哥。只要弟弟累倒,哥哥就会被绳子勒死。弗兰克在一旁幸灾乐祸,还把一把口琴塞入弟弟口中,喘气使口琴发出古怪的声音。 (更多介绍请见本站此页)
About OST: The OST most famous music composed by Ennio Morricone. (Please see an article wrote by Chinese most famous critic of film music Mr. Yang-danlin) ChiMai shows 28 music from 1968-2005. Soundrack shows 45 albums, 27 music are in 2005 edition. Released below are 27 music in the 2005 edition
关于音乐: "西部往事"可以说是全世界爱好者所公认和推举的最有名的莫里康内一部成功和成名之作. (请参见中国最著名的电影音乐评论家杨大林先生的评论文章)这从这里的45部专辑数量之多(也许是之最)也可见一斑. ChiMai 显示从1968-2005共有28首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有45个专辑,其中早期版本多为1-2首乐曲,2005年扩展版为27首乐曲.本站曾发布过多种老的版本(见 01, 02),现在这里为大家发布最新的2005年版本(27首乐曲) |
Attachment: OST Comments |
01- One of Morricone's most famous scores – and certainly the one that got him recognized worldwide as a genius! The whole thing's pretty damn eerie – about as eerie as the movie, which is a real stunner – and it shifts from dark orchestral themes to sparer numbers that use guitar, banjo, and some really creepy whistling to set the mood. Some tracks feature vocal work by I Cantorni Moderni, directed by Alessandro Alessandroni – and titles include "C'Era Una Volta Il West", "Cheyenne", "Armonica", "L'Uomo Dell'Armonica" and "L'America Di Jill". Plus, this bonus version features loads more extra tracks – making for a total of 27 in all, the fullest version of the score we've ever seen! (Here) |
02- One of numerous '60s revisionist Westerns, Sergio Leone's Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) turns a revenge story into a contemplation of the Western past. As in his "Dollars" trilogy, Leone transforms the standard Western plot through the visual impact of widescreen landscapes and the figures who populate them, as Harmonica appears out of nowhere and Frank chillingly commands the center of the frame. The opening credit sequence of three Western toughs (including Woody Strode and Jack Elam) preparing to kill someone at a train station artfully plays off Leone's fixation with faces and locales and the epic effect of his meticulous narrative pace. The sense of suspended time speaks to the concerns with past, future, and history that drive the plot; Jill oversees the literal tracks of "progress," while Frank is undone by the past he shares with memory-driven Harmonica. Among a number of "quotations" from classical Westerns, Henry Fonda's presence as the sadistic Frank and the Monument Valley location evoke the Western movie past of John Ford, as Leone exposes the dark reverse of Fonda's staunch Wyatt Earp in My Darling Clementine (1946). Ennio Morricone's haunting score emphasizes the elegiac, quasi-mystical atmosphere. After the success of the "Dollars" films starring Clint Eastwood, Paramount gave Leone the money to make his monumental saga as he wished. When the film opened to critical indifference and little business, Paramount chopped 25 minutes out to speed the pace, but to no financial avail. Leone's directorial career never quite recovered. Those 25 minutes, and Once Upon a Time in the West's critical stature, have since been restored; the film is now considered to be Leone's operatic masterpiece. (Here) |
03- Original motion picture soundtrack, expanded edition, digitally remastered and restored in the film's chronological order from the original stereo session tapes. Contains 7 previously unreleased tracks, never released before also on the previous editions and approved by Ennio Morricone for this ultimate album.
In Sergio Leone's epic Western, shot partly in Monument Valley, a revenge story becomes an epic contemplation of the Western past. To get his hands on prime railroad land in Sweetwater, crippled railroad baron Morton hires killers, led by blue-eyed sadist Frank, who wipe out property owner Brett McBain and his family. McBain's newly arrived bride Jill, however, inherits it instead. Both outlaw Cheyenne and lethally mysterious Harmonica take it upon themselves to look after Jill and thwart Frank's plans to seize her land. As alliances and betrayals mutate, it soon becomes clear that Harmonica wants to get Frank for another reason -- it has "something to do with death." (Here) |
"西部往事"的四个主角 The four stars in the film |
上 吉尔 (见音乐010) Above Jill (See soundtrack 010) |
上 吹口琴的人(见音乐002, 017) Above (See soundtrack 002, 017) |
上 夏尔(见音乐012, 026) Above Cheyenne (See soundtrack 012, 026) |
上 弗兰克 (见音乐011) Above Frank (See soundtrack 011) |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Cera Una Volta Il West / Once Upon A Time In The West (3:43) |
西部往事 |
002 |
L'uomo / The Man (1:03) |
这个人 |
003 |
Il Grande Massacro / The Grand Massacre (2:40) |
杀戮 |
004 |
Arrivo Alla Stazione / Arrival at the Station (0:55) |
到达车站 |
005 |
Lorchestraccia / Bad Orchestra (2:25) |
低劣的乐队 |
006 |
LAmerica Di Jill / Jill's America (2:47) |
吉尔的美国 |
007 |
Armonica / Harmonica (2:27) |
口琴 |
008 |
La Posada N. 1 / The First Tavern (1:39) |
第一客栈 |
009 |
Un Letto Troppo Grande / A Bed Too Large(1:32) |
一张太大的床 |
010 |
Jill (1:47) |
吉尔 |
011 |
Frank (1:52) |
弗兰克 |
012 |
Cheyenne (1:16) |
夏尔 |
013 |
La Posada N. 2 / The Second Tavern (1:33) |
第二客栈 |
014 |
La Posada N. 3 / The Third Tavern (1:19) |
第三客栈 |
015 |
Epilogo / Epilogue (1:14) |
尾声 |
016 |
Sul Tetto Del Treno / On the Roof of the Train (1:19) |
在列车车顶 |
017 |
L'uomo Dell'armonica / Man With a Harmonica (3:30) |
吹口琴的人 |
018 |
In Una Stanza Con Poca Luce / A Dimly Lit Room (5:08) |
一个昏暗的房间 |
019 |
Lattentato / The Transgression (4:41) |
侵犯 |
020 |
Ritorno Al Treno / Return to the Train(0:57) |
回到列车 |
021 |
Morton (1:36) |
莫顿 |
022 |
Come Una Sentenza / As A Judgement (3:08) |
作为判决 |
023 |
Duello Finale / Final Duel (3:35) |
最后的决斗 |
024 |
Lultimo Rantolo / Death Rattle (1:44) |
最后的喘息 |
025 |
Nascita Di Una Citta / Birth of a City (4:25) |
一个城市的诞生 |
026 |
Addio A Cheyenne / Farewell To Cheyenne (2:38) |
告别夏尔 |
027 |
Finale (4:08) |
终了曲 |
(原标题)《 西部往事》 史上最美丽感人的电影音乐 缅怀生命中美好的一切] 介绍音乐大师埃尼奥.莫里康内(ennio morricone)为电影”西部往事”(once upon a time in the west)配乐那不朽感人的旋律. |
NA-6802 (6805) Comandamenti per un gangster (直译 黑帮的戒律) |

电影导演 Director Alfio Caltabiano |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Holle vor dem Tod West Germany
L'enfer avant la mort France
Tha se steilo stin Kolasi, protou pethanis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
GDM Music 4145 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 5-Jul-2011 (18 music) |
CAM CSE 052 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date 1992 (16 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot (Italian) Northon, un gangster ritiratosi dagli affari, vuole vendicare la morte di sua sorella Helen, sposata a Frank Cline, scomparso durante il trasporto, via mare, di due milioni di dollari in oro, appartenenti all' "Organizzazione", della malavita. Per riuscire nel suo intento, Northon si allea con "5 cents" - un messicano - e affronta, con relativo successo, la lotta che gli muovono "Il Santo" e la sua banda. Successivamente recupera l'oro dall'imbarcazione affondata e scopre a bordo della medesima, il cadavere di Frank Cline. "Il Santo" interviene, deciso a uccidere Northon e "5 cents" e a impadronirsi dell'oro: ma il tentativo fallisce. Poiché Northon tra i sicari de "Il Santo", trova il responsabile della morte di Helen, lo uccide. Compiuta la sua vendetta, il gangster rinuncia, in favore di "5 cents", alla sua parte dell'oro ritrovato (Here) Un ex gangster vuole vendicare l'assassinio della sorella e fare luce sulla scomparsa del marito di lei, avvenuta durante il trasporto per mare di un grosso carico d'oro. Dopo essersi scontrato con una potente organizzazione mafiosa interessata al recupero del malloppo, troverà l'omicida e compirà la sua vendetta. (Here)
剧情本站简译 一名前黑帮的成员要为他被谋害的妹妹复仇.他的妹夫也在一次载有大量黄金的海运事故中失踪.通过调查,他发现了一个强大的黑帮集团并最终找到凶手,实现了他的复仇愿望,并找到了丢失的黄金. |
About OST: ChiMai shows 18 music from 1968-2011. Soundrack shows 6 albums , 16 music are in 1992 edition, 18 music are in 2011 edition. Released below are 16 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2011共有18首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有6个专辑,其中1992年版本为16首乐曲,2011年版18首乐曲.本站现有资源同1992版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
comandamenti per un gangster |
匪徒的诫律 |
002 |
primo comandamento spara |
第一诫开枪 |
003 |
uno squarcio tra le nuvole |
在云隙 |
004 |
secondo comandamento non perdonare |
第二诫不原谅 |
005 |
pieta per un giusto |
可惜的公正 |
006 |
terzo comandamento l'oro |
第三诫黄金 |
007 |
e'sereno l'orizzonte |
清晰的地平线 |
008 |
quarto comandamento dormi sveglio |
第四诫唤醒 |
009 |
solo nostalgia |
只有怀旧 |
010 |
quinto comandamento tre pistole e un mitra |
第五诫三支手枪和一挺机枪 |
011 |
sesto comandamento non fidarti |
第六诫不信任 |
012 |
settimo comandamento rubare |
第七诫盗窃 |
013 |
ottavo comandamento corri veloce |
第八诫跑得快 |
014 |
nono comandamento taci |
第九诫沉默 |
015 |
decimo comandamento odio |
第十诫仇恨 |
016 |
ultimo comandamento uccidi i traditori |
最后一诫杀死叛徒 |
NA-6803 (6821) Corri uomo corri / Big Gundown 2: Run, Man, Run (Sergio Sollima) / 大捕杀2/神龙闪电枪2 |

电影导演 Director Sergio Sollima |
电影配乐 OST Bruno Nicolai and Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Corri uomo corri Italy (original title)
Big Gundown 2: Run, Man, Run USA (promotional title)
Corre Homem Corre Portugal (imdb display title)
Corre, cuchillo... corre! Spain
Lauf um dein Leben West Germany |
Mannen med kastknivarna Sweden
Prohora, katharma, prohora Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Ratsasta henkesi edesta Finland
Run, Man, Run International (English title)
Saludos, hombre France |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
CAM CSE 070 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 1991 UPN 8-012355-010704 (17 music) |
Digitmovies CDDM095 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 13-Nov-2007
UPN 8-032628-990953 (33 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot This film is a social commentary about the mindless violence that is perpetuated on impressionable youth by television. Lorenz (Carla_Gravina) has three young children who are victims of a media who wishes to turn out terrorists. She contends with her monstrous offspring and student revolts until she can't take it anymore. Lorenz takes matters into her own hands by planting a bomb in the factory of her estranged husband. The director attempts to illustrate the effect that Big Brother has on the lives of people and how they are subjected to behavioral conditioning beyond their control.(Here)
剧情本站简译 几个团体和一个独立的角色(主角库奇洛)競相搜捕一个价值三百万美元的黄金宝藏.这些黄金是为了墨西哥革命而保存的 |
About OST: IMDB shows the composer of the Original Music are Bruno Nicolai and Ennio Morricone (uncredited). But ChiMai shows all music to be composed by Bruno Nicolai, and 32 music from 1968-2007. Soundrack shows 6 albums, 33 music are in 2007 edition, 17 music are in 1968 and 1991 edition. Released below are 17 music
关于音乐: 这一组音乐在IMDB显示其作曲家为莫里康内和尼科莱二人,而 ChiMai 和 Soundrack 显示只有尼科莱一人(见下图). 在2014年Maestro第5期的一篇文章中(“The Score that Never Was”P33 作者 Steven Dixon,更是明确指出其作曲家仅为Bruno Nicolai.,而莫里康内可能是以其他形式参与其中(例如指挥,改编等等)。这组原声音乐 ChiMai 显示从1968-2007共有32首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有6个专辑,其中2007年版本为33首乐曲,1968和1991年版均为17首乐曲.本站现有资源同1991版(17首乐曲) |
001 |
espanto en el corazon |
002 |
tema dolores |
多洛雷斯主题 |
003 |
mulini a vento |
风车 |
004 |
corri uomo corri |
男人快跑 |
005 |
duello |
决斗 |
006 |
corri uomo corri(ii) |
男人快跑 (2) |
007 |
ricerca dell'oro |
寻找黄金 |
008 |
fuga dall'ovest |
逃离 |
009 |
corri uomo corri(iii) |
男人快跑 (3) |
010 |
mulini a vento(ii) |
风车 (2) |
011 |
americana |
美国 |
012 |
duello(ii) |
决斗 (2) |
013 |
tema dolores(ii) |
多洛雷斯主题 (2) |
014 |
viaggo |
旅行 |
015 |
ricerca dell'oro(ii) |
寻找黄金 (2) |
016 |
americana(ii) |
美国 (2) |
017 |
corri uomo corri(iv) |
男人快跑 (4) |
NA-6804 (6901) Cuore di mamma / Mother's Heart (直译 母之爱) |

电影导演 Director Salvatore Sollima |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
Mother's Heart |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Point Records PRCD 102 Country Italy
Format CD Release Date 1994 UPN
8-013013-010227 (8 music Mixed) |
Saimel 3995410 Country Spain Format
CD Release Date Aug-2004 UPN
8-435040-672320 With 9 extra tracks.(17 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot This film is a social commentary about the mindless violence that is perpetuated on impressionable youth by television. Lorenz (Carla_Gravina) has three young children who are victims of a media who wishes to turn out terrorists. She contends with her monstrous offspring and student revolts until she can't take it anymore. Lorenz takes matters into her own hands by planting a bomb in the factory of her estranged husband. The director attempts to illustrate the effect that Big Brother has on the lives of people and how they are subjected to behavioral conditioning beyond their control.(Here)
剧情本站简译 这是一部关于在青少年间经常出现的盲目无知的暴力行为的社会评论电视片. 劳伦兹有三个年幼的孩子,他们是那些希望播出恐怖事件的媒体的受害者...... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 17 music from 1968-2004. Soundrack shows 1 albums and 1 mixed albums, 8 music are in 1994 mixed edition, 17 music are in 2004 edition. Released below are 8 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2004共有17首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有1个专辑和1个合辑,其中1994年合辑版本为8首乐曲(另含14首其它乐曲), 2004年版17首乐曲.本站现有资源同1994版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Ouverture Del Mattino |
清晨序曲 |
002 |
La Sveglia |
醒来 |
003 |
Giorno Di Lavoro |
日常工作 |
004 |
Cominciano I Problemi |
开始的问题 |
005 |
Suoni Per Un Clavicembalo |
古钢琴的声音 |
006 |
Ricreazione Divertita |
休闲娱乐 |
007 |
Ricominciano Gravi, I Problemi |
问题开始严重 |
008 |
Ninna Nanna Per Adulteri |
私通摇蓝曲 |
Attachment: OST Comment |
I managed to obtain this gem from a record shop in Madison that took a few months to track down, but it was worth the wait. The main theme "Ninna Nanna Per Adulteri" is a track that existed on the "Crime and Dissonance" and "Morricone in the Brain" (both pretty great) compilations that I own, and it is a repetitive piece featuring warm female vocals humming from the back of the throat and it has to be one of the most savory sweet, honey dripping down your tingling spine, kind of melodies that could be set to eternal infinity; contemplative vibes and a lush (a word that has been abused in reviews that really needs to be considered before it gets thrown around- so I mean LUSH) understated orchestral bedding; I've never heard the kind of warmth that I have with this piece (and its multiple versions). It should be noted that the soundtrack references a lot of the same material either with slight adjustments in quality (a few don't sound fully mixed to potential) and in arrangement, though I have noticed that Dagored and Red Cherry releases of Ennio's catalogue of soundtracks contain an average of six or seven tunes with about three versions of each; but... C'est la vie. I can appreciate the musical deja vu that occurs and it makes sense as a film score. Admittedly, I have not seen this film, or many of the films Ennio scored (I'm working on Dario Argento's flicks as of late, so I'm changing that!) but his compositions are so interesting to me that the visuals aren't necessary. It might also be worth noting that this particular score seems almost traditional (think victorian or baroque dining music), so the skitter-y, Italian new music and atmospheric free-noir-jazz Ennio doesn't get represented here. Nonetheless, he is a man with a singularly brilliant, fertile mind that is more than adept at taking on any style. LONG LIVE ENNIO (Here) |
NA-6805 (6819) E per tetto un cielo di stelle / A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof / 屋顶满天星 / 看得见群星的屋顶 |

电影导演 Director Giulio Petroni |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
...e per tetto un cielo di stelle Italy (original title)
A Sky Full of Stars for a Roof USA
Amigos West Germany
Amigos - Die (B)Engel lassen grüBen West Germany
And for a Roof a Sky Full of Stars (undefined)
Billy Boy, to pio grigoro pistoli Greece (reissue title)
Ciel de plomb France |
Duell under stjarnorna Sweden
Ekdikisis stin koilada ton keravnon Greece (reissue title)
Grigoros san astrapi, skliros san atsali Greece (reissue title)
Grigoros san astrapi, viaios san kataigida Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Por techo, las estrellas Spain
Teksasin taivaan alla Finland
Tet?nk, a csillagos ég Hungary |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Hexacord/Hillside Series HCD-16 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date Nov-2002 (25 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Two drifters meet, and soon become travelling companions. But one of them, Tim (Gemma), is being chased by a crazed killer and his band of gunmen to settle an old score. The two (Adorf being the other) are chased through the west, encountering scrape after scrape until the killers catch up and the score is settled for good.(Here)
剧情本站简译 两个流浪者相遇并很快成为流浪的伴侣。 但是他们中的一个人正在被一个疯狂的杀手所追杀.... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 32 music from 1968-2002. Soundrack shows 1 albums and 1 mixed albums, 25 music are in 2002 edition, Released below are 25 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2002共有32首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有1个专辑和2个合辑,其中,2002年版25首乐曲.本站现有资源同. |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Main Title |
主题曲 |
002 |
The Mermaid |
鱼美人 |
003 |
Saloon Piano |
钢琴沙龙 |
004 |
Friends |
朋友 |
005 |
Bill & Harry Fight |
比尔和哈利博斗 |
006 |
Riding Together |
一起骑 |
007 |
Sandstone |
砂岩 |
008 |
Inseguimento All'alba |
黎明追逐 |
009 |
Banjo |
班卓 |
010 |
Street Dance |
街舞 |
011 |
Eating Turkey |
吃火鸡 |
012 |
Flirting With The Widow MacDonald |
与寡妇麦克唐纳调情 |
013 |
Circus Tricks |
马戏技巧 |
014 |
My Friend The Banjo |
我的朋友班卓 |
015 |
Before The Hanging |
绞刑之前 |
016 |
Making Plans |
制定计划 |
017 |
Arrival At The Cantina |
到达酒吧 |
018 |
The Well's Fargo Coach |
韦尔的汽车 |
019 |
Military Escort |
军事护航 |
020 |
Harry's Ranch |
哈利的牧场 |
021 |
Chased! |
追! |
022 |
Samuel Pratt Arrives |
塞缪尔 普拉特抵达 |
023 |
Around The Ranch Table |
牧场周围 |
024 |
Attack On The Ranch |
牧场攻击 |
025 |
Finale & End Titles |
结束和终了曲 |
NA-6806 (6814) Mangiala / Eat it (直译 吃吧) |

电影导演 Director Francesco Casaretti |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
Digitmovies CDDM172 Country Italy
Format CD Release Date 22-Sep-2010 (20 music) |
CAM CSE 048 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 1992 (mixed albums, includes 12 music of Eat it) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot (German) Zum Inhalt: Ein Industrieller versucht, mithilfe eines Werbetricks den Absatz seines Dosenfleischprodukts "Eat it!" zu erhohen. Dabei stoBt er auf ein unkultiviertes Individuum, das sich streng an zwei Lebensaufgaben halt: Unmengen an Nahrung zu sich nehmen und sich fleischlicher Gelüste hingeben. Der Firmeninhaber sieht die Chance, den Wilden zu Werbezwecken einzusetzen und behauptet fortan, dass sein Produkt ein Aphrodisiakum ist. Zum Entsetzen verliert bald darauf der sonderbare Mann seine "Talente", sodass der gesch?ftige Industrielle ihn ersetzt und daraufhin feststellen muss, dass sein neuer Werbetrager nach dem immensen Verzehr von Fleisch die Gestalt einer Kuh annimmt … (Here) A groovy soundtrack to a weird movie – 1969's Mangieala, aka Eat It, a film about efforts to sell a canned meat product as an aphrodisiac and a ravenous sex machine of a character exploited in that effort – which somehow sets the stage for Ennio Morricone's sweetness soaked score! (Here)
剧情简译 一个生意人试图靠虚假的广告来提高他的罐头肉产品"Eat it!"的销售量。他碰到了一个没啥教养的家伙,这个人有两大生活需求:大量地吃东西,以及"那种"欲望很强烈。这个生意人看到了这样一个机会,雇佣这个人当做产品的代言人,并且保证说,他的产品像是一种春药。但由于惊慌紧张,不久这个有"天赋"的人失去了他的"天才能力",因此这个生意人需要补偿这个家伙并且不得不接受他为新的广告代言形象--一块巨大的,外形类似母牛形状的肉……(德文翻译由志愿者叶苏疏) |
About OST: ChiMai shows 20 music from 1968-2010. Soundrack shows 1 album and 4 mixed albums, 20 music are in 2010 album, 12 music are in 1992 mixed edition (includes 11 another music) Released below are 12 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2010共有20首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有1个专辑和4个合辑,其中2010年专辑版本为20首乐曲,1992年合辑版12首乐曲(含11首其它乐曲).本站现有资源同1992版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Eat It (Tema) |
吃吧(主题) |
002 |
I Variazione (Mangiami) |
变化1(吃吧) |
003 |
II Variazione (Notte Di Pace) |
变化2(和平之夜) |
004 |
III Variazione (Amami) |
变化3(爱我) |
005 |
IV Variazione (Ballami) |
变化4 |
006 |
V Variazione (Africami) |
变化5 |
007 |
VI Variazione (Pianofortecciami) |
变化6 |
008 |
VII Variazione (Temimi) |
变化7 |
009 |
VII Variazione (2-inch Versione) |
变化7(2寸版) |
010 |
VIII Variazione (Pizzicami) |
变化8 |
011 |
Eat It |
吃吧 |
012 |
Falsa Scralita |
NA-6807 (6820) Ecce Homo (直译 瞧!这个人) |

电影导演 Director Bruno Alberto Gaburro |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
i Sopravvissuti |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
GDM CD Club 7070 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 26-Aug-2009 (22 music) |
Dagored 141 Country Italy Format CD
Release Date Apr-2002 (17 music) |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Ecce Homo is a 1968 Science Fiction/Thriller film directed by Bruno Gaburro (Here) Sopravvissuta a una spaventosa guerra nucleare, che ha distrutto il genere umano, una famiglia di tre persone - Jean, la moglie Anna e Patrick, loro unico figlio - vive in una vecchia roulotte in riva al mare, nutrendosi di pesce e rifornendosi di qualche indispensabile attrezzo nella vicina, morta città. Un giorno, appaiono due altri esseri umani: Quentin, intellettuale, e Len, ex-militare. Anziché esserne contento, però, Jean, che le radiazioni hanno reso impotente, odia la loro presenza: apparentemente perché essa ha distrutto la pace della sua piccola comunità, in realtà, perché profondamente geloso di sua moglie. Il suo astio verso i due intrusi aumenta, allorché, ascoltando di nascosto una loro conversazione, sente dichiarare da Quentin la necessità di fecondare Anna, perché da lei possa avere origine il nuovo genere umano. Approfittando di un viaggio in città, Anna e Len si amano. Al loro ritorno, Jean impone al giovane e al suo compagno di andarsene: per tutta risposta, Len lo uccide e si libera anche di Quentin, costringendolo a vivere in solitudine. Un giorno, andato il piccolo Patrick a fargli visita, Quentin apprende che Anna e Len hanno deciso di andarsene: per impedirglielo, appicca il fuoco a un camioncino, loro unico mezzo di trasporto. Furente, Len lo insegue per ucciderlo, ma anche Quentin è armato, e a morire è il giovane. Disperata, Anna si annega. Quentin e Patrick sono ora gli ultimi abitanti della terra. (Here)
剧情本站简译 这是一部虚构的科幻惊悚类电影.讲述在一场全球核战争以后,唯一剩下了生活在一个海滩上的旧拖车中的一对夫妇帕特里克和他的妻子安娜以及他们的一个儿子.但是不久又有两个人出现在他们平静的生活中,科学家莱恩和军人昆汀.不久,在他们之间就发生了严重的冲突..... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 28 music from 1968-2009. Soundrack shows 2 albums and 2 mixed albums, 22 music are in 2009 edition, 17 music are in 2002 edition. Released below are 17 music
关于音乐: ChiMai 显示从1968-2009共有28首乐曲发表. Soundrack显示共有2个专辑和2个合辑,其中2009年版本为22首乐曲,2002年版17首乐曲.本站现有资源为17 首乐曲 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Venuta dal mare (main title) |
来自火星 (主题曲) |
002 |
Venuta dal mare (II) |
来自火星 (2) |
003 |
Venuta dal mare (III) |
来自火星 (3) |
004 |
Venuta dal mare (IV) |
来自火星 (4) |
005 |
Venuta dal mare (V) |
来自火星 (5) |
006 |
Venuta dal mare (VI) |
来自火星 (6) |
007 |
Venuta dal mare (VII) |
来自火星 (7) |
008 |
Venuta dal mare (VIII) |
来自火星 (8) |
009 |
Venuta dal mare (IX) |
来自火星 (9) |
010 |
Venuta dal mare (X) |
来自火星 (10) |
011 |
Venuta dal mare (XI) |
来自火星 (11) |
012 |
Venuta dal mare (XII) |
来自火星 (12) |
013 |
Venuta dal mare (XIII) |
来自火星 (13) |
014 |
Venuta dal mare (XIV) |
来自火星 (14) |
015 |
Venuta dal mare (XV) |
来自火星 (15) |
016 |
Venuta dal mare (finale) |
来自火星 (终了曲) |
017 |
Venuta dal mare (concert suite) |
来自火星 (音乐会组曲) |
2012. 1. |