A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
老的年表编号 Old No. |
旧版音乐网页 Old music page |
本栏目音乐数量 The musical numbers here |
电影网页 Film page |
NA-66-07 |
Matchless / Mission Top Secret (直译 无敌) |
66-10 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 13 |
NA-66-08 |
Mi vedrai tornare (直译 我会回来) |
66-09 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 4 |
NA-66-09 |
Navajo Joe / A Dollar a Head / 纳瓦霍乔 |
66-08 |
16 |
NA-66-10 |
Sette donne per i MacGregor / 7 Women for the MacGregors / (直译七女图/七女麦格雷戈斯) |
67-05 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 1 |
NA-66-11 |
Svegliati e uccidi / Too Soon to Die (直译 死在醒来) |
66-06 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 17 |
NA-66-12 |
Un fiume di dollari / River of Dollars (直译 美元河) |
66-13 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 15 |
NA-6607 (6610) Matchless / Mission Top Secret(直译 无敌) |

电影导演 DirectorAlberto Lattuada |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias
?Arabella, to gymno doloma ton kataskopon Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Incomparable Argentina
Lyomaton Finland. Mission T.S. France (dubbed version)
Mission Top Secret USA (dubbed version)
Osynlig spion Sweden
Sin rival Spain |
电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
Cometa CMT 1015/29 Italy Format LP Release Date 1-Oct-1980 (Music by Ennio Morricone) |
Legend CD 41 DLX Italy Format CD Release Date 12-Sep-2011 (Music by Ennio Morricone & Gino Marinuzzi Jr.) |
旧版音乐页 Old music page |
Plot A secret agent possesses a ring that makes him invisible for ten hours. He is in pursuit of an evil criminal mastermind, but at the same time must evade an enemy agent who also wants the ring.(Here) |
About OST: The IMDB shows the composer is Gino Marinuzzi Jr. ,Ennio Morricone and Piero Piccioni. The Soundtrack shows 2 editions in 1980 and 2011. The composer is Ennio Morricoe in the 1980 edition(13 music) and composer is Ennio Morricoe and Gino Marinuzzi Jr.(16 music). The ChiMai shows total music are 17 music, 9 music composed by Morricone, 4 music by Gino Marinuzzi Jr., another 4 music composed by Morricone and Gino Marinuzzi Jr.cooperation. Our existing resource is 13 music (Released below) |
剧情本站简译: 这是一部冷战时代假想的间谍片.一个美国记者被误认为是间谍而被投入狱中.他在狱中得到了一个牢犯的帮助获得了一枚可以隐身的指环.当他逃出监牢以后,各国间谍为了得到这枚指环和它的使用秘方,又对他展开了追捕.此处选用了一段YouTube的视频,如果您不能打开它,那可能需要借助于一个软件的帮助 |
关于音乐: 这组OST在IMDB显示作曲家为Gino Marinuzzi Jr. ,Ennio Morricone和 Piero Piccioni 三人.在Soundtrack的网页中显示了1980和2011发行的两个版本.1980版(LP唱片)封套表明作曲家为莫里康内,共有13首乐曲; 2011版(CD)则表明作曲家为Ennio Morricone和Gino Marinuzzi Jr. ,共有16首乐曲.其中二人各谱曲8首.(两个版本的曲目也完全不同); 而在ChiMai网站则显示自1966-2011共有17支乐曲被发布.其中由莫里康内谱曲为9首,由Gino Marinuzzi Jr.谱曲的为4首.其余4首则为二人合作完成. 下图是两个版本的曲目.本站现有资源是1980版的13首 |
Cometa CMT 1015/29 Italy Format LP Release Date 1-Oct-1980 |
Legend CD 41 DLX Italy Format CD Release Date 12-Sep-2011 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
donne e amori (02:57) |
女人和爱 |
002 |
tre sogni in uno (02:31) |
三合一的梦想 |
003 |
corsa verso lei (01:34) |
004 |
rincorsa prima (03:03) |
第一次冲刺 |
005 |
pensiero stupendo (02:22) |
美妙的想法 |
006 |
vocette ostinate (02:23) |
顽固坚持 |
007 |
pensiero stupendo (02:36) |
008 |
lei veso lui sta correndo (01:34) |
009 |
drammatico grottesco (01:42) |
怪诞剧 |
010 |
rincorsa seconda (03:22) |
第二次冲刺 |
011 |
Ma e' un mistero (01:30) |
Sorry temporary lack 暂缺资源 (201405已补入) |
012 |
pensiero stupendo (01:45) |
美妙的想法 |
013 |
donne e amori (02:28) |
女人和爱 |

电影导演 Director Sergio Corbucci |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias Navajo Joe France / Greece / Portugal / USA (imdb display title)
Red Fighter USA / West Germany
A Dollar a Head USA (working title)
Aci intikam Turkey (Turkish title)
An seinen Stiefeln klebte Blut West Germany
En Dollar per skalle Sweden
Joe, el implacable Spain Joe, o Pistoleiro Implacável Brazil
Kopfgeld - Ein Dollar West Germany
Navajo Joe - 1 dollari p??nahasta Finland
Navajo's Land USA
Navajos Land West Germany
Savage Run USA
Un dollaro a testa Italy (working title) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot The sole survivor of a bloody massacre vows revenge on his attackers and on the men who killed his wife.(Here) Original Music by
Ennio Morricone (as Leo Nichols)
剧情本站简译: "印地安人乔"(或译为"纳瓦霍乔")是一部由意,西两国于1966年拍摄的通心粉式美国西部电影,它拍摄于西班牙. 纳瓦霍(Navajo)人是美国印第安居民集团中人数最多的一支,"纳瓦霍"是美国人的常用发音Navaho的译音."纳瓦霍乔"是影星布特·雷诺茨(Burt Reynolds) 成名的的第一部有特色的电影. 电影描写了一个纳瓦霍印地安人对抗杀害他的部族的一伙匪帮并展开复仇的故事 |
About OST: This is a early Spaghetti Western film composed by Ennio Morricone, but he used an American name Leo Nichols for more box office income at that time. Chimai shows it has 36 music from 1966-2007; Soundtrack shows that there are 4 editions, 1995 year is 16 music, 2007 is 35 music. Our resource released below is 16 music.
关于音乐: 这是莫里康内早期为西部片谱曲的一部电影.由于票房的需要,当时他用的是一个美国名字"里欧 尼科拉斯/Leo Nichols", 由此也可见大师创业之艰辛.这组OST,在ChiMai上显示自1996-2007共发布过36首乐曲.在Soundtrack上共有3个版本.1995的版本是16首,2007的版本为35首.本站下面发布的是16首 |
Film Score Monthly FSMCD Vol. 10, Nr. 14 CountryUnited States
Format CD Release Date 31-Oct-2007 UPN 6-3855-80244-2-3 (35 music) |
Legend CD 21 Country Italy Format CD Release Date
1995 UPN 8-016811-000216 (16 music) |
United Artists UA-LA292-G Country United States
Format LP Release Date 1974 (13 music) |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
主题曲 |
002 |
死亡 |
003 |
命运 |
004 |
在酒吧 |
005 |
印地安人的故事 |
006 |
走向埃斯佩兰萨 |
007 |
火车 |
008 |
乔说不 |
009 |
乔返回 |
010 |
恐惧和沉默 |
011 |
纳瓦霍和囚徒 |
012 |
伤口 |
013 |
告别兄弟 |
014 |
纳瓦霍乔 |
015 |
结束以后 |
016 |
纳瓦霍乔主题 |
血气亘古的印第安复仇呐喊-莫里康内的纳瓦霍桥/Navajo_Joe主题曲-1 (02:22 Here) |
这部电影讲的是在一场血腥屠杀之后,印地安纳瓦霍部落的唯一幸存者发誓要对白人匪徒和杀害他妻子的人们展开复仇的故事.音乐以近乎呐喊的气氛表达了一种血气亘古的印第安人仇恨和反抗的愤怒情感,令人听了难以释怀.更多请参见本站网页“莫里康内著名音乐入门100首”-014 |
NA-6610 (6705) Sette donne per i MacGregor / 7 Women for the MacGregors / (直译 七女图/七女麦格雷戈斯) |

电影导演 Director Franco Giraldi |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias Sette donne per i MacGregor Spain (original title)
Up the MacGregors UK / USA
7 Mulheres Para os MacGregor Portugal
7 Women for the MacGregors UK (dubbed version)
7 gynaikes gia tous 7 yperohous pistoleros Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title) 7 tappajaa Finland
Eine Kugel für Mac Gregor West Germany (dubbed version)
Les sept écossais explosent France
MacGregor och hans 7 gunfighters Sweden
Siete mujeres para los Mac Gregor Spain |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot The MacGregor family treasure is stolen and it's up to the seven brothers to recover it. (Here)
剧情本站简译: 在麦格雷戈斯的订婚盛宴上,突然而来的强盗马尔多纳多和他的团伙抢劫了麦格雷戈斯和他的六个兄弟的辛勤工作过多年积累的黄金。多诺万的六个女儿加入了七兄弟追回财物的战斗 |
About OST: This OST has not yet seen any album (soundrack). The ChiMai and Japanese Morricone website showed only a piece of music, accord with our existing resource
关于音乐: 此OST至今未见专辑发行(soundrack).在ChiMai 及日本的莫里康内网站上均显示只有一首乐曲,和本站的资源相符 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
七女麦格雷戈斯 |
NA-6611 (6606) Svegliati e uccidi / Too Soon to Die (直译 死在醒来) |

电影导演 Director Carlo Lizzani |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias Feuertanz West Germany
Frente al amor y la muerte Spain
Il solista del mitra Italy (reissue title)
Lutrig Italy
Lutring, o hrysodaktylos diarriktis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Lutring... réveille-toi et meurs France ? O adistaktos Greece (video title)
Solo für zwei Maschinengewehre West Germany (cut version)
Svegliati e uccidi (Lutring) Italy (complete title)
Too Soon to Die (undefined)
Vaijytys Finland
Wake Up and Die (undefined) |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
Dagored RED 167-2 Country Italy Format CD Release Date Mar-2006
UPN 8-018163-040087 (17 music) |
RCA Records 74321-26477-2 (OST 127)
Country Italy Format CD Release Date
1995 UPN 0-743212-647723 (23 music) |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot Dashing Austrian actor Robert Hoffmann stars as Luciano Luthring, a small-time hood who rises quickly to to the ranks of ruthless professional criminal, only to be betrayed by his beautiful moll (Lisa Gastoni). This fact-based crime thriller, directed by veteran Carlo Lizzani, also contains a fine supporting performance by Gian Maria Volonte as the cunning inspector who psychologically manipulates Gastoni into turning on her lover by playing on her guilty conscience.(Here)
剧情本站简译: 卢西亚诺由于情人的背叛而成为抢劫米兰珠宝店的罪犯,最后在警察追捕中丢了自己的性命.澳大利亚名演员罗伯特 赫夫曼在剧中成功地扮演了这一角色 |
About OST: ChiMai shows 16 music from 1966-2008. Soundrack shows 4 albums, 23 music is in 1995 edition, 17 music is in 2006 edition. Released below is 17 music
关于音乐: ChiMai显示从1966-2008共有16首乐曲发表,均为莫里康内谱曲,Bruno Nicolai指挥. Soundrack显示共有4个专辑,其中1995年版本为23首乐曲,2006年版17首乐曲.本站现有资源同2006版 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Una Stanza Vuota (02:43) |
一个空的房间 |
002 |
Un Uomo Solo (02:01) |
只有一个人 |
003 |
Colpo Alla Gioielleria (01:30) |
珠宝大盗 |
004 |
Una Stanza Vuota (2 versione) (01:54) |
一个空的房间(2版) |
005 |
La Prima Vittima (02:25) |
第一个受害者 |
006 |
Sul lago Di Lugano (01:47) |
卢加诺湖 |
007 |
Svegliati E Uccidi (02:31) |
死在醒来 |
008 |
La Donna Di Un Fuorilegge (00:41) |
不守法的女人 |
009 |
Una Stanza Vuota (3 versione) (01:45) |
一个空的房间(3版) |
010 |
Una Tromba A Dallas (02:51) |
一把长号 |
011 |
Svegliati E Uccidi (#2) (02:21) |
死在醒来(#2) |
012 |
Una Stanza Vuota (4 versione) (01:46) |
一个空的房间(4版) |
013 |
Svegliati E Uccidi (#3) (01:22) |
死在醒来(#3) |
014 |
La Donna Di Un Fuorilegge (#2) (02:02) |
不守法的女人(#2) |
015 |
Svegliati E Uccidi (#4) (01:26) |
死在醒来(#4) |
016 |
Svegliati E Uccidi (#5) (01:08) |
死在醒来(#5) |
017 |
Una Stanza Vuota (versione singolo) (02:39) |
一个空的房间(单人版) |
NA-6612 (6613) Un fiume di dollari / River of Dollars (Carlo Lizzani) (直译 美元河) |

电影导演 Director |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias |
相关电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
POO LP 103 Country United States Format LP Release Date 1978 (15 music) |
Quartet Records QRSCE007 Country Spain Format CD Release Date 5-May-2010 UPN 8-436035-001521 (17 music) |
旧版音乐页 Our old music page |
Plot After the Civil War ends, two soldiers return home with a cache of stolen money. They are caught by Union troops. One escapes, but the other is sent to prison for five years. When he gets out and goes home, he finds that his wife has died in poverty because his partner kept all the money, and is now a major power in the area with an army of deadly gunmen to back him up.(Here)
剧情本站简译: 南北战争结束以后,两名美国士兵带着一笔脏款回家.在路上一人被抓去坐了五年牢.当他出狱回家时,发现老婆因贫病而死,而那一笔脏款却被他的那个伙伴一人独吞而去.... |
About OST: ChiMai shows 17 music from 1966-2008. Soundtrack shows 5 albums from 1966-2010, most music are 17 pieces in 2010 edition. 15 music is in 1978 and released below
关于音乐: ChiMai显示从1966-2008共发布过17首乐曲.Soundtrack显示从1966-2010共发布过5个专辑,其中最多的是2010年的版本含17首乐曲.1978年的版本为15首乐曲,和本站下面发布的相同 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Home To My Love (01:38) sung by Gino |
我爱我家 |
002 |
The Hills Run Red (01:34) |
满山红遍 |
003 |
Fifteen Miles To Prison (01:40) |
15公里到监狱 |
004 |
Fiesta Del Sol (00:50) |
005 |
Dreams Into Dust (01:56) |
梦入尘埃 |
006 |
Ecstacy Of Strings (01:12) |
007 |
Memories Of Rebecca (02:17) |
丽贝卡的回忆 |
008 |
The Fury Of Fire (01:03) |
怒火中烧 |
009 |
The River Of Dollars (01:50) |
美元河 |
010 |
Five Card Draw (02:35) |
5张明牌 |
011 |
The Girl With Golden Hair (01:37) |
金发女郎(201405已补入) |
012 |
Doing Time (01:25) |
活动时刻 |
013 |
Blind Obsession (02:55) |
盲目的困惑 |
014 |
Vindication (01:25) |
辩护 |
015 |
Home To My Love (02:42) |
我爱我家 |
2011.12.25 |