A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
老的年表编号 Old No. |
旧版音乐网页 Old music page |
本栏目音乐数量 The musical numbers here |
电影网页 Film page |
NA-66-01 |
Come imparai ad amare le donne (直译 教我如何爱上她) |
66-16 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 14 |
NA-66-02 |
I crudeli / The Cruel Ones (直译 残忍的人) |
66-14 |
10 |
NA-66-03 |
Il Buono , il brutto e il cattivo / The good, the bad and the ugly / 好坏丑/黄金三镖客 |
66-05 |
21 |
NA-66-04 |
L'avventuriero / The Rover (直译 冒险家) |
67-12 |
11 |
NA-66-05 |
La ragazza e il generale / The Girl and the General / 虎落平阳 |
67-03 |
Chinese / English |
New OS 2 |
NA-66-06 |
Le streghe / The Witches / 女巫 |
66-07 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 58 |
NA-6601 (6616) Come imparai ad amare le donne (直译 教我如何爱上她) |

电影导演 Director Luciano Salce |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias
-------------- |
电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
Dagored RED 168-2 Italy Release Date Mar-2006 UPN 8-018163-040094 14 music |
GDM CD Club 7092 Italy Release Date 30-Sep-2010 19 music |
旧版音乐页 Old music page |
Plot ....The film tells the story of Roberto Monti (Hoffman) who, after being released by the college at eighteen, he finds a job as a mechanic at a service station and later as a car salesman with his strong passion for engines. After various love adventures in the field of the aristocracy, the fashion and industry, in the end the young man will marry the seventeen year old Irene.... (Here)
剧情 18岁的罗伯托 蒙蒂从大学毕业后开始找工作,他先在一个服务站当机械师.后来他又当了汽车推销员.在各种不同的社会环境经历了爱情冒险之后,最终他爱上了17岁的艾琳.... |
About Ost The Soundtrack shows 3 albums in 1985,2006 and 2010. 14 music in the 2006 edition, most music are 19 pieces in 2010 edition. The ChiMai shows total music are 20 music from 1966-2010. Below released to be 14 music edition.
关于原声音乐 Soundtrack网站显示共有三个专辑,分别于1985,2006和2010发行. 2006版含14首音乐,最多的是2010版含19首音乐. 在ChiMai网站显示从1966-2010在各种不同的版本上共出现过20首乐曲.本站在下面提供的是14首的版本. |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
Pioggia sul tuo viso (02:26) |
雨在你的脸上 |
002 |
La diva - prima parte (04:27) |
明星-第一部分 |
003 |
La donna gattina (01:50) |
女人的猫 |
004 |
La diva - seconda parte (01:17) |
明星-第二部分 |
005 |
Pioggia sul tuo viso (#2) (02:27) |
雨在你的脸上 (#2) |
006 |
La donna romantica (06:08) |
浪漫的女人 |
007 |
Pizzicato (01:28) |
弹拨 |
008 |
Pioggia sul tuo viso (#3) (02:00) |
雨在你的脸上 (#3) |
009 |
La diva (02:43) |
明星 |
010 |
Pioggia sul tuo viso (#4) (03:00) |
雨在你的脸上 (#4) |
011 |
Alta moda (07:41) |
高级时装 |
012 |
Alla corte di re Luigi XVI (02:45) |
在国王路易十六法庭 |
013 |
La duchessa (01:36) |
公爵夫人 |
014 |
Pioggia sul tuo viso (#5) (02:59) |
雨在你的脸上 (#5) |
NA-6602 (6614) I crudeli / The Hellbenders (直译 残忍的人) |

电影导演 Director Sergio Corbucci |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias
I crudeli Italy (original title)
Die Grausamen West Germany
Hellbenders USA
Helvetescommandos Sweden
Los despiadados Spain
Oi kolasmenoi Greece (video title)
Os Cruéis Portugal (imdb display title)
Rio Hondon kuolemanloukku Finland
The Cruel Ones USA
The Hellbenders USA
电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
Screentrax CDST 334 Italy Release Date 1-Aug-2000 UPN 8-018163-003341 17 music |
GDM 2009 Great Britain Release Date 1995 10 music (In addition to containing 3 other music) |
旧版音乐页 Old music page |
Plot The Civil War has ended, but not for Jonas, a ruthless Confederate officer who wants to continue the fight by reorganizing Confederate troops in the Southwest with the support of a large sum of stolen money. He devises an elaborate ruse to allow his small party to travel with minimal scrutiny through hostile territory, for the money is hidden in a coffin said to contain the body of his dead son. Jonas' other sons travel with him along with a hired "widow", as they proceed to what they hope to be a new start to the War between the States. However, while en route, they face severe, ongoing strife among themselves and successive threats from Union soldiers, a posse of cowboys, and an Indian war party. (Here)
剧情本站简译: 意大利西班牙1967年合拍的西部片.影片描写美国内战结束以后联盟士兵,印地安人和南方残余分子残酷斗争的故事.在这部影片中, 莫里康内大师是以化名里奥 尼科尔斯(Leo Nichols)的名字出现的.由此也可以看出大师创业之维艰 |
About Ost The Soundtrack shows 4 albums in 1995, 2000,2007 and 2008. 10 music in the 1995 edition (In addition to containing 3 other music), most music are 17 pieces in 2000 and 2007 edition. The ChiMai shows total music are 17 music from 1966-2000. Below released to be 10 music edition.
关于原声音乐 Soundtrack网站显示共有4个专辑,分别于1995,2000,2007和2008发行. 1995版含10首音乐(此外还包括其它3首乐曲),最多的是2000和2007版含14首音乐. 在ChiMai网站显示从1966-2000在各种不同的版本上共出现过17首乐曲.本站在下面提供的是10首的版本. |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
I Crudeli |
残酷 |
002 |
Prima Dell'Assalto |
突击之前 |
003 |
Un Monumento |
一个纪念碑 |
004 |
Minacciosamente Lontano |
远方的惊涛骇浪 |
005 |
La Congiura |
阴谋 |
006 |
Dopo La Congiura |
阴谋的后面 |
007 |
I Crudeli No.2 |
残酷 2号 |
008 |
Attesa Del Nulla |
无效的期待 |
009 |
Monumento No.2 |
纪念碑 2号 |
010 |
Seconda Congiura |
第二个阴谋 |

电影导演 Director Sergio Leone |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo. Italy (original title)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Australia (imdb display title) / International (English title) / UK / USA
El bueno, el malo y el feo Argentina / Mexico / Venezuela
Le bon, la brute et le truand Belgium (French title) / Canada (French title) / France
Den gode, den onde og den grusomme Denmark / Norway
Zwei glorreiche Halunken Austria / West Germany
Oioioèé, ioioié, ceié Russia (imdb display title)
A jó, a rossz és a csúf Hungary (imdb display title)
Bunul, raul si uratul Romania
De goede, de harde, de vagebond Belgium (Flemish title)
Den gode den onde den fule Sweden (alternative spelling)
Den gode, den onde och den fule Finland (Swedish title)
Den gode, den onde, den fule Sweden
Den gode, den vonde og den hjartelause Norway (TV title)
Dobar, los, zao Yugoslavia (Serbian title)
Dober, grd, hudoben Slovenia (imdb display title)
Dobry, zly i brzydki Poland
El bo, el lleig i el dolent Spain (Catalan title) (More see here)
电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Old music page |
Plot Blondie (The Good) is a professional gunslinger who is out trying to earn a few dollars. Angel Eyes (The Bad) is a hit man who always commits to a task and sees it through, as long as he is paid to do so. And Tuco (The Ugly) is a wanted outlaw trying to take care of his own hide. Tuco and Blondie share a partnership together making money off Tuco's bounty, but when Blondie unties the partnership, Tuco tries to hunt down Blondie. When Blondie and Tuco comes across a horse carriage loaded with dead bodies, they soon learn from the only survivor (Bill Carson) that he and a few other men have buried a stash of gold in a cemetery. Unfortunately Carson dies and Tuco only finds out the name of the cemetery, while Blondie finds out the name on the grave. Now the two must keep each other alive in order to find the gold. Angel Eyes (who had been looking for Bill Carson) discovers that Tuco and Blondie meet with Carson and knows they know the location of the gold... (Here)
编者注 这部影片是意大利西部片宗师莱昂内执导的镖客三部曲的最后一部,也是最著名的一部。由克林特 伊斯特伍德,李范 克里夫和伊莱 沃勒克分饰片中的好人,坏人和丑人。三人在美国南北战争期间趁着政局混乱,打算谋夺一批属于南方政府的财富,但每个人只知道一部分藏金的细节,他们必须联合起来才可以取得这一大笔钱。于是三人即互相利用又勾心斗角,产生不少有趣的笑料和戏剧性的对峙。本片人物的设置与情节要远比前两部来得复杂和曲折。莫里康内的杰出配乐确立了独特的意大利西部片的音乐风格.更多内容请见本站的电影网页和著名音乐评论家杨大林先生的专题文章 |
About Ost The OST is one of most famous score composed by Ennio morricone. The Soundtrack shows 45 albums from 1967-2004, There are 11 music from 1967-1980, and 21 music from 2001-2004. The ChiMai shows total music are 30 music from 1966-2004. Below released to be 21 music edition.
关于原声音乐 这部电影和它的OST是莫里康内最著名的作品之一. 它的主题曲还曾被全球几十部电影所引用.这部OST在 Soundtrack网站显示从1967-2004共有45个专辑. 从 1967-1980发行的版本均为11首乐曲,从2001年以后均含21首音乐. 在ChiMai网站显示从1966-2004在各种不同的版本上共出现过30首乐曲.本站在下面提供的是21首的版本. |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly/Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (02:38) |
002 |
The Sundown/Il Tramonto (01:14) |
日落 |
003 |
Sentenza (01:39) |
判决 |
004 |
Fuga Al Cavallo (01:05) |
逃跑 |
005 |
Il Ponte di Corde (01:51) |
铁索桥 |
006 |
The Strong/Il forte (02:19) |
坚强 |
007 |
Inseguimento (02:22) |
追逐 |
008 |
The Desert/Il deserto (05:14) |
沙漠 |
009 |
The Carriage of the Spirits/La carrozza dei fantasmi (02:06) |
马车的鼓舞 |
010 |
La Missione San Antonio (02:13) |
圣安东尼奥的使命 |
011 |
Padre Ramirez (02:36) |
拉米雷斯神父 |
012 |
Marcia/Marcetta (02:49) |
行军 |
013 |
The Story of A Soldier/La storia de un soldato (05:30) |
士兵的故事 |
014 |
Il Treno Militare (01:22) |
军事训练 |
015 |
Fine di Una Spia (01:12) |
密探末日 |
016 |
Il Bandito Monco (01:12) |
独臂强盗 |
017 |
Due Contro Cinque (03:45) |
二对五 |
018 |
Marcia Without Hope/Marcetta senza speranza (01:48) |
无望的行军 |
019 |
The Death of A Soldier/Morte di un soldato (03:07) |
士兵死亡 |
020 |
The Ecstasy of Gold/L'estasi dell'oro (03:20) |
黄金之喜 |
021 |
The Trio/Il triello (05:00) |
三重唱 |
磅礴宏大动人心魄的完美音乐 The Good, the bad and the ugly (03:00 Here) |
以片头主题为代表的《好坏丑》全片配乐风格和镖客三部曲的前两部自然一脉相承。作曲家在保留配器的基本要素(口哨、电吉他和戏谑的男声合唱等音色)的同时加入了更多的枪声,并使前两个主题曲中原有的戏谑、幽默与有意加入的粗野气息大大增强.这段開場的流浪口哨,在音樂結構和表現手法上再度翻新,是三集流浪口哨中氣焰最為囂張跋扈,奇异怪诞的一部.几十年来为许多欧美电影,甚至近年来的电子游戏所争相选用.不愧是一代大師手筆.(参见这里和这里) |
NA-6604 (6712) L'avventuriero / The Rover (直译 冒险家) |

电影导演 Director Terence Young
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias L'avventuriero Italy (original title)
A kalandor Hungary
Ich komme vom Ende der Welt West Germany
Kaparkaptenen Peyrol Sweden
Maceralar beldesi Turkey (Turkish title) O antartis Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Peyrol le boucanier France
The Rover USA
Viimeinen merirosvo Finland |
电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
RCA Records OST 120 Country Italy Format CD Release Date 1993 UPN
0-035620-012027 (11 music and 13 another music) |
GDM CD Club 7082 Country Italy Format
CD Release Date 30-Mar-2010 UPN 8-018163-070824 (21 music) |
旧版音乐页 Old music page |
Plot Based on a story by Joseph Conrad, this 18th-century set drama is set shortly after the French Revolution and chronicles the exploits of a former counterrevolutionary pirate who befriends a mentally ill, naive young woman. Eventually his feelings of friendship turn to love and this in turn leads to tragedy when she falls in love with a French naval officer(Here)
剧情本站简译: 1967年意大利出品的电影"冒险家"(英文为"流浪者").影片基于Joseph Conrad的小说改编,叙述18世纪法国大革命时期发生在一名海盗和一名海军军官以及一名患有精神病的年轻女子之间的一段悲剧性的曲折爱情故事. 主题音乐婉转舒缓,寓意深厚,常使中老年人或回忆起遥远的过去,或憧憬于美好的未来之中而流连忘返,为很多莫迷所钟爱 |
About Ost The Soundtrack shows 5 albums from 1985-2010. 11 music is in the 1993 and 2005 editions, most music are 21 pieces in 2010 edition. The ChiMai shows total music are 21 music from 1970-2010. Below released to be 11 music edition.
关于原声音乐 Soundtrack网站显示从1985-2010共有5个专辑发行.1993和2005版均为11首,最多的是2010版含21首音乐. 在ChiMai网站显示从1970-2010在各种不同的版本上共出现过21首乐曲.本站在下面提供的是11首的版本. |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
冒险家 1 |
002 |
003 |
安静的时刻 |
004 |
005 |
夜间伏击 |
006 |
冒险家 2 |
007 |
008 |
比罗的力量 |
009 |
揭幕 |
010 |
回忆 |
011 |
冒险家 |
令人潸然泪下的莫里康内不朽旋律"冒险家/L'Avventuriero" (04:50 Here) |
这部电影"冒险家"(英文或译为"流浪者")的乐曲.叙述18世纪法国大革命时期发生的一段悲剧性爱情故事. 音乐婉转舒缓,寓意深厚,仔细聆听,往往令人潸然泪下。常使中老年人或回忆起遥远的过去而触景生情,或憧憬于美好的未来之中而流连忘返.更多请参见本站网页“莫里康内著名音乐入门100首”-015 |
NA-6605 (6703) La ragazza e il generale / The Girl and the General / 虎落平阳 |

电影导演 Director Pasquale Festa Campanile |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias La ragazza e il generale Italy (original title)
A Rapariga e o General Portugal (imdb display title)
Das Madchen und der General West Germany
Flykten till gransen Sweden
Kiz ve general Turkey (Turkish title) La fille et le général France
The Girl and the General USA
To koritsi kai o stratigos Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Tytto ja kenraali Finland |
电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Old music page |
Plot A young woman and a soldier team up to deliver an Austrian General to Italian forces during World War I. Their quest for the 1,000 Lire reward changes their lives unexpectedly.(Here)
剧情本站简译: 在一战时期一个年轻女子和一名士兵协助一个奥地利将军到意大利军队.他们为了1000里拉的奖金而意外地改变了他们的人生. |
About OST: It is no album in the soundtrack. Only 2 music from 1967-2003 was shown in ChiMai and main released in Anthology "50 Movie Themes Hits - Gold Edition" or "Gold Edition - Best Film Classics" etc. below is one of them
关于音乐: 这组OST在soundtrack显示没有专辑. 在ChiMai网站显示自1967-2003年仅发布过两支曲子(见下表),没有专辑.大多发布在"50 Movie Themes Hits - Gold Edition" 或"Gold Edition - Best Film Classics" 等合辑中.本站目前只有其中002组曲的资源 |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
La ragazza e il generale (01:41) |
女孩和将军 |
002 |
Suite (03:39) |
组曲 |
NA-6606 (6607) Le streghe / The Witches / 女巫 |
电影导演 Director Mauro Bolognini , Vittorio De Sica, and more |
电影配乐 OST Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Alias Le streghe Italy (original title)
Hexen von heute Austria / West Germany
A Magia da Mulher Portugal
As Bruxas Brazil
Boszorkányok Hungary (imdb display title)
Czarownice Poland
Elavalta poltettu noita Finland
Haxor Sweden Haxorna Sweden
Heksene Denmark
Las brujas Spain
Les sorcières France
Nykypaivan noitia Finland
Oi magisses Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
The Witches USA |
电影页 Film 01, 02, 03, 04 |
音乐页 Music 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站电影页 Our film page |
旧版音乐页 Old music page |
Plot This Dino De Laurentiis production from 1965 is actually an anthology of five different directors' work, each telling their own stories about witches. The five stories are "The Witch Burned Alive," "Civic Sense," "The Earth As Seen From The Moon," "The Girl From Sicily," and "A Night Like Any Other." Silvia Mangano appears in all five, with Clint Eastwood starring in the last featured vignette. Like many gang-directed projects, this film is also plagued by a lack of continuity and by the pretentiousness of the individual directors.......(See detail)
Italian: 5 novelle umoristico-grottesche sul tema della donna fatale, tutte con S. Mangano: 1) “La strega bruciata viva” (Visconti con Girotti, Girardot): attrice cerca un'improbabile tranquillità a Cortina e scopre di essere incinta; 2) “Senso civico” (Bolognini con Sordi): ricca signora raccoglie un camionista ferito, ma si preoccupa soltanto di non essere in ritardo a un appuntamento; 3) “La Terra vista dalla Luna” (Pasolini con Totò, Davoli): vedovo sposa Assurdina dai capelli verdi che, per ottenere soldi, inscena un suicidio al Colosseo con esito tragico; 4) “La siciliana” (Rossi con Tordi): l'orgogliosa Nunzia provoca una faida; 5) “Una sera come le altre” (De Sica con Eastwood): una moglie trascurata dal marito sogna di far l'amore, acclamata, in uno stadio. Prodotto da Dino De Laurentiis che, in onore di sua moglie Mangano, aveva già fatto l'episodico La mia signora. Il 1° e il 5° episodio sono sceneggiati da Cesare Zavattini, il più lirico è Pasolini, il più sardonico Visconti, il più buffo Bolognini. (Here) |
About OST: The OST of the famous comedy film directed by 5 famous directors seems to have some problems. First is its composer, Some sites show is Ennio Morricone (ChiMai), and another some is Piero Piccioni, and still some is Ennio Morricone and Piero Piccioni (IMDB and 01, 02). We have found that The official website shows that only episode 3 "La Terra vista dalla Luna/"The Earth Viewed from the Moon" (Directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini) is to be composed by Morricone (See below image), and the soundtrack website shows that only episode 1 "La strega bruciata viva / The Witch Scorched Alive" (Directed by Luchino Visconti). There also are some infomation was released below for everyone's study; The second problem is the music quantity of the OST. Only 9 music was displayed in the ChiMai website (all composed by Ennio Morricone, see below) |
Digitmovies CDDM137 Italy Release Date 29-Jun-2009 |
This is a catalogue of most quantity we have found in the network.But now our resource of collection is 58 music (Released below) ! We don't konw also that where the difference between them. But there is a file in the resource, it seems to get some answer. You can see the web page for further study it |
About OST-2: Digitmovies is proud to present for the very first time on CD the complete OST in mono and in full stereo by Piero Piccioni for the episodes "La strega bruciata viva" ( "The Witch Scorched Alive") by Luchino Visconti and "Una sera come le altre" ("A Night Like Any Other") by Vittorio De Sica for the 1967 movie "Le streghe" (aka "The Witches" - Les sorci?res) produced by Dino de Laurentiis. The film, which was released on 22 February 1967, is divided into five episodes starring the fascinating Diva Silvana Mangano. "La strega bruciata viva" ("The Witch Scorched Alive") directed by Luchino Visconti (1st episode): One winter evening Gloria (Mangano), a famous actress, arrives in an Austrian town to spend the evening together with some friends, who turn out to be not the good friends they were supposed to be : By taking advantage of her sudden illness they remove her make-up and look pleased at the small imperfections of the diva. After she has discovered to be pregnant and has a fight over the phone with her husband, the woman leaves again more disturbed than the day before, but hidden and splendid as a true diva for photographers. "Senso civico" ("Citizenship") directed by Mauro Bolognini (2nd episode): A rich lady (Mangano) takes in her car a wounded driver (Alberto Sordi), but is only concerned not to be late with an appointment. "La terra vista dalla luna" ("The Earth Viewed from the Moon") directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini (3rd episode): Ciancicato Miao (Tot?), accompanied by his son Basci— (Ninetto Davoli), is looking for a nice woman to marry her. The man meets a beautiful deaf-mute girl with green hair who gets into their cabin and transforms it into a lovely home. A miracle! One day Assurdina (Silvana Mangano) dies in an accident, but she comes back under the guise of a ghost to meet the two poor ones and continues to help them in this way. The moral: to be alive or to be dead is just the same thing. "La siciliana" ("The female Sicilian") directed by Franco Rossi (4th episode): The proud Nunzia (Mangano) causes a feud. "Una sera come le altre" ("A night like any other") directed by Vittorio De Sica (5th episode): Giovanna (Mangano), a wife neglected by her husband (Clint Eastwood), dreams to make love in a stadium whilst being applauded by a crowd of men only. Five characters of women all embodied by the ethereal beauty of Silvana Mangano, the absolute diva of this film who is in a constant balance between the sacred and the profane, between hell and heaven. The Bolognini and Rossi episodes have virtually no music - except very brief fragments of atonal strings (possibly library music) in the Rossi episode and just a reprise of the "main theme" written by Piero Piccioni for the Visconti episode at the end of the Bolognini episode (an excerpt from the movie's opening titles).The Pasolini episode was scored by Ennio Morricone ("Mandolinata" appeared on side A of the original Italian 45 rpm single on the United Artists label UA 3113) and subsequently on some compilation, whereas the Visconti and De Sica episodes were entirely scored by Piero Piccioni (the "Cha-cha beat" theme from the De Sica episode was issued on side B of the original Italian 45 rpm single on the United Artists label UA 3113) and a suite from the Visconti episode was later re-recorded by the author for a Japanese anthology devoted to the music for the cinema of Luchino Visconti. This CD (with a total duration close to 63 minutes) focuses only on the music of Piero Piccioni for this film. The tapes were kept in the private archives of M ? Piccioni and they have been found with the big help of Jason Piccioni, the son of the composer. Two ? reel tapes, one in stereo and one in mono, which have been preserved until today in very good conditions, have really given us the chance to realize this - until today impossible - record dream. For "The Witch Scorched Alive" Piero Piccioni has written a refined dance floor theme, a shake for piano, organ, drums, guitars and brass, which we might call "The witches shake", reprised with different instrumentations (Here)
Yes! Another much-requested soundtrack finally gets a much deserved CD reissue!
For the very first time on CD, this Piero Piccioni's complete soundtrack in mono and in full stereo from the episodes "La Strega Bruciata Viva" ("The Witch Scorched Alive") by Luchino Visconti and "Una Sera Come Le Altre" ("A Night Like Any Other") by Vittorio De Sica that were part of the 1967 anthology movie "Le Streghe" (AKA The Witches and Les Sorcières) produced by Dino de Laurentiis.
This CD (with a total duration close to 63 minutes) focuses only on the music of Piero Piccioni for this film. The tapes have been kept in the private archives of Maestro Piccioni and they have been given the light of day with the big help of Jason Piccioni, the son of the composer.
Two 1? reel tapes, one in stereo and one in mono, which have been preserved until today in very good condition have really given DigitMovies the chance to realise this - until today, impossible - CD reissue dream.
For "The Witch Scorched Alive" Piero Piccioni has written a refined dance floor theme, a shake for piano, organ, drums, guitars and brass, which we might call "The witches shake", reprised with different instrumentations (Tr.1,Tr.3,Tr.5,Tr.Tr.9, Tr.11, Tr.13, Tr.16), and which is the background dance of Gloria in the hotel lounge room, admired by her envious friends who surround her. This dance floor music (much searched and loved by Film Music fans around the world) is alternated with a romantic, rarefied and haunting love theme that, without doubt, is one of the most beautiful love themes of the whole career of Piero Piccioni: a jazzy, slow, suspended, almost sacred theme for harp, vibraphone, guitar, celesta, flute and bass (Tr.4, Tr.6, Tr.8, Tr.10, Tr.12, Tr.14, Tr.15). As bonus tracks at the end of this CD there's included, for historical and artistic purposes, the very rare mono version of the shake theme as featured in the opening titles (tr.31) - with some sound effect found in the mono master tape of the final film music/effects mix (sadly a mix without effects did not survive at all) - and a long stereo suite (tr.32) re-recorded by Piccioni which is based on the shake theme and variations of the magical love theme.
For the Vittorio De Sica episode starring Silvana Mangano and Clint Eastwood Piccioni has written a very romantic waltz-like love theme in Tr.17,Tr.19,Tr.24,Tr.30 alternated with burlesque American-flavoured marches (Tr.21,Tr.23,Tr.25,Tr.26,Tr.29). Also dance floor music of those days is featured like "Cha-cha beat" - both in the short original single version (Tr.18) and in the long take (Tr.28) - and lovely shake music with female choir (Tr.20).
This CD also contain source music tracks like lounge music for piano solo (Tr.2), a piano solo reprise (Tr.7) of the famous Italian hit "Il mondo" by Jimmy Fontana and Gianni Meccia, "Chariot", a big hit of Petula Clark (written by Frank Pourcel and Paul Mauriat) aka "I Will Follow Him" in the stereo mix version with choir and orchestra (Tr.22) and its instrumental version in mono (Tr.27), both of which arranged by Piccioni himself. The score is brilliantly conducted by Bruno Nicolai and Piero Piccioni himself. Please note also that in this soundtrack and almost in all his soundtracks, Piccioni performs solo piano and organ. An Italian Silver Age soundtrack that fully deserves to be rescued and preserved. (Here) |
剧情本站简译: 1967年意大利出品的喜剧片"Le Streghe / 女巫".由 卢奇诺 维斯康蒂, 皮埃尔 帕索里尼, 维托里奥 德西卡, 弗兰克 罗西, 莫洛 鲍罗尼尼五位最著名的意大利导演联合执导,著名电影音乐大师莫里康内和皮耶卢 皮西奥尼(Piero Piccioni) 共同配乐.影片由五段故事组成:1 “女巫活活烧死”; 2 "社区精神”; 3 “从月亮上看地球”; 4 “西西里”; 5 “像其他任何一个夜晚”.克林特 伊斯特伍德也参加了最后一节的演出.诙谐,幽默的喜剧风格以及大师的轻松配乐,都使人感到耳目一新 |
关于音乐: 这部由5位著名导演分别执导并含有5个短片的著名喜剧电影的OST资料有几个未解的问题. 首先是它的作曲家,一有的网站显示它的作曲家全是莫里康内(ChiMai); 而另一些网站则显示作曲家为皮耶卢 皮西奥尼(Piero Piccioni),比较多的是显示为莫里康内和皮西奥尼共同谱曲 (IMDB and 01, 02).在莫里康内的官方网站有一个说明是:"第二个短片“从月亮上看地球”(帕索里尼导演)由莫里康谱曲(见上图).而在soundtrack网站也有一个说明:"第一个短片“女巫活活烧死”(维斯康蒂导演)是由皮西奥尼谱曲.还有一些英文资料本站已摘录发表在上面供大家研究参考. 第二个问题就是这个OST所含乐曲的数量.它在ChiMai网站上显示仅为9首,(全部由莫里康内谱曲,见上图)现在可以找到的最多的为32首(见soundtrack).它的目录也已发布在上面.但本站现有的一组资源却为58首.我们还不知道其差别在哪里.本站这一组资源是从Soulseek得到的,好在这一组文件中还附有一个文本文件(附在下面)和5张图片,有兴趣的朋友可以自行浏览这个附加网页去研究它.下面发表的就是这个58首乐曲 |
Notes |
Yes! Another much-requested soundtrack finally gets a much deserved CD reissue!
For the very first time on CD, this Piero Piccioni's complete soundtrack in mono and in full stereo from the episodes "La Strega Bruciata Viva" ("The Witch Scorched Alive") by Luchino Visconti and "Una Sera Come Le Altre" ("A Night Like Any Other") by Vittorio De Sica that were part of the 1967 anthology movie "Le Streghe" (AKA The Witches and Les Sorcières) produced by Dino de Laurentiis.
This CD (with a total duration close to 63 minutes) focuses only on the music of Piero Piccioni for this film. The tapes have been kept in the private archives of Maestro Piccioni and they have been given the light of day with the big help of Jason Piccioni, the son of the composer.
Two 1? reel tapes, one in stereo and one in mono, which have been preserved until today in very good condition have really given DigitMovies the chance to realise this - until today, impossible - CD reissue dream.
For "The Witch Scorched Alive" Piero Piccioni has written a refined dance floor theme, a shake for piano, organ, drums, guitars and brass, which we might call "The witches shake", reprised with different instrumentations (Tr.1,Tr.3,Tr.5,Tr.Tr.9, Tr.11, Tr.13, Tr.16), and which is the background dance of Gloria in the hotel lounge room, admired by her envious friends who surround her. This dance floor music (much searched and loved by Film Music fans around the world) is alternated with a romantic, rarefied and haunting love theme that, without doubt, is one of the most beautiful love themes of the whole career of Piero Piccioni: a jazzy, slow, suspended, almost sacred theme for harp, vibraphone, guitar, celesta, flute and bass (Tr.4, Tr.6, Tr.8, Tr.10, Tr.12, Tr.14, Tr.15). As bonus tracks at the end of this CD there's included, for historical and artistic purposes, the very rare mono version of the shake theme as featured in the opening titles (tr.31) - with some sound effect found in the mono master tape of the final film music/effects mix (sadly a mix without effects did not survive at all) - and a long stereo suite (tr.32) re-recorded by Piccioni which is based on the shake theme and variations of the magical love theme.
For the Vittorio De Sica episode starring Silvana Mangano and Clint Eastwood Piccioni has written a very romantic waltz-like love theme in Tr.17,Tr.19,Tr.24,Tr.30 alternated with burlesque American-flavoured marches (Tr.21,Tr.23,Tr.25,Tr.26,Tr.29). Also dance floor music of those days is featured like "Cha-cha beat" - both in the short original single version (Tr.18) and in the long take (Tr.28) - and lovely shake music with female choir (Tr.20).
This CD also contain source music tracks like lounge music for piano solo (Tr.2), a piano solo reprise (Tr.7) of the famous Italian hit "Il mondo" by Jimmy Fontana and Gianni Meccia, "Chariot", a big hit of Petula Clark (written by Frank Pourcel and Paul Mauriat) aka "I Will Follow Him" in the stereo mix version with choir and orchestra (Tr.22) and its instrumental version in mono (Tr.27), both of which arranged by Piccioni himself. The score is brilliantly conducted by Bruno Nicolai and Piero Piccioni himself. Please note also that in this soundtrack and almost in all his soundtracks, Piccioni performs solo piano and organ. An Italian Silver Age soundtrack that fully deserves to be rescued and preserved.
Packaging & Liner Notes |
序号 No. |
原曲名 Name |
中文直译名(主要参考自动翻译,如有不妥 欢迎来件商榷) Chinese translated name |
试听 Audition |
001 |
le streghe (seq. 1)(01:59) |
女巫 01 |
002 |
le streghe (seq. 2)(01:56) |
女巫 02 |
003 |
le streghe (seq. 3)(01:11) |
女巫 03 |
004 |
le streghe (seq. 4)(00:24) |
女巫 04 |
005 |
le streghe (seq. 5)(00:46) |
女巫 05 |
006 |
le streghe (seq. 6)(00:51) |
女巫 06 |
007 |
le streghe (seq. 7)(00:42) |
女巫 07 |
008 |
le streghe (seq. 8)(00:51) |
女巫 08 |
009 |
le streghe (seq. 9)(01:54) |
女巫 09 |
010 |
le streghe (seq. 10)(06:47) |
女巫 10 |
011 |
le streghe (seq. 11)(01:54) |
女巫 11 |
012 |
le streghe (seq. 12)(01:59) |
女巫 12 |
013 |
le streghe (seq. 13)(00:42) |
女巫 13 |
014 |
le streghe (seq. 14)(00:28) |
女巫 14 |
015 |
le streghe (seq. 15)(00:24) |
女巫 15 |
016 |
le streghe (seq. 16)(01:09) |
女巫 16 |
017 |
le streghe (seq. 17)(00:52) |
女巫 17 |
018 |
le streghe (seq. 18)(00:47) |
女巫 18 |
019 |
le streghe (seq. 19)(00:45) |
女巫 19 |
020 |
le streghe (seq. 20)(00:46) |
女巫 20 |
021 |
le streghe (seq. 21)(00:26) |
女巫 21 |
022 |
le streghe (seq. 22)(01:05) |
女巫 22 |
023 |
le streghe (seq. 23)(00:37) |
女巫 23 |
024 |
le streghe (seq. 24)(00:49) |
女巫 24 |
025 |
le streghe (seq. 25)(00:54) |
女巫 25 |
026 |
le streghe (seq. 26)(00:49) |
女巫 26 |
027 |
le streghe (seq. 27)(00:54) |
女巫 27 |
028 |
le streghe (seq. 28)(00:42) |
女巫 28 |
029 |
le streghe (seq. 29)(00:27) |
女巫 29 |
030 |
le streghe (seq. 30)(00:51) |
女巫 30 |
031 |
le streghe (seq. 31)(00:48) |
女巫 31 |
032 |
le streghe (seq. 32)(01:58) |
女巫 32 |
033 |
le streghe (seq. 33)(00:23) |
女巫 33 |
034 |
le streghe (seq. 34)(00:21) |
女巫 34 |
035 |
le streghe (seq. 35)(00:19) |
女巫 34 |
036 |
le streghe (seq. 36)(01:12) |
女巫 36 |
037 |
le streghe (seq. 37)(01:49) |
女巫 37 |
038 |
le streghe (seq. 38)(01:18) |
女巫 38 |
039 |
le streghe (seq. 39)(01:30) |
女巫 39 |
040 |
le streghe (seq. 40)(00:56) |
女巫 40 |
041 |
le streghe (seq. 41)(00:21) |
女巫 41 |
042 |
le streghe (seq. 42)(01:18) |
女巫 42 |
043 |
le streghe (seq. 43)(00:30) |
女巫 43 |
044 |
le streghe (seq. 44)(02:10) |
女巫 44 |
045 |
le streghe (seq. 45)(01:30) |
女巫 45 |
046 |
le streghe (seq. 46)(01:28) |
女巫 46 |
047 |
le streghe (seq. 47)(01:26) |
女巫 47 |
048 |
le streghe (seq. 48)(01:03) |
女巫 48 |
049 |
le streghe (seq. 49)(01:09) |
女巫 49 |
050 |
le streghe (seq. 50)(01:11) |
女巫 50 |
051 |
le streghe (seq. 51)(01:29) |
女巫 51 |
052 |
le streghe (seq. 52)(03:06) |
女巫 52 |
053 |
le streghe (seq. 53)(02:01) |
女巫 53 |
054 |
le streghe (seq. 54)(00:44) |
女巫 54 |
055 |
le streghe (seq. 55)(01:43) |
女巫 55 |
056 |
le streghe (seq. 56)(01:09) |
女巫 56 |
057 |
le streghe (seq. 57)(01:48) |
女巫 57 |
058 |
le streghe (seq. 58)(01:08) |
女巫 58 |
2011.12.25 |