A basic view for the OST 1960-2020 composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
Only providing audition with low bitrate (WMA 20 Kbps or Mp3 32 Kbps) |
(本站常用的几个意大利文翻译站点/Several Italian translation site 01, 02, 03, 04) |
年表 No. |
所在电影(TV)名称 Film (TV) name |
老的年表编号 Old No. |
旧版音乐网页 Old music page |
本栏目音乐数量 The musical numbers here |
旧版电影网页 Old film page |
NA 65-11 |
Per qualche dollaro in più / For a few dollars more (Sergio Leone) /黄昏双镖客 |
65-03 |
New OST 22 |
NA 65-12 |
Se non avessi più te (Ettore Fizzarotti) (直译 如果没有韦斯) |
65-17 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 0 |
Chinese / English |
NA 65-13 |
Sette pistole per i MacGregor/Seven Guns for the MacGregors (Franco Giraldi) / 七枪客 |
65-07 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 2 |
Chinese / English |
NA 65-14 |
Slalom/Snow Job (Luciano Salce) /花言巧语 |
65-06 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 23 |
Chinese / English |
NA 65-15 |
Thrilling (Carlo Lizzani, Gian Luigi Polidori, Ettore Scola) (直译: 惊险) |
65-05 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 1 |
Chinese / English |
NA 65-16 |
Uccellacci e uccellini/The Hawks and the Sparrows(Pier Paolo Pasolini) / 大鸟和小鸟 |
65-02 |
12 |
NA 65-17 |
Una pistola per Ringo/A Pistol for Ringo (Duccio Tessari) / 林哥的枪 |
65-09 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 14 |
Chinese / English |
NA 65-18 |
Un uomo a metà/Half a Man (Vittorio de Seta) / 半个男人 |
65-04 |
Chinese / English |
New OST 2 |
Chinese / English |
NA6511 Per qualche dollaro in più/For a Few Dollars More / 黄昏双镖客 |

电影导演 Sergio Leone |
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 For a Few Dollars More International (English title) / UK / USA
For nagra fa dollar mer Finland (Swedish title) / Sweden
Für ein paar Dollar mehr Austria / West Germany
Por unos pocos dólares más Argentina / Spain
Pour quelques dollars de plus Canada (French title) / France (dubbed version)
A Few Dollars More Philippines (English title)
Birkac dolar icin Turkey (Turkish title)
Due stranieri magnifici Italy (working title)
Et pour quelques dollars de plus France
For noen fa dollar mer Norway
Haevn for dollars Denmark
La muerte tenía un precio Spain
Mone dollari parast veel Estonia
Monomahia sto El Paso Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Pár dollárral tobbért Hungary (imdb display title)
Por Mais Alguns Dólares Portugal
Por unos cuantos dólares más Spain
Por uns Dólares a Mais Brazil
Vain muutaman dollarin tahden Finland
Yuuhi no ganman Japan
Za dolar vise Yugoslavia (Serbian title)
Za kilka dolarów wiecej Poland |
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站旧版电影网页 mov-022 |
本站旧版音乐网页 mus-004 |
剧情 瑟吉欧.莱昂内与克林特.伊斯特伍德合作的“镖客"三部曲的第二部,也是李.范.克里夫一鸣惊人的代表作。伊斯特伍德继续扮演独来独往的无名枪手,意图缉拿变态狂的坏蛋印第奥换取奖金,不料半途杀出另一名厉害的枪手莫蒂默也有意捉拿印第奥,两人之间明争暗斗却谁也不能得手。最后两人只好合作对付坏蛋,事成后却发展莫蒂默根本不是为了钱,而是为妹妹报仇。导演在上集原有的风格上加强了人性的描写和角色之间撞击出的火花,使本片成绩更上一层楼,成为意大利式西部片的经典。 |
备注 这部电影是莱昂内成名之作"镖客三部曲"的第二部,无论从电影还是从音乐的角度这都是一部非常重要的作品.因而它的版本也极其繁多,在soundtrack列出了500多首乐曲(含重复),在ChiMai上从1965到2005年列出的专辑有40多部,含有它的不同乐曲90首.本站下面提供的是一个2003年由GDM发行的22首的版本.有关这部电影音乐的评论请见本站文章 01, 02, 03. |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Per Qualche Dollaro in Piu (03:50) |
为了更多的美元 |
002 |
Sequence 02 (with music clock!)(01:13) |
序列02(音乐时钟!) |
003 |
Sequence 03 (02:53) |
序列03 |
004 |
Observatori Osservati (02:05) |
观察 |
005 |
Poker D'Assi (01:22) |
朴克 德阿西 |
006 |
Sequence 6 (02:42) |
序列6 |
007 |
Sequence 7 (00:46) |
序列7 |
008 |
Sequence 8 (with music clock) (02:16) |
序列8(音乐时钟) |
009 |
Sequence 9 (02:25) |
序列9 |
010 |
Sequence 10 (01:16) |
序列10 |
011 |
La Resa Dei Conti (with music clock) (03:08) |
招降(音乐时钟) |
012 |
Sequence 12 (01:58) |
序列12 |
013 |
Sequence 13 (01:20) |
序列13 |
014 |
Carillon (with music clock) (01:10) |
钟楼(音乐时钟) |
015 |
Il Vizio De Ucccideri (02:28) |
罪恶 |
016 |
Sequence 16 (with music clock) (02:!1) |
序列16(音乐时钟) |
017 |
El Colpo (02:26) |
射击 |
018 |
Sequence 18 (00:54) |
序列18 |
019 |
Sequence 19 (with music clock) (01:15) |
序列19(音乐时钟) |
020 |
Addio Colonnello (01:45) |
再见克洛尼洛 |
021 |
Occhio Per Occhio (Italian Version . mono) (03:01) |
以眼还眼(意大利版 单声道) |
022 |
Eye For An Eye (English version) (03:01) |
以眼还眼(英文版) |
A clip of the film music 电影音乐片段 (02:46 Here) |
NA6512 (6517) Se non avessi più te (直译 如果没有韦斯) |

电影导演 Ettore Fizzarotti |
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Ha már nem leszel az enyém Hungary
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站旧版电影网页 |
本站旧版音乐网页 |
Plot A young singer secretly gets married since he does not want to let his fans down. After a while the gutter press make up a love story which seriously worries his young bride.(Here)
本站简译: 一位年轻的歌手秘密结婚,因为他不想让他的歌迷失望.但没过多久,一则黄色小报报道的爱情故事却使得年轻的新娘忧虑不堪. |
关于音乐:这一组OST几乎没有专辑,而是分散在许多合辑或精选集中,且大多是在六十年代意大利著名歌星和影星 Gianni Morandi的作品中。这可以从下面的截图中看出来。我们只能从CHIMAI网站给出的资料中自行陆续去收集这些零散的乐曲 |
这一组OST大多是分散在六十年代意大利著名歌星和影星 Gianni Morandi的音像作品中(见 这里和 这里) |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Meglio il Madison (02:32) |
更好的麦迪逊 |
002 |
Si fa sera (02:43) |
如果你将 |
003 |
I ragazzi dello shake (02:18) |
男孩摇摆 |
004 |
Se non avessi più te (02:53) |
如果你没有更多的 |
005 |
Sono tanto solo (02:05) |
他们都只有 |
006 |
Ti offro da bere (02:17) |
我给你买饮料 |
007 |
Se fra noi qualcosa cambierà (02:22) |
如果有什么会改变我们之间 |
008 |
Ninna nanna piccoletta (02:32) |
摇篮曲 |
 见下面注解 |
关于Ninna nanna piccoletta / 摇篮曲 |
寻找这首曲子非常困难,在soulseek几乎花去三年的时间也不见其踪影。从而引起笔者的怀疑是否曲名有问题。后来查阅各种资料说明这首曲子的确存在。它的作曲家不是莫里康内,而是Renato Rascel(1912-1991 意大利演员,歌手和作曲家)。这可以从ChiMai, Discografia等网站的资料得到证明。
但是要找到免费的下载是很困难的。最后还是从YouTube的视频下载后再提取它的音频才算得到了这首乐曲。下面是有关的几个截图 |
Renato Rascel |
NA6513 Sette pistole per i MacGregor/Seven Guns for the MacGregors (直译 七枪麦克雷戈) |

电影导演 Franco Giraldi |
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 7 kostajaa Finland
7 pistolia gia tous MacGregor Greece (video title)
Die sieben Pistolen des MacGregor West Germany
Erhontai oi MacGregors Greece (reissue title)
Oi 7 yperohoi pistoleros Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
Sept écossais au Texas France
Seven Guns for the MacGregors UK
Siete pistolas para los Mac Gregor Spain
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01,02, 03, 04 |
本站旧版电影网页 无 |
本站旧版音乐网页 |
剧情 Ranch owner MacGregor has seven sons and oldest Gregor leads his brothers to Las Mesas, a small town where they want to sell horses. They get into trouble with local people who are related with evil Santillana. After getting imprisoned and losing their horses they decide to go after Santillana's gang. |
备注 这组原声音乐在ChiMai显示只有两首乐曲,和在soundtrack上的显示是一致的.而且除了1965年意大利发行的一张RCA Records PM45 3301 45转胶木唱片有这两支曲子的专辑外,直到2010年仍没有专辑发行.大部分是和莫里康内的合辑在一起.下面提供的也就是这两首乐曲 |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Marcia dei MacGregor (02:30)(歌词 Maurizio Attanasio) |
三月的麦格雷戈 |
002 |
Santa Fe Express (02:03) |
圣达菲快车 |
NA6514 Slalom/So ein Windhund (直译: 花言巧语)

电影导演 Luciano Salce |
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 El octavo hombre Spain
Geheimnis am Nil West Germany (video title)
Snow Job USA (TV title)
So ein Windhund West Germany
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站旧版电影网页 无 |
本站旧版音乐网页 mus-101-110 |
剧情 Lucio (Vittorio Gassman) and his sidekick (Adolfo Celi) accidently gets mixed up with a gang of international counterfeiters in this fast-moving and suspenseful comedy with music from Ennio Morricone. The crooks hope to upset the U.S. economy by flooding the world with bogus bills. Lucio is an overworked businessman who only wants a little rest and relaxation. Instead, he is skiing in Northern Italy on one day and the next day enduring the searing heat in the Egyptian desert. ~ Dan Pavlides, Rovi |
音乐评论 ENNIO MORRICONE Morricone In The Brain (2009 issue UK 27-track CD album - This album will take you take you on a profoundly psychedelic trip through one of the most fertile imaginations in 20th century music. It is a mind-bending seventy minutes with the maestro - Ennio Morricone. Morricone was the biggest living man in film music, and this album is when he was in the beat pop acid sixties and seventies at the height of his creative powers when his abilities as a composer went far beyond even what the best international groups in each genre were capable of!). |
备注 这部专辑最早是和其它电影在一起的混合版,它的音乐在ChiMai中由1965到2006年统计共有37首;但在一个名为 "Morricone in the Brain" 的合辑中只有6首乐曲; 在1992年荷兰发行的PMF Records 90 69-2版本中是12首;;直到2006年由日本发行的一个专辑Verita Note VQCD-10022版本则包含了23首.我们很有幸收集到了这个版本,下面提供给大家共享 |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Slalom (titoli) (01:55) |
回旋(题头) |
002 |
Sestriere (02:23) |
塞斯特雷 |
003 |
Un cafe sulla banchina (02:52) |
码头上的咖啡馆 |
004 |
Un "agente" in Egitto (02:46) |
一个“代理人”在埃及 |
005 |
Incontro magico I (03:05) |
神奇相遇 1 |
006 |
Assassino nella sciovia (04:29) |
凶手在滑雪缆车 |
007 |
Una sera in albergo (02:33) |
酒店的夜晚 |
008 |
Marcette grottesche (00:47) |
怪诞游行 |
009 |
Un omicidio misterioso (01:11) |
一宗谋杀案之谜 |
010 |
titoli versione film (01:31) |
电影标题 |
011 |
In pericolo (00:45) |
危险 |
012 |
Sul treno (02:40) |
在火车上 |
013 |
Corsa nel deserto (02:14) |
沙漠比赛 |
014 |
Incontro magico II (03:12) |
神奇相遇 2 |
015 |
Sperduto a El Cairo I (08:11) |
迷失在开罗 1 |
016 |
Sestriere ( versione alternativa) (02:23) |
塞斯特雷(备用版) |
017 |
Slalom (versione alternativa) (01:56) |
回旋(备用版) |
018 |
Passeggiata nella neve (01:17) |
走在雪地 |
019 |
Rapimento grottesco (01:02) |
奇怪的绑架 |
020 |
Sperduto a El Cairo II (04:21) |
迷失在开罗 2 |
021 |
Incontro magico III (02:10) |
神奇相遇 3 |
022 |
Slalom ( single version) (02:25) |
回旋(单独版) |
023 |
Sestriere (Finale) (02:28) |
塞斯特雷 (终了曲) |
NA6515 Thrilling (直译: 惊险) |

电影导演 Carlo Lizzani (segment "Autostrada del sole, L'")
Gian Luigi Polidoro (segment "Sadik")
Ettore Scola (segment "Vittimista, Il")
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Espeluznante Argentina |
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站旧版电影网页 无 |
本站旧版音乐网页 暂缺 |
剧情 Three segments: in the first one (Il vittimista) a teacher is obsessed with the idea his wife betrays him. When he goes to a shrink he lets him understand that his fear has to do with him having cheated on her for some time. When he dumps the mistress and confesses to his wife she forgives him while the mistress seems to take it rather seriously. In the second segment (Sadik) a wife has her husband dress himself with a comic character costume. In the last segment (L'autostrada del sole) a man has to spend the night in a mysterious hotel because of his car breaking down. |
备注 这部电影的配乐很难寻找,在很多网站搜索往往是没有结果(03, 04)就是在一向比较全面的ChiMai网站中,在从1966-2004的8部合辑中旀都只列出了它的唯一的一首乐曲.这和本站的收藏是一致的 |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Thrilling (La regola del gioco) (02:51) Ennio Morricone composer
Sergio Bardotti Lyrics
Musy Lyrics
Rita Monico Vocals |
惊心动魄(游戏规则)作曲 Ennio Morricone, 歌词 Sergio Bardotti, 歌词 Musy, 演唱 Rita Monico |

电影导演 Pier Paolo Pasolini |
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Uccellacci e uccellini Italy (original title)
Pajarracos y pajaritos Argentina / Spain (Catalan title)
Des oiseaux, petits et gros France
Gro?e V?gel, kleine V?gel West Germany
Haukat ja varpuset Finland
Hawks and Sparrows (undefined)
Madarak és ragadozó madarak Hungary Megala poulia mikra poulakia Greece (DVD title)
Oiseaux petits et gros France
Pajaritos y pajarracos Spain
Passarinhos e Passar?es Portugal (imdb display title)
Ptaki i ptaszyska Poland (imdb display title)
The Hawks and the Sparrows USA |
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站旧版电影网页 |
本站旧版音乐网页 |
Plot On an empty road, an old man is walking with his son. They meet a crow that can speak. They are changed into monks and Saint Francois sent them to preach for hawks and sparrows. A reflexion about idealism (Here)
编者注 这部影片是意大利电影史上最具争议的著名导演保罗 帕索里尼早期的经典性作品.是一部情节复杂的悲喜剧寓言。讲的是老人托托和他的儿子在公路上行走的时候,一个号称是来自“意识形态王国”的乌鸦加入了他们的行列,乌鸦想为他们解释生活中的各种矛盾,并给他们讲了许多莫名其妙的寓言。在《大鸟和小鸟 》这部电影中,“乌鸦”指的是共产党领袖陶里亚迪。神圣的甫朗希斯说的那段话指的是教皇保罗六世在联合国大会上为自己积极服务基督教所作的宣传。最后乌鸦为自己哭泣,并把自己奉献给这两个流浪者进食。这两个人也真的把它吃了。 帕索里尼自己说,这部电影是为了探讨“抵抗运动期间和五十年代马克思主义的危机”。 《大鸟和小鸟 》有着复杂的哲理性,反映了导演对意识形态问题的思考,同时也受到了当时在欧洲流行的无政府主义思想的影响。有关这部电影的研究文章请见本站此页 |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Titoli Di Testa (02:28) |
标题 |
002 |
Aforismi (01:53) |
003 |
Bagatelle (03:04) |
004 |
Nidi Di Rondini (01:02) |
005 |
S.Francesco Parla Agli Uccelli (01:24) |
006 |
Il Corvo Professore (00:59) |
007 |
Teatrino All'Aperto 1 (01:08) |
008 |
Teatrino All'Aperto 2 (00:41) |
009 |
Scarpe Rotte (01:44) |
010 |
Aria Del Perdono (01:21) |
011 |
Scuola Di Ballo Al Sole (02:35) |
012 |
Titoli Di Coda (00:59) |
NA6517 Una Pistola per Ringo/ A Pistol for Ringo/林哥的枪 |

电影导演 Duccio Tessari |
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Eine Pistole für Ringo Austria / West Germany
Una pistola para Ringo Argentina (DVD title) / Spain
A Gun for Ringo Thailand (DVD title) (English title)
A Pistol for Ringo UK
Ballad of Death Valley USA
En pistol f?r Ringo Sweden
Ena pistoli gia ton Ringo Greece (transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)
O Sartana stin kolasi ton aeton Greece (reissue title)
Ringo - tappaja Finland
Ringo: The Killer International (English title)
Uma Pistola para Ringo Portugal
Un pistolet pour Ringo France |
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
本站旧版电影网页 无 |
本站旧版音乐网页 |
剧情 In a border town the famous gunslinger Ringo kills four people out of self defense but is arrested nevertheless. Meanwhile a gang of Mexicans cross the border and rob the local bank. Their leader is wounded when they try to escape and therefore the bandits take refuge on a nearby ranch, taking the occupants hostage. The sheriff is reluctant to take action because his fiancée is among the hostages. The only one who can help him now is Ringo, who is set free and asked to infiltrate the gang ...... |
备注 ChiMai显示从1965-2008的35个有关版本中这组原声音乐共有17首乐曲. 其中含其乐曲最多的是一个意大利2004年发行的混合版本CD GDM 2044(见左上图),共含此电影的14首乐曲.本站目前收藏的是一个英国2003年的BMG Camden 82876511372 版本(见右图),仅有其中的10首.其它暂缺待补.(2012.2.10 笔者注,所缺的011-014今日已补齐) |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Angel face (Main titles) (02:18) |
天使脸(主标题) |
002 |
Honky tonky (00:42) |
白鬼 |
003 |
Grotesque suspense/(Suspense Grottesca)
(01:41) |
怪诞悬念 |
004 |
The clash/(Lo Scontro) (01:24) |
冲突 |
005 |
Hesitating rag/(Rag Sospeso)
(01:35) |
犹豫的戏弄 |
006 |
Messico eroico (01:33) |
墨西哥英雄 |
007 |
Una pistola per Ringo/A Pistol For Ringo (02:19) |
林哥的枪 |
008 |
Bamba bambina (01:35) |
班巴女孩 |
009 |
The slaughter/(La Strage)
(01:58) |
屠杀 |
010 |
The wait /(L'attessa)(02:36) |
等待 |
011 |
The clash 2 (01:30) |
冲突 2 |
012 |
Hesitating rag 2 (01:13) |
犹豫的戏弄 2 |
013 |
Messico eroico 2 (01:00) |
墨西哥英雄 2 |
014 |
Angel face (End titles) (01:30) |
天使脸(终了标题) |
NA6518 Un Uomo a metà/Almost a Man (直译: 半个男人) |

电影导演 Vittorio De Seta |
电影配乐 Ennio Morricone |
电影别名 Almost a Man (undefined)
Half a Man (undefined)
Un homme à moitié France |
相关电影网页 01, 02, 03, 04 |
相关音乐网页 01, 02, 03, 04, 05 |
本站旧版电影网页 无 |
本站旧版音乐网页 暂缺 |
剧情(意文) Michele, un uomo ancora giovane, vaga per i boschi, incontra la gente felice, uomini e donne che si capiscono, si desiderano e si amano: questo a lui non. accade più. Il suo vagabondare ambiguo gli attira i sospetti e le persecuzioni; poi lo sterile interessamento dell'amico Ugo, che lo porta in clinica, dove viene sottoposto a cure energiche, ma senza alcun risultato. Michele, chiuso nei ricordi, tradito da Elena suo ultimo amore, ritorna con la mente al passato nel quale forse sta il segreto del suo vuoto attuale. Rivede così nella fantasia, la fanciullezza infelice e soffre nuovamente dell'incomprensione della madre, austera ed egoista, della prepotenza giovanile del fratello. Rammenta la propria inettitudine verso Marina, che sotto i suoi occhi si concede a suo fratello. Ricorda il corpo inanimato dello stesso dopo l'incidente motociclistico che gli è costato la vita. L'ultima immagine che vive nella sua fantasia sembra finalmente dargli un po' di luce e un motivo di speranza. |
备注 这部电影似乎没有单独的专辑,大都和莫里康内的其它作品合并出版.在soundtrack中的几个合辑中,它是和Prima Della Rivoluzione/革命前夕,Teorema/定理等电影合为一辑.从ChiMai的资料看,在从1966年到2008年的8个合辑中它共有8首乐曲,而其中一个名为"Requiem per un destino"(命运安魂曲)标题的音乐占了5首(6:05+5:22+2:00+2:38+3:10=19:15);另一个"Accettare, comprendere, questo il senso, il segreto" (接受,理解,感觉,秘密)标题则占了3首(2:34+1:04+1:12=4:50). 在1970和1997年意大利发行的两个合辑 中则是把这5首"Requiem per un destino"(命运安魂曲)综合成为了一个曲子,全长23',这也是本站收藏的一首长乐曲(23:05)是一致的(曲间隔断时间可能不同);本站收藏的另一首"Accettare, comprendere, questo il senso, il segreto"时长为3'41",和上述的4'50"有些差别,可能少了一首.现一并提供在下面. |
序号 |
原曲名 |
Mp3收听 |
001 |
Requiem per un destino (23"05") |
命运安魂曲 |
002 |
Accettare, comprendere, questo il senso, il segreto (03:41) |
接受,理解,感觉,秘密 |
2011.2 |