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1995-1997 莫里康内配乐电影概览 (手机版)
A basic view for 1995-1997 film composed by Ennio Morricone (Mobile edition)
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All films (videos) are provided in Reading Resource Library A or reading resource Library B. Welcome using
电影及导演  Name and Director
NA-9501  Con rabbia e con amore (Alfredo Angeli) / 爱恨交织
Stars Francesco Bonelli
Raffaela Formicola
Claudia Alessandra Marcello
Country Italy
Runtime Argentine:100 min
Date 1997 Italy
Con rabbia e con amore (Alfredo Angeli) (直译 坚强的爱)

A highly charged love-story between a young man and an eighteen-year-old girl.(Here)

(Italian) Un ragazzo e una ragazza si sono appena conosciuti e già un proiettile vagante colpisce la giovane, che entra in coma profondo. Il ragazzo decide di dedicarsi al tentativo di recuperarla. Angeli torna dietro la macchina da presa dopo vent'anni di assenza.(Here)

Claudio e Francesca si incontrano a una fermata di autobus. Lui è un po' picchiato, lei tutta minuta e gentile. Si conoscono in una lunga passeggiata, e forse si innamorano l'uno dell'altra. Ma sulla loro fresca ingenuità incombe un'ombra nera: durante uno scontro a fuoco a seguito di una rapina, Francesca viene colpita da un proiettile vagante. Cadrà in coma; seguiranno gli amorevoli tentativi di Claudio e famiglia per farla risvegliare. (Here)

Ad una fermata d'autobus si incontrano Francesca, diciottenne che sta collaborando ad uno studio veterinario e Claudio, studente universitario. I due cominciano a camminare insieme e parlano di molte cose. Arrivano al posto di lavoro di Claudia, e si salutano, promettendo di rivedersi, quando all'improvviso sul marciapiede passa una moto a tutta velocità e vengono sparati alcuni colpi di pistola. Grande panico, fuga dei presenti, urla di disperazione: Francesca rimane per terra, colpita da un proiettile, e viene portata all'ospedale in coma. Per Claudio comincia un periodo difficile e confuso. Si sente in parte colpevole di non aver trattenuto Francesca ed ora passa quasi ogni giorno davanti alla stanza dove la ragazza lotta con la morte. E' una situazione che cambia del tutto la sua vita e quella di chi gli sta attorno: la sua ragazza Michela, trascurata e adirata, i genitori Piero e Sandra che vivono un momento delicato della loro vita coniugale, il nonno Leone, ancora attivissimo e dedito con un amico a recuperare attraverso immagini cinematografiche la storia dell'Italia del secondo dopoguerra. La carica di affetto e di amore che Claudio mette nei suoi soliloqui con Francesca ottiene infine l'effetto di far tornare la ragazza alla vita. (Here)

本站简译: 这是一个感人至深的爱情故事.两个年轻的大学生克劳迪奥和十八岁的女孩弗朗西斯卡在一次公交车站的偶遇后相爱.在路遇的一次抢劫枪战中,弗朗西斯不幸被流弹击中并陷入深度昏迷之中...
Stars Sergio Castellitto
Tiziana Lodato
Franco Scaldati
Country Italy
Runtime 113 min
Date 27 mars 1996 (France)
L'uomo delle stelle /The Star Maker (Giuseppe Tornatore)/ 新天堂星探

"Dottore" Joe Moretti travels round Sicily doing screen tests for the big Roman studios. He's a conman and takes money or favours for his efforts. Beata, a young illiterate convent girl desperately wants to change her life and falls for him, belatedly he realises his feelings for her. Their love affair is doomed when he's arrested. Written by David Morgans {in2023@wlv.ac.uk}

The adventures and deceptions of a photographer who travels through the small villages of Sicily pretending that he is working for the big film studios in Rome. Written by Volker Boehm (See here)


更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site
NA-9503 L'uomo proiettile (Silvano Agosti) / 人炮
Stars Paola Agosti
Dario Ballantini
Giulia Boschi
Country Italy
Runtime 105 min
L'uomo proiettile (Silvano Agosti) (直译 人炮)

Set within the free-spirited world of a traveling circus, a human cannonball reflects upon his life in this Italian drama that was written, directed, produced, and filmed by auteur Silvano Agosti who based the film upon his book L'uomo proiettile. The reminiscences of the performer subtly drive home the idealistic view that the pursuit of artistic freedom is more humanizing than the pursuit for material wealth. Cannonball loves his work which only requires he spend one hour per day climbing into an enormous silver circus cannon and being fired into space by a lovely young woman. Eventually the fellow and the girl embark upon a passionate affair. Unfortunately, it doesn't last and she moves on. The Human Cannonball is devastated and becomes quite jealous. He tries hard to overcome his heartbreak and go on with his life.(Here)

(Italian) Per sopravvivere – e lavorare soltanto due giorni alla settimana – uno strano tipo (B. Wolkowitch) fa l'uomo proiettile in un circo dove vive anche una storia d'amore con la sua assistente (P. Agosti) che, però, lo tradisce. Lui ne soffre. Sfilano gli altri: la donna barbuta (G. Boschi), la trapezista, il fachiro, un clown-donna vestito da prete. Apologo (un po' lugubre) filosofico-didattico-circense con 2 tesi (il lavoro, com'è inteso oggi, fa male; la gelosia è il livello infimo del sentimento) e un omaggio a Méliès. Confuso, pesante, velleitario. Il circo è il Togni. (Here)

Dopo aver fatto i più svariati mestieri per sopravvivere, uno strano individuo ha scelto di fare l'uomo proiettile in un circo, dove si trova finalmente a suo agio, lavorando solo due giorni alla settimana. Oltre tutto ama la sua graziosa assistente, Ewelyn. Nel circo si aggirano i soliti curiosi personaggi: la donna barbuta, la trapezista Ester, il fachiro Omar cui è cresciuta una pianticella nel palmo della mano, l'uomo selvaggio, il ventriloquo col suo barboncino parlante. Frattanto la domatrice di elefanti è morta e i compagni la piangono mentre il Mago suona mesto il clarinetto, e lievita, e un clown vestito da diacono scuote un enorme bussolotto delle elemosine ed ha moneta fin nel cappello. Poi il clown Marcus tiene una conferenza, con immagini di film noti, sulle dittature, le guerre, le ingiustizie e le torture. Improvvisamente l'uomo proiettile scopre che Ewelyn non è più serena e soddisfatta come un tempo: lei ammette di tradirlo col vicino di casa e lui ha una crisi esistenziale. Tenta un bilancio della sua vita: ricorda l'infanzia, la scuola, le punizioni della maestra, i primi turbamenti di fronte alla donna. Vagando per il circo si chiede come amare senza soffrire la gelosia. Un party tra omosessuali lo lascia indifferente. Chiuso nel suo cannone, ripensa ai momenti più belli con Ewelyn. Poi costei, rientrata in casa, gli annuncia il black-out dello spettacolo, ma lui propone di farlo lo stesso, a lume di candela.(Here)

本站简译: 依维林为了生活加入一个流动马戏团.他的工作就是每周参加两次巡廻演出,充当马戏团的一个银白色大炮的炮弹,由一个可爱的女孩把他发射出去成为空中飞人.伊维林和女孩开始相爱,不幸的是女孩不久又移情别恋.伊维林变得相当沮丧.他必须努力克服自己的悲伤回到现实生活....
Stars Patricia Millardet
Ennio Fantastichini
Florinda Bolkan
Country Italie | Autriche | France | Allemagne
Runtime 627 min (6 parts)
Date 4 mars 1995 (Italie)
La piovra 7 - Indagine sulla morte del commissario Cattani- tv series /'The Octopus 7' (Luigi Perelli) / 出生入死7  

Synopsis La Piovra 7 - Indagine sulla morte del comissario Cattani, La (mini)(1995)

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD! Episode 1 - RETURN TO SICILY - is the coming back of several characters to the little town where, years ago, the police commissary Cattani was set up and murdered by the Mafia. Rosario Granchio is transferred to the local prison against his will, tries to reach the prosecutor magistrate Silvia Conti but is killed due to the poor protection offered by an inexperienced deputy commissary Breda and an inept inspector Livotti. Silvia fails to get information from Rosario's daughter, Sara, who prefers to confide what she knows about his father's dangerous liaisons to Antonio Ragusa, a young thug. He aims at destroying the ascending Mafioso, Nuzzio, but is soon disposed of by the ruthless Nuzzio. Sara decides to punish the lecherous boss by killing his lover, but in the doing, she accidentally kills Nuzzio's natural son. Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg, Russia, Saverio is working underground in cahoots with Marcella, a banker's assistant, to discover a strange Mafia money laundering project. Episode 2 - THE BARROTTI GANG - Sara and Biagio, her brother, create an extortion gang, named after the village's suburbs where they live. They are taking the ?business? out of Nuzzio's hands. Don Aragonese forbids Nuzzio to take vengeance against Sara, but Nuzzio's friend, now a widower and a grieving father, tries to take revenge on Sara. By mere chance, a career promotion takes Silvia Monti off the Mafia's trail, and an overconfident commissary Breda blunders the case against a top Mafioso. Meanwhile in Russia, Saverio's long and discreet digging brings results: now he knows who is sending the Mafia's treasure in bank notes through what cargo ship to what numbered bank account and where. He knows enough, and can now return to Sicily for his vengeance against his former Mafiosi friends. Behind him, he leaves a broken-hearted wife, and his mistress

Episode 3 - LOOK-OUT FOR SAVERIO - Saverio comes home to reunite with Nuzzio against the higher powers of the Mafia, but these are alert and after him, after torturing his mistress in St. Petersburg. Also after him, is his wife, still under the protection of Oleg, Saverio's bodyguard. Silvia Conti enlists the help of a computer wizard with a past, and a pirate radio reporter who is a revolted young man, son of an old industrialist who married the sexy countess Olga Camastra who ordered the killing of Cattani, after failing to stop him by using her personal charms. The ghost of that cop killing, and the countess's escape from justice for lack of evidence years ago, is even more presence after a sort of re-enactment of the murder, now with commissary Breda and his wife as targets. This time, Silvia Conti gets a confession from Olga's husband - but he suffers an heart attack, and is killed in the hospital by a Mafia paid doctor. Episode 4 - THE INQUEST - The local television channel, owned by Olga Camastra, puts the blame of her husband's death on Silvia Conti's harsh interrogation of the old man. Saverio's ascension to power seems unstoppable: he masters over Nuzzio with his superior intelligence, and helps him escape an ambush; the Barrotti gang is massacred by Nuzzio's men; and he breaks and enters into the countess's palace, frightening her, and demanding the names' list. The countess plays for time, and decides to print and keep a list of all the Mafiosi names and account numbers for her own protection, while deleting them all from her computer. The password is a Latin motto, Salus Nostra Extrema Thule (literally, the northernmost-isle is our salvation, Ultima Thule being an ancient word for the most far-away inhabited land by humans known to the Greek culture). Olga owns that medallion of the ?Thule Academy?, similar to the one Saverio gave his wife as something that would be her best protection. After laboratory expertise on the remains of three human bodies are complete, Silvia Conti knows the identity of three of the six men who killed her former lover, Cattani. Since another was Rosario Granchio, recently killed, only two remain - those not yet crossed in a photo Saverio kept, of six boys: one is himself, the other is Nuzzio. Olga arrests the countess for interrogation, but she refuses the questioning, claiming that they were rivals in love once, for Cattani, and the chief prosecutor puts Silvia off the case. By accident, Camastra's son-in-law discovers the secret cache where she had hidden the Thule's list, and Cattani's broken wrist-watch. Going against the rules, Silvia Conti forces a meeting with Olga Camastra in prison, and confronts her alone, showing her the wrist-watch - thus implying she owns the names' list, too. Olga breaks, and starts her confession. Before she is taken to court, the Thule's leaders, made powerful by their police informers, has her killed. Episode 5 - THE KILLING ATTEMPT - Silvia is blamed for another strange death, the young commissary Breda is sent away to his hometown far north - something he had requested before he was into this case - and their only witness, Sara, is pressed by a police inspector and the new prosecutor to deny her earlier testimony. Yet, Sara's conscience leads her to a drastic solution: she does her confession to a music tape recorder borrowed to her by Breda, and kills herself in prison before the new trial hearing. The corrupt inspector cleans up her cell, and gets hold of the compromising tape. However, Silvia confronts the corrupt chief prosecutor with what she knows, and he breaks into a full confession. Outside the magistrate's villa, there are Mafiosi in watch, and a new killing attempt on the courageous woman magistrate and her aids is being prepared. Episode 6 - THE SENTENCE - The killing attempt worked almost to perfection, and more blood runs in the streets. Silvia Conti's life is spared due to the intervention of Oleg, Saverio's bodyguard, who decided against Nuzzio's opinion that she would be more valuable to them alive. Stefano Mura, the computer wizard is killed by the corrupt inspector Livotti. Olga Camastra's son-in-law almost dies when the Mafia sets a bomb in the factory where he was alone, working overnight in his father's double accounts, to expose the Mafia's money laundering schemes using his companies. The workers and the village shopkeepers unite under the guidance of the schoolteacher, and a demonstration is set to the day of the funerals of the repentant magistrate and Stefano's. Chiari who was now very fond of Stefano Mura, is devastated by his death, but is able to finish his computer puzzle by replacing the missing letters in the password with the letters she saw on the medallion her husband had given her. The day of the funeral is long in events, from a bomb in the church's crypt, a last-minute intervention by commissary Breda, a confession from a repentant corrupt member of Parliament, a truck chase, and a shoot-out between Nuzzio's men and the police. Silvia Conti manages to bring the all-powerful Professor Piemonte to court. Even before he is sentenced, though, a car travels north to Tano Cariddi's mountainous hide-out. Piemonte's young protégé shows Cariddi the Thule medallion and, according to his instructions, buries a small box with the floppy-disks that contain the secret history of the last thirty years of the affairs between company owners, Mafiosi and the secret society. One day, they will be revived. Written by Artemis-9 (Here)

出生入死第7部--——警长死亡调查 出生入死——警长死亡调查 央视国际 2003年08月13日 17:05






  第六集:黑手党头目努佐带人打死了检察长奥里奥内和斯特凡诺,并劫持了法官西尔维亚,达尼埃莱在电视上痛斥黑手党的暴行,号召人们与黑手党作斗争。布雷达警长拿到了黑手党的名单,其中有政界人物,企业家和金融家,其头领是科林托,布雷达将名单交给议员蒙特维尔,请他在斯特凡诺的葬礼上向公众揭露黑手党,努佐指示手下人在举行葬礼的教学放置炸弹,企图制造恐怖惨剧,布雷达及时发现了这一阴谋,制止了悲剧的发生。努佐以西尔维亚作为人质携巨款逃跑,布雷达带领警员将其拦截击毙,救出了西尔维亚法官。 (这里)

编者注: 2020年起本站已为爱好者提供全部中文字幕1-10集“出生入死”视频资源,详情请见这里

Editor's note: from 2020, this website has provided all "La Piova" video resources with English subtitles, please see here
NA-9505  Pasolini, un delitto italiano / Who Killed Pasolini? (Marco Tullio Giordana/ 帕索里尼,一件意大利罪案 / 谁杀了帕索里尼
Stars Carlo DeFilippi
Nicoletta Braschi
Toni Bertorelli
Country Italie | France
Runtime UK:100 min | USA:100 min
Date 1 novembre 1995 (France)
Pasolini, un delitto italiano/Who Killed Pasolini? (Marco Tullio Giordana) (直译 帕索里尼,一件意大利罪案/谁杀了帕索里尼)

Pier Paolo Pasolini was a beloved Italian filmmaker, poet and novelist whose murder in 1975 threw the whole nation into shock. This drama attempts to document the killing and the aftermath while exploring the true motives for the killing. The film opens as the police are in hot pursuit of a car racing along the waterfront of Ostia. At the end of the chase they end up arresting one Pino Pelosi, a male prostitute who confesses to bludgeoning the director to death and running him over with a car.

The initial evidence goes along with Pelosi's story. Intermingled with the drama is actual police and press footage of the murder scene, the trial and other related events. As the court goes to trial, it soon becomes apparent that Pelosi is not telling the whole truth.

Despite the findings of the media, the police and the lawyers seem to be in an inordinate hurry to close the case and dismiss it as yet another gay killing. Although the film avoids making elaborate postulations about the whole truth of the killing, it does not deny the fact that Pelosi did not act alone. Unfortunately, though Pelosi was imprisoned for his crime, he refused to reveal the identities of the others involved.(Here)

It's the story of the murder of a poet, a man, a great film director: Pier Paolo Pasolini. The story begin with the arrest of "Pelosi", a young man then accused of the murder of the poet. All the investigation about the crime is about the question: "Was ONLY the "Pelosi" to kill Pasolini?" The help of a Policeman, Trepalle put in evidence a trouble: Was Pasolini killed because of his accuses to some politicians? (imdb

(Italian) Pasolini, un delitto italiano è un film molto intenso sull'assassinio di Pier Paolo Pasolini e sulle vicende giudiziarie successive. Ciò che caratterizza il film è l'intento di riattivare i dubbi sulla ricostruzione dell'episodio mortale per il poeta: non un solo omicida ma più persone. C'è grande tensione, ma senza che questa scada in facile emozione. Non vi è nulla di retorico. Per alcuni il film agisce da riattivatore di ricordi precisi: le letture del Pasolini corsaro, la sua profondissima polemica anticonsumistica. Nei più giovani suscita attenzione verso un grande protagonista della cultura del Novecento. Molti sono i passaggi in cui Pasolini stesso legge brani dalle sue opere: il film si chiude proprio con uno stralcio da La Guinea. (Here)

本站简译: 皮埃尔 保罗 帕索里尼是一个著名的意大利电影制片人,诗人和小说家.他在1975年被谋杀,事件引起意大利全国震惊.这部电视剧试图探索真实的谋杀动机.影片开头,警察在追击一辆沿奥斯蒂亚海滨飞奔的赛车,并最终逮捕了一个男妓皮诺 佩洛西.他承认是他用大棒杀死了帕索里尼.随着佩洛西的陈述,伴随着警方,新闻媒体,审讯,和其它事件的许多场景,都显示出佩洛西并没讲出全部的真相.不顾媒体的许多发现和疑点,警方和律师似乎都急于了结此案.虽然影片避免对谋杀的真相作出判断,但它不否认这样一个事实,即作案者不是佩洛西单独一人.不幸的是,尽管佩洛西为他的罪行而被判监禁,但他始终拒绝透露其他涉案人的身份.

有关帕索里尼的重要作品及其生平请见本站有关网页 010203040506
NA-9506  Sostiene Pereira / According to Pereira (Roberto Faenza) / 佩雷拉先生如是说
Stars Marcello Mastroianni
Joaquim de Almeida
Daniel Auteuil
Country Italie | France | Portugal
Runtime Italie:104 min
Date 3 juillet 1996 (France)
Sostiene Pereira/According to Pereira (Roberto Faenza) / 佩雷拉先生如是说

Portugal 1938. Pereira is the editor of the culture section of the Lisboa, an unaffiliated evening paper. There is civil war in Spain and the fascists are in power in Portugal, but he concerns himself only with his work (writing biographies of famous writers and translating French novels) and ignores what is going on around him. He hires Monteiro Rossi, an idealistic young man in love with a beautiful communist, as an assistant. He reluctantly helps them when they begin to get into trouble due to subversive activities. Eventually events force him to take a stand (Here)

本站简译: 在1938年的葡萄牙,佩雷拉是一家无党派晚报文化版的编辑.虽然葡萄牙是法西斯政权和西班牙发生内战,但他只关心他自己的工作.他正在编写有关著名作家的传记和翻译法国的小说,而不顾在他周围所发生的事.他雇用了一个空想主义的青年人蒙泰罗 罗西作自己的助手,这个年青人正在和一个美丽的共产党人谈恋爱.在他们由于从事破坏活动而遇到麻烦的时侯,他不得不去帮助他们.这些事件最后迫使他不得不表明自己的立场
电影及导演 Name and Director
NA-9601  I magi randagi / We free kings/ (Sergio Citti/ 流浪贤士
Stars Silvio Orlando
Patrick Bauchau
Rolf Zacher
Country Italy | France | Germany
Runtime 130 min
Date 20 décembre 1996 (Italie)
I magi randagi / We free kings/ (Sergio Citti) (直译 流浪贤士)

Three tumblers wander throughout Italy with their show. A priest asks them to perform the Three Kings in a Nativity play, in a village where there are no children. That night a comet runs across the sky, so the three decide to follow it to search for the new Messiah.(Here)

本站简译: 三个杂技演员在意大利漫游并演出.一个神父请他们在一个没有孩子的乡村的基督教节日演出中扮演三个国王.那天晚上,一颗慧星跨过天空,三个人决定跟随它去寻找新的弥赛亚
NA-9602  La lupa / She-Wolf (Gabriele Lavia) / 女人本色
Stars Silvio Orlando
Patrick Bauchau
Rolf Zacher
Country Italie | France | Allemagne
Runtime 130 min
Date 20 décembre 1996 (Italie)
La lupa/She-Wolf (Gabriele Lavia) / 女人本色

La lupa/She-Wolf The title creature is not a canine but rather a passionate, strong-willed Sicilian woman who turns her home village on its ear with her constant battles against sexual repression. This sensual Italian drama chronicles some of La Lupa's seductive hunts. Her prey includes a strapping young buck just home from the military and the town priest (Here)

Gna' Pina in paese la chiamavano "La lupa" perché sembrava non essere mai sazia di nulla. Le donne, quando la vedevano la scansavano, mentre tutti gli uomini ne erano ossessionati. Maricchia, una ragazza poco più che adolescente, soffriva la solitudine e l'isolamento per essere la figlia della "Lupa". Così in paese nessuno osava avvicinarsi a lei. Un giorno la "La lupa" si innamora perdutamente del giovane Nanni, che le confessa di preferirle Maricchia, perché giovane e vergine. Pur di stare vicino a lui la donna acconsente alle nozze di Nanni con Maricchia.(Here)

Era alta, scura e sottile, con il busto fiero e voluttuoso, anche se non era pi?1 giovane. Aveva il pallore di chi soffre di malaria e in quell'inquietante pallore brillavano due grandi occhi neri e labbra che promettevano gioie, ma inducevano a sofferenze e disgrazie. In paese la chiamavano "La lupa" poich?¨ sembrava non essere mai sazia di nulla. Le donne si scansavano quando lei passava, solitaria come un cane bastardo, con quel fare inquieto e sornione proprio come una lupa affamata. Sebbene fosse considerata una maledizione per tutto il paese, tutti gli uomini ne erano ossessionati e forse avrebbero savrificato la loro serenit? familiare anche soltanto per un suo sguardo. Ma un giorno la Lupa si innamor?2 perdutamente del giovane Nanni.(Here)

本站简译: "狼"(意文 "Lupa")这个标题不是指动物的狼,而是一个充满激情,意志坚强的西西里女子.她对家乡给她的性压抑给于坚定的抗击.这个感性的意大利电影记述了芦帕诱人的寻猎故事.村里的妇女看到她时都避之三舍,而所有的男人都为她痴迷.她的猎物,包括一个刚刚从部队返乡的魁梧年轻的"雄鹿",还有乡村的牧师.....

NA-9603  La sindrome di Stendhal / The Stendhal Syndrome (Dario Argento/ 司汤达综合症
Stars Asia Argento
Thomas Kretschmann
Marco Leonardi
Country Italie
Runtime 120 min | Argentine:114 min | USA:113 min
Date 26 janvier 1996 (Italie)
La sindrome di Stendhal/The Stendhal Syndrome (Dario Argento) (直译 司汤达综合症)

A young policewoman slowly goes insane while tracking down an elusive serial rapist/killer through Italy when she herself becomes a victim of the brutal man's obsession.

Anna Manni is a policewoman trying to capture a vicious serial rapist and killer. The problem is that she suffers from "Stendhal's syndrome", a psychosomatic disease that gives her dizziness and hallucinations when she is exposed to the sight of paintings and artistic masterpieces. When the maniac lures her into a trap inside Florence's famous Uffizi museum, her troubles are just beginning... (Here)

本站简译: 安娜 曼妮是一名女警察,她正在捕捉一个难以捉摸的恶性连环强奸案的一个杀手。问题是她患有“司汤达综合症”.当她的视线接触到绘画和艺术杰作时,这种心理疾病会使她头晕和产生幻觉.当她被杀手引诱到佛罗伦萨著名的乌菲齐博物馆时,她的麻烦开始了.....

Stars Jeremy Irons
Melanie Griffith
Frank Langella
Country USA | France
Runtime 137 min
Date 14 janvier 1998 (France)
Lolita (Adrian Lyne) / 洛丽塔/一树梨花压海棠

Humbert Humbert, a British professor coming to the US to teach, rents a room in Charlotte Haze's house, but only after he sees her 14-year-old daughter, Dolores (Lolita), to whom he is immediately attracted. Though he hates the mother, he marries her as this is the only way to be close to the girl, who will prove to be too mature for her age. They start a journey together, trying to hide they're not just (step)father and daughter, throughout the country, being followed by someone whom Humbert first suspects to be from the police. The profound jealousy, and maybe some guilt from the forbidden love, seem slowly to drive the man emotionally labile. (Here)


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NA-9605  Ninfa plebea / The Nymph (Lina Wertmuller) / 平民天仙 / 情真意浓
Stars Stefania Sandrelli
Raoul Bova
Lucia Cara
Country Italie
Runtime 110 min
Date 12 avril 1996 (Italie)
Ninfa plebea/The Nymph (Lina Wertmuller)/平民天仙/情真意浓
  A ripe 19-year-old virgin fights to keep her virtue and retain her free-spirited ways during WW II. Set in an ancient, remote Neapolitan village, Miluzza is the lovely pubescent daughter of the glorious Nunziata, a nymphomaniac who is surprisingly ... (Here)
NA-9606  Nostromo - TV series - (Alastar Reid) / 诺斯托罗莫
Stars Claudio Amendola
Paul Brooke
Lothaire Bluteau
Country Allemagne | Italie | Espagne | UK | USA
Date 5 janvier 1997 (Italie)
Nostromo - tv series - (Alastar Reid) (直译 诺斯托罗莫)

Nostromo is a 1904 novel by Polish-born British novelist Joseph Conrad, set in the fictitious South American republic of "Costaguana." It was originally published serially in two volumes of T.P.'s Weekly.

In 1998, the Modern Library ranked Nostromo 47th on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century. F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "I'd rather have written Nostromo than any other novel."(Here)

Filmed on location in Colombia, the four-part British miniseries Nostromo was based on the 1904 Joseph Conrad novel of the same name. Relocating to the fictional South American country of Costaguana, 19th century British aristocrat Charles Gould (Colin Firth) was determined to revive the old San Toma silver mine established by his father. As Gould was swept up by events beyond his control, the story began to focus upon the mine's head stevedore Nostromo (Claudio Amendola), a mysterious, mystical man much admired and respected by his fellow natives. When a revolution broke out, Nostromo was entrusted with a large amount of Gould's precious silver. Would this responsibility culminate in the corruption of Nostromo -- or would he be "saved" through the intervention of Gould's wife, Emelia (Serena Scott-Thomas). Albert Finney stole the show as the mercurial Dr. Monygharm. Originally telecast by BBC2 in 1996, Nostromo aired in America the following year.(Here)

本站简译: 这一部在哥伦比亚拍摄的英国四集电视连续剧基于波兰出生的英国小说家约瑟夫 康拉德在1904年发表的小说“Costaguana". 故事发生在一个虚构的南美共和国.在19世纪,一个英国贵族查尔斯 古尔德搬迁到一个虚构的南美国家Costaguana. 他决心要重振由他的父亲开创的老圣托马银矿.故事集中在这个银矿装卸工头领诺斯特罗莫身上.他是一个非常神秘的人物,他的土著伙伴对他非常崇拜和敬重.在革命发生时,古尔德把自己大量的金银财宝委托给诺斯特罗莫.这种委托会促使他堕落? 或是他将由于古尔德妻子的干预而被“拯救”.....

NA-9607  Vite strozzate / Strangled Lives (Ricky Tognazzi) /  扼杀一个诚实的人
Stars Vincent Lindon
Sabrina Ferilli
Luca Zingaretti
Country Italie | France | Belgique
Runtime 108 min
Date 3 juillet 1996 (France)
Vite strozzate/Strangled Lives (Ricky Tognazzi) / (直译 扼杀一个诚实的人)

Francesco is an active entrepreneur in the building industry. His firm is near to collapse if it won't win a deal to build a new school complex... (Here)

本站简译: 弗朗西斯科是一个建筑行业的企业家。但是他的公司将会崩溃,如果它不能赢得建立一个新学校综合工程的交易.....
电影及导演 (意/英/中) Name and Director (IT/CN)
Stars Sean Penn
Billy Bob Thornton
Abraham Benrubi
Country France | USA
Runtime 125 min
Date 14 janvier 1998 (France)
U-turn/U Turn - Inversione di marcia (Oliver Stone) / U形转弯/上错惊魂路/不准调头

When Bobby's car breaks down in the desert while on the run from some of the bookies who have already taken two of his fingers, he becomes trapped in the nearby small town where the people are stranger than anyone he's encountered. After becoming involved with a (unbeknownst to him) young married woman, her husband hires Bobby to kill her. Later, she hires Bobby to kill the husband.

A man running from a mysterious past is trapped in a small desert town after his car breaks down. Everybody in this town seems to have totally lost their mind and Bobby can't wait to leave. But there is a problem: Bobby doesn't have the money to get his car back. So when an aging man offers him money to kill his young wife Bobby seriously thinks about it. However the gorgeous young woman casts some kind of spell on him and she asks him to get rid of her husband. But this time, the stakes are much higher... (Here)

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