电影及导演 Name and Director
Frank Horrigan is a secret service agent who keeps thinking back to November 22, 1963, when, as a hand-picked agent by President Kennedy, he became one of the few agents to have lost a President to an assassin when Kennedy died. Now, former CIA assassin Mitch Leary is stalking the current President, who is running for re-election. Mitch has spent long hours studying Horrigan, and he taunts Horrigan, telling him of his plans to kill the President. Leary plans to kill the president because Leary feels betrayed by the government -- Leary was removed from the CIA, and the CIA is now trying to have him killed. After talking to Leary, Horrigan makes sure he is assigned to presidential protection duty, working with fellow secret service agent Lilly Raines. Horrigan has no intention of failing his President this time around, and he's more than willing to take a bullet. White House Chief of Staff Harry Sargent refuses to alter the President's itinerary...(Here) |
一名已届退休的联邦密探,早在肯尼迪遇刺时已担任保镖工作,但由于一刹那的犹豫使总统丧命。这在他的生命中留下了难以抹灭的阴影。另一边,一名职业杀手。曾为中情局卖命。被革职后心有不甘,要行刺现任总统以雪前耻。双方都是自命不凡而又潦倒的人,站在不同的火线上要作出生死决战........ |
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NA-9302 La Bibbia: Abramo - TV / The Bible: Abraham (Joseph Sargent) / 亚伯拉罕 |
The Old Testament story of Abraham and the trials he endures. Commanded by God to lead his family to the promised land of Canaan with the promise that if he does so, his descendants will become a great and numerous tribe. His obedience, as well as that of his children and grandchildren, is severely tested as they prove their faith to God. (Here) |
本站简译: 圣经旧约有关亚伯拉罕和考验他的耐力的故事.上帝要他带领他的家族去迦南.并允诺他如果他作了,他的子孙将成为一个人丁众多的伟大部落.他和他的子孙服从上帝的指令,并通过严格的考验以证明他们信仰上帝 |
有关圣经故事的莫里康内配乐电影目前已有9部之多,关于它们的详情请见此页 |
The movies composed by morricone about the holy bible have had 9 movies, their detail see here |
An honest Judge, with marriage problems, volunteers for a job, in a corrupt area of Sicily, the previous holder of this job having been assasinated along with his Escort. The new Judge, and his Escort (which now contains a friend of the previous Escort)attempt to discover whose palms were greased to allow a local 'Water Monopoly' to develop, while avoiding assaination attempts. Apparently based on true events !!! (Here) |
本片描写法官德.弗朗切斯科(卡洛.切基饰)奉命从瓦莱西来到西西里的特拉巴尼接替被杀害的同事的工作,有四位宪兵担任他的保镖,在工作中四个保镖从开始的不合作到后来一起经历了风风雨雨,以至于弗朗切斯科认为他们就是他唯一可信赖的人。本片叙述的正是那 些被国家召唤去从事保护如法官和政界人士的青年人,他们的生活经常处在一种异常紧张的状态中,由于众所周知的原因,这种情况在西西里更为突出。(这里) |
电影及导演 Name and Director
Onoff is a famous writer who hasn't published any new books for quite some time and has become a recluse. When he is picked up by the police one stormy night, without any identification, out of breath and running madly, without clear memory of recent events, the Inspector is suspicious. Through interrogatory dialectic, the head of this lonely, isolated, broken-down police station tries to establish what has happened, by delving into the mind of his writer-hero, and clearing up a mysterious killing. (Here) |
故事主要情节: 这是一部带有存在主义文学色彩的电影.故事是以一位著名作家奥诺夫死后的亡灵在雨夜旷野中被警察拘留,而后通过警长和作家对话,审讯的过程而逐步展开的.在这个过程中随着作家断断续续,前后不断矛盾的含混回忆,我们大致可以整理出一个作家个人历史的轮廓:作家自小在孤儿院长大,由于他的生日和天主教传说中的圣布莱斯是2月3日同一天,因而被取名布莱斯 菲伯路里(Blaise February, February即二月).在他成长的年代里,他遇到一个怪才,流浪汉弗宾.是弗宾为他取了一个好名子奥诺夫(Onoof,另一种意译为关开),并引导他成为一个作家和走上成名之路.他有过两次不幸的婚姻,没有子女.之后过着独身生活,中间也不乏一些浪漫..在出版了大量名著之后,他又花了三年時間破译了他的那位老友,已故的怪异流浪汉弗宾给他留下的九本密码式的笔记,并以"九界宫殿"的名字出版了这部小說.他認為這是自己的顛峰之作。在此后的六年里,他下决心从公众生活中引退,跟女友保拉在一个乡村农场里過著隱居式的生活,藝術家的特殊性格令他感覺自己进入了一种可怕的文思干涸期,他再也寫不出比這更好的作品,偶而寫一些什麼,第二天却又把它撕掉.他逐渐感到生活失去了意义.面对一片空白的稿纸,他感带一种恐惧.酒精成了他唯一的乐趣.他对警长是这样说的:"我鄙视我的灵魂,鄙视所有的我以前的作品.当我创作的时候,我就像在喝酒一样.我写作,只是为了不去喝酒..."最后,当保拉和一个他称之为难以忍受的朋友(Insufferable friends)希望他离开农场回家的时侯,他支走了她们,留下了遗书后开枪自尽 |
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With his company about to merge, a happily married and successful computer expert is expecting a promotion. Instead the job goes to a woman from another plant with whom he had an affair in his bachelor days. His new boss, not only dangerously sexy but equally dangerously ambitious, has climbed the corporate ladder by exerting undue influence on the CEO. She apparently tries to pick up where they left off but he just about manages to resist. This liaison is soon revealed to be part of her master plan to consolidate power and use Tom as a scapegoat to cover her technical misdeeds. As his position at work comes under increasing pressure he decides to file charges of sexual harassment. This is the last thing the company needs.(Here) |
汤姆是一家电脑公司制作部主管,并且即将成为副总裁。正当他踌躇满志,准备大干一场时,老板却委任漂亮能干的美迪当副总裁,而她恰恰又是汤姆十年前的情人。更糟的是,这位新上司旧情难忘,不管汤姆已有家小的事实,在自己的办公室里欲强迫汤姆与其好和。第二天汤姆被老板叫去,说美迪要把他对她进行性骚扰的事做内部处理,但汤姆必须调任。汤姆申辩事实正好相反,但是根本没有人相信女会戏男。就这样,汤姆只得动用法律手段。从周一到周五,汤姆在电脑上一个署名“朋友"的人支持下,历尽千辛万苦,终于迎来了决战的一天。(这里) |
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Sorry No information |
抱歉暂无资料 |
NA-9404 La notte e il momento / The Night and the Moment (Anna Marie Tato) / 那天晚上) |
A young marchioness who loves the way of free-thinking and flatterers invites an author into her house who pretends to seduce her... (Here) |
本站简译: 一个喜爱自由思考的年轻的侯爵夫人喜欢被人奉乘,她邀请一位作家到她的房间,这个作家假装勾引她... |
Ex-football star Mike Gambril meets Terry McKay on a flight to Sydney, which is forced to land on a small atoll. Both engaged to others, they become romantic on board the ship sent to take the 'plane passengers to a larger island. They agree to meet in New York three months later to see if the attraction is real. One shows up, the other doesn't, but they run into each other afterwards.(Here) |
编者注: 此片导演应为 Glenn Gordon Caron 而官网所注的导演Warren Beatty是主要演员,见IMDB资料 |
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NA-9406 Wolf - la belva è fuori / Wolf (Mike Nichols) / 狼人恋 / 狼人生死恋 |
Worn down and out of luck, aging publisher Will Randall is at the end of his rope when a younger co-worker snatches both his job and wife out from under his nose. But after being bit by a wolf, Will suddenly finds himself energized, more competitive than ever, and possessed with amazingly heightened senses. Meanwhile, the beautiful daughter of his shrewd boss begins to fall for him - without realizing that the man she's begun to love is gradually turning into the creature by which he was bit.(Here) |
2011.11.19 |