电影及导演 Name and Director
New York gangster Ben 'Bugsy' Siegel takes a brief business trip to Los Angeles. A sharp-dressing womaniser with a foul temper, Siegel doesn't hesitate to kill or maim anyone crossing him. In L.A. the life, the movies, and most of all strong-willed Virginia Hill detain him while his family wait back home. Then a trip to a run-down gambling joint at a spot in the desert known as Las Vegas gives him his big idea. (Here) |
取材自真人真事的黑帮英雄片。沃伦.贝蒂饰演美国梦的追逐者巴格西席格,他原是叱吒东岸的黑道杀手,在前往西岸洛杉矶开疆拓土之余,他看上了性感的女明星维琴妮亚.希尔,展开一段火药味浓厚的恋情。另一方面,他看上了拉斯维加斯一处牧牛的荒地,决定投入巨资把它建成美酒笙歌的豪华赌场。导演巴里.莱文森用浪漫的怀旧色彩来描述巴格西多彩多姿的枭雄生涯,卖力地把他塑造成一个多情的血性汉子。沃伦.贝蒂和安妮特.本宁因本片而假戏真做结成夫妇,合演的本.金斯利、哈维.基特尔、乔.曼蒂格纳尔等也有出色的表现。(这里) |
更多请见本站有关网页. More see the page in our site |
NA-9102 (9006) Crossing the Line / The Big Man (David Leland) / 跨线 / 大人物 |
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An unemployed Scottish miner (Liam Neeson) is forced into bare-knuckle boxing to make ends meet.(Here) |
本站简译: 一个失业的苏格兰矿工(利亚姆 尼森扮演)被迫成为一名赖以糊口度日的拳击手. |
Christine Sanders (Carol Alt), American millionairess and mother of the grandson of a fanatic Emir (Omar Sharif), hires mercenary Tom Burton (Rutger Hauer) to return her son after the Emir has him kidnapped. Against the advice of her lawyer (Elliott Gould) and her friend Sal (Brett Halsey), Christine accompanies Tom and endures a series of hardships such as a surprise attack and a sandstorm. Excellent musical score by Ennio Morricone.
克里丝丁的前夫马克莱的父亲是回教苏拉苏族领袖,他因想念孙子而被人绑架回中东。因事涉国际邦交及种族敏感问题,克里丝丁只能求助汤姆伯顿。汤姆是CIA的王牌特务,擅长武力突破,人质解救。汤姆带着伙伴乔装军火商混进塔富伺机救援,不料拉苏族内阴谋叛变··· |
更多请见本站有关网页. More see the page in our site |
Three very odd relationships provide the basis for this thought-provoking Italian anthology that is overseen by director Bernardo Bertolucci. The first tale, "The Blue Dog" centers on a barber who becomes the fixation of a mysteriously devoted dog with an unusual blue spot upon his head. In "Especially on Sunday," a traveler encounters a woman and a man beside a river and offers them a ride. The woman is quite the coquette and she chattily explains that she is visiting her companion, who suffers from a debilitating breakdown. They all stop for lunch and her friend begins telling them a disturbing, surreal tale. The third tale "Snow on the Fire," features a repentant woman who confesses a dark secret to the town priest. It seems the old woman has grown addicted to watching her son make passionate love to his new bride, who knows that she is watching and seems to enjoy it all the more. (Here)
(Italian) Film in 4 episodi tratti dalla raccolta di racconti Il polverone (1978) di Tonino Guerra. 1) “La domenica specialmente” di Bertolucci: una donna è desiderata da due uomini incapaci di amarla; 2) “La neve sul fuoco” di Giordana: anziana vedova spia la nuora complice mentre fa l'amore col figlio; 3) “Il cane blu” di Tornatore: un barbiere spara a un cagnetto brutto, sporco ma non cattivo; 4) “Le chiese di legno” di Barilli: la ricerca dell'amore nel caos estivo di una metropoli balneare. L'episodio più felice è il 2°, in bilico tra malinconia e sensualità; il più gradito al pubblico è quello ridondante di Tornatore; il più enigmatico e capzioso è di Bertolucci. Nell'insieme, seppur fangoso, il film ha una sua vitalità generosa in luci, umori e sapori. In alcune copie il 1° e il 3° episodio sono invertiti. (Here) |
本站简译: 电影基于托尼诺格拉/Tonino Guerra1978年的短片小说:" 尘埃的故事/racconti Il polverone". 分别由四位著名的导演执导四个发人深省的短片所组成.第一个短片由托纳托雷执导,标题为"兰狗".描写一位非常爱狗的理发师(由"天堂电影院"的放映师艾费多扮演)和一条在头上有不寻常的兰斑的狗之间互感互知的奇妙故事; 在"尤其是在礼拜日"中,一个旅行者在河边遇到了一个卖弄风情的女人和一个男人.他们共进午餐并听那个男人讲述一个令人不安的超现实的故事;第三个短片是"雪中的火".讲述一个女人向牧师忏悔她的秘密.她似乎沉迷于偷窥他儿子和他的新娘的房事,而这个新娘似乎知道这个秘密并从中得到更多的乐趣 |
NA-9105 La villa del venerdi / Husbands and Lovers (Mauro Bolognini) / 爱你恨你更想你 |
Stefan finds that he can no longer tolerate the arrangement of his cheating wife ... he, the husband, gets her during the week and her lover gets her on the weekends. At the same time the wife finds herself increasingly drawn to the violence of her lover versus the adoration of her husband.(Here) |
一对人人称赞的夫妻,史迪夫和艾莉娜向欲火挑战的故事。艾渴望能有个情人,史虽答应她,但条件是需将他们的恋情向他汇报,她的情人保罗,是名富裕且世故的人,他给予艾的是史没有的强烈肉欲,艾只与保共度周未,其余时间则在史的身边,然而经过一段时间后,保渐渐对史心生妒忌,愤而对艾施暴,凌虐她,强奸她…… 本片讲述一个特殊的三角恋:斯蒂芬和阿丽娜是一对反传统夫妇,他们约定不管是谁有外遇,必须向对方实话实说,所以当阿丽娜有了情人后,斯蒂芬要求她将偷情的所有细节如实招来。但随着性关系不断越界,每个人都开始失去自我控制。(这里) |
A young man whose father's fortune was stolen by his closest friends sets out to get revenge in this odyssey through the world's major financial centers.(Here)
GDM music presents for the first time on CD, complete and in full stereo, the OST by Ennio Morricone for film "Money" (aka “Intrigo in 9 mosse”) directed in 1991 by Steven Hilliard Stern and Eric Stoltz, Maryam d'Abo, Bruno Cremer, Mario Adorf, Anna Kanakis, F. Murray Abraham, Christopher Plummer, Bernard Fresson and Tomas Milian. Frank, a 21 year-old boy is trying to rescue his legacy, mysteriously disappeared. The young man shall travel around the world on the trail of those who have robbed him of million dollars, helped by a former firm of his father. At the end the young ‘ll get revenge . Of "Money" there are two versions: one for big screen and one for television. Most of the OST is repertoire music, but for this CD we have used only the original material composed for by Ennio Morricone. Issued using the master tapes in stereo, this CD’s opens with the "money theme" (Tr.1), reprised in Tr.11, a rhythmic motif between romantic and noir and with urban flavor , with electronic effects background, performed by the flugelhorn Oscar Valdambrini and strings in pure morricone style. Ennio Morricone alternates romantic music (Tr.2, Tr.4, Tr.5, Tr.6, Tr.10, Tr.13) and with comedy taste (Tr.3,Tr.8) and action (Tr.7, Tr.9, Tr.12). (Here) |
本站简译: 一个年轻男子父亲的财产被他的最亲密的朋友偷窃,他通过世界主要金融中心开始了他的复仇计划 |
A Roma, intorno a piazza di Spagna ruota la vita di diverse persone. Annabella è una giovane commessa che vorrebbe diventare una top model. Per sfondare nel mondo della moda ....(Here)
A Roma, intorno a piazza di Spagna ruota la vita di diverse persone. Annabella è una giovane commessa che vorrebbe diventare una top model. Per sfondare nel mondo della moda accetta l'aiuto di un fotografo. Una contessa, amante di un politico, tiene il suo "salotto" nelle vicinanze della piazza...(Here)
Breve serie tv con un'insolita Lorella Cuccarini in veste di attrice. Lei è una bella commessa di un negozio che sogna di sfondare come top model e, per farlo, si fa aiutare da persone più o meno amiche scontrandosi tuttavia con gli imbrogli e varie difficoltà che il feroce mondo dello spettacolo propone. Anticipatrice per certi versi della successiva serie della Rai Le ragazze di Piazza di Spagna, questa con la Cuccarini si segnala e si ricorda sostanzialmente per le innumerevoli scene sensuali che la bionda romana ci offrì. Discreto.(Here) |
本站简译: 这是一部由Florestano Vancinidao导演,莫里康内配乐的5集电视连续剧(在意大利,以西班牙广场命名的影视很多,请注意不要混淆).剧本描写在罗马著名的西班牙广场几个人年轻人的生活。安娜贝拉是一个年轻的店员,她希望自己成为一个超级名模,在一名摄影师的帮助下她进入了这个时尚界.不过,在这个复杂激荡的娱乐圈子里,她将面临更多的麻烦.... |
电影及导演 Name and Director
NA-9201 (9201) La città della gioia / City of Joy (Roland Joffe) / 欢乐之城 / 欢喜城 |
Hazari Pal lives in a small village in Bihar, India, with his dad, mom, wife, Kamla, daughter, Amrita, and two sons, Shambhu and Manooj. As the Pal are unable to repay the loan they had taken years ago from a moneylender, their land and property are auctioned, and they are rendered homeless. Hazari and his family re-locate to Calcutta with hopes of starting life anew, save some money and go back to Bihar, as well as get Amrita married. Things do not go as planned, as they lose their entire savings to a con-man, Gangooly, who took their money as rent by pretending to be a landlord. Then Hazari gets an opportunity to take up driving a rickshaw manually through a local godfather, Ghatak. He gets to meet a American, Dr. Max Lowe, and together they strike up a friendship along with a local social worker, Joan Bethel. Misunderstandings crop up between Joan and the Godfather, resulting in the shutting down of their shanty medical clinic... (Here) |
精彩视点: 这是一部探讨东西方文化如何互相交流、真实再现某一时期印度下层社会众生相的影片,由法国著名畅销书作家多米尼克 拉皮埃尔的小说改编而成。在这之前,多米尼克 拉皮埃尔与美国的柯丁斯合著的《圣雄甘地》一书,就以印度历史上的重要人物甘地为线索,截取了印度独立时期的一段历史,曾引起巨大反响。 当年曾以一部《人鬼情未了》打动了无数观众,创造了个人演艺高峰的美国演员帕特里克 斯韦兹在片中饰演一位代表西方文化思想的医生。全片在印度实地拍摄,因此景观具有强烈的异国风情.(这里) |
The seemingly endless chain of assassinations of judges who seek to end (or at least curtail) the pervasiveness of organized crime and deep corruption in Italian political life, is the topic of this political thriller. As the film opens, Carla (Carla Gravina) is the gynecologist wife of a judge (Jacques Perrin) who is determined to prosecute the country's gang lords with the help of an informant. His life is constantly under threat. Despite the pervasive presence of police bodyguards, the inevitable happens, and he and his informant are killed. Carla, infused with his mission and angry at his death, takes the notes he had hidden and contacts the widow of the informer. With that material, she produces a television documentary featuring the widows of assassinated judges. Of course, this puts her and many others in danger also. Despite this, it begins to appear that she has roused the women of the country to action.(Here)
Il Lungo Silenzio (The Long Silence) is an Italian political thriller set in the near future (as of the time of making in 1993), directed by Margarethe von Trotta, the German film-maker best known for The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum (1975) and Rosa Luxemburg (1986)..... .(Here) |
本站简译: 这是一部政治惊悚片.它的主题是意大利政治生活中极度的腐败和针对谋求正义的法官们的有组织的暗杀活动. 影片中卡拉是一个妇科医生,她是一位法官的妻子,他正在一位线人的帮助下决心起诉一伙腐败的议员.他的生活不断地受到威胁恐吓.尽管他受到警察的保护,但悲剧仍然发生,他和线人都被杀害.面对残酷的现实,卡拉愤怒地鼓起勇气,决心继续他丈夫是未竟使命...... |
NA-9203 Jona che visse nella balena / Look to the Sky (Roberto Faenza) / 面向天空 |
In this film, the holocaust is seen through the eyes of Jonah, an innocent young Jewish Child who is thrown from his life in Amsterdam when he is taken along with his parents to a Nazi camp. Here, he must remain hopeful and find the courage and determination to survive among the hunger and brutality of the camp, while his parents battle sickness and madness. (Here) |
本站简译: 在这部影片中,一个生活在阿姆斯特丹的无辜犹太儿童约那亲眼看到了大屠杀.他的父母被关进纳粹集中营,他必须忍受饥饿和面对集中营的残暴勇敢地生活下去..... |
In Episode 1, The Killing Attempt, police detective Davide Licata survives badly wounded, so much so that his personal and love life will be affected. In Episode 2, The Core, he is tempted by the General directing the Government's "nucleous of operations and investigations (NOI)", a secret service built to do the dirty anti-crime jobs that the police can't do. In Episode 3, The Man of the Letters, exposes the hideout of Tani Cariddi in deep Africa - and again, the retired detective and the retired criminal must come to grips with violent action in Europe. In Episode 4, The Trap, not one but several traps are set from both sides of the law. In Episode 5, Codename: West, a desperate chase is given by The Core and two countries magistrates to catch the new drug lords that are aiming at deluging drugs into Europe's Eastern countries from a former Nazi concentration camp in the West... (Here) |
出生入死——最后的秘密(1-6集) 央视国际 2003年08月05日 17:34
第二集: 大卫在非洲逮捕了塔诺押回意大利,司法部门负责人阿马代伊力图说服塔诺与警方合作,找到黑手党的新首领。塔诺供出与黑手掌勾结在非洲做非法交易的原政界人物萨林贝尼。利贝伊拉拉拢黑手党头目卡尔塔帮自己除掉对手勃雷诺。塔诺开始配合警方,与萨林贝尼接触,试图了解黑手党内幕。勃雷诺对塔诺有所警觉,派桑蒂诺去除掉塔诺。大卫要求塔诺开始利用巨大的家产与中东某国富商做毒品生意,同时他试图收买女律师玛蒂纳为他工作。桑蒂诺绑架塔诺的妹妹玛丽亚,威逼她说出塔诺藏在何处,警方查出了袭击玛丽亚的罪犯是桑蒂诺,检察长要求女法官西尔维亚除了调查桑蒂诺,还要调查黑手党头目利贝伊拉。
第三集: 警方找到了玛丽亚,玛丽亚遭到黑手党折磨后精神受到很大刺激,西尔维亚极力安慰她,塔诺因对黑手党的恐惧焦虑不安,大卫要求他为了玛丽亚与警方合作。检察院收到揭发利贝伊拉的匿名信,西尔维亚发现寄信人是黑手党头目艾斯皮诺萨的女儿依雷内。艾斯皮诺萨在女儿工作的资料馆藏了涉及黑手党内幕的秘密文件。艾斯皮诺萨命依雷内立即转移文件,在西尔维亚准备扣押这批文件时,得知消息的利贝伊拉也派卡尔塔去抢劫文件,杀死了依雷内。塔诺在警方安排下与萨林贝尼见面。勃雷诺派卡尔塔也参加见面监视萨林贝尼并了解塔诺的底细。塔诺利用自己掌握的情况蒙骗了萨林贝尼和卡尔塔。大卫继续寻找绑架尼娜小女儿的桑蒂诺,而尼娜终于向警方说出了摄影师贝里尼被杀的经过和自己的悲惨遭遇。她求大卫和西尔维亚一定要找到她的孩子。
第四集: 大卫在尼娜的住处仔细搜寻,想找到涉及黑手党秘密的照片底片,但一无所获,尼娜只发现家里少了一个玻璃球。黑手党头目萨林贝尼企图通过收买银行负责人进行巨额投机活动。司法长官阿马代伊安排塔诺去和萨林贝尼接触,并参与他们的活动。目的是了解黑手党的内幕,在与黑手党进行残酷斗争之余,法官西尔维亚盼望有一天能和大卫一起享受平静的生活和爱情,但大卫认为这是无法选择的,他决心和罪恶的黑手党斗争到底,黑手党头目指派卡尔塔杀死西尔维亚,大卫及时解救了西尔维亚,抓住了卡尔塔。
第五集: 西尔维亚和大卫在调查中发现被桑蒂诺打死的摄影师贝里尼在六个月前杀死了从布拉格考查回来的当代历史学教授乔万尼,他们还从乔万尼的母亲那儿得到了有关乔万尼生前在捷克研究二战时期集中营的重要资料。警方根据所掌握的线索分析,确认黑手党的活动转向了布拉格。大卫受命来到布拉格,与当地司法部门合作继续调查黑手党的秘密,塔诺也被派去与黑帮头目沃菲尔见面,了解到黑手党进行毒品买卖的重要情况,与此同时黑手党头目勃雷诺和利贝伊拉为争夺利益互相厮杀。大卫回到意大利后从被关押的黑手党头目卡尔塔口中得知劫持尼娜小女儿的桑蒂诺隐藏地点,大卫去抓捕他时,桑蒂诺开枪打伤了尼娜。
第六集: 无故事简介 (这里) |
编者注: 2020年起本站已为爱好者提供全部中文字幕1-10集“出生入死”视频资源,详情请见这里 our site |
Editor's note: from 2020, this website has provided all "La Piova" video resources with English subtitles, please see here |
A true history about the Italian brother Abbagnale became champion of world's rowing
Il film racconta le vicende dei fratelli Abbagnale che, partiti dal Sud e animati da una grande forza di volontà e da spirito di sacrificio, sono riusciti a diventare olimpionici di canottaggio e a collezionare vittorie su vittorie. XXXNERO La seconda parte va in onda domani alla stessa ora.XXXNERO (Here)
Giuliano e Angelo Amitrano sono fratelli e abitano a Castellamare di Stabia, un paese come tanti altri a ridosso di Napoli, in cui l'unico vero patrimonio culturale è il mare. Lo zio Vittorio, grande appassionato di canottaggio cerca di comunicare ai due nipote il suo grande amore per questo sport e fa di tutto per consentire loro di intraprendere l'attività agonistica, malgrado la forte opposizione di Pietro, il loro padre. Pietro è un coltivatore di fiori e vorrebbe che i suoi figli studiassero per avere una vita diversa dalla sua, ma concede a Giuliano e Angelo il permesso di allenarsi, purché non trascurino gli studi e prendano il diploma. Zio Vittorio diviene sempre più una figura 'mitica' nell'immaginario dei due ragazzi, che lo considerano come un padre, rendendo sempre più geloso il loro vero padre. Giuliano e Angelo devono però scontrarsi non solo con le resistenze sorte in seno alla famiglia, ma anche contro i pregiudizi della gente del sud, l'ottusità, le barriere burocratiche della Federazione, superandoli con la forza delle loro vittorie sportive...(Here)
本站简译: 此片系根据意大利世界赛艇冠军阿贝尼尔兄弟的真实历史编写. 朱赛普 阿贝尼尔/Giuseppe Abbagnale (1959.7.24 生于庞贝)和卡米恩 阿贝尼尔/Carmine Abbagnale(1962.1.5 生于庞贝)两兄弟于1984(洛杉矶)和1988(首尔)获得奥运赛艇冠军.还在1981-1991年前后七次的世界锦标赛中获得冠军. 为意大利国家赢得了荣誉,他们的奋斗故事为后人所称赞并被搬上银幕 |
2011.14 |