电影及导演 Name and Director
A pair of corrupt cops spend their illegal cash on an uptown New York City apartment. John Lydon stars as Leo Smith, a disturbed teenager who plays a bizarre game of cat-and-mouse with cop O'Connor (Harvey Keitel). He convinces him that he's the notorious cop killer that has been hunting police officers. O'Connor kidnaps him and makes him his permanent guest inside his apartment. Is Smith the corrupt cop killer? Can Harvey get to the bottom of this twisted case before it's too late, or will he get caught up in some twisted game? (Here)
This gritty and powerful police thriller is a classic stand-alone independent film. With good performances from Harvey Keitel (Reservoir Dogs, Bad Lieutenant) and John Lydon (former Sex Pistols frontman), Corrupt really is a one-off. As the film progresses, Leo Smith (Lydon) and Lieutenant Fred O'Connor (Keitel) engage in a vicious and engrossing psychological battle of wills in a sadistic game where they are both dependent on each other. As for the Director, Faezna's direction seems as good as any of the excellent Italian films of the day, effortlessly moving from smooth exterior compositions to the angular perfection of the prison-like apartment. BAFTA award winning Ennio Morricone reinforces this precision with an excellent score full of mechanical percussion mixed with a whispy guitar lead which underscores the foreign presence of Lydon. Music plays a very important role in Corrupt, especially the strange country music track "Tchaikovsky's Destruction" which is played throughout the entire film to emphasise the changes occurring to the characters (Here)
(German) Ein im New Yorker Drogendezernat tatiger Polizist wird getotet. Fred O'Connor, der von den Drogenh?ndlern Geld annahm, übernimmt die Ermittlungen. In seine Wohnung bricht Leo Smith ein, der behauptet, er sei der Tater. O'Connor halt ihn in der Wohnung gefangen und verhort ihn. Dabei setzt er die Folter ein. Sein Freund Bob Carvo setzt sich für Smith ein, worauf O'Connor Carvo totet.(Here) |
本站简译: 一对腐败的警察用非法所得在纽约买了一套公寓.约翰 里敦扮演里奥 史密斯,一个不安份的青年,他和警察奥康纳(哈维凯特扮演)玩起了猫捉老鼠的游戏.他使他相信他就是那个警方追捕的警察杀手.奥康纳把他禁闭在他的公寓里并对他使用酷刑.史密斯是那个腐败警察的杀手吗?奥康纳能够很快弄清这个游戏的真相吗,还是他将在这个扭曲的游戏中遭殃? |
NA-8202 Espion lève-toi / Rise Up Spy / 站起来 间谍 (Yves Boisset) |
Sebastien Grenier (Lino Ventura), a former French spy, is working as a financial analyst in Zurich and cultivating an on-going relationship with Anna Gretz (Krystyna Janda), a German teaching at the university. Then his peaceful existence starts to disintegrate when he is recruited by a top French intelligence operative (Michel Piccoli) to discover how one of their own secret agents was found out and executed in broad daylight by a gang of terrorists. Sebastien starts to work but is immediately put off by the fact that his contacts are being murdered before he can reach them. As he gets deeper and deeper into the case, he comes to realize that he is being used in an elaborate political scheme, a scheme that leads to the death of Anna and a vow to get the killers who have now ruined what is left of his life.(Here) |
本站简译: 格勒尼埃是个潜伏待命的特务,八年来他在苏黎世过着平静的生活,从来也没有遭遇太大的风险。一天,一个叫尚斯的人与他接头,他自称是联邦法院的。格勒尼埃根据自己以往的经验以及自己的直觉,有点怀疑尚斯的来头,便想找人证实一下尚斯的身份,可不久证人被杀。格勒尼埃更加怀疑尚斯的真实身份了。蹊跷的事情一连串,格勒尼埃向联系人发出警告,联系人紧接着也被杀了。再接下来,他的妻子也被杀害了。一切看上去都是密谋好的。格勒尼埃动用所有的关系和精力,最后终于弄清楚了尚斯的真实身份,原来他也是潜伏在自己身边的一个危险间谍,之前的谋杀都是他策划的。格勒尼埃最后亲自除掉了尚斯.(这里) |
Aldo (Lino Ventura) is a worker in a Canadian goldmine who escapes being murdered by a gang of marauding bandits as they kill off everyone in the camp except Aldo and two Native American workers and then nab the gold stores. The three survivors manage to kill off the assassins and discuss dividing the gold between them, but Aldo soon catches on that the other two intend to keep the gold for themselves. Aldo practices a little one-up-manship, escapes with the two heavy cases of gold, and then when his canoe goes over some rapids he loses it all. Not one to give up easily, Aldo recruits a wheelchair-bound friend and the friend's wife to help him retrieve the golden treasure from the turbulent waters of the river. With the additional help of Aldo's love interest (Claudia Cardinale) and another friend, the group salvage the gold -- but then have to face some stalwart competition in the form of the two Native Americans who have returned looking for their share of the treasure and a third party who also wants in on the take (Here) |
本站简译: 奥尔多(利诺 凡杜拉扮演)是加拿大金矿的一个工人. 他从一伙强盗的手中逃脱,这伙人抢劫金矿并杀害了所有的人,除去奥尔多和两个祖籍美国的本地工人.他们三个人设法杀死了强盗然后讨论怎样划分得来的黄金...... |
Thirteen months and ten million dollars were lavished upon this ten-hour, four-part TV miniseries about legendary globetrotter Marco Polo. Newcomer Ken Marshall played the title character, a 14th century Venetian explorer who, among other accomplishments, firmly established the "silk route" between Europe and the Orient, introducing such precious commodities as spaghetti and fireworks to the Occidental world. In addition to featuring the usual polyglot of major British and American stars in cameo roles (including Denholm Elliott, Anne Bancroft, John Gielgud, Leonard Nimoy, and Burt Lancaster), the production represented the first Western production to be filmed on location in China since WWII -- not to mention the first English-language appearance of celebrated Chinese stage and film actor Ying Ruocheng, superbly cast as the mighty Kublai Khan. An American-Italian-Austrian-French-British co-production, Marco Polo received its first U.S. showing when it was telecast by NBC from May 16 through 19, 1982. A "condensed" version, running approximately 270 minutes, was later made available in Europe and South America (Here) |
元朝时,历史上第一次全球化的气息扑面而来,商队可以从欧洲腹地一直东进两万里到朝鲜,一路畅通无阻。即便今天还要无数签证。那是个怎样的帝国啊!而唯一全景反映这一历史画卷的电影《马可波罗》在1982年由北京电影制片厂与意大利广播电视公司合拍,中国演员英若诚对忽必烈这个角色的苍凉演绎,最终在意大利获得年度最佳男演员奖。导演在挑选演员时,提出剧中的一代帝王元世祖忽必烈必须挑一个身材高大、懂英语、熟悉历史、演艺高强的中国演员来扮演。电影导演谢铁骊经过反复思考,最后推荐英若诚去演忽必烈。英若诚参加拍摄工作之后,信心十足。在拍摄过程中,他自始至终勤勤恳恳地做人、认认真真地做戏,渐渐地受到了国内外同行的好评,特别是导演,经常在众人面前夸奖英若诚:“他的表演真正达到了形似与神似融为一体的高深境界。” 中意两国合拍的大型电视系列片《马可·波罗》获得美国最佳电视剧“艾美奖”,英若诚被意大利评为“最佳电视男演员”,荣获“银猫奖”.(这里) |
编者注: 这部著名电影的汉语配音系由中国长春电影制片厂完成.影片大部分场景在中国拍摄,并有中国著名演员参加,更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site |
A man who has been having psychic visions of himself killing naked women soon discovers that it's not himself he's seeing, it's his Siamese twin. (yes, they've been separated) So he travels to Hamburg, where the things he's seen start to come to pass...(Here) |
本站简译: 一名男子在精神幻觉中看到他自己杀害了一个裸体女人,但他很快发觉那不是他自己而是他的连体双胞胎(是的,他们已经被分开)于是,他前往汉堡,在那里,他看到了过去..... |
An American scientific expedition to the frozen wastes of the Antarctic is interrupted by a group of seemingly mad Norwegians pursuing and shooting a dog. The helicopter pursuing the dog crashes leaving no explanation for the chase. During the night, the dog mutates and attacks other dogs in the cage and members of the team that investigate. The team soon realises that an alien life-form with the ability to take over other bodies is on the loose and they don't know who may already have been taken over. (Here) |
幕后制作 原版的中文译名为《火星怪人》,出品于1951年,由霍华德·霍克斯监制,属于经典科幻恐怖片。1982版虽然成绩未能青出于蓝,倒也是足以令人吓出一身冷汗。全片的恐怖气氛经营得颇为刺激,特技化妆乃主要卖点(这里) |
更多情节请见本站电影页 More see the page in our site |
NA-8207 Il tesoro delle 4 corone / Treasure of the four Crowns (Ferdinando Baldi) / 魔宫夺宝奇兵 / 皇冠大宝蒇 |
The movie follows J.T. Striker, a Soldier of Fortune (Tony Anthony), who has been hired to assemble a group of professional thieves to retrieve the gems which are hidden inside two of the remaining four Mystical Crowns. These crowns are being held inside a heavily guarded compound that is the home of a cult led by the evil Brother Jonas.(Here)
In this 3-D adventure, a knock-off of Raiders of the Lost Ark, a mercenary history professor and his crack team of commandos head out to retrieve four stolen crowns said to possess the power of good and evil. It will not be an easy task as the crowns are being held by a mad cultist. The second three dimensional collaboration between Tony Anthony, Gene Quintano, and director Ferdinando Baldi, this follow-up to Comin' at Ya! was not nearly as successful as their first outing. (Here)
It's fun to find a 3-D movie that doesn't beat around the bush. Within 60 seconds after "Treasure of the Four Crowns" begins, the movie is throwing things at the audience. This is, of course, in the great tradition of 3-D movies that began in 1953 with "Bwana Devil," a horrible movie that made a lot of money by throwing stones, spears and elephants at the audience. You want to get your money's worth.
Here is my rough checklist of things thrown at the audience in "Treasure of the Four Crowns": knives, spears, darts, bones, jeweled daggers, balls of fire, laser beams, boulders, ropes, attack dogs, bats, shards of stained glass, a set of dishes, a large kettle, a stove, a corpse, a python snake, an empty glove, birds (both real and artificial), arrows, unidentifiable glowing objects shot from guns, keys, letter openers, several human heads, skeletons, large sections of an exploding castle, one bottle of booze and assorted spoons.
In the midst of this melee exists a plot, hanging on for life, about an age-old search for the secret of four crowns. Legend has it that the Visigoths placed several great eternal secrets on scrolls that were locked within silver balls mounted on magic crowns designed to protect them. The Moors destroyed one crown centuries ago, unwisely trying to pry it open.
The movie is about the three surviving crowns. It stars Tony Anthony, who in his younger and leaner days was one of the second-tier stars of spaghetti Westerns, equal to Gian Maria Volente but far below Clint Eastwood. Now Anthony has the Harrison Ford role, in a movie that's sort of a rip-off of "Raiders of the Lost Ark." It's a rip-off in story and approach, that is, but you've got to give it credit: "Treasure of the Four Crowns" is a hardworking action movie with a lot of elaborate sets, a lot of special effects, and a superior 3-D process.
The process, a one-camera 3-D method that uses sort of grayish glasses instead of the familiar red and green lenses of the great 3-D movies of the past, has been used so far in two box-office hits: "Comin' at Ya" and "Friday the 13th, Part 3." It's especially good at creating the illusion that objects are actually hurtling off the screen and into the audience. There are moments when spears dangle in front of us, almost as close as our noses, and the audience squeals with delight. The process is so effective in its illusion of depth that it makes up for a certain dark murkiness in its picture quality.
Unfortunately, "Treasure of the Four Crowns" is so much in love with its dandy new process that it spends too much time using it and too little time getting on with its story. That's a common failing of 3-D movies, which forget that they have to be movies, first and foremost, and not just special effects shows.
With a whole slew of new 3-D movies set for this summer ("Jaws 3-D" and "Amityville 3-D" among them), I'm afraid that by mid-July I'll be very tired of having things hurled at me (especially, I have a feeling, things like sharks and green vomit). In fact, with its cheerful high energy, "Treasure of the Four Crowns" may not only be the first of the 1983 3-D wave but one of the best. (Here) |
本站简译: 这是一部由西美意三国于1982年合拍的三维冒险片.一个夺宝奇兵的模仿者,一个唯利是图的历史学的教授和一组专业的盗贼寻找4个神秘的皇冠和隐藏在其中的宝石.据说这些皇冠拥有善恶两种力量,它们被藏在一个戒备森严和设有重重机关的堡垒之中并被一个邪教的信徒乔纳斯和他领导的邪教所把持。片中连续出现的各种致命机关,特效和动作往往令人惊愕不止.... |
Plot: Young actress Julie Sawyer (Kristy McNichol) accidentally runs over a stray white German Shepherd dog one night. After the dog is treated by a vet, Julie takes him home while trying to find its owners. A rapist breaks into her house and tries to attack her, but the dog protects her so she decides to adopt him, against her boyfriend's (Jameson Parker) wishes. Unbeknown to her, the dog was trained by a white racist to attack black people on sight. It sneaks out of the house one night and kills a black trashman in an attack. Later, when Julie takes the dog to work with her, it attacks a black actress on the set.
Realizing something is not right with the dog, Julie takes him to a dog trainer, Carruthers (Burl Ives), who tells her to kill the dog. Another dog trainer named Keys (Paul Winfield), who is black himself, undertakes re-educating the dog as a personal challenge. He dons protective gear and keeps the dog in a large enclosure, taking him out on a chain and exposing himself to the dog each day and making sure he is the only one to feed or care for the dog. After a lengthy time, it seems as if the dog is cured. As Julie and Keys celebrate, the dog attacks Carruthers leaving them no choice but to kill the dog.
Themes: White Dog is a "blunt, highly cinematic parable about race relations" that questions whether racism is a curable mental illness or learned behavior, or if it is an untreatable disease. The unnamed white German Shepherd is the metaphor of racism, with his radically contrasting moments of innocent, typical dog behavior when not around black persons, and his snarling viciousness when he sees a target. Paul Winfield's character Keys, who believes he can help the dog unlearn this behavior, represents the view that racism can be unlearned. Keys' attempts to reprogram the dog become a "bold literalization of the race war", and as the film progresses Keys becomes obsessed with the idea that he can cure the dog. Much like Captain Ahab, he declares that if he fails with this dog, he will find another and another until he succeeds. Keys' counterpart, Carruthers, a white trainer, believes the dog is irredeemable and should be killed, representing the view that racism cannot be cured.
The snarling dog, its white fur stained with bright red stage blood, becomes a typically imposing, outscale Fuller image-the embodiment of snarling, irrational and implacable hatred. Typical, too, is the way Fuller emphasizes the radical contrast between the dog in its innocent, unaroused state – big brown eyes staring up at McNichol – and its plunging, salivating attack mode.
—Dave Kehr, Chicago Tribune
Scenes showing Kristy McNichol innocently burying her hands in the dog's fur and his normal loving behavior when alone with her provides a stark image of "how hatred can be familiar, reassuringly close". J. Hoberman notes that the film "naturalizes racism in an unnatural way" in the contrasting depictions of white characters horrified by the dog's behavior, and black characters who grimly accept it as a fact of life. The film's ending have been argued to emphasize Fuller's own view that racism is something that is learned, but that once learned is a "poison" that can never truly "be banished from those it infects". But on the other hand, the dog is actually cured of attacking blacks, but not cured of his own hatred since the last thing he does is to, unprovoked, attack a white man. The ending implies therefore that it is hatred (and not racism) that cannot be banished from those it infects. (Here) |
影片以大胆的表现手法,揭露出人(狗)性的丑恶,以及社会的不公,即便现在看来,一样会触发观众的共鸣。(这里) |