电影及导演 (意/英/中) Name and Director (IT/EN/CN) |
NA-6401 E la donna creò l'uomo / Full Hearts and Empty Pockets (Camillo Mastrocinque) ( 男人和女人) |
Stars |
Country |
Italy | West Germany |
Runtime |
Italy: 90 min | USA: 88 min |
Date |
1964 |
When a young man on vacation in Rome experiences a run of good luck, he becomes the target of various hustlers and con men. This charming comedy/drama features fine location photography and some of the most beautiful women in Europe. (Here) |
本站简译: 一个在罗马度假的年轻人成为各种皮条客和骗子的目标。这部迷人的喜剧摄影非常优秀,一些在欧洲最美丽的女人参加演出.
NA-6402 El Greco (Luciano Salce) / 格列柯传 |
Stars |
Country |
Italy | France | Spain |
Runtime |
USA: 95 min |
Date |
1966 |
"El Greco" is the engrossing story of the great artist's years in 16th century Toledo. With the preponderance of films dealing with English and French history in cinema, this film gives a much needed, rare and welcome glimpse of the Spanish culture's rich history. ( Here) |
埃尔·格列柯(El Greco 1514-1614),西班牙著名画家 生于希腊克里特岛的伊拉克 利翁,卒于托莱多。原名多米尼加.泰奥托科普利,由于出生在希腊,后被称为格列柯,意为希腊人,早期受拜占庭画风的影响,后来到了威尼斯,进入提香的画室,这使他从中世纪美术圈子走向一个新的时代。
后来他又到罗马,曾非常醉心于拉斐尔与米开朗基罗的艺术,还受到样式主义的影响,在他的创作中常见的变形与激情,就与样式主义艺术有一定的联系,1557年画家来到了西班牙,然而满腔热情的格列柯并未受到重视而大失所望,之后则去托莱多,那是一个没落贵族聚居的地方,画家在这里找到知 音并在此度过终生。格列柯是一天才而又非常复杂的人物,他的作品象一块多棱镜,曲折地反映了西班牙16世纪下半叶动荡的社会和没落的旧贵正走向崩溃而叹息,一方面为自己的苦闷、矛盾和没有出路发出来自肺腑的挣扎。由于格列柯远离生活和斗争,就必然导致他的艺术日益走上唯心主义甚至神秘主义的道路,因无法摆脱命运的摆布而暗自神伤。(这里) |
NA-6403 I due evasi di Sing Sing / Two Escape from Sing Sing (Lucio Fulci) ( 两名逃犯) |
Stars |
Country |
Italy |
Runtime |
99 min |
Date |
1964 |
Two attendants in a public toilet in New York save the life of the Mafia boss Attanasia. Attanasia turns one of them into a successful boxer by setting up his matches and makes the other into his right hand. When a gang war starts the two are accused of the murders and are sentenced to death. When the execution day comes they refuse to leave their cell, even when they are proved innocent.(Here) |
本站简译: 两个清洁工人在纽约救了黑老大阿坦西的命.阿坦西使其中一个人成为一名成功的拳击手.在一场枪战中两人被判犯有谋杀罪并被判死刑.当执行死刑的那一天,两人拒绝离开牢房,直到他们被证明无罪.
NA-6404 I malamondo / Malamondo (Paolo Cavara) (蒙多流派记录片) |
Stars |
Country |
Italy |
Runtime |
110 min |
Date |
1964 |
Note |
This documentary looks at strange behaviors and practices in Europe, including nude skiing in Switzerland, hot-butchering in Italy, and an orgy in a graveyard.(Here) |
本站简译: "蒙多电影"(Mondo film)是上一世纪六十年代从意大利兴起的一种记录片电影的流派.其主要特点是以记录片的手法记录现实生活中发生的,而又不常能被人们看到的一些场景.1962年由波罗 卡瓦拉(Paolo Cavara)等人导演的"狗的世界"(A Dog's World, a mild Italian profanity) 被公认是这个流派的最早起源.这部"I malamondo"纪录片,记录了发生在欧洲的一些奇怪的行为和做法,包括瑞士的裸体滑雪,意大利的热屠宰(hot-butchering),和在墓地的纵酒狂欢等等.
NA-6405 I maniaci / The Maniacs (Lucio Fulci) ( 狂热迷) |
Stars |
Country |
Spain | Italy |
Runtime |
92 min |
Date |
1964 |
A series of comic sketches revolving around the "mania" in people's deepest personality. In "The Elaboration", a hearse driver has his favorite hearse made out to perfection for his "clients". In "Sport" a bossy office supervisor loses a sports bet to co-workers and is forced to pimp out his wife, while one colleague decides to take advantage of it. In "Overtaking" a man tries to outrun a set of lights on a highway late at night... not realizing that it's an airplane. In "The Hobby" two best friends, Barbara and Carla, team up to find where one's husband is going to every weekend and being secretive about it. In "Advice" a bickering couple out for a drive bicker about one's well being which leads to a traffic accident. In "The Protest", Pasquale and Mario are two men who cannot seem to pass up every attempt to protest against the government from 1943 to present day 1964. In "The Antique"...(Here) |
本站简译: 电影由一系列反映人们内心深处"狂热"性格的喜剧小品组成.在"苦心经营"中,一个灵车的司机为他的顾客作的尽善尽美;在"运动"中,一个专横的官员由于丢失了一位同事的体育彩票,他被迫为他的太太去拉皮条;在"超车"中,一个人夜间在高速公路上试图超过前面的灯光,没想到那是一架飞机;在"爱好"中,两个最好的朋友芭芭拉和卡拉每到周末就一起行动,去追踪他们行动诡秘的丈夫;在"忠告"中,一对情侣为了驾车而争吵导致交通事故;在"抗议"中,帕斯克莱和马里奥两个人从1943年直到1964年,似乎从未放弃过每一次抗议政府的行动;在"古董"中... |
NA-6406 I marziani hanno dodici mani / The Twelve-Handed Men of Mars (Franco Castellano & Giuseppe Moccia) ( 12只手的火星人) |
Stars |
Country |
Italy | Spain |
Runtime |
95 min |
Date |
1964 |
(Italian) Un disco volante, proveniente da Marte, atterra a Roma con quattro marziani (tra cui Franco e Ciccio) di umane sembianze. Dovrebbero preparare una pacifica invasione, ma, a contatto con il dolce far niente de Roma, decidono di non far più ritorno nel loro triste pianeta. 1a regia dei prolifici sceneggiatori Franco Castellano e Giuseppe Moccia (Pipolo) e uno dei 16 film del 1964 con Franchi & Ingrassia. Piacevole e innocua parodia fantascientifica con spunti di satira di costume e qualche birichinata (Here) |
本站简译: 一部喜剧风格的科幻片.一个来自火星的飞碟降落在罗马,在和人类接触生活之后,他们决定永远不再返回他们那个悲伤的星球 |
NA-6407 In ginocchio da te (Ettore Fizzarotti) (我来给你跪下) |
Stars |
Country |
Italy |
Runtime |
95 min |
Date |
1964 |
(Italian) Gianni, cantante dilettante, si trova a Napoli per il servizio militare e si innamora di Carla, la figlia del sergente. In seguito, vincendo una gara canora, ottiene un permesso ed inizia una relazione con una ricca e viziata ragazza. Carla si ingelosisce, ma alla fine tutto si rimette a posto.(Here) A young singer who is drafted in Naples falls for a posh rich girl and forgets about his true love: his colonel's daughter. Will he get back to her? (Here) |
本站简译: 吉安尼是一个业余歌手,他在那不勒斯服兵役,爱上了警长的女儿卡拉.以后他参加比赛赢得了荣誉,又遇到了一个富家女孩.他和卡拉产生了隔阂.他还会忠于他的爱情再回到她的身边吗? |
NA-6408 Le pistole non discutono / Bullets Don't Argue (Mario Caiano) / 我的子弹不说谎 |
Stars |
Country |
Spain | Italy | West Germany |
Runtime |
92 min |
Date |
1964 |
On his own wedding day, sheriff Pat Garrett must leave and try to arrest two bank robbers (Here) |
本站简译: 在警长帕特加勒特自己的婚礼上,他必须离开为了去逮捕两名银行劫匪. |
NA-6409 Per un pugno di dollari / A fistful of dollars (Sergio Leone) / 荒野大镖客 |
An anonymous, but deadly man rides into a town torn by war between two factions, the Baxters and the Rojo's. Instead of fleeing or dying, as most other would do, the man schemes to play the two sides off each other, getting rich in the bargain.(Here) |
这是塞吉欧.莱昂内(Sergio Leone)拍摄的第一部意大利西部片(又被称为通心粉式西部片 Spaghetti Westerns).故事讲的是墨西哥边境的墨西哥小镇,住着两个私枭。一个贩卖枪械,一个贩卖私酒。警长居然是贩卖私枪的老大。整日为抢地盘而火拼。葬仪社和枪抢手成了镇上唯一的职业。一天,由克林伊斯特饰演的大镖客来到镇上,目睹善良的老百性被弄得妻离子散,终于以其不凡的身手,引发两派私枭势力火拼。最后大镖客以正义使者的化身,一举消灭了该镇的恶势力,恢复了小镇的平静。
"荒野大鏢客"堪稱是一部劃時代的意大利西部片,其風格承襲了若干美式西部經典如"日正當中"(High Noon)的神采,但顯然是更受到日本名導黑澤明的影響.不過整部作品的故事影像與音樂格調的原創色彩仍相當強烈.为了防止美國觀眾會無法接受這樣的西部電影,在片子上映時,Sergio Leone改名為Bob Robertson(包伯.罗伯森),Morricone則變身成Dan Savio(唐萨维欧).結果顯然是莱昂内想的太多了,"荒野大鏢客"不僅橫掃美國票房,也隨即風靡全球,并將西部電影帶入了一个新的紀元.而莫里康内的杰出配乐也使得他声名大振."Spaghetti Westerns"的配樂儼然成為Morricone的註冊商標,不僅深受大眾與影評的喜愛,而且出現無數的音樂仿作,成為了電影史上最具深遠影響力的原創電影配樂之一.(更多评论请见本站这里和这里) |
NA-6410 Prima della rivoluzione / Before the Revolution (Bernardo Bertolucci )/ 革命前夕 |
The study of a youth on the edge of adulthood and his aunt, ten years older. Fabrizio is passionate, idealistic, influenced by Cesare, a teacher and Marxist, engaged to the lovely but bourgeois Clelia, and stung by the drowning of his mercurial friend Agostino, a possible suicide. Gina is herself a bundle of nervous energy, alternately sweet, seductive, poetic, distracted, and unhinged. They begin a love affair after Agostino's funeral, then Gina confuses Fabrizio by sleeping with a stranger. Their visits to Cesare and then to Puck, one of Gina's older friends, a landowner losing his land, dramatize contrasting images of Italy's future. Their own futures are bleak.(Here) |
这是意大利著名导演贝纳多.贝托鲁奇的第二部作品,也是他的个人自传作品和成名之作.影片描述一个中产阶级的知识青年如何徘徊在理想与现实之间的犹豫动摇.他受到当时社会主义思潮影响,同时又和迷人的姨母相恋.他想和人谈革命,谈感情,但当他爱上他的姨母,却为这种感情觉得内疚和痛苦不安。中产阶级的出身使他知道自己投身革命将一无所得——他看到自己的将来,亦在将来看到现在的自己,终于他斗不过现实,和一个自己不大喜欢的少女结婚.表达了贝托鲁奇对于资产阶级生活的厌恨却又找不到理想革命出路的矛盾.影片才情兼备,在当年的戛纳电影节大放光彩。 |
NA-6411 The Bible / Bible... In The Beginning (John Houston) / 圣经-创世纪 |
An elaborate Hollywood retelling of the Bible stories narrated by the film's director John Huston. We open with the Creation of the World and arrive at the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and continue on to Cain and the murder of Abel. Next, we visit Noah and his ark with its spectacular flood sequence. Then we come to the story of Nimrod, King of Babel, the emergence of man's vanity and the heights to which it could aspire if unchecked. Finally we cover Abraham, a mystic who spoke personally with God, a leader of men, a builder of nations, a pioneer and a warrior and Sarah. At the time she conceived her first child, the event being forecast by an Angel of the Lord. Three such Heavenly Messengers appeared in the course of events which befell Abraham and Sarah.(Here) |
本站简译: 电影源自圣经创世纪篇.从亚当和夏娃的伊甸园始,到对该隐和亚伯的谋杀。接着看到壮观的洪水方舟.然后,来到了尼姆罗德,通天塔,最后介绍了亚伯拉罕的故事..... |
Note: Original Music by Toshiro Mayuzumi (musical score) (as Toshiro Mayuzumi) , Ennio Morricone (uncredited) |